Bài tập trắc nghiệm ôn thi học kỳ 2 môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 7

Bài tập trắc nghiệm ôn thi học kỳ 2 môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 7

Choose the best answers :

1. He ( go/ went/ is going ) to the zoo last Sunday.

2. We liked ( to talk / talking / talked ) together.

3. She talked to her friend ( about / on / with ) her vacation in Nha trang.

4. He ( doesn't / won't / didn't ) come here last night.

5. Did Liz buy any ( picture / gifts / cap ) in Nha Trang?

6. They always help their mother ( do / doing / does ) the housework.

7. I ( am / was / were ) very happy on my last vacation.

8. It was a white skirt with yellow flowers ( in / at / on ) it.

9. Could you show me the way ( at / to / from / of ) the railway station, please?

10. ( How / Where / What / Which ) a nice dress !


doc 2 trang Người đăng phuongthanh95 Ngày đăng 18/07/2022 Lượt xem 267Lượt tải 0 Download
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Choose the best answers :
He ( go/ went/ is going ) to the zoo last Sunday.
We liked ( to talk / talking / talked ) together.
She talked to her friend ( about / on / with ) her vacation in Nha trang.
He ( doesn't / won't / didn't ) come here last night.
Did Liz buy any ( picture / gifts / cap ) in Nha Trang?
They always help their mother ( do / doing / does ) the housework.
I ( am / was / were ) very happy on my last vacation.
It was a white skirt with yellow flowers ( in / at / on ) it.
Could you show me the way ( at / to / from / of ) the railway station, please?
( How / Where / What / Which ) a nice dress !
We enjoy ( travel / to travel / traveling ) around the world.
The weather ( were / was / is ) nice yesterday.
 She needed ( to send / sending / sends ) these postcards to her friends.
What will you ( does / do / did / doing ) during your vacation?
How ( long / big / far / wide ) is it from Hue to Da Nang?
Vietnamese students have( fewer / longer / most / less ) vacations than Americans students.
Remember ( brush / to brush / brushing ) your teeth after meals.
Wash your hands ( after / in / before ) meals.
Are you scared ( of / in / at ) seeing a dentist?
Don't eat too ( much / many / lots of ) candy.
She looks tired. What's the ( matter / happen / wrong ) with her?
 The dentist looked ( on / after / of ) my teeth.
 She always worried ( to / of / about ) her children.
 My mother takes care ( of/ about / to ) the family.
 Minh is absent today ( why / because / when ) he is ill.
 (Why did you / When did you / Why didn't you ) come to the meeting last night ?
Because I was busy.
 She filled in her medical ( book / paper / record )
 How ( high / weight / heavy ) is Nga? - She is 36 kilos.
 I need ( measuring / to measure / measure ) your height.
( Would / Can / Do ) you lend me your dictionary , please?
You should ( to wash / washing / wash ) your hands before meals.
The medicines ( prevented / relieved / protected ) the pain in my chest.
( What is your weight / How height are you / What is your height )?
I'm one meter fifty centimeters.
Everybody ............. the symtoms, but nobody .............. a cure.
( know - knows / knows - know / knows - knows )
Hung and his brother ( didn't are / wasn't / weren't / not were ) at home yesterday.
It took us an hour ( drive / driving / to drive ) to Nha Trang.
I don't want much sugar in my coffee. Just ( a few / a little / less )
( Did you eat / Were you eat / Did you ate / Do you ate ) noodles for dinner last night?
The Robinsons always go to Vietnam ( in / on / with / by ) plane.
What ( do / does / did / was ) she do yesterday?
( Haidresser / Neighbor / Dressmaker ) is a person who lives near you.
They kept ( in / at / on / of ) touch by letter.
 She had to work ( hard / hardly / difficult ).
44.Would you like ( to go / going / go ) to the movies tonight?
45.My mother didn't wash it but I ( did / didn't / do )
46.He was busy yesterday and ( neither / so / too ) were his sisters.
47.You must drink ( much / many / a few ) water every day.
48.The shoe store is ( on / at / from ) Tran Phu street.
49.They returned home yesterday . ( arrived / came back / traveled )
50.It took him two hours ( does / doing / to do ) his test.
51.She has ( much / fewer / less ) days off than me.
52.He wants to learn ( plays / to play / playing ) tennis now.
53.I ( bought / buy / buyed ) this car last month.
54.She ( made / heated / sliced ) the beef into thin strips.
55.She doesn't like pork, and ( either / so / neither ) does her uncle.
56.Hoa feels sick. She ate too ( much / many / a lot of ) candy last night.
57.A balanced diet is good ( to / with / for ) your health.
58.I am glad ( hear / to hear / hearing ) you're feeling better.
59.We won't attend the meeting tomorrow and ( so / too / either / neither ) will he.
60.She ( brushed / brush / brushes / brushs ) her teeth three times a day.
61.How ( high / tall / weight / heavy ) is your brother? - He's 1,70 meters.
62.You mustn't ( stay / to stay / staying ) up late.
63.He can speak English very well and ( so / too / either / neither ) can his sister.
64.My mother always drives ( careful / carefully / slow )
65.You ought ( go / to go / going ) to the dentist.
66.This river is very ( danger / dangerous / dangerously ) for the swimmers.
67.What a great ( band / bank / bench / vessel ) ! They play very well.
68.I'm sorry. I can't go to the drama club today. ( How/When/Where/Why ) about tomorrow ?
69.Swimming can be fun but accidents can ( take / play / happen / gather )
70.What ( would / should / shall / will ) you like to watch? I'd like to watch music program.
71.Dr. Lai fills the ( mouth / cavity / stomach ) in Minh's tooth.
72.There was a shoe store ( near / to / on ) his house.
73.They will ( fly / flew / flying ) to Hue next Sunday.
74.They arrived home at 6.30 ( in / on / at ) the evening.
75.Did Jane buy any ( souvenirs / picture / book ) in London?
76.My mother went to the meat stall to buy some ( fruit / vegetables / chicken )
77.They don't drink coffee. ( Either / Neither / So ) do their friends.
78.She hates fish . ( Too / So / Either ) do I.
79.I don't like beef. My brother doesn't ( either / neither / too ).
80.You can buy pineapples and bananas at the ( meat / fruit / food ) stall.
81.I ( like / hate / enjoy) durians. Its smell is so bad.
82.There was a good ( collection / selection / direction ) of meat on the stall.
83.Sugar gives us energy and we feel ( little / less / least ) hungry.
84.There are many sport activities ( with / for / to ) school children.
85.Most of the world's surface is ( land / mountains / water )

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