Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh Khối 7 (Bản đầy đủ cả năm)

Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh Khối 7 (Bản đầy đủ cả năm)

Period 1

I. Objectives:

 - T check Ss’ knowledge after the summer holiday.

 - After the lesson, Ss will be able to revise some grammar points.

 - To encourage Ss to learn English heart


 - Text book

III. Teaching procedure

 1. Organization:

 - Date : .7A3.

 2. Oral test:

 - T checks the preparation of Ss

 3. New lesson:

 A. Warm- up:

 - Ss play the game : Hangman

 - Give some questions to Ss about their summer vacation:

 + Do you have a good and interesting summer vacation?

 + Where did you spend your summer vacation ?

 + What did you do?

 + Who did you go with?

 + How long did you stay there?


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T: 07/09/2007	 KiÓm tra / ¤n tËp
 Period 1
I. Objectives:
 - T check Ss’ knowledge after the summer holiday.
 - After the lesson, Ss will be able to revise some grammar points.
 - To encourage Ss to learn English heart
 - Text book
III. Teaching procedure
	1. Organization:
 - Date : ................7A3...........
	2. Oral test:
 - T checks the preparation of Ss
	3. New lesson:
	 A. Warm- up:	 
 - Ss play the game : Hangman
 - Give some questions to Ss about their summer vacation:
	+ Do you have a good and interesting summer vacation?
	+ Where did you spend your summer vacation ?
	+ What did you do?
	+ Who did you go with?
	+ How long did you stay there?
	B. Presentation:	 
 * Test:
I.Thªm ®u«i ing vµo sau c¸c ®éng tõ sau
	Example: play----playing
 1.Write - .....................	5.Ride - .........................
 2.Walk - .....................	6.Watch - .........................
 3.Go - .....................	7.Swim - .........................
 4.Drive - .....................	8.Skip - .........................
II:§¸nh dÊu X vµo c¸c c©u tr¶ lêi dóng
 1.Lien likes........ .She usually swims and does aerobics.
 Sports	 music	games
 2.The weather is often............ in spring.
 cool	warm 	 hot 	cold
 3...........are you going to stay here ? For 2 weeks.
 	How long	How often	How much	 How many
 4.We ..........swim in the winter. It's too cold.
	always	usually	never
III.§äc, råi tr¶ lêi c¸c c©u hái sau:
 Vui and her friends are going to camp for three days in SAPA.Vui is going to bring a tent and some food . Lan is going to bring a ball. Ly is going to bring her camera to take some photos. Nga and Mai are going to bring some drinks.
 1.Where are they going to camp ?
 2.How long are they going to stay there ?
 3. What are they going to do there ?
 4.Who is going to bring drinks ?
 - Remind Ss the key points:The present simple tense & the near future.
	5. Homework:
- Revise all grammar points Ss have learnt in grade 6.
 - Prepare the new lesson: Unit 1: A 1,4
Prepare: 08/09/07 Unit 1: Back to school.
Teaching: 10/09/07 Period 2: Lesson 1: A1 & A4
I. Objectives:
 - Language functions presented: revise and develop the way of greeting and introducing oneself.
 - Structures: Niceto meet you, Nice to see you.
 - Skill developed: 4 skills.
II. Preparation:
 - Textbook, tape and cassette.
III. Teaching procedure:
 1. Organization:
 - Date : ................7A3:...........	
 	 2. Oral test:
 - T checks the preparations of Ss
 3. New lesson:
A. Warm - up:
 - Ask Ss some questions:
 + Are you happy to be back again?
 + Do you have any new friends? 
 + What do you say to your friends when you first meet after the summer vacation?
B. Presentation:
 * Introduction:
- Introduce the situation of speaking.
 * Preparation:
 - Nice to meet you.
 - Nice to see you.
 - Ask Ss to listen to the dialogues (a) & (b) with their book closed.
 - T writes on the BB:
 - Nice to meet you.
 - Nice to see you.
 - Give the meaning and the situation to say those words.
 - RÊt vui ®­îc gÆp b¹n ( Dïng trong tr­êng hîp khi b¹n ®­îc giíi thiÖu lÇn ®Çu tiªn ) 
 - Ask Ss listen to the dialogue again and read after.
 - Ask Ss to open the book and read the text silently.
+ Practice 1:
 * Pair / group work:
 - Ask Ss to practice reading the dialogue (a) in group of 3 then change roles.
 - Ask Ss to read the dialogue (b) in pair, then change roles.
 - Ask two pairs to practice reading in front of the class.
 + Ss answer the questions:
 - What is the new girl’s name?
 - What class is she in?
 - Who in the dialogue also in the class 7A?
- Ask Ss to write down the answers in their note books.
+ Practice 2: Listen, complete the dialogue:
 - Ask Ss to look at exercise 4 in the book. Tell them to look at the dialogues (a) & (b) and the words and expressions in the box.
 - Ask Ss to choose the right words and expressions.
 - Ask ss to listen to the recording and complete the dialogue.
 - Play once again for Ss to check. 
4. Consolidation:
 - Give more situation for Ss to practice.
- Notice the way of greeting oneself.
5. Homework:
 - Review the key points.
 - Do Ex. A1 & A2 in workbook.
- Prepare : A 2,3, 5
P: 08/09/2007 Unit 1: Back to school.
T:12/09/2007 Period 3: Lesson 2: A2, A3 & A5
I. Objectives:
-To consolidate the present tense and comparative form.
- After the lesson, Ss will be able to understand the text, practice formal greeting and distinguish the formal and informal greeting.
II. Preparation:
 - Textbook, tape and cassette.
III. Teaching procedure:
 1. Organization:
 - Date : ................7A3:...........
 2. Oral test:
 - Using cues to make dialogues in pairs:
 a, Hello/ nice / meet / too.
 b, Hi / pleased / see / again / too.
 c, Morning / glad / meet / new classmate / Hoa. 
 3. New lesson:
A. Warm - up:
- Give some questions:
 + Are there any new students in your class?
 + What is his / her name?
 + How do you say when you first meet him / her?
B. Presentation:
a, A2: Read and answer:
 - Teach some new words:
still: vÉn lots of: rÊt nhiÒu miss: nhí / lì
different: kh¸c nhau translation: dÞch / phiªn dÞch unhappy >< happy 
Suggested questions:
 + Hoa: - from......
 - staying with........
 - lots of friends?
 - old / new school?
 - happy / unhappy? why?
 - Ask Ss to read silently.
 - Ask ss to read and answer the questions.
a, She is from Hue.
b, She is staying with her uncle and aunt.
c, No, she doesn’t.
d, Her new school is bigger than her old one.
e, Because she misses her parents and her friends.
 - Ss give the summary of the text, using the answers above.
b. A5: Listen and practice:
 - Set the situation and ask Ss to give the way to practice.
 - Play the tape twice for Ss to practice listening , then Ss repeat.
 - Ask Ss to read the dialogue again, pay attention to the rhythm and the intonation.
 - Ask Ss to practice in pairs.
c, A5: Listening comprehension:
 - Set the situation.
 - Give open prediction:
Which picture is formal / informal?
 - Ss listen to the tape once then compare the notes.
 - Ss listen again to check.
 - Call some Ss to repeat the conversation.
4. Consolidation:
 - Make situation in which Ss practice greeting in both 2 ways, formal and informal.
	a, Lan / Mai.
	b, Miss Hoa / Van.
 5. Homework:
-Review the key points. 
- Do Ex. A3 & A4 in the workbook.
-Prepare: B1,2
P:08/09/2007 Unit 1: Back to school.
T:13/09/2007 Period 4: Lesson 3: B1 & B2
I. Objectives:
- To help Ss study the way to ask and give personal information and address.
 - After the lesson, Ss will be able to talk about personal information and introduce others.
II. Preparation:
 - Textbook, tape and cassette.
III. Teaching procedure:
 1. Organization:
 - Date : ................7A3...........
 2. Oral test:
 - S1 : Do Ex A3 ( a )
 - S2 : Do Ex A3 ( b )
 - The rest do Ex A4 orally.
 3. New lesson:
A. Warm- up:
- Show some cards and let Ss practice with those cards:
 Name: Peter Pike Name: Le Thi Mai
 Age: 13 Age: 15
 Add: 20 Le Loi street Add: 15 Tranphu street. 
B. Presentation:
1. B1: Listen, practice and answer:
- Teach the new words:
 family name / surname: hä
 middle name: tªn lãt.
- Give gap- filling: 
 - This is....... .......... ,Hoa.
 - She is ...... years old.
 - She lives at ....... Tran Hung Dao Street.
- Ss listen to the tape with book closed, then fill in the gaps.
- Ss compare their notes with each other.
- Ss listen again to check their answers.
- Ss listen once again with books open and answers the questions.
2. B2: Write: Complete the dialogue:
- Revise the Wh- questions with wordsquare:
 W H E R E W
 H H M N H H
 O T A U O I
 W T A T H C
 R H E O N H
 S O T A M R 
- Ss find the question words then give remarks about their use.
Who What Where Which How
- Ss read the dialogue in B2 and use the question word to fill in the gaps.Then compare notes.
- Ask two pairs to read the dialogue aloud and check the answers.
- Get ss to practice readinmg the dialogue in pairs.
- Give some remarks. 
4. Consolidation:
 - Make dialogues in pairswith this given form:
Home address
5. Homework:
- Do Ex B1 & B2.
- Prepare the next lesson: B4 & B5.
P: 09/09/2007 Unit 1: Back to school.
 T:12/09/2007 Period 5: Lesson 4: B4 & B5
I. Objectives:
- To help Ss ask about transportation and distances. 
- After the lesson, Ss will be able to ask and answer about the distance with “ How far is it from .......... to ........... ? ”
II. Preparation:
 - Textbook, tape and cassette.
III. Teaching procedure:
 1. Organization:
 - Date : ................7A1:...........
 2. Oral test:
 - Two Ss make a conversation about personal information, then complete this student’s card.
Student’s card
3. New lesson:
A. Warm- up:
- Give some questions:
 - What’s your name?
 - Where do you live?
 - How do you go to school?
 - Is it near here ?
- Show the picture of Hoa.
B. Presentation:
a, Present the dialogue:
- Ss listen to the dialogue once with book closed.
- Write model sentences on the board:
+ How far is it from your house to school?
+ How far is it from your house to the market ?
+ It’s about one kilometer/ five hundreds meters.
- T explains:
How far...? : for distance
from ...... to ...... : places.
about : the distance.
b, Practice:
- Give word- cue drill:
The market : 300 m.
The post- office : 500 m.
The movie- theater : 2 km.
School : 1 km
- example exchange:
A: How far is it from your house to the
B: It is about three hundreds meters.
c, Production:
- Ss practice asking and answering about the distances of their own.
4. Consolidation:
- Call one S to tell about him/ herself:
	+ Name:
	+ Address:
	+ Distance from home to school:
	+ Means of transport:
- Ask the others to talk about him/ her with what he/ she has just said.
5. Homework:
 - Write about these people:
a, Hoa / 13 years old / 16 Le Loi Street / 2 km / ... ce books.
III. Teaching procedure
 1. Organization:
 - Date : ................7A:...........
 2. Oral test:
Ask Ss to make sentences with the simple past tense?
3. Presentation:
Warm up:
_Ask ss to look at the english text book and then note down the main grammar structures that are in the lesson.
 Adjective and advebs.
 modal verbs.
 Like and dislike.
 The simple and the past form.
Ask Ss to review all the grammar that listed above. And then make examples with these structures.
-Listen to the explaination and ask Ss to write the sentences on the BB.
+ Adjective/ adverb
 I am quick but I can not run quickly.
 	+Modal verbs: can / may/ should/ ought to / can’t....
 You should go to the dentist twice a year.
 	+ Like and dislike:
 What would you like for breakfast ?
 I’d like fish and fried chicken 
 	+ The simple present and simple past.
 I eat banana everyday but yesterday I ate apple.
-Ask ss to work in pairs to complete the exercises given in the text book.
-Read and give the answers .
-Write the answers on the BB.
Ex 1: Adjective and adverb.
 Dangerous, good , bad
Slowly , skillfully , quickly.
A: quickly.
B: slowly.
C: good 
D dangerous.
E skillful.
Ex2: Modal verb.
-Ask Ss to read the dialogue in pairs.
-Work in pairs to make the similar dialogue, Read aloud before the class.
a) Read the dialogue and then make the similar dialogue.
b) A: Can I play soccer?
B: No , You can’t.
A: Please, Mom.
B: First you must practice playing the piano. Then you can go.
A: great! Thanks , Mom.
Give some advice:
+ Hoa is hot. She should drink a cool water.
-Write on the BB.
-Read the menu and then make a dialogue to express what you like or what you dislike.
Ex 3: Like and dislike.
-Read the menu first. Then make a dialogue.
What would you like for lunch , hoa ?
I prefer rice, fish, and cucumber salat.
Would you like fried chicken ?
 Yes, that sound nice.
Ex 4:Tense:
Past Present Future.
C,e,h a,b,f,g i d,j.
Ex 5:Read and make a similar dialogue.
 Using Why and Because.
4. Consolidation:
- Ask ss to retell the main content of the lesson.
5. Home work:
- Prepare for the revision.
Period 104 : ¤n tËp & kiÓm tra HK II
-After the lesson Ss will be able to review the grammartical structures and the vocabulary that they learnt in grade 7 .
-To drill Ss reading, writing, and listening skills.
 II. Teaching aids. 
Work book, text book, reference books.
III. Teaching procedure
 1. Organization:
 - Date : ................7A:...........
 2. Oral test:
Ask Ss to make sentences with the simple past tense?
3. Presentation:
Warm up.
-Ask Ss to give the main grammar point that they learnt in grade 7.
1.the simple future.
 S + will / shall + V + O.
2.The simple past.
 S + V-ed + O.
3. The structure with :
 either / neither / so / too.
4. Modal verbs: 
 Can / must/ ought to / should + V-infi...
5. Adjective and adverb.
- Good, well , quick, quickly..........
6. The express like and dislike.
 To prefer/like+ V- ing.
 To – V.
7.Why- because.
8. The structure with :
 get used to + V-ing.
-Ask ss to work in pairs to do the exercises.
Ex1: Correct the mistake.
. Hoa prefers reading books to play video games.
 A B C D
2. After each lesson we often have a ten – minutes rest.
 A B C	 D
3. Million of foreign visitors come to Vietnam every year.
 A B C	D
4. Would you like going to the movies with us tonight?
 A B C	 D
5. My sister likes badminton but she doesn't play it very good.
 A B	 C D
Ex 2:Rewrite the following sentences:
1. Listening to music at home is more interesting than going to the concert.
I prefer...........................................
2. You shouldn’t eat too much candies.
You ‘d..........................................
3. My mother cooks well.
My mother is a...............................
4.We didn’t enjoy the trip because of the heavy rain.
The heavy rain prevented....................
4. Consolidation:
 Ask ss to retell the structures that they learnt in grade 7.
5. Home work:
-Revise the structures that they learnt in grade 7.
- Get ready for the written test.
Period 105 : ¤n tËp & kiÓm tra HK II
I. objectives:
-To check Ss ‘knowledge through the lesson of the second semester.
- To drill Ss reading and writing skills.
II. Teaching procedure:
 1. Organization:
 - Date : ................7A:...........
 2.Usual checking: 
- Check the preparation of Ss
 3. Testing time: Give out the questions:
I. Choose the best answer. ( Chän ®¸p ¸n ®óng nhÊt ).2p
1. He ......................come here last night.
 a. doesn’t b. won’t c. didn’t.
2. ....................a nice dress ! 
 a.What b. Where c .How.
3. We enjoy.................. around the world.
 a. travel b. traveling c. to travel.
5. You should ....................your hands before meals.
 a. to wash b.wash c. washing.
6. How Nga ?
 a. heavy b. weight c. high.
7.She doesn’t like pork , and ........................does her uncle.
 a. either b. so c. neither.
8.This river is very...................... for the swimmers.
 a. dangerous b. danger c. dangerously.
II. Underline the correct form of the verbs to complete the following sentences ( g¹ch ch©n ®éng tõ ®óng ®Ó hoµn thµnh c©u) 2p.
 1. Nam went to the doctor because he ( is / was ) sick. 
 2. She ( doesn't watch / didn't watch ) television everynight. 
 3. The children must ( be/ to be) back by six o’clock 
 4.Many people prefer ( flying / to fly ) to going by sea.
III. Arrange the words into meaningful sentences( H·y s¾p xÕp nh÷ng tõ sau thµnh c©u cã nghÜa ) 2p
 1. Like / dinner / house / would / have / tonight / you / at / to/ my ?
2. Watching / prefers / to / he / books / TV / reading.
unhealthy / Sugar / not / an / is / food.
eat/ fruit / should / and / we/ vegetables/.
IV.Use the words given to fill in the blanks. ( Sö dông tõ cho tr­íc ®iÒn vµo chç trèng )2p .
 About, breathing, invention, thanks, surface.
Most of the world’s ......( 1)...... is water. We may know the land very well, but we know very little .....( 2)....the ocean. Until recently, man could not stay underwater for long. But now, with speacial ( 3), a diver can stay longer, After the (4)....of this equipment, man could swim freely underwater and scuba-diving became a popular sport. We can learn more about the undersea world thanks to this invention.
4. Consolidation:
- Collect all testing papers.
- Give some remarks about Ss' work.
5. Homework:
- Review all key points.
- Practice further.
Choose the best answer. Unit 16 ( Revision )
1. He ............... come here last night.
 a. doesn’t b. won’t c. didn’t.
 2. ................. a nice dress ! 
 a. How b. Where c. what.
3. We enjoy.................. around the world.
 a. travel b. traveling c. to travel.
4. ..............come to the meeting last night? - I was tired last night.
 a. Why did you b. When did you c. Why didn’t you .
5. You should ..................your hands before meals.
 a. to wash b.washing c. wash.
 6. How Nga ?
 a. high b. weight c. heavy.
 7.She doesn’t like pork , and ........................does her uncle.
 a. either b. so c. neither.
 8. I would like......................some fruit and vegetables.
 a. buying b. to buy c. buy.
 9.This river is very...................... for the swimmers.
 a. danger b. dangerous c. dangerously.
 10. They prefer reading .......................watching TV.
 a. than b. more than c. to.
11. I am sorry. I can’t go to the drama club today. ...........about tomorrow ?
 a. How. b. When c. Why.
12.Would you like to come to my house for dinner tonight ?..........
 a. Thanks , I’d love to. b. No, I wouldn’t c. No, I don’t.
13.She ought to.......................her homework before going to bed.
 a. finishes b. finish c. finishing.
 14.They don’t drink coffee. their friends. 
 a. either b. neither c. so.
15. He plays soccer very.....................
 a. goodly b. good c. well.
 16. My mother prefers walking .................. cycling.
 a. for b. at c. to.
17. What would you like ..................?- pop music.
 a. to watch b. to play c. to listen to.
 18. We enjoy..................... a round the world.
 a. travelled b. to travel c. travelling.
 19. He the meeting last week.
 a. won’t come b. doesn’t come c. didn’t come.
 20. What is the ......................of Mekong river ?
 a. high b. long c. length.
 21. What a great ..............! – They play very well.
 a. band b. bank c. vessel.
 22.The students have a....................... break between two periods.
 a. five- minutes b. five minute c. five – minute.
 23. Hoa ...................the busy city traffic.
 a. used to b. uses to c. gets used to .
 24. What are the ....................... of the common cold ?
 a. diseases b. symptoms c. medicines.
 25. They arrived home at 6.30 ................the evening.
 a. in b. on c. at.
 26. They will Hue next Sunday.
 a. fly b. flew c. flying.
 27.He is a famous...................... 
 a. invention. b. inventor c. inventive.
 28. What is ....................Television tonight?
 a. in b. on c. at
 29. Where ................he born? ( a. is b. does c. was )
 Read and then do true – false exercise.
 Nowadays, football becomes one of the world’s most popular games. Millions of people play and watch it all around the world.
 A football match often has two parts. Each part is forty- five minutes. The first part is the first half and the second part is the second half. There is a fifteen – minute break between the two halves.
 There are two teams in a football match. Each football team has eleven players, Including the goal keeper. The players on the ground try to kick the ball into the other’s goal. The team which scores more goals wins the match.
..............1.Today, football becomes very popular all around
 the world.
 ..............2. Millions of people play football.
..............3. A football match has two halves of forty- five minutes 
..............4. There is no break in a football match.
..............5. Each football team has eleven players and a goal keeper
 in the field.
..............6. The winning team is the team scores more goals. 

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  • docgiao_an_mon_tieng_anh_khoi_7_ban_day_du_ca_nam.doc