Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh 7 - Unit 9: At home and away (Bản 3 cột)

Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh 7 - Unit 9: At home and away (Bản 3 cột)


 Lesson 1 : A holiday in Nha Trang (A1)

 I . OBJECTIVES : - By the end of the lesson, Ss can talk about Liz’s vacation .

 II . LANGUAGE CONTENTS : - Reading a dialogue about Liz’s vacation

 - The Simple Past tense

 III . TEACHING AIDS : - Lesson plan, text book, poster, picture.

 IV . TECHNIQUES: - Dictation, Ordering Prediction, Rewrite the sentences, Rub out and Remember


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Ns: 25/12/08; Ng: 26/12/08
Period: 54 Class: 7
 Lesson 1 : A holiday in Nha Trang (A1)
 I . OBJECTIVES : - By the end of the lesson, Ss can talk about Liz’s vacation .
 II . LANGUAGE CONTENTS : - Reading a dialogue about Liz’s vacation
 - The Simple Past tense
 III . TEACHING AIDS : - Lesson plan, text book, poster, picture.
 IV . TECHNIQUES: - Dictation, Ordering Prediction, Rewrite the sentences, Rub out and Remember
1. Warm up : (Dictation)
- Vacation, beautiful, food, delicious, thing, 
 cheap, expensive, place 
2 . Presentation :
- Set the scene:
- Pre. teach: vocabulary
 gift (n) : quaø taëng 
 Aquarium : hoà, beå caù 
- Ordering Prediction : (Number the sentences)
 Liz bought Souvenirs.
 Liz visited Tri Nguyen Aquarium.
 Liz returned to Ha Noi.
 Liz went to Nha Trang. 
 Liz talked to Ba about her vacation. 
- Read the dialogue:
- Check their prediction:
- Elicit – the verbs in the Simple Past tense
 to be - was/ were to have - had
 to take - took to buy - bought
3 . Practice :
- Rewrite the following sentences in the Simple Past tense 
 1. It is wonderful.
 2. I have a lot of fun.
 3. The people are very friendly.
 4. Most things aren’t cheap.
 6. My parents take me to see Cham Temples and Tri Nguyen Aquarium. 
 7. I have a lot of different giftsfor my friends
 8. I have a great time.
 9. Liz visits Tri Nguyen Aquarium. 
4 .Production:
 S + V2/ed 
- The Simple Past tense: 
 Ex: I was wonderful. 
 Liz went to Nha Trang.
 Liz returned to Ha Noi.
5. Homework: - Learn verbs (p.91) by heart
 - Read the dialogue again
- T reads the words loudly and clearly
- Ss listen and write the words they hear, present on the board
- correction
-T uses the picture to introduce the lesson
- presentation the words
- modelling
- choral & individual repetition 
- T check ss’ memory by using technique “rub out and remember”
- T presents the sentences on the board
- Ss read the sentences carefully and order them in the proper order
- listening to the tape, choral & individual repetition
- Ss check their prediction
- T elicits from Ss to show the verbs in the Simple Past tense
- T lets Ss do exercise
- Ss write the sentences given in the Simple Past tense on the board
- correction
- consolidate the formation of the simple past tense
- Ss copy down
- listen & record
Week: 19 Date:
Period: 56 Class: 7
 Unit:9 Lesson 2 : (A2 - P. 87 . 88 )
 - To be able to tell the story of Liz’s trip to Tri Nguyen Aquarium.
 - The Simple Past tense
 - The content of the passage
 - Lesson plan, text book, poster, pictures.
 - Kim’s game, Rub Out and Remember, Ordering Prediction, Comprehension Questions.
 1.Warm Up : Kim’s game: parents, wall, stall,
 Aquarium, different, souvenir, picture, bought 
2 . Pre.reading :
- Set the scene: “Where did Liz go last vacation? What places did she visit? ”
- Pre Teach:
 shark (n) caù maäp dolphin (n) caù heo
 turtle (n) ruøa exit (n) loái ra 
 type (n) loaïi cap (n) noùn
 poster (n) taám aùp phích crab (n) cua
 - Rub Out and Remember:
 - Ordering Prediction: 
 a. Mr. Robinson bought Liz a cap.
 b.They saw many different types of fish.
 c. Liz and her parents went to Tri Nguyen Aquarium 
 in Nha Trang.
 d.The Robinsons went to a food stall for lunch after
 their visit to the Aquarium.
 e.They saw sharks, dolphins and turtles.
3 . While reading :
 - Read the text
 - Correct their prediction
 - Comprehension Questions: (p.88) Answer Key: 
 a/ Her parents.
 b/ They saw sharks, dolphins, turtles and many 
 different types of fish .
 c/ They bought a cap and a poster.
 d/ Yes, she did. Liz wore a cap all day. 
 e/ Yes,They ate fish and crab.
 f/ Because She remember the beatiful fish in the Aquarium.
4 . Post reading : 
- Look at the pictures (P.88) and tell the storry of Liz’s trip to Tri Nguyen Aquarium begin with:
 a) The Robinson family went to the aquarium.
5 . Home Work :
- Learn by heart the verbs given
 to buy - bought to see - saw
 to go - went to think - thought
 to be - was/ were to wear - wore
 to eat - ate to have - had
 to take - took
- T presents some words on the board, then erase them, ask Ss to rewrite
- Ss skim the words given and rewrite them without looking back 
- T asks some questions to introduce the lesson 
- presentation the words
- situation, picture
- modelling
- choral & individual repetition 
- cleans & asks ss read individual
- T presents some statements on the board
- T lets Ss predict the order of those statements
- Ss read the statements given and arrange them in the proper order
- T presents the passage and read it clearly 
- listening to the T, choral & 
individual repetition
 - checking ss’prediction 
- Ss answer and compare with partner and writtenly 
 - correction
- T shows the picture to Ss and lets them tell the story of Liz’s trip
 - Look at the pictures and tell the story of Liz’s trip to Tri Nguyen Aquarium
 - modelling
- T presents some verbs in the simple past tense on the board and ask them to learn by heart
 - Ss listen & copy down
Week: 19 Date:
Period: 57 Class: 7
 Unit:9 Lesson 3 : (A3 )
 I . OBJECTIVES : - To master the content of the passage.
 II . LANGUAGE CONTENTS : - The Simple Past tense
 - The content of the passage
 III . TEACHING AIDS : - Lesson plan, text book, poster, picture.
 IV . TECHNIQUES: Correction, Gap filling, Rub Out and Remember, Open prediction.
Warm Up :
 - Rewrite the words in the correct from : hed, holaday, taok, escited, coutriside, padies, rextaurant, bougt
2 . Pre. Listening:
- Set the scene:
- Pre Teach: Vocab
 calm (a) peaceful (a) 
 roadside peanut (n)
 - Open prediction: (P.89)Choose the letter of the 
3 . While Listening :
- Listen to the passage
- Correct their prediction 
4 . Post Listening :
- Listen and fill in the blanks with the words you hear:
 The Robinson 1 a great holiday in Nha Trang. Unfortunately, the holiday soon 2 and it 3 time to return home. They 4 a bus back to Ha Noi. Liz 5 excited as the bus 6 through the countryside. She 7 rice paddies for the first time. Everything 8 calm and peaceful. At fuor o’clock, the bus9 at a small roadside restaurant for 10 minutes Mr.Robinson 10 asleep, so Mrs. Robinson 11 some peanuts and an ice cream for Liz. The bus 12 in Ha Noi at about 7 p.m
5 . Home Work :
- Read the passage again.
- Pay attention the verbs in the passage
- T lets Ss do exercise 
- Ss look at the words on the board and rewrite themin the correct froms
- correction
- T introduces the lesson
- presentation the words
- situation, picture
- modelling
- choral & individual repetition
- checking
- T lets Ss predict the content of the passage
- Ss read the sentences carefully 
- Ss listen to the passage and check their prediction
- answering
- writtenly on the board
- correction
- T lets Ss listen and fill in the blanks with the words they hear
- Ss listen and fill in the blanks with the words they hear
- present the words they hear on the board
- correction
- listen & record
Week: 20 Date:
Period: 58 Class: 7
 Unit:9 Lesson: 4 ( A4 - P.89 )
 I . OBJECTIVES : - To master the content of Ba’s diary.
 II . LANGUAGE CONTENTS : - The content of the passage 
 III . TEACHING AIDS : - Lesson plan, text book, poster, pictures. 
 - Slap the board, Rub Out and Remember, T / F Prediction, Write it up.
1. Warm up : 
- Slap the board: vacation, apartment, stamp, collection, bring, letter, receive
2 . Pre.reading :
- Set the scene:
- Pre Teach: to rent : thueâ
 to teach – taugh : daïy
 to improve : caûi tieán
 - Rub Out and Remember:
 - T / F Prediction: 
 a. Liz and her parents arrived in HCM this year.
 b. Mr. Robinson works at a school in Ha Noi.
 c. The Robinson rented an apartment next door to 
 Ba’s house. 
 d. Ba taught Liz some French.
 e. Liz helps Ba with his stamp collection.
3 . While reading :
- Read Ba’s diary 
- Check their prediction 
4 . Post reading : Make these sentences true:
 a. Liz lived a long way from Ba.
 b. Liz learned Vietnamese in the U.S.A.
 c. Liz collects stamps.
 d. Liz’s aunt lives in Vietnam.
 e. The Robinsons moved to HCM city.
 f. The Robinsons moved. Now Ba is happy.
 g. Ba is never going to see Liz again.
5 . Home Work : - Learn new words by heart.
 - Read Ba’s diary again.
 - List the verbs in the simple Past Tense.
- T gives the definition of the words in Vietnamese
- Ss listen and slap the board they hear
- correction and repetition 
- T introduces the lesson
- presentation the words
- situation, picture
- modelling
- choral & individual repetition 
- T cleans & asks Ss read individual
- correction 
- poster
- Ss guess the content of the letter by using T/ F
- listening to the tape, choral & individual repetition
 - checking ss’prediction 
- Ss read the sentences given and make them true
- correction
- listen & record
Week: 20 Date:
Period: 59 Class: 7
 Unit:9 Lesson :5 ( B.1.2 - P.92.93 )
 - To will be able to make and answer the questions in the Simple Past Tense.
 II . LANGUAGE CONTENTS : - The Simple Past tense 
 III . TEACHING AIDS : - Lesson plan, text book, poster, pictures, handouts.
 IV . TECHNIQUES: Write it up, Kim’s game, True-False Prediction, Rub Out and Remember, 
 Word Cue Drill, Find someone who
1. Warm up :
 - Kim’s game:
different, uncle, aunt, dress, buy, clever, woman
2 . Presentation :
- Set the scene:
- Pre. teach: vocabulary
 hair dresser (n) thôï caét toùc nöõ
 material (n) vaûi
 neighbor (n) ngöôøi laùng gieàng 
- True-False Prediction :
 a. Hoa’s uncle cut her hair.
 b. Hoa’s aunt is a dressmaker.
 c. Hoa bought the dress.
 d. Mrs Mai made the dress for Hoa. 
- Rub Out and Remember
- Elicit – Model sentences
Where did you buy it?
Did you buy it? Yes/ No.
I didn’t buy it.
Mrs Mai bought the material and made the dress for me
3 . Practice :
- Answer the Questions (P.93)
 a. Hoa’s aunt is a hairdresser.
 b. Mrs Mai is a dressmaker.
- Answer (B2 - P.93) a. No, she didn’t.
 b. No, she didn’t.
 c. Yes, she did.
- Word Cue Drill: a. Hoa/ buy/ dress? No
 b. Her aunt/ make/ her dress? No
 c. (Did)/ her aunt/ cut/ hair? Yes
 4 .Production:- Find someone who:
Did you . ?
 go to the movie last night.
 play games.
 see sharks.
 do homework.
5. Homework: (write it up)
Write sentences based on the table above
 Ex: Hanh went to the movie last night. 
 S V2
- T presents some words on the board, review the meaning of the words and guide them to read
- Ss skim the words given and rewrite them without looking back
- choral & individual repetition
- correction
-T uses picture to introduce the lesson
- presentation the words
- modelling
- choral & individual repetition 
- T check ss’ memory by using technique “rub out and remember”
- T presents the sentences on the board
- Ss read the sentences carefully and pridict the content of the dialogue
- listening to the tape, choral & individual repetition
- Ss check their prediction
- T elicits from Ss the Model sentences in the Simple Past tense
- choral & individual repetition
- T explains 
- Ss reads the dialogue again and answer the questions 
- correction
- modelling and monitor
- Ss practise asking and answering the questions by using Word Cue Drill 
- correction
- T lets Ss to play games
- Ss interview each other to get information
- T guides Ss to write sentences based on the model sentences
- Ss write
- listen & record
Week: 20 Date:
Period: 60 Class: 7
 Unit:9 Lesson 6 : ( B3.4 - P.93.94 )
 - To master the adias of the passage and the regular vrebs in the simple past tense.
 II . LANGUAGE CONTENTS : - Describe a process.
 - The regular verbs in the simple past.
 III . TEACHING AIDS : - Lesson plan, text book, poster, picture.
 - Kim’s game, Ordering Prediction, What and Where, Comprehension Questions
 1.Warm Up : Jumbled words:
 ressd – dress, bghtou – bought, terialma – material, lowerfs - flowers
2 . Pre.reading :
- Introduction: “ How is sewing? Is it useful? Hoa thought sewing was a useful hobby. So she decided to learn how to sew”
- Pre Teach: Vocab
 to sew 
 to try sth on 
 to decide 
 to fit 
 - Ordering Prediction: 
 a. Hoa made a skirt .
 b. Hoa bought some material.
 c. She thought sewing was a useful hobby.
 d. The skirt was green with white flowers on it.
 e. She decided to learn how to sew.
 f. Hoa tried the skirt on but it didn’t fit.
3 . While reading :
 - Read the text
 - Correct their prediction
 - Comprehension Questions: (P. 93) Answer Key: 
 a/ She learned how to use a sewing machine.
 b/ She made a cushion for her armchair first.
 c/ It was blue and white.
 d/ Next, She made a skirt. 
 e/ It was green with white flowers on it.
 f/ It looked very pretty.
 g/ She tried it on but it didn’t fit.
 h/ Hoa’s neighbor helped her.
 i/ Finally, it fitted very well.
- Elicit – the regular verbs in the simple past:
Ex: Hoa watched Mrs Mai 
4 . Post reading : 
- Put the verbs in brackets in the simple past tense: P.94
 Answer key: watched/ bought/ cut/ used/ decided, was/ made, was, wasn’t/ hepled, fitted 
5 . Home Work :
- Learn vocabulary (P.94) by heart 
- T presents some words on the board - Ss rewrite the words in the correct forms 
 - correction
- T asks some questions to introduce the lesson 
- presentation the words
- situation, picture
- modelling
- choral & individual repetition 
- check Ss’memory by technique” What and Where” 
- T presents some statements on the board
- T lets Ss predict the order of those statements
- Ss read the statements given and arrange them in the proper order
- T presents the passage and read it clearly 
- listening to the T, choral&individual repetition
 - checking ss’prediction 
- Ss answer and compare with partner and writtenly 
 - correction
- T elicits to show the regular verbs in the simple past tense
- Ss copy down
- T guides Ss how to do exercise
- Ss practise to fill in the blanks
- T corrects & guides Ss to read
 - Ss listen & copy down
Week: 21 Date: 
Period: 61 Class: 7
 Lesson 7 : Language Focus 3
 I . OBJECTIVES : - To remind how to ask and answer about prices with “How much ?”
 - directions - distances - the simple past tence .
 - Talking about prices with “How much ?” 
 - Writing the locations.
 - Talking about distances.
 - The Simple Past tense.
 - Lesson plan, text book, poster, pictures, handouts.
 - Kim’s game, Predict Dialogue, Mapple the dialogue, Rub Out and Remember,
1. Warm up : Noughts and Crosses:
violet dress
35.000 dong
blue hat
15.000 dong
green shirt
20.000 dong
red shirt
22.000 dong
green dress
30.000 dong 
yellow hat
12.000 dong
English book
10.800 dong
this ruler
1.000 dong
these notebooks
6.000 dong
- Example Exchange: 
S1: How much is the green dress?
S2: It’s 30.000 dong.
2 . Look at the map, wrtie the location of each store: (2a P.96)
- The restaurant is on Hue street.
- It’s on the right of the bookstore.
- The bookstore is on Hue street.
- It’s between the restaurant and the mini-mart.
- The library is on Tay Ho street.
- It’s opposite the haidresser’s.
 3 . Look at the table. Ask and answer the questions with a partner:(2b P.96) 
- shoe store
- clothing store
- restaurant
- minimart
- library
shoe store
 - Example Exchange:
 S1: How far is it from the shoe store to
 the minimart?
 S2: It’s 500 meters
4 .Write the past form of the verbs in the table:( 3a)
Past form
5. Complete the sentences. Use the worbs in the box:( 3b) play send buy talk work
 I played volleyball last week.
 Yesterday, I to my grandfather.
 Last December, Mom  me a new bike.
 Dad  in Hue a few years ago.
 I  a letter to my penpal last month. 
6. Look at Nga’s diary and Complete the dialogue:
- Nga: Everyday, I clean my room,  and 
- Minh: What did you do yesterday?
- Nga: I , , , and 
- Minh: How about tomorrow?
- Nga: I , , , and 
clean room
help mom
study English
watch tv
play volleyball
stay at hoa’s house
Monday TODAY
clean room
help mom
study English
study English
clean room
help mom
see a movie
visit grandmother
buy new shoes
7. Write new sentences:
Before: Now:
Before there were 2 eggs. Now there are more eggs.
Before there was 1 litter of milk.Now there is less milk.
8. Home Work:
- Review the simple past tense.
- See the structures with: How much ?
 How far ?
- T guides Ss how to play game
- Ss talk about the price of the items through the game” Noughts and Crosses”
- T gives the example exchange.
- correction
-T lets Ss do exercise
- Ss look at the map – write the location of each store
- modelling
- in chorus & individual repetition
- correction & presentation them on the board
- T gives the example exchange
- modelling-monitor
- Ss look at the table- ask and answer the questions with a partner about distance
- correction
- T lets Ss write the past form of the verbs in the table
- Ss present them on the board
- T corrects and guides Ss to read
- in chorus & individual repetition
- T guides Ss how to do exercise
- Ss read the sentences given carefully and complete the sentences with the suitable word in the box
- correction
- T let Ss complete the dialogue by looking at Nga’s diary
- Ss read it and complete the dialogue in the suitable tense
- T corrects and guides Ss to read in chorus
- Ss present the words on the board
- T lets Ss write sentences based on the examples
- Ss look at the pictures and write sentences
- T corrects the mistakes
- Ss presents the sentences on the board
 - Ss listen & copy down

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