Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh 7 (Bản chuẩn kiến thức kỹ năng)

Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh 7 (Bản chuẩn kiến thức kỹ năng)

: Review

A. Objectives.

 After the lesson, students will review the main contents of the lessons which are learned in class 6 : The simple present tense, the present continuous tense, near future, wh- questions, comparative and superlative of short adjectives.

B. Teaching aids.

C. Methods.

D. Contents.

 I. Organiration.


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Date of preparing : 14/ 08/ 2009
period 1: Review
A. Objectives.
 After the lesson, students will review the main contents of the lessons which are learned in class 6 : The simple present tense, the present continuous tense, near future, wh- questions, comparative and superlative of short adjectives.
B. Teaching aids.
C. Methods.
D. Contents.
 I. Organiration.
Date of teaching
Absent Ss
17/ 08/ 2009
18/ 08/ 2009
17/ 08/ 2009
 II. Revision.
 III. New lesson.
 1. The tenses of verbs 
 a. The present simple tense.
 * Tobe: am, is, are 
(+) I am = I’m (-) I am not = I’m not (?) Am I.?
 We We We
 You are You are not Are You ?
 They They They
 He He He
 She is She is not Is She .?
 It It It
* Ordinary verbs :
(+) I (-) I
 We + V( without To ) We + Don’t + V
 You You
 They They
 He He
 She + Vs(es) She + Doesn’t +V
 It It
(?) I He
 We Does She + V ?
 Do You + V ? It 
b. The present continuos tense:
(+) S + am / is / are + Ving .
(-) S + am / is / are + not + Ving.
(?) Am / is / are + S + Ving ?
c. Near future :
(+) S + am / is / are + going to + V.
(-) S + am / is / are + not + going to + V.
(?) Am / is / are + S + going to + V ?
2. Wh- questions :
 * What :
- What’s your name ? => My name is An.
 What’s her name ? => Her name is Hoa .
- What do you do? => I am a teacher .
 What does he do ? => He is a doctor .
* Where :
Where do you live? => I live on Nguyen Du street .
Where does she live ? => She lives at 135 Hang Bai Street.
* How many + Ns .
How many students are there in your class?
..tables ?
* What time / When
What time do you usually get up ?
When do you do your homework?
* How :
- How are you ? => I’m fine, thanks.
- How do you go to school every day ? => I go to school by bike .
* How old : How old are you ?
* Why? Why does he have bad marks?
* Which : Which shirt do you like : red or blue?
* Who : Who is Mrs Lan talking to?
3. Comparative and superlative of short adjectives :
a. Comparative:
 S1 + tobe + adj + er + than + S2.
EX: She is taller than me .
 b. Superlative :
 S + tobe + the + adj + est 
EX: He is the tallest in my class .
IV. Summary
 Ask Ss to do exercises , then the teacher corrects them .
Exercise 1: Supply the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.
 1. My brother ( do ) .his homework in his room now, He ( do ) .it everyday.
 2. They ( visit ) next week .
 3. It usually ( rain ) in the rainy season.
 4. I ( not go ) .to school on Sunday .
 5. Listen! I think the telephone ( ring ) .
Exercise 2 : Make questions for underlined words.
 1. Mr Quang lives on Hung Vuong street .
 2. Her new friends come from Autralia.
 3. There are 13.6 million people in Mexico city .
 4. Nam usually has lunch at 11:30.
 5. Hoa is going to play badminton with her friend.
Exercise 3 : Put the correct form of the adjective in bracket.
 1. The country is .than the city .( quiet )
 2. Minh’s house is the.. to the town.( near )
 3. Which is the city in your country ? ( large )
 4. Hambledom isn’t than London. ( pretty )
 5. The town isn’t clean. The country is ( clean )
V. Homework : 
 Review and prepare unit one (A1,3_5)
E. Evaluation.
Date of preparing: 15/ 08/ 2009
Period 2
LESSON 1: A1 - A3- A5 ( P. 5 -6)
A. Objectives: 
 - By the end of the lesson , students will be able to introduce themselves and greet each others.
 -Nice to meet you.
	 - Just fine/ Not bad
 - Speaking / listening.
C: Teaching aids:.
D: Produces:
 I Organization:.
Date of teaching
Absent Ss
19 / 08/ 2009
19 / 08/ 2009
18 / 08/ 2009
 II. Warm up:	Lucky numbers	
 1. What is your name?	5. Are you a new student?
 2. LN	6. LN
 3. How old are you?	7. What is the date today?
 4. Which class are you in?	8. LN
II. New lesson:
T and Sts’ activities
Blackboard display
Step1: Presentation:
 * Activity1: Pre- teach:
- Ask Ss to match A with B:
Checking: R .O . R
- Ss match on the board.
- Copy down
* Activity2. Dialogue ( A1 p. 10)
 - T: reads
- Ss practice dialogues
- work in pairs to aswer:
- Aswer the questions: a, b, c,
 key: a, Her name's Hoa.
 b, She is in class 7A.
 c, Nam is also in class 7A.
- T corrects.
Step2: Practice:
* Activity1. Gap- fill: A4 ( p12-13)
- Ask Ss to fill in the gaps in two dialogues
- work in dividually-> pairs -> give feed back.
- guess-> listen -> correct
- Aswer key:
* Activity2: Picture Cue Drills: A5( p. 13)
 - Ask Ss to listen to the tape and write the letters of the dialogue in the order they hear( 3 times).
- Ss guess ->- listen and order the pictures.
- give feed back
- Aswer key: c-> b ->d -> a
Step3. Further- practice: A3p. 12
 * Activity1: Practice dialogue in pairs
 * Activity2: Make the same dialogue: 
 * Activity3: Correct:
.Pretty good Không tệ lắm
.How is every thing? Tôi củng vậy
.Nice to see you Khá tốt
.So am I/ me, too Mọi việc như thế nào?
.Just fine Bình thường
.Not bad Rất vui được gặp bạn 
2. Dialogue:
 a, Her name's Hoa.
 b, She is in class 7A.
 c, Nam is also in class 7A.
3. Listen:
 - How are you?
IV. Summary:
 - Greetings / Introductions
V. Homework:
1. Learn by heart A1(10- in text book)
2. Do exercie A3(p. 4- in correct book)
3. New lesson A3(10- in text book)
Date of preparing: 16/ 08/ 2009
Period 3:
LESSON 2: A2 ( P. 11)
A. Objectives: 
 - By the end of the lesson , students will be able to get information about Hoa and review the simple present, comparisions, much, many, alot of, lots of...
- The simple present,comparisions/ much/ many/ alot of/ lots of 
B. Teaching aids: - a picture / by computer.
C:Method - Reading.
D:Contents :
Date of teaching
Absent Ss
22 / 08/ 2009 
21 / 08/ 2009
 22 / 08/ 2009
II . Revision: 
 Wordsquare .
- T uses the poster with wordsquare .
	 Aunt , friend
 Student , happy , live
	 School , big , uncle , new , old
III.New lesson: 
Tand Ss’s activities
Black board display
Step1: Pre- reading:
* Activity1. Pre- teach:
 - Practice new words( listen and repeat -> give meaning -> stress
 Checking: What and where
- copy down.
*Activity2: Set the sence: 
 - Ask Ss to look at the picture and answer the questions:
- Who is this?
- What is her name's school ? 
- Is she in grade 7?
 - Answer the questions:
 - This is Hoa.
 - Her name's school is Hong Ha.
 - Yes, she is.
*Activity3: T/ F prediction: 
 - Ask Ss to guess about Hoa.
- work in dividually-> pairs -> give feed back.
Step2. While- reading:
* Activity1: - Ask Ss to read the text A2p. 11 . Then correct their prediction.
- Aswer key: 1. T 2. F 3. F 4. T 5. F
* Activity2: Comprehension questions:
- Ask Ss to work in small groups and aswer the quetions( a- e ).
* Activity3: LUCKY NUMBERS:
 Questions :
1. Where is Hoa from ?
2. Lucky number !
3. Does she have a lot of friends in Ha noi ?
4. Who is she staying with ?
5. Lucky number !
6. How is her new school different from her old school ?
7. Why is Hoa unhappy ?
8. Lucky number
- Correct and give points.
* Step3. Post -reading: 
: Transformation writing
- Ss write in their excercisebook to change the information and change " Hoa " to "I
1. Vocabulary.
 - parents (n) : (example)
 - different (adj) from : (translation)
 - unhappy (adj) : (antonym)
 - (to) miss (v) : (translation)
 * T/ F prediction:
1. Hoa is from Hue.
2.She lives with her parents in HaNoi.
3. She has alot of friends in HaNoi.
4. She misses her friends in Hue.
5. She is happy now.
2. Reading:
1. T 2. F 3. F 
 4. T 5. F
3. Practice:
 I am a new student in class7A..
IV. Summary 
 Model sentences
ex : She has alot of friends in Hue.
 I haven't got much money. 
- Note: Much + UCN
 Many + CN
 Alot of/ Lots of + UCN/CN
- Use: - Much /Many are used in the negative sentences or questions.
 - Alot of/ Lots of are used in the possitive sentences. 
V. Homework:
1. Learn by heart new words.
2. Do exercise A4(p. 4- in exercise book)
3. New lesson B1, B3(15- 16 in text book)
Date of teaching:22/ 08/ 2009.
Period: 4 
 LESSON 3: 	 B1 - B3( P. 15 -16)
A. Objectives: 
 - By the end of the lesson , students will be able to give personal information.
 - The simple present tense.
	- The personal information ( name/ family name/ age/ ....... ).
B.Methods: - Speaking / listening.
C. Teaching aids: - pictures,posters
D. Produces:
 I. Organization:
Date of teaching
Absent Ss
24 / 08/ 2009 
25 / 08/ 2009
 24 / 08/ 2009
II. Warm up: Nought and crosses.
 . Ss ask and answer about the information given in the grid.
You / 13
Your father/ 41
Hoa / 15 
Her mother / 39
Nam / 11
Le Loi street
91 HungVuong
 His mother / 38
Ex: * Example exchange :
	A : Where do you live ?
	B : I live at 91 Hung Vuong street.
III. New lesson: 
Teacher and Sts' activities
Blackboard display
Step1 . Presentation:
* Activity 1. Vocabulary. 
- T models , Ss' repetition : chorus - individual ( word by word )
give meaning -> stress
 - Ss copy down the words.
 * Activity 2: Checking vocabulary : Rub out and Remember
* Activyty3: Dialogue ( B1p. 15)
 Set the sence: Ask Ss to look at the picture and answer the questions:
- Where is it?
- Who is this? What does she do?
- Who are they?
- What are they doing?
- Ss look at the picture and answer the questions:
- It's in the classroom.
- This is Mr Lien. She is a teacher.
- They are students.
- They are leaning.
 . T: reads B1-P15
 . Ss Aswer the questions: 
a. She is talking to Mr Lien.
b. IT's Pham.
c. It's Thi.
d. She lives at 12 Tran Hung Dao street.
 Step 2. Practice:
* Activity1:Word Cue Drills: Ask Ss to make dialogues in pairs. 
 1. Hoa 2. Nam 3. Linh
 Le Nguyen Tran
 12 14 15
 Huu nghi Vinh Quang 24 LeLoi
- T-> Ss-> T
- Close pairs -> open pairs.
S1: What's your name?
S2: My name 's Hoa.
S1: What's your family name?
S2: My falmily name's Le.
-T: - correct:
* Avtivity2. B2 - P. 16 : Complete the dialogue 
- Ss work in individual then compare with their partners .
- Ss read the complete dialogue in pairs
Step3. Further- practice: *Survey: B3 - P16
- ask SS to go arou ... - measure (v) 	®o 
- weigh 	(v) 	c©n 	
2. Reading
* Answer: 
 1-f, 2-d, 3-c, 4-g, 5-e, 6-a, 7-h, 8-b.
Comprehension questions:
1. What were the SS of QT School doing?	
2. Who was doing the medical check up?
3. What did the nurse do ?	
4. What was Hoa's temperature?
 Was it normal ? 
5. What was her height ? 
6. What was her weight ?/ How heavy was she? 
®o th©n nhiÖt
trë l¹i phßng ®îi
cho biÕt tªn
ngåi xuèng
kiÓm tra c©n nÆng
®iÒn vµo phiÕu søc khoÎ
Example Exchange:
S1: Would you open your mouth please, so I can take your temperature?
S2: OK. 
nãi "Ah"
®îi trong phßng ®îi
®o chiÒu cao
IV. Summary:
 "Would you + V + please? " and respond.
V. Homework: 
 A1_ P67 (WB) 
Date of preparing: 01/ 02/ 2010
	Lesson 2: A2-3
 By the end of the lesson, Ss will be abke to listen for details , ask and answer about height and weight. 
B. Teaching aid: 
 Poster, pictures
C. Methods: 
 - Jumbled words, R.O.R, survey
	D. Contents: 
 I. Orgnization: 
Date of teaching
Absent Ss
 / 02/ 2010
 / 02/ 2010
 II. Warm up: 
 Jumbled words 
 weight address
 height measure
T and Sts’ activities
Blackboard display
Step1: Pre-listening 
 * Activity1. Pre-teach vocabulary 
- male 	(a) ( example)
- female 	(a) ( '' )
 . Checking vocabulary: R.O.R
* Activity2. Open-dialogue 
- Have SS read the open dialogue. (Part 2 - page 108).
- Have them predict the missing words.
Step2. While-listening 
 * Activity1. Checking predictions
- Have Ss listen to the tape and 
correct their predictions
- Call some Ss to read aloud
- Correct.
- Show Ss the poster (P 109)
 * Activity2. Questions and answers
- Have SS work in pairs : 
Ask and answer these questions :
a. What's his name?
b. Which school does he go to /study in ?
c. Which class is he in ?
d. What is his address?
e. How old is he ?
f. What's his weight ?/ How heavy is he ?
g. What's his height ?/ How tall is he?
Step3. Post listening : - Have Ss work in group of six:
- Ask and answer the same questions to complete the survey
1. Vocabulary
- male 	(a) 	nam - female 	(a)	n÷ 
2. Listening.
* Answer key:
 Hoa : .
 Doctor : .........tall......
 Hoa :meter.........centimeters....
Doctor:...will....nurse... height.... 
 Hoa : ...........think....
S1: What's his name ?
S2: His name is Tran Van Kien.
 Doctor: No.........form........ 
Male / female
IV. Summary:
V. Homework: 
 A2_ P69 (WB) 
Date of preparing: 05/ 02/ 2010
	Lesson 3: B1
 By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to ask and answer questions about sickness using past simple question forms and negative forms. 
B. Teaching aid: 
 Poster, pictures
C. Methods: 
 - R.O.R, Dialogue build, Word cue drill, Noughts and crosses.
	D. Contents: 
 I. Orgnization: 
Date of teaching
Absent Ss
 / 02/ 2010
 / 02/ 2010
 II. Warm up: 
 Jumbled words 
 weight address
 height measure
T and Sts’ activities
Blackboard display
Step1 Presentation 
* Activity1. Pre-teach vocabulary 
- have a headache	(v) 	(mime)
- stomachache 	(n)	(mime)
- bad cold 	(n) 	(mime)
- virus 	(n) 	(translation)
- flu 	(n) 	(translation)
- sick note 	(n) 	(realia)
 *Cheching vocabulary : R.O.R
* Activity2. Presentation dialogue : 
 ( Dialogue build)
Mr Tan :You (didn't come ) to school . What (was wrong with you)?
Lan : 	I had (a bad cold) , I had a headache, too.
Mr Tan :What (was wrong) with Nga?
Lan : 	She had a stomachache 
* Model sentences: What was wrong with you / her?
 I had a bad cold
 She had a stomachache.
* Form: What was wrong with + O ?
 S + had + a sickness 
* Use: §Ó hái xem ng­êi nµo ®ã bÞ bÖnh g× vµ tr¶ lêi
* Meaning: - Have SS translate the dialogue into Vietnamese
* Pronunciation: have a	had a
* Step2. Practice : 
 . Word cue drill
 a. you / a cold d. Mai / headache
 b. Ba / stomachache e. he / flu 
 c. she / toothache 
- Have SS listen to the tape B1 (P110)
- Have them answer the questions ( a-e)
* Step3. Further practice : 
 + Noughts and crosses.
- Have Ss do exercises by putting 
the verbs in simple present or simple past
 + Answerkey:
1. is; 2. was; 3. didn’t; 4. do you feel..?
5. Do you walk..?; 6. sent; 7. worked; 
8. didn’t Mai go; 9. went.
1. Vocabulary
- have a headache	(v) 	®au ®Çu 
- stomachache 	(n)	®au bông, ®au d¹ dµy 
 - bad cold (n) 	c¶m l¹nh - virus 	(n) 	sèt vi rót 
- flu 	(n) 	c¶m cóm - sick note 	(n) giÊy xin phÐp 
What was wrong with you / her?
 I had a bad cold
 She had a stomachache.
* Form: 
 What was wrong with + O ?
 S + had + a sickness 
* Use: §Ó hái xem ng­êi nµo ®ã bÞ bÖnh g× vµ tr¶ lêi
2. Practice.
 Word cue drill
 a. you / a cold 
 b. Ba / stomachache 
 c. she / toothache 
 d. Mai / headache
 e. he / flu 
1. The weather ( be) awful today.
2. Lan (be) sick yesterday.
3. She ( not come ) to school yesterday.
4. How you (feel) every morning? 
5. You ( walk ) to school every day?
6. I (send) a letter to my pen pal last month
7. He (work) in Hue a few years ago
8. Why Mai ( not go ) to the library yesterday?
9. Hoa (go) to the dentist last week.
IV. Summary:
V. Homework: 
 A3,4_ P69-70 (WB) 
Date of preparing: 18/ 02/ 2010
 Period: 71 
	Lesson 4: B3
 By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to listen for information
B. Teaching aid: 
 Poster, pictures
C. Methods: 
 - Brainstorm ,Survey
D. Contents: 
 I. Orgnization: 
Date of teaching
Absent Ss
 / 02/ 2010
 / 02/ 2010
 II. Warm up: 
T and Sts’ activities
Blackboard display
Step1 . Pre-listening 
- Have Ss work in group of six.
- Choose a secretary.
- Have Ss use the table to take the survey.B2_P111
. Have Ss ask and answer the questions:
a. Were you ever absent from school last semester?
b. Were you sick?
c. Did you have a cold / the flu / a headache / a stomachache / a toothache?
- Combine the results for the whole class
- Have Ss answer the question
 * What was the most common illness?
* Open prediction: B3 (P 111)
- Have Ss predict the days lost through sickness in class 7A last semester. 
 cold flu stomachache
 headache toothache 
 * Total days lost : 
Step2. While-listening 
- Have Ss listen to the tape and check their predictions.
* Answer key :
 . Cold : 10 
 . Flu : 43 
 . Stomachache : 37 
 . Headache : 5 
 . Toothache : 17 
 * Total days lost : 112
Step3. Post-listening 
- Have Ss compare the days lost through sickness in class 7A with those in their own class .
1. Listening
 B3_ P111
. Cold : 
. Flu : 
. Stomachache :
. Headache : 
. Toothache : 
 * Answer key :
 . Cold : 10 
 . Flu : 43 
 . Stomachache : 37 
 . Headache : 5 
 . Toothache : 17 
 * Total days lost : 112
Class 7A
Your class
- Have Ss orrally report back.
* Example : 
Last semester , in class 7A [ cold] caused [10] days' absence, but in my class [cold] caused [7] days' absence.
V. Summary:
V. Homework: 
 B2_ P70-71 (WB) 
Date of preparing: 19/ 02/ 2010
 Period: 72 
	Lesson 5: B4
 By the end of the lesson Sts will be able to:
- understand about the common cold.
- talk about sicknesses and use the past simple in question forms and negative forms.
- improve 4 skills.
Sts are taught to how to take care of their health.
B. Teaching aid: 
 Poster, pictures
C. Methods: 
 - R.O.R
D. Contents: 
 I. Orgnization: 
Date of teaching
Absent Ss
 / 02/ 2010
 / 02/ 2010
 II. Warm up: 
 - Play the game: Lucky number
. Make the questions about the health and the sickness.
Among the diseases you learned, do you know which disease is the most common? The common cold.
. Ask the students to look at the picture and introduce the common cold: He has a common cold. 
III. New lesson
T and Sts’ activities
Blackboard display
Step1 . Pre-reading 
-Do you know what symptoms of the common cold are?
Tell me what are symptoms of the common cold?
- T gives new words
 . runny nose: Sæ mñi
 . a light fewer: Sèt nhÑ
 . coughing: Ho
 . sneezing: h¾t h¬i
 . Disease: bÖnh
. Common: chung, phæ biÕn
. Catch: nhiÔm , m¾c bÖnh 
. Cure : ch÷a , ph­¬ng ph¸p ch÷a bÖnh
. Unpleasant: kh«ng tho¶i m·i
. Medicines: thuèc
. Relieve: lµm dÞu ®i
. Disappear: biÕn mÊt
. Prevent: ng¨n chÆn
*Cheching vocabulary : R.O.R
Step2.While – reading :
. Ask Ss to look at the books and listen to the tape then check their discussion .
. Have Ss read the text in silent .
. Call on some Ss to answer the pre- questions .
. Have some Ss read the text aloud .
. Correct their pronunciation .
. Have Ss read the text again and find out the answers for the questions in the book.
. Ask Ss to work in pairs asking and asnwering the questions .
. Call on some pairs to practice in front of the class .
. Correct the mistake and give the correct answers :
Because every year millions of people catch it .
They are : a runny nose , a slight fever , coughing and sneezing .
No, there is no cure for the common cold .
No, these medicines don’t cure a cold , but they relieve the symptoms .
We can prevent a cold by eating well , doing exercise , keeping fit and staying healthy .
4.Po Step3.Post – reading 
. Ask Ss to write about the common cold .
. Call on some Ss to read their writings in front of the class .
1. Vocabulary.
. runny nose: (n) Sæ mñi
. a light fewer: (n) Sèt nhÑ
. coughing: (v) Ho
. sneezing: h¾t h¬i
. Disease: (n) bÖnh
. Common: chung, phæ biÕn
. Catch: nhiÔm , m¾c bÖnh 
. Cure : ch÷a , ph­¬ng ph¸p ch÷a 
. Unpleasant: kh«ng tho¶i m·i
. Medicines: thuèc
. Relieve: lµm dÞu ®i
. Disappear: biÕn mÊt
. Prevent: ng¨n chÆn
2. Reading. B4_P112
a. Because every year millions of people catch it .
b. They are : a runny nose , a slight fever , coughing and sneezing .
c. No, there is no cure for the common cold .
d. No, these medicines don’t cure a cold , but they relieve the symptoms .
e. We can prevent a cold by eating well , doing exercise , keeping fit and staying healthy .
IV. Summary:
V. Homework: 
 B2_ P70-71 (WB) 

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