Bài tập Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 chương trình mới (Có đáp án)

Bài tập Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 chương trình mới (Có đáp án)

2. Complete the second sentence so that it has similar meaning to the first sentence.

1. This is the first time I’ve never painted a mural over graffiti.

I have never_____________________________________________________________.

2. Mr. Binh started recycling rubbish two years ago.

Mr. Binh has____________________________________________________________.

3. David failed the exam because of his laziness.

Because David __________________________________________________________.

4. They haven’t cleaned up the street for five months.


5. We have donated books and clothes for ten years.

We began ______________________________________________________________.


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I. Rewrite the following sentences, using capital words
1. I find collecting glass bottles interesting.	HOBBY
2. Van’s brother usually goes to work by motorbike.	RIDES
3. What hobby do yoy best, Elina?	FAVOURITE
4. Linh finds playing board games boring.	Like
5. My sister enjoys arranging flowers.	FINDS
2. Complete the second sentence so that it has similar meaning to the first sentence.
1. This is the first time I’ve never painted a mural over graffiti.
I have never_____________________________________________________________.
2. Mr. Binh started recycling rubbish two years ago.
Mr. Binh has____________________________________________________________.
3. David failed the exam because of his laziness.
Because David __________________________________________________________.
4. They haven’t cleaned up the street for five months.
5. We have donated books and clothes for ten years.
We began ______________________________________________________________.
Rewrite the following sentences in such a way that they mean the same as the original sentences. (1 pt)
1. It’s a good idea to eat a lot of fruit and vegetables every day.
We should _____________________________________________________________.
2. We couldn’t keep on cleaning the streets because of the heavy rain.
Because it _____________________________________________________________.
3. The garden party won’t take place if the weather doesn’t improve.
Unless ________________________________________________________________.
4. Both students and teachers can borrow books from the library.
The library lend _________________________________________________________.
5. Nobody plays this piece of music as beautifully as he does.
He plays this ____________________________________________________________.
4. Combine the sentences. Use the words in brackets.
1. Classical music is interesting. Folk music is interesting. (asas)
2. This picture is 800, 000 VND. That picture is 600, 000 VND. (price different)
3. Mr. Brown speaks English. Mrs. Kent speaks English. (same language)
4. John didn’t go to the concert show last night. Nam didn’t go to the concert show last night. (either)
5. Mr. Phong teaches history of arts. Mrs. Ha teaches history of music. (same subject)
6. I like pop music. My brother likes pop music (too)
7. This painting is green. That painting is green. (colour different)
8. The new sculpture is 4 meters high. The old sculpture is 4.2 meters high. (as as)
9. Van Gogh is Dutch. Picasso is Spanish. (nationality different)
10. Hoa sings beautifully. Hoa’s sister sings more beautifully than her. (as as)
5. Use the words given and other words, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Do not change the word given. (Use 2 - 5 words in total).
0. My house has a small garden.
is There is a small garden in my house.
1. I like pop music but my brother likes rock music.
different My taste in music ______________________ my brother’s.
2. Neither Mary nor her sister studied arts at school.
either Mary never studied arts at school and ____________________.
3. I think Vinh acted better than Quang in that play.
as	 I think Quang didn’t ___________________ Vinh in that play.
4. Both Anna and her brother are fond of watching water puppet.
too	 Anna is fond of watching water puppet and _________________.
5. My hobby is drawing and John’s hobby is also drawing.
same My hobby __________________________ John’s hobby.
6. Use the words given and other words, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Do not changer the word given.
1. I would like six apples.	DOZEN
2. What is the price of a bowl of beef noodle soup?	MUCH
3. There is sugar in many kinds of food.	HAVE
4. We haven’t got any tomatoes.	THERE
5. My sister likes chicken very much.	FAVOURITE
7. Put the following sentences into the passive voice.
1. People invented the wheel thousands of years ago.
2. Are they building a statue of Chu Van An?
3. Do four busy streets surround the Temple of Literature?
4. They will not provide pencils at the test, so please bring your own.
5. Mr. Binh hasn’t taught us since the last semester.
6. A student teacher is doing that experiment.
7. Did you buy this dictionary two weeks ago?
8. Alan’s knowledge about science and technology doesn’t impress me.
9. They are going to build a new school here next year.
10. I have used this computer for two years.
8. Complete the second sentence so that it has similar meaning to the first sentence.
1. They have offered Quang the opportunity to study abroad.
2. Was Tom given a lot of presents on his birthday?
3. I advise you to revise the lesson carefully for the next exam.
4. Is Professor Cook teaching that course this semester?
Is that course_________________________________________________________.
5. The construction of the lecture hall cannot be completed until next month.
We cannot___________________________________________________________.
9. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it is as similar as possible in meaning to the original sentence. (1 p)
1. You’re the best guitarist in the school.
No one _________________________________________________________________.
2. He didn’t remember anything about it, and I didn’t, either.
He forgot________________________________________________________________.
3. School uniforms don’t have to be worn at all times.
Students ________________________________________________________________.
4. Don’t fry food which can be grilled.
5. With luck, she will win the cookery competition.
If _____________________________________________________________________.
 Ex 1 
1. My hobby is collecting glass bottles.
2. Van’t brother usually rides his motorbike to work.
3. What is your favourite hobby, Elina?
4. Ling doesn’t like playing board games.
5. My sister finds arranging flowers interesting.
Ex 2 
1. I have never painted a mural over graffiti before.
2. Mr.Binh has recycled/ has been recycling rubbish for two years.
3. Because David was lazy, he failed the exam.
4. It’s been five months since they last cleaned up the street.
5. We began donating/ to donate books and clothes ten years ago.
Ex 3 
1. We should eat a lot of fruit and vegetables every day.
2. Because it rained heavily, we couldn’t keep on cleaning the streets.
3. Unless the weather improves, the garden party won’t take place.
4. The library lend books to both students and teachers.
5. He plays this piece of music more beautifully than anybody else.
Ex 4 .
1. Classical music is as interesting as folk music.
2. The price of this picture is different from (the price of) that picture.
3. Mr. Brown speaks the same language as Mrs. Kent (does).
4. John didn’t go to the concert show last night and Nam didn’t either.
5. Mr. Phong does not teach the same subject as Mrs. Ha (does).
6. I like pop music and my brother does too.
7. The colour of this painting is not different from (the colour of) that painting.
8. The new sculpture is not as high as the old culpture.
9. Van Gogh’t nationality is different from Picasso’s (nationality).
10. Hoa does not sing as beautifully as her sister (does).
Ex 5 
1. is different from
2. her sister didn’t either
3. act as/ so well as
4. her brother is too
5. is the same as
Ex 6 
1. I would like half a dozen apples.
2. How much is a bowl of beef noodle soup?
3. Many kinds of food have (got) sugar.
4. There aren’t any tomatoes left.
5. Chicken is my sister’s favourite food/ meat.
Ex 7 
1. The wheel was invented thousands of years ago.
2. Is a statue of Chu Van An being built?
3. Is the Temple of Literature surrounded by four bysy streets?
4. Pencils will not/ won’t be provided at the test, so please bring your own.
5. We haven’t been taught by Mr. Binh since last semester.
6. That experiment is being done by a student teacher.
7. Was this dictionary bought two weeks ago?
8. I am not impressed by Alan’s knowledge about science and technology.
9. A new school is going to be built here next year.
10. This computer has been used for two years.
Ex 8 
1. Quang has been offered the opportunity to study abroad.
2. Did they/ people give Tom a lot of presents on his birthday?
3. You’d better revise the lesson carefully for the next exam.
4. Is that course being taught by Professor Cook this semester?
5. We cannot complete the construction of the lecture hall until next month.
Ex 9 
1. No one in the school plays the guitar better than you (do).
2. He forgot everything about it, and I did, too.
3. Students don’t have to wear uniforms at all times.
4. Avoid frying food which can be grilled.
5. If she is lucky, she will win the cookery competition.

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  • docbai_tap_tieng_anh_lop_7_chuong_trinh_moi_co_dap_an.doc