Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh 7 - Week 5

Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh 7 - Week 5

Unit 2: personal information

 §6: b – my birthday (b 6, 7, 8, 9, remember)

Ngµy so¹n:

Sü sè: - Líp 7A: Ngµy d¹y:

 - Líp 7D: Ngµy d¹y:

a. Objective:

 By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to write a birthday card & information in it

 B. language content:

Grammar points: use the simple future tense well to make a plan in the future.

Skill: writing and reading comprehension.

 c. Teaching aids: book, posters and chalk


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week 5
period 13
Unit 2: personal information
 §6: b – my birthday (b 6, 7, 8, 9, remember)
Ngµy so¹n: 
Sü sè: - Líp 7A: Ngµy d¹y: 
 - Líp 7D: Ngµy d¹y:
a. Objective: 
 By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to write a birthday card & information in it
 B. language content:
Grammar points: use the simple future tense well to make a plan in the future. 
Skill: writing and reading comprehension.
 c. Teaching aids: book, posters and chalk.
1. Warm up: 
T: greeting and call some ss to answer some questions about their personal information 
Ss: listen and do as the request
T; lead in the topic of the lesson by some questions 
+ When is your birthday?
+ Do you often hold it every year?
+ Are you happy?
+ Who do you often invite to your birthday party?
+ How do you invite them on the phone or send invitation cards
Ss: listen and then answer the questions 
2. Presentation 
Teacher’s & Students’ activities
Content of activities
T: ask ss to look at the passage about Lan and then answer some questions 
Ss; Listen and answer 
T: ask ss to read the passage before the class
Ss: read aloud
T; explain the task of the reading and then allow them time to read themselves and complete the card
Ss: read and think to complete the card 
T: call some ss to give their completion and others listen and remark 
Ss: raise the hand to do 
T: give the correct answer 
Ss: note down 
T: explain the form of an invitation card 
B6. Read then complete the card
+ How old is Lan now?
+ Where does she live?
+ When is her birthday?
+ When will the party start and finish?
+ Will she invite her friends to the party?
* Answer key to the card:
Dear ( student’s name )
I am having a birthday party on Sunday, May 25th. 
The party will be at my house at 24 Ly Thuong Kiet Street from 5:00 to 9:00
I hope you will come and join the fun,
Lan Tel : 8 674 758 
Teacher’s & Students’ activities
Content of activities
T; explain the task of this exercise 
Ss: listen 
T; ask ss to read seven questions given in the book silently
Ss; read the questions in silence
T: divide the class into group and allow them time to discuss
Ss; discuss in group based on seven questions given 
T; go about in the classroom and help ss to do. When time is over, call some ss to present before the class and others listen and contribute more
Ss: take part in the activity actively
B7: Think and write an invitation card
* Now imagine you will be a guest at Lan’s birthday party. What will you do? Seven questions in the book will help you 
 4. Summary
Teacher’s & Students’ activities
Content of activities
T; ask ss what tense is used most in the invitation card 
Ss: answer
T: remind ss of the form of an invitation card
Ss: remember
T: have ss do the test paper in 15 minutes
Ss: do the test
* Now you will do a test in 15 minutes
 ( Test papers are copied enough for each student )
T: ask ss to write an invitation card to invite your friends to your birthday party. DO exercises in the work book and prepare the next lesson: “Unit 3: AT HOME”
Ss: listen and note down
Period 14
Unit 3: at home
§1: a- what a lovely home! (a1)
Ngµy so¹n: 5 /9/2010
Sü sè: - Líp 7A: Ngµy d¹y: 
 - Líp 7D: Ngµy d¹y:
a. Objective: 
 By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to know the form of the exclamation to express their feeling and know how to describe their rooms
 B. language content:
Grammar points: What +adj + N! Some adj such as lovely, bright, favorite, convenient and learn some kitchen appliances
Skill: listening and reading comprehension 
 c. Teaching aids: book, posters, tape and chalk
1. Warm up: 
T: greeting and call some ss to read their invitation cards written at home 
Ss: listen and do as the request 
2. Presentation 
Teacher’s & Students’ activities
Content of activities
T; lead in the content of the dialogue by some questions 
Ss: listen and answer the questions
T; ask ss to look at the pictures in the book to show some new words from the dialogue
Ss; listen and note down 
T: request ss to read the words in chorus 
Ss: read in chorus 
T: call some ss to read respectively
Ss: raise the hand to read the words
T: play the tape for the first time and then introduce the form of the exclamation 
Ss: listen and note down 
T: give more examples to illustrate the form, focusing on the intonation of exclamations
T: explain the phrases
Ss: listen and note down 
+ Is your house big or small?
+ How many rooms are there in your house?
+ What are they?
+ What are there in each room?
1. * New words:
+ awful : + dryer:
+ comfortable + armchair
+ tub : + sink
+ amazing: + refrigerator
+ shower: + convenient
+ modern
* Exclamation: “What a/ an + adj + N!”
Complaints : 
+ What an awful day!
Compliments :
What a bright room!
What a lovely kitchen!
+ To be at work
+ to go shopping/ shop
3. Practice
Teacher’s & Students’ activities
Content of activities
T: play the tape for the second time and then allow ss time to practice the dialogue in pair ( divide the dialogue into two parts to read )
Ss: practice the dialogue in pair 
T: call some pairs to read before the class
Ss: read aloud before the class
T: ask ss to look at the questions and read the dialogue again to answer them
Ss: read in silence and think to answer the questions 
T; call ss to answer the questions before the class and others listen and remark 
Ss; hand up to answer 
T; give the correct answers 
Ss: listen and note down 
T; ask ss to work in pair “ About you”
2. Practice : 
* Practice the dialogue in pair 
* Answer the questions :
The living room, Hoa’s bed room and the kitchen 
Because it is bright and it has nice colors: pink and white.
A sink, a tub, and a shower.
A washing machine, a dryer, a refrigerator, a dishwasher and an electric stove 
* About you : students work in pair freely
 4. Summary
Teacher’s & Students’ activities
Content of activities
T: remind ss to remember the form of the exclamation and ask ss to give more examples 
Ss: listen and remember
T: ask ss to write ten exclamations and learn the new words by heart. Prepare the next period “Unit 3: A2”
Ss: listen and note down
Period 15
Unit 3: at home
§2: a- what a lovely home! (a2, 3)
Ngµy so¹n: 5 / 9/ 2010
Sü sè: - Líp 7A: Ngµy d¹y: 
 - Líp 7D: Ngµy d¹y:
 A. Objective:
Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to use the form of the exclamation well: “What (a / an) adj + N!”
Skill : write the exclamation sentences well
 B. Teaching aids: book, chalk and board and pieces of paper
 C. procedure:
Warm up :
T: greeting and calling ss to go to the board in order to write the new words and some other students read the dialogue to answer some questions.
Ss: raise the hand to do
Teacher’s & Students’ activities
Content of activities
 T: remind ss of the form of the exclamation learned in the previous lesson
Ss: listen and recall
T: give the example to illustrate.
Ss; listen and note down
T: ask ss to give more examples about the things and people in the classroom
Ss; apply to do 
T: call ss to say before the class to warm up the class.
* Exclamation :
“What (a/ an) + adj + N!”
 e.g.: What a hot day!
Teacher’s & Students’ activities
Content of activities
 T: guide ss to write the exclamation of compliments and complaints with cues given in the book
Ss: discuss to do
T; ask ss to compare the answer key with each other
Ss: do as the request
T: call ss to say before the class aloud
Ss; raise the hand to do 
T; ask ss to make more compliments and complaints 
Ss: think to do 
* Complaints :
What an expensive dress!
+ What an awful day!
+ What a wet day!
+ What a boring party!
+ What a bad movie!
* Compliments :
What a great party!
+ What a bright room!
+ What an interesting movie!
+ What a bright room!
+ What a lovely house!
+ What a delicious dinner!
+ What a beautiful day!
Teacher’s & Students’ activities
Content of activities
 T; ask ss to explain the form of the exclamation and give more examples to illustrate
Ss: do as the request
T: request ss to write ten sentences of complaints and ten sentences of compliments. Prepare the next lesson “Unit 3: A3”
Ss: listen and note down.
 D. remark:
Ký duyÖt cña BGH
week 6
Period 16
Unit 3: at home
§3: a- what a lovely home! (a4, remember)
Ngµy so¹n: 6 / 9/ 2010
Sü sè: - Líp 7A: Ngµy d¹y: 
 - Líp 7D: Ngµy d¹y:
 A. Objective:
Knowledge : By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to describe something , using the structure : “ Is there ?” and “ Are there any  ?”
+ Revise the preposition of place 
Skill : listen and speaking
 B. Teaching aids: book, chalk, pictures.
 C. procedure: 
Warm up : 
T: greeting and calling ss to write some exclamation they did at home on board 
Ss: raise the hand to do 
T; give question t lead in the task of the lesson 
	+ Is there a board on the wall?
	+ Are there any sentences in English on the board?
	+ Is there a new student in our class?
	+ Are there any tables in the classroom?
Ss: listen and answer freely
Teacher’s & Students’ activities
Content of activities
 T: remind ss of “there is  and there are” 
Ss: listen and note down 
T: give examples to illustrate and then call ss to give more
Ss; apply to give more sentences
* There is a / an .
* There are some .
E.g. : There is a desk
 There are some books and notebooks
Teacher’s & Students’ activities
Content of activities
 T: ask ss to look at the picture and then say what there is / are in the room.
Ss: look at the picture and think to do 
T: call ss to say before the class
Ss: raise the hand to say before the class
T; help ss recall the words they forgot 
T: guide the task of this activity
Ss: listen 
T; make dialogue with a student as an example
Ss: listen carefully 
T: request ss to apply to practice in pair
Ss: work in pair
T; call some pair to present before the class 
Ss: raise the hand to do 
T: help ss with the preposition they don’t know 
* Activity 1 : Point and say 
What is in the picture?
There is a table 
There are some chairs
+ curtain + television
+ armchair + cat
+ ball + picture
+ lamp + flowers
+ table clothing + counter
+ couch + book shelf
* Activity 2 : ask and answer 
Now look at the picture and the sentences you have done, ask and answer about the things and its position in the picture in your book.
e.g.: T: Is there a window in the room?
 S: Yes, there is.
 T: Where is it?
 S; It is behind the television
 T: Are there any books in the room? 
 S: Yes, there are.
 T: where are they?
 S: They are on the bookshelf.
 So on and on
Note : preposition of place in each sentence 
Teacher’s & Students’ activities
Content of activities
 T: call ss to give all the prepositions of place they know 
Ss: recall to say
T: ask ss to say some more sentences with the form “there is . and there are .” 
Ss: raise the hand to do 
T: ask ss to write a short paragraph to describe the things and their position in one of their rooms in their house. Prepare the next lesson “Unit 3: B1, 2”
Ss: listen and note down.
 D. remark
Period 17
Unit 3: at home
§4: B- hoa’s family (b1; b2)
Ngµy so¹n: 7/ 9 /2010
Sü sè: - Líp 7A: Ngµy d¹y: 
 - Líp 7D: Ngµy d¹y:
 A. Objective:
Knowledge : By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to ask answer about jobs according to the structure 
+ What do / does + S + do?
+ Where do / does + S + work?
And know some names of jobs in English
Skill : listening comprehension and practice the dialogue
 B. Teaching aids: book, chalk, picture and cassette
 C. procedure:
Warm up :
T: call ss to describe the things in the classroom and their position
Ss: raise the hand to do 
T: call ss to say something about their family
Ss: do as the request
Teacher’s & Students’ activities
Content of activities
Activity 1: b1- Listen. Then practice with a partner
 T: basing on what ss say about their family, teacher asks some question about their jobs to lead in t the topic of the lesson 
Ss: listen and answer
T: ask ss to look at the picture in the book and answer the questions
Ss: listen and think to answer the questions.
T; play the tape in order to ss to listen to the dialogue about Hoa’ parents. They are farmers.
Ss: listen 
T; give some new words from the dialogue 
Ss: listen and note down.
T: play the tape again and then let ss to practice the dialogue in pair freely
Ss: practice the dialogue after listening to the tape 
T: call some pairs to present before the class
Ss: raise the hand to read the dialogue. 
T: ask ss to read the dialogue in silence and think to answer the questions
Ss; read and think to answer.
T; call some pairs to present before the class
Ss; raise the hand to do
T; remark and give the correct answers
Ss: note down 
+ What does your father do?
+ Where does he work?
+ What does your mother do?
+ Where does she work?
* Look at the picture to answer ;
+ Who are they?
+ What are they doing?
+ Where do they work?
+ What do farmers do everyday?
+ Do they have to do hard work?
* New words ; 
+ farm
+ countryside
+ grow vegetables
+ raise cattle
+ housework 
* Answer the questions about the dialogue:
He is a farmer
He works on his farm
She is a housewife.
She does the housework and she helps on the farm
Yes, they are.
She is eight.
Activity 2 : B2 - read
 T: ask ss to look at 3 pictures in the book to guess whit their jobs are.
Ss: try to guess
T: ask ss to practice in pair to say the characteristic of each job
Ss: work in pair 
T: call ss to say before the class
T: ask ss to read the passage about Lan’s family in silence and think to answer the questions in the part “Now practice with a partner’
Ss: read and think to answer 
T: call some pairs to present before the class
Ss: volunteer to do
T: call some ss to translate the passage into Vietnamese and guide ss to do similarly with the part “ About you”
Ss: ask and answer about their families freely
T: call some good students to tell the class about their family aloud
Ss; Raise the hand to do 
* Pre – reading:
+ Pic 1: a doctor
+ Pic 2 :: teacher
+ Pic 3 : journalist
* While – reading :
e.g. :
+ What does Lan’s father do?
 He is a farmer.
+ Where does he work?
 He works in a hospital.
+ What does he do in his job/
 He takes care of sick people.
( So on and on with the rest of Lan’s family members )
* Post – reading : 
Ask answer about you
Teacher’s & Students’ activities
Content of activities
 T; call ss to say the names of the jobs they have just learned and the characteristic of each job 
Ss; recall to say
T: request ss to write a paragraph about their family. 
Prepare the next lesson “Unit 3: B3, 4”
Ss: listen and note down.
 D. remark
Period 18
Unit 3: at home
§5: B- hoa’s family(b3; b4)
Ngµy so¹n: 8/ 9 /2010
Sü sè: - Líp 7A: Ngµy d¹y: 
 - Líp 7D: Ngµy d¹y:
a. Objective : 
 By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to know the notion of some jobs and fill the information in the blank tables	
 B. language content:
Grammar points : review simple present tense
Skill : Listening comprehension 
 c. Teaching aid : book, cards with empty information, tape and chalk
1. Warm up : 
T: greeting and call some ss to talk about their family befoe the class
Ss: raise the hand to do 
2. presentation : 
Teacher’s & Students’ activities
Content of activities
Activity 1: B3 – Match these half – sentences
T: explain the task of the exercise
Ss: listen and think to do.
T: call some students to say before the class.
Ss: raise the hand to do
T: remark and give the correct answers
T: give more definitions of the other jobs and ask ss to guess what jobs they are.
Ss: listen and say the names of jobs after listening their definitions
* You have four names of jobs and their defunitions on the ther side. However, these definitions are mismatched orderly with the names. Now you read and match the names with the most suitable definiions.
+ A farmer works on a farm.
+ A doctor takes care of sick people
+ A journalist writes for a newspaper
+ A teacher teaches in a school
* Guess the names of jobs through the definitions
+ This person cuts men’s hair. ( a barber )
+ You go to this person when having toothache ( a dentist )
+ This person cuts and styles women’s hair 
( a hairdresser)
+ This person works in a library.( a librarian)
+ This person draws the plans for building a house. ( an architect )
+ This person looks after you when you are flying. ( an air hostess )
Activity 2 : Listening comprehension
T: ask ss to look at three personal information forms and explain the task of the listening
Ss: listen carefully.
T: play the tape for the first time
Ss: just listen without writing anything
T: play the tape for the second time and third time
Ss: listen and fill in the information forms 
T: call ss to say their answer key and call other to remark
Ss: raise the hand to do
T: give the correct answers
Ss: listen and note down
* Listen and fill in the forms :
Form 1 :
Name : Tom
Age : 26
Job : teacher
Place of work : at a high scool
Form 2 :
Name : Susan
Age : 19
Job : journalist
Place of work : for a magazine
Form 3 :
Name : Bill
Age : 20
Job : nurse
Place of work : in a hospital
3. summary :
Teacher’s & Students’ activities
Content of activities
T: call ss to say some names of jobs they have just learned
Ss: raise the hand to do
T: ask ss to write the forms into full sentences and prepare the next lesson “ Unit 3 : B 5, 6 , remember”
Ss: listen and note down
Ký duyÖt cña BGH

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