Giáo án chi tiết môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 (Bản 3 cột)

Giáo án chi tiết môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 (Bản 3 cột)

Period 1:

Lesson title : Consolidation.

I/ Aims : Ôn lại hai thì đã học ở lớp 6.

II/ Language content :

+ Vocabulary :

+ Structures :

 1/ Present simple tense.

 2/ Present progressive tense.

III/ Teaching aids : Teacher and studentss book, color chalk, board

IV/ Teaching instruction :


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Date of preparation : 19/ 8/ 2007 ( Sunday )
Date of teaching : 20/ 8/ 2007 ( Monday )
Class : 7A, 7B, 7C.
Period 1:
Lesson title : Consolidation.
I/ Aims : Ôn lại hai thì đã học ở lớp 6.
II/ Language content :
+ Vocabulary :
+ Structures : 
	1/ Present simple tense.
	2/ Present progressive tense.
III/ Teaching aids : Teacher and students’s book, color chalk, board
IV/ Teaching instruction :
Teacher’s activity
Students’ activity
1/ Warm up ( 5 mins )
2/ Presentation ( 5 mins )
3/ Practice ( 25 mins )
3/ Consolidation ( 10 mins )
4/ Homework ( 5 mins )
How are you ?
How old are you ?
Where do you live ?
How many students are there ?
Which grade are you in ?
Sách giáo khoa lớp 7 có 16 bài mỗi bài được chia từ 5 đến 6 tiết, sau ba bài có một tiết ôn tập và làm bài kiểm tra 1 tiết.
Học kỳ I được chia làm 18 tuần, mỗi tuần học 3 tiết, cả kỳ I là 54 tiết.
Học kỳ II được chia làm 17 tuần, mỗi tuần học ba tiết, cả kỳ II là 51 tiết.
1/ Present simple tense :
a/ I, you, we, they + V.
b/ I, you, we, they + do not ( don’t ) + V.
c/ Do + I, you, we, they + V + ?
d/ She/ he/ it + V ( s/es )
e/ She/ he/ it + does not ( doesn’t ) + V.
f/ Does + she/ he/ it + S + V + ?
2/ Present progressive tense :
a/ S + am/ is/ are +
b/ S + am/ is/ are + not +
c/ Am/ Is/ Are + S + + ?
Bài tập 1 : Chuyển những câu sau đây sang câu phủ định và nghi vấn :
1/ Peter is playing soccer in the stadium.
2/ Mary goes to the zoo.
3/ You are writing a letter.
4/ I’m listening to music.
5/ That girl is buying a new pen.
Chuẩn bị bài 1 phần A 1, 3,4
I’m fine
I live
There are
I’m in grade
Students listen.
Ex : They go to school everyday.
Ex : They don’t go to school everyday.
Ex : Do they go to school everyday ?
Yes, they do.
No, they don’t.
Ex : Lan does her exercises.
Ex : Lan doesn’t do her exercises.
Ex : Does Lan do her exercises ?
Yes, she does.
No, she dosen’t.
Ex : Lan is reading a book.
Ex : Lan isn’t reading a book.
Ex : Is Lan reading a book ?
Yes, she is.
No, she isn’t.
1/ Peter is not playing
- Is Peter playing
2/ Mary doesn’t go..
Students copy.
Date of preparation : 20/ 8/ 2010 
Date of teaching : 21/ 8/ 2010 
Period 2:
 Unit 1 : Back to school
Lesson 1 : A. friends A1, 3, 4.
I/ Aims :
 - Giúp học sinh hiểu rõ hơn cách chào, tạm biệt khi gặp nhau và thực hành tốt các cách chào này.
* Kiến thức: Structure: The present simple tense
- Practice four skills : Listen, speak, read and write.
II/ Language content :
+ Vocabulary :
+ Structures : 
	1/ So, too.	
III/ Teaching aids : Teacher and students’s book, color chalk, board
IV/ Teaching instruction :
Teacher’s activity
Students’ activity
1/ Warm up (5 mins)
2/ Practice (30 mins )
3/ Consolidation
( 8 mins )
4/ Homework ( 2 mins )
Hi/ Good morning/ Hello !
What’s your name ?
What’s her/ his name ?
What do you do ?
Are you a student ?
Are you a new student ?
1/ Listen. Then practice with a partner :
Teacher introduce two pictures.
Are they students ?
Who are they ?
Teacher reads slowly 2 times.
So/ Too : Diễn tả sự đồng ý khẳng định.
+ Too : đứng cuối câu tách câu bằng một dấu phẩy.
Ex : I’m a student.
I’m a student, too.
+ So : Đứng đầu câu có sự đảo ngữ gĩưa chủ ngữ và động từ.
Ex : So am I.
* Now answer :
1/ What’s the new girl’s name ?
2/ What class is she in ?
3/ Who is also in class 7A ?
3/ Listen. Then practice with a partner :
Teacher introduces picture and reads 2 times.
- Remind students of the difference in greeting between ages.
+ Good morning, Nga.
+ Good morning, Mr Tan.
4/ Listen. Then complete these dialogues.
- Ask somes students to give different greetings to people of different ages befor the class.
- Tell students to complete the dialogues.
Giáo viên đưa ra các từ :
Morning/ Afternoon.
Hi/ Hello.
Nice/ Meet
Hoa/ Mr Tan/ Lan.
New classmate ( s )
Her/ His name’s
1/ Đọc lại bài hội thoại/ tập hỏi và trả lời.
2/ Làm bài tập 1, 2 SBT trang 3.
3/ Chuẩn bị bài A 2, 5 ( 6 ).
My name’s
Her/His name’s...
I’m a
Yes/ No
Yes/ No..
Students listen and copy.
Students read the dialouge again.
Her name’s Hoa.
She’s in class 7A
Nam is alsoin class 7A.
Listen and read after the teacher. Some students read again.
Practice in pairs, change the roles.
Students listen.
a/ Mr Tan : Hello, Lien. How are you ?
Miss Lien : Just fine, thank you. And you, Tan ?
Mr Tan : Pretty good.
Miss Lien : Ok
b/ Nam : Good afternoon, Nga. How are you today ?
Nga : Not bad, thanks. How about you, Nam ?
Nam : Just fine, thanks.
Nga : I’m going to the room.
Nam : Yes, I am, too.
Students work in pairs.
Students copy in your exercise books.
Date of preparation : 22/ 8/ 2010 
Date of teaching : 23/ 8/ 2010 
Period 3:
Unit 1 : ( Continued )
Lesson 2 : A 2,5,6+ R.
I/ Aims : Học sinh ôn và học lại các câu chào hỏi thường gặp hàng ngày trong giao tiếp.
Làm quen với những mẫu câu và cách dùng Tiếng Anh trong giao tiếp.
Luyện kỹ năng nghe hiểu dưới dạng hoàn thành đoạn hội thoại, ghép tranh.
II/ Language content :
Kiến thức: + Vocabulary : Lots of/ a lot of/ unhappy/ miss/ different from.
+ Structures : 1/ Adj + er + than
Kĩ Năng: Nghe, nói, đọc, viết
III/ Teaching aids : Teacher and students’s book, color chalk, board
IV/ Teaching instruction :
Teacher’s activity
Students’ activity
1/ Warm up ( 5 mins )
2/ Presentation (30 mins )
3/ Practice ( 8 mins )
4/ Homework ( 2 mins )
How do you do ?
What’s your name ?
Where are you from ?
Which class are you in ?
Do you have a lot of friends in Bac Son ?
2/ Read. Then answer the questions :
Now look at the picture :
+ How many schools are there ?
+ h school is bigger ?
Hong Ha is Hoa’s new school and the smaller is her old one. 
* New words :
+ Lots of/ a lot of : Nhiều.
+ Still ( adv ) : Vãn còn
+Many : Nhiều
+ Classmate ( n ) : Bạn cùng lớp
+To miss ( v ) : Nhớ
+ Lunh room ( n ) : Phòng ăn trưa
+ Different from : Khác với
+ Unhappy ( adj ) : Không vui.
Now you read the passage and answer the questions.
* New structures:
+ A lot of and lots of : dùng với danh từ không đếm được và danh từ số nhiều. ( Lots of là cachs nói khác của a lot of ).
Ex : a lot of/ lots of time.
a lot of/ lots of pictures.
+ So sánh hơn của tính từ ngắn :
 Adj + er + than
Ex : I’m taller than her.
+ Many : Dùng với danh từ đếm được ở số nhiều . Chủ yếu được dùng trong câu phủ định và câu hỏi )
Ex : Many flowers.
5/ Listen.Then write letters of the dialogues in the order you hear :
Look at the pictures :
+ Who are they in the picture ?
+ What are they doing ?
a/ Ba : Good morning, Mr Tan.
Mr Tan : Good morning, Ba. How are you ?
Ba : Fine, thanks.
Mr Tan : Are you going home now ?
Ba : Yes. My dinner will be ready.
b/ Nga : Good morning, Miss Lien.
Miss Lien : Good morning. Nice to see you again, Nga.
Nga : Nice to see you, too.
Miss Lien : Class will be soon. You must hurry.
Nga : Ok.
c/ Miss Lien : Good morning, Tan.
Mr Tan : Good morning, Lien.
Miss Lien : Do you have the time, please ?
Mr Tan : Yes. It’s 6.30.
Miss Lien : Thank you.
d/ Nga : Goog afternoon, Ba.
Ba : Good afternoon, How are you, Nga ?
Nga : I’m fine, thanks. How about you ?
Ba : Not bad.
6/ Play with words :
Read after the teacher and some students read again.
Học sinh luyện tập theo cặp hoặc nhóm về trường cũ. Dùng cấu trúc :
Adj + er + than.
*Exercise : Choose the correct reponses :
1/ A : Hi, I’m Lan.
B :..
A : How are you ?
B : 
2/ A : My name’s Jim Holmes.
B :.
A : Nice to meet you, Mr Jim.
B :..
1/ Thuộc cấu trúc trong bài.
2/ Làm bài tập 4 SBT trang 4.
3/ Chuẩn bị tíêt 3 ( B1, 2, 3 )
+ How do you do ?
+ My name’s
+ I’m from
+ I’m in class
+ Yes/ No
+ There are
+ The old/ the new
Students listen and copy the new words.
Students raed after the teacher. Som students read again then answer the questions.
a/ She’s from Hue.
b/ She’s satying with her uncle and aunt.
c/ No, she doesn’t.
d/ Her new school is bigger than her old school.
Students copy.
Students listen and order.
1/ c
Read again the play with words.
It’s bigger than..
1/ B : Hello, I’m Ba.
B : Fine, thanks.
2/ B : I’m Peter.
B : Nice to meet you, too.
Students listen.
Date of preparation : 23/ 8/ 2010
Date of teaching : 24/ 8/ 2010
Period 4 :
Unit 1 ( Continued )
Lesson 3 : B 1, 2 and 3
I/ Aims : Giúp học sinh biết cách hỏi đáp về thông tin các nhân : Tên, tuổi, địa chỉ, nơi ở và bạn bè đang sống ở địa chỉ nào.
II/ Language content :
Kiến thức:
+ Vocabulary : Family name, middle name, first name, conversation, talking to, home address.
+ Structures : 
	1/ Present simple tense.
	2/ Present progressive tense.
Kĩ năng: 
- Luyện bốn kỹ năng : Nghe, nói, đọc và viết.
III/ Teaching aids : Teacher and students’s book, color chalk, board
IV/ Teaching instruction :
Teacher’s activity
Students’ activity
1/ Warm up ( 5 mins )
2/ Presentation ( 30mins )
3/ Practice ( 8 mins )
4/ Homework ( 2 mins )
What’s your name ?
Who are they ?
What are they doing ?
Who’s she ?
What’s she doing ?
1/ Listen. Then practice with a partner :
Now look at the picture.
+ Who are they in the picture ?
+ Where are they ?
+ What are they doing ?
+ What’s the teacher doing ?
+ What are the students doing ?
+ What are they talking about ?
Teacher read slowly the dialouge.
+ Family name ( Surname )
+ Middle name.
+ First name.
Ex : Nguyen Hong Van
Family name Middle name First name
a/ She’s talking to Miss Lien.
b/ Her family name is Pham.
c/ Her middle name’s Thi.
d/ She lives at 12 Tran Hung Dao street.
2/ Write. Complete this dialouge.
Học sinh nhìn vào tranh nghe hội thoại để lấy thông tin định hướng.
+ How many students/ people are there ?
+ What do they do ?
+ Who are they ?
+ What are they doing ?
+ Who are in the conversation ?
+ What are they talking about ?
In the conversation between Nga and Lan there is a lack of - Wh - questions. Now you complete the conversation, by putting the Wh- question in the right place.
There are 9 Wh - questions :
+ Who ? ai
+ Whom ? ai
+ Whose ? của ai
+ What ? cái gì
+ Which ? cái nào
+ When ? khi nào
+ Where ? ở đâu
+ Why ? tại sao
+ How ? như thế nào
Cách dùng từ để hỏi thường được viết đầu câu.
Ex :
+ Who’s that ?
+ Where does she live ?
+ Which class is she in ?
+ Who’s the girl talking to Miss Lien ?
3/ Ask your partner questions and complete this form :
Đây là cấu trúc một phiếu thông tin bao gồm các thông tin.
If you wan ...  prediction, Answering the questions:
1. Warm Up : 
- Kim’s game:
Look at the activities label the pictures ( A2 – P.61)
2 . Activitiy1 :
 - Brainstorm: 
 What do you ussually do after school?
 ( watch TV/ play soccer)
 - Grid:
How often do ?
Study in the library
Go to the movie
Watch Tv
Play soccer
Play computer games
Swim in the pool
Do homework
 Example exchange:
 S1: How often do you watch TV after school?
 S2: I always watch TV after school. 
 3. Activitiy2: P.63
- Pre. listening:( open prediction)
 Match each name to an activity:
 Mai go to the circus.
 Nam go to the school cafeteria.
 Ba watch a movie.
 Lan tidy the room.
 Kien rehearse a play.
- While. listening:
 Listen the dialogue
 Check ss’prediction
- Post. Listening:
Answer the questions:
Ex: Where does Mai do?
- Ss skim the pictures and label the pictures
- correction
- T asks
- Ss answer
- T shows the grid to students and run on the words in the grid
- modelling
- Ss interview their friends, using infromation in the grid
- writtenly 
- correction
- guiding ss to do the exercise
- Ss match
- correction
- choral & individual repetition 
- listening to the tape and check ss’ prediction
- T ask to check ss’understanding 
Week: 12 Date:
Period: 34 Class: 7
 Unit: : 6 AFTER SCHOOL 
 Lesson 3 : (A3 - P.62 )
 - To know the content of the passages.
 - Vocabulary: nouns, verbs
 - Lesson plan, text book, poster, picture.
- Correct the words, Rub Out and Remember, True / False Prediction
 Comprehension Questions, Matching
1. Warm up : ( correct the words)
 activite – faverite – groep – stanp – library - couhc
2 . Pre.reading :
- Pre Teach:
 to rehearse a play
 (to) get together
 - Rub Out and Remember:
 - True / False Prediction: 
 a. The students of class 7A don’t enjoy different 
 activities after school.
 b. Nga’s theater group is rehearsing a play.
 c. Ba usually gets American stamp.
 d. Nam enjoys playing games.
3 . While reading : A2 – P.62
- Comprehension Questions: 
 Answer Key: 
 a/ Her group is rehearsing a play for the
 school anniversary celeration .
 b/ He gets American stamp from Liz.
 c/ The stamp collector’s club meets on 
 Wednesday afternoon.
 d/ Nam never play games. 
4 . Post reading : 
- Matching: A4 – P.63
 Answer Key:( see teacher’s book)
- Write it up:
5 . Home Work :
- Read the text again
- Learn vocabulary by heart
- T sticks the posters
- Ss rewrite the words in correct from
- correction and repetition 
- presentation the words
- modelling
- choral & individual repetition 
- cleans & asks ss read individual
- poster
- Ss guess
- eliciting 
- listening to the tape, choral & individual repetition
 - checking ss’prediction 
- Ss answer and compare with partner and writtenly 
 - correction
- Ss make
- correction and repetition
- poster
- Ss match
-Write a short paragraph about after schoolactivities using the matching
- correction
- listen & record
Week: 12 Date:
Period: 35 Class: 7
 Unit: : 6 AFTER SCHOOL 
 Lesson 4 : ( B1 - P. 64 )
 - To talk about the activities after school.
 - To make suggestions 
 - To accept or refuse invitations
 - suggestions - invitations
 - polite refusal/ acceplance of invitations.
 - Lesson plan, text book, poster, picture.
 - Pyramid, What and Where, Comprehension Questions, Grid, Write-it-up
1. Warm up : ( Pyramid)
 List the activities that you do after school
2 . Presentation :
- Introduction:
 - Pre Teach: (to) relax
 at the moment
- What and Where:
 - Presentation dialogue: B1 - P.64
- Comprehension Questions: (a- e)
- Model Sentence: 
 Refuse invitation:( suggestions
 + What about going to the movies?
 + Why don’t you relax?
 + Let’s go to my house
 Accept invitation(responses)
 + Yes, let’s
 + Good idea 
 + OK. I’ll come
 + Sorry, I can’t 
3 . Practice : - Grid:
accept/ refuse.
Should we
Would you like to
lsiten to
table tennis
basket ball
my house
I’m sorry, I
I’d love to
 - Example exchange: 
 S1: Let’s go swimming.
 S2: OK.
 S1: Should we play taple tennis?
 S2:I’m sorry, I can’ 
 S1: Would you like to play basketball?
 S2: I’d love to
4 . Further Practice :
 - Write-it-up:
5 . Home Work :
- Get Ss to practise What they have study 
- T gives instruction
- Ss list
- correction 
- picture
- Ss look at it and answer
- presentation the words
- modelling
- choral & individual repetition 
- checking 
- listening to the tape, choral & individual repetition
- Ss read the D. and answer the questions
- eliciting 
- modelling 
 - choral & individual repetition
- explanation
- T guides instrustion(poster)
- Ss make suggestions and invitations based on example exchange
- orally, in pair 
 - correction
- write the dialogues based on it
- listen & record
Week:12 Date:
Period: 36 Class: 7
 Unit: : 6 AFTER SCHOOL 
 Lesson: 5 ( B 2 - P.65 )
- To practise reading skill.
- Vocabulary: the activities of American teenagers after school.
- Lesson plan, text book, poster, picture. 
- Bingo, Brainstorm, Rub Out and Remember, T / F Prediction, Survey
1. Warm up : 
- Bingo: magazine, eat, popular, food, plan, help, stamp, collect, go
2 . Pre.reading :
What do American students do in their free time?
+ play soccer
+ listen to music
- Pre Teach:
 scouts(boy scouts)
 guides(girl guides)
 a musical instrument
 - Rub Out and Remember:
3 . While reading :
- Presentation text: P.65
- Discuss the activities after school
4 . Post reading : 
- Make a list of the most popular activities after school
5 . Home Work :
- Get ss to practise again.
- T reads
- Ss listen and write
- correction and repetition 
- Ss listen and answer the questions
- Ss predict the activities that American students do after school
- presentation the words
- situation, picture
- modelling
- choral & individual repetition 
- cleans & asks ss read individual
- Ss make
- correction and repetition
- eliciting 
- listening to the tape, choral & individual repetition
 - checking ss’prediction 
- Ss discuss in group of four
 - correction
- listen & record
Week: 13 Date:
Period: 37 Class: 7
 Unit: : 6 Lesson 6 : ( B3 - P. 66 )
 - To practise suggestions , invitations fluently
 II . LANGUAGE CONTENTS : - Suggestions : let’s 
 would you like to ? 
 III . TEACHING AIDS : - Lesson plan, text book, poster, picture.
 - Pyramid, What and Where, Comprehension Questions, Grid, Write-it-up
1. Warm up : (Kim’s game)
birthday – come – house – lunch 
– movie – join – sure - invite
2 . Presentation :
 - Pre Teach: pleasure
 a wedding
 - Rub out and remember: 
 3 . Practice : 
 - Presentation dialogue
 - Practise the dialogue
 - Gap fill:
 Nga: my birdthday  Sunday  to come to my
 house for ?
 Lan: Yes, What time?
 Nga:  one 
 Lan: I  there.
 Nga: I’ll  you on Sunday. After lunch ,We going
 a movie.Will you join us?
 Lan: I’m not  I will call you 
 Nga: OK.
 Lan:Thanks for  me.
 Nga: It’s my  What about you, Hoa?  to come ,too? 
 Hoa: I’d love , but I’m going to a wedding on Sunday.
 Nga: That’s too bad.
 Hoa: sorry, I can’t  thanks
 Nga: You’re 
4 . Further Practice : - Suppose tomorrow is your birthday. Invite your friends to your birthday party
5 . Home Work :- Get Ss to practise What they have study 
- T writes the words
- Ss skim the words and write them again without looking back 
- correction 
- modelling
- choral & individual repetition 
- checking 
- listening to the tape, choral & individual repetition
- Ss read the D. inpair and complete the open dialogue with the suitable words 
- T goes around the class and corrects ss’ pronunciation 
- explanation
- Ss make Suggestions
- listen & record
Week: 13 Date:
Period: 38 Class: 7
 Lesson 7 : Language Focus 2 (P.38.41)
 I . OBJECTIVES :- To master the formular of the present continuous tense the
 usage of “ this/ that – these/ those” – tell the time.
 - Vocabulary: Subjects, Adverbs Of Frequency .
 - This/ That – These/ Those,- Time,- Present Continuous Tense
 III . TEACHING AIDS : - Lesson plan, text book, poster, picture. 
 - Bingo, Brainstorm, Rub Out and Remember, T / F Prediction, Survey
1. Warm up :(Kim’s game) Look at the pictures( P.70 ), write the correct subject names
2 . Complete the passage with the right form of the verbs:
 Lan is doing  she is writing  Mr. Thanh is reading  Mrs Quyen is cooking  Lan brothers are playing  Liem is kicking. Tien is running. 
 3 . Complete the dilogues : - Presentation dialogue
 - Practise the dialogue
 - Gap fill:
 Nga: my birdthday  Sunday  to come to my
 house for ?
 Lan: Yes, What time?
 Nga:  one 
 Lan: I  there.
 Nga: I’ll  you on Sunday. After lunch ,We going
 a movie.Will you join us?
 Lan: I’m not  I will call you 
 Nga: OK.
 Lan:Thanks for  me.
 Nga: It’s my  What about you, Hoa?  to come ,too? 
 Hoa: I’d love , but I’m going to a wedding on Sunday.
 Nga: That’s too bad.
 Hoa: sorry, I can’t  thanks
 Nga: You’re 
4 . Further Practice : - Suppose tomorrow is your birthday. Invite your friends to your birthday party
5 . Home Work :
- Get Ss to practise What they have study 
- T writes the words
- Ss skim the words and write them again without looking back 
- correction 
- modelling
- choral & individual repetition 
- checking 
- listening to the tape, choral & individual repetition
- Ss read the D. inpair and complete the open dialogue with the suitable words 
- T goes around the class and corrects ss’ pronunciation 
- explanation
- Ss make Suggestions
- listen & record

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