Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh 7 - Unit 12: Let’s eat !

Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh 7 - Unit 12: Let’s eat !

 Lesson 1 : A1

 I . OBJECTIVES : - To talk about foods they buy at the market.

 II . LANGUAGE CONTENTS : - Expressing preferences

 - Reading the dialogue to identify different foods

 III . TEACHING AIDS : - Lesson plan, text book, poster, picture.


 - Pyramid, Rub Out and Remember, Brainstorming, Mapped Dialogue


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 Unit:12 LET’S EAT !
 Lesson 1 : A1 
 I . OBJECTIVES : - To talk about foods they buy at the market.
 II . LANGUAGE CONTENTS : - Expressing preferences
 - Reading the dialogue to identify different foods 
 III . TEACHING AIDS : - Lesson plan, text book, poster, picture.
 - Pyramid, Rub Out and Remember, Brainstorming, Mapped Dialogue
1. Warm up : 
- Pyramid: Write the name of the foods
2 . Pre.reading :
- Introduction:
Look at the pictures and guess where they are 
- Pre Teach:
 stall (n) quaày
 selection (n) söï löïa choïn
 pork (n) thòt heo
 display (n) söï tröng baøy
 spinach (n) raâu maâm soâi
 cucumber (n) döa chuoät
 papaya (n) ñu ñuû
 pineapple (n) khoùm
 durian (n) saàu rieâng
 green # ripe (a) chín # soáng
 - Rub Out and Remember:
 - Brainstorming:
 What meat did they buy?
 What did they buy at the vegetable stall?
 What fruit did they buy?
3 . While reading :
- Read the dialogue A1 – P.114
- Check their prediction: 
- Now answer: What did Hoa and her aunt buy at the market? Write a list.
 Answer Key: 
 Beef spinach cucumber oranges
4 . Post reading : 
- Practise talking about yesterday.
- Mapped Dialogue:
Your friend
- What meat did they buy yesterday?
- What vegetable stall?
- What/ fruits ?
5 . Home Work :
- Write the foods you bought at the market yesterday.
- Ss write the names of the foods and present words on the board
- correction and repetition 
- pictures, asking the questions
- presentation the words
- situation, picture
- modelling
- choral & individual repetition 
- cleans & asks ss read individual
- T elicits the ideas from the students by asking some questions
- listening to the tape, choral & individual repetition
 - checking ss’prediction 
- Ss answer and compare with partner and writtenly the list 
 - correction (T reads sentence by sentence to check the list)
 - T let Ss practise talking about the foods based on the Mapped Dialogue
- modelling
- monitor
- listen & record
 Unit: 12 Lesson 2 : A2
 I . OBJECTIVES : - By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to express preferences.
 II . LANGUAGE CONTENTS :- Vocabulary: name of foods 
 - Grammar: expressing preferences, using ”So, too, either, Neither”
 III . TEACHING AIDS :- Lesson plan, text book, poster, picture.
 IV .TECHNIQUES: - Jumbled words, Example exchange, Brainstorm
1. Warm Up : - Jumbled words: papaay – papaya, pinealepp – pineapple, durina – durian, cucumerb – cucumber, befe – beef, pokr - pork
2 . Presentation :
- Elitciting: Does Hoa like port?
 Which sentence tells you this?
 I don’t like port
 S Vo
 Neither do I
Or: I don’t either.
Yes, I like apples, too./ Yes, so do I
Ex: I like (pine) apple. Do you like them?
* Notes: 
- “Either/ Neither” are used in negative statements.
- “So/ too” are used to in affirmative statements.
(There is an inversion of the subject and the auxiliary in statements with So/ Neither.)
 3 . Practice :
 - Practise the exchanges, using “ too/ So/ either
 / Neither” 
- Example exchange: S1: I like lemon juice.
 S2: I do, too/ So do I.
 S1: I don’t drink coffee.
 S2: I don’t either/ Neither do I.
a. I drink a lot of milk.
b. I don’t like durians.
c. I like spinach and cucumbers.
d. I don’t like peas.
e. I don’t drink beer.
4 . Further Practice :- Ask and answer questions: Talk about the food you like (P. 115. 116) 
5 . Home Work :
- Get students to practise the structure more as possible and do the exercise 3ab (P.126)
- T present the jukble words on the board
- Ss look at the words and rewrite them in the correct forms
- correction
 - repetition
- T elicit to show the structure by asking some questions
- Ss listen and answer
- explaination
- modelling
- choral & individual repetition
- Ss write the notes (how to show the position ) 
- T guides Ss how to practise the exchanges
- Ss practise in pairs
- poster, chorus repetition 
- modelling
- monitor
- correction
- Ss make the drill
 - listen & record
 Unit: 12 Lesson 3 : A3 
 I . OBJECTIVES :- To discride how to make a meal.
 II . LANGUAGE CONTENTS : - Reading a text to know how to make a meal 
 III . TEACHING AIDS :- Lesson plan, text book, picture, handouts
 IV .TECHNIQUES: - Answer the questions, What and Where, Open Prediction, matching
1. Warm Up : 
 - Answer the questions : What meat did they buy?
 What did they buy at the vegetable stall?
2 . Pre.reading :
- Set the scene:
- Pre Teach:
 to slice caét thaønh laùt to stir khuaáy
 green pepper (n) ôùt xanh to fry chieân
 onion (n) cuû haønh stir – fry xaøo
 to heat ñun noùng vegetable oil (n) daàu TV 
 a pan (n) noài, chaûo soy sauce (n) nöôùc töông 
 chopticks (n) ñuûa 
 - What and Where
 - Open Prediction: Add the missing verbs  (P.117)
 3 . While reading :
- Read the text A3 – P.116
- Correct their prediction: 1. slice 2. slice 3. heat 4. stir-fry 5. add 6. boil 7. add
4 . Post reading : 
- Answer the question: “What did Hoa, her aunt and uncle have for dinner?” Write the menu
 Answer Key: 
 Cucumber salad with onions
 Boiled spinach
 Stir-fried beef with green peppers and onions
5 . Home Work :
- Get Ss to desbribe how Hoa’s aunt makes a meal.
- T asks
- Ss listen and answer
- correction and repetition 
- Ss guess “What Hoa’s aunt cooked?” (picture) 
- presentation the words
- picture
- modelling
- choral & individual repetition 
- Checking vocab.
- T guides how to do the exercise
- Ss guess to read, add the missing verbs and match the instructions to the pictures
- eliciting 
- listening to the tape, choral & individual repetition
 - checking Ss’prediction 
- Ss answer and compare with partner and writtenly 
 - correction and repetition
- listen & record
 Unit:12 Lesson: 4 A4 - R
 I . OBJECTIVES :- To master the content of the dialogue
II . LANGUAGE CONTENTS : - Reading a dialogue to know what Ba ate and drank.
III . TEACHING AIDS :- Lesson plan, text book, poster, picture. 
IV .TECHNIQUES: - Bingo, Rub Out and Remember, T / F Prediction, Survey
1. Warm up : Bingo: 
Say the name of the foods: . meat: beef, pork, 
 . fruits: orange, durian, 
 . vegetables: spinach, 
2 . Pre.reading :
- Set the scene: Where’s Ba?
 Can you guess What’s wrong with him?
 Does he have a stomachache?
- Pre Teach:
 dirt (n) buïi
 terrible (a) khuûng khieáp
 probably (adv) coù leõ
 carefully (adv) 1 caùch caån thaän
 - Rub Out and Remember:
 - Gap - filling: Complete the story (P.119)
3 . While reading :
- Read the dialogue B1 – P.119
- Correct the mistakes: 
 - Answer the questions: 
 a/ Why did Ba go to the doctor’s?
 b/ What did he eat? 
4 . Post reading : (write-it-up)
Write “What did they eat and drink yesterday?”
Begin with: For beakfast, I ate  I drink 
 For clunch, I 
 For dinner,  
5 . Home Work :
- Practise the dialogue again.
- Learn vocabulary by heart
- Do exercise 1 (P.123.124)
- T sticks the cards and reads
- Ss make 
- correction and repetition 
- T introduces (pictures, asking)
- Ss look at the picture and answer
- presentation the words
- situation
- modelling
- choral & individual repetition 
- cleans & asks ss read individual
- Ss guess and fill in the blank (poster)
- eliciting 
- listening to the tape, choral & individual repetition
 - checking Ss’prediction 
- Ss answer and compare with partner and writtenly 
 - correction
 - T leats Ss to write the answer based on T’s model sentence
- correction
- listen & record
Week:26 Date:
Period: 77 Class: 7
 Unit:12 Lesson: 5 ( B2.3 - P.120 )
I . OBJECTIVES : - To practise reading skills for specific information – known a balanced diet.
II . LANGUAGE CONTENTS : - Reading a text to know a balanced diet.
III . TEACHING AIDS :- Lesson plan, text book, poster, picture. 
IV .TECHNIQUES: - Kim’s game, Rub Out and Remember, Brainstorm , write-it-up 
1. Warm up : Kim’s game: food, sugar, healthy, meat, fruit, eat, remember, like 
2 . Pre.reading :
- Introduction: 
- Pre Teach:
. (to) affect aûnh höôûng . (to) forget # (to) remember
. moderate amount (n) löôïng vöøa phaûi
. guidelines(n)lôøi khuyeân . fatty(a) coù nhieàu môõ
. energy(n) naêng löôïng . lifestyle(n) loái soáng
. a balanced diet (n) cheá ñoä aên caân baèng 
. cereal(n) nguõ coác . body-building(n) chaát caáu 
 taïo cô theå 
 - Rub Out and Remember:
 - Brainstorm: 
 What food do you like to eat?
 What do you like to drink?
 Is there sugar in many kinds of food?
 Is sugar a healthy food?
 What does sugar give you?
 What does a balanced diet mean?
3 . While reading :
- Read the text
- Check their prediction: 
 - Answer the questions: 
 a/ Sugar adds taste to food and it give you energy. 
 b/ A balanced diet alone is not enough, all people need exexercise to keep a healthy life.
 c/ Yes, I think I have a balanced diet because I eat suitable foods in moderate amounts. 
4 . Post reading : (write-it-up)
Write a menu for yourself and your family, including details of breakfast, lunch and dinner. 
- T presents the words on the board, erase them 
- Ss skim the words and rewrite them
- correction and repetition 
- T introduces (asking)
- Ss answer
- presentation the words
- situation
- modelling
- choral & individual repetition 
- cleans & asks ss read individual
- T asks
- Ss guess and answer the questions (poster)
- eliciting 
- listening to the tape, choral & individual repetition
 - checking Ss’prediction 
- Ss answer and compare with partner and writtenly 
 - correction
 - Ss practise asking and answering in pairs
- correction
- T guides Ss how to do
- Ss write the menu
Week: 26 Date:
Period: 78 Class: 7
 Unit: :12 LET’S EAT !
 Lesson :6 ( B.4 - P.121 )
 - By the end of the lesson ss will be able to pactise listening skills for specific information.
II . LANGUAGE CONTENTS :- Listening a passage (and) to known what they ate and drank.
III . TEACHING AIDS : - Lesson plan, text book, poster, picture.
IV . TECHNIQUES : - Jumbled words, Matching, Open prediction, Write it up
1. Warm Up : 
- Tell something you eat and drink (pictures) .
- Jumbled words: soodeln = noodles
 evegatbels = vegetables
 awert = water
 sifh = fish 
 eicr = rice 
 ceiju = juice 
 triuf = fruit
 febe = beef
2 . Pre. Listening:
- Matching: (the pictures P.121 and the words)
 Answer key: a. rice b. noodles c. fish d. vegetables e. fruit f. beef g. juice h. water
- Open prediction: How many people are there?
 What did Lan, Ba, Nga, Hoa have for their lunch?
3 . While Listening :
- Listen to a passage (many times)
- Answer Key: Lan: b, d, f, g
 Ba: c, a, e, h
 Nga: a, d, g
 Hoa: b, e, g
 4 . Post Listening :- Answer the questions: 
 a. What did (Lan) have for lunch? 
 (noodles, vegetables, beef and juice)
 b. Did Ba have some fruit? (Yes, he did)
 c. What did Ba drink? (water)
 d. Who drank juice? (Lan, Nga, and Hoa)
 e. Who had vegetables? (Lan and Nga)
 f. Did Hoa have fish? (No,she didn’t)
5 . Home work:
- Write it up: Begin with: “For her luch, Lan had .” 
- Ss look at the pictures and tell the name of food (in group) 
- Ss write the correct words
- correction
- Ss predict to match 
- correction
- T asks some questions and lets Ss predict
- Ss listen and guess the answer
- Ss listen to the passage clearly and check their prediction
- answering
- writtenly on the board
- correction
- Ss answer the questions from the answer key they have filled (individual, in pairs)
- correction
- listen & record
Week: 27 Date:
Period: 79 Class: 7
 Unit: :12 Language Focus 4
 - To practise the sentences in the simple past tense, the structures with”So, too, either, neither”
 II . LANGUAGE CONTENTS : - The Simple Past tense
 - The structures with”So, too, either, neither”
	 - Imperatives
	 - Indefinite quantifiers
 III . TEACHING AIDS :- Lesson plan, text book.
 IV . TECHNIQUES : - Example exchanges, Asking and Answering the questions 
* Activity 1 : Past simple tense (P. 123. 124)
 Look at the pictures (P.123). Practise asking and answering the questions (P.124)
 Answer Key:
a. No, I didn’t. I watch TV.
b. No, I didn’t. I had dinner at a food stall.
c. No, I didn’t. I went to the movie theater.
d. No, I didn’t. I read book.
e. No, I didn’t. I played football.
* Activity 2 : Indefinite quantifiers (P. 124)
 a/ Write the correct expression:
 Answer Key: B. a lot of tea C. a little Sugar 
 D. lots of salt E. too much coffee
 b/ Complete the dialogues:
 Read the dialogues
 Practise them in pairs
 Answer Key: A. a lot of, a little, alittle B. a lot of C. too much D. a little 
* Activity 3 : So and Neither (P.126. 127)
- Revision:Example exchanges (a)
- Practise the pictures (b)
* Activity 4 : Imperatives
- Present the words in the box
- Read the words
- Look at the pictures and complete the instructions
- T lets Ss
- modelling 
- Ss look at the picture, practise asking and answering in pairs
- T monitors
- correction
- T shows the usage of it
- Ss listen, coppy down and reading chorus
- Ss choose the correct expression
- T presents the dialogues
- in chorus & individual repetition
- Ss practise in pairs
- correction
- modelling
 - choral & individual repetition
 - Ss practise in pairs
- correction
- eliciting 
- modelling
 - Ss read the words, complete the correct words based on the pictures
- correction
Week: 27 Date:
Period: 80 Class: 7
I. Write the correct form of the verbs:
 1. I (play) __________ volleyball last week.
 2. Last December, Mom (buy) __________ me a new bike.
 3. Dad (work) __________ in Hue a few years ago .
 4. What you (do) __________ yesterday.
II. Choose the correct answer:
He has lost some money __________ he is not sad.
 a. but 	b. and 	c. or
He drinks __________ cup of coffee every morning.
	a. a 	b. an 	c. the 
Milk __________ good for us, So we can drink it regularly.
	a. are 	b. has 	c. is
There __________ a typhoon in Hong Kong last week.
	a. is 	b. was 	c.were
Mai, add some sugar to the glass, please. __________ or __________ ?
	a. a little/ a lot of 	b. a lot of 	c. too much
I like to drink a lot of warter. __________ do I.
	a. So 	b. Neither 	c. either
Why didn’t you go to school? __________ I had a bad toothache.
 	a. but 	b. because 	c. and
I am a student but Tui __________ 
	a. isn’t 	b. am not 	c. didn’t 
III. Write “what did you eat and drink yesterday?”
 For beakfast, I ateI drank 
 For lunch, I 
 For dinner,  
VI. Read:
 Hoa thought sewing was a useful hobby. She decide to learn how to sew. Hoa bought some material. She made a cushion for her arnchair. It was blue and white. Next, Hoa made a skirt. It was too big. Hoa’s neighbor helped her and then it ffitted very well.
 1. What did Hoa made first? -----------------------------------------.
 2. What color was it? -----------------------------------------.
 3. Did She make a skirt next? -----------------------------------------.
 4. Was it green with while flowers? -----------------------------------------.
 5. Was it too big? -----------------------------------------.
V. Answer about yourself:
What class are you in? 
What did you do last time When you have a bad toothache? 
Do you like football? 
What did you do at the market?

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