Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh Khối 7 - Hà Mạnh Cường

Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh Khối 7 - Hà Mạnh Cường


 Lesson 1 : A- Friends ( 1, 2 )

I. The aims :

 After the lesson, students will review the greetings and introduce themselves . They will practice 4 skills : Listening, speaking, reading and writing.

II. Language content:

 1. Vocabulary:

 - Nice to meet you . – Just fine/ not bad

 - How is everything? - Pretty good./ so am I.

 2. Grammar:

 The present simple tense.

III. Teaching aids :


IV. Procedure :


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Period 1: Review
Ngµy so¹n : 16/08/09
 Ngµy d¹y : 17/08/09
I. The aims:
 After the lesson, students will review the main contents of the lessons which are learned in class 6 : The simple present tense, the present continuous tense, near future, wh- questions, comparative and superlative of short adjectives.
II. Content :
1. The tenses of verbs 
a. The present simple tense.
* Tobe: am, is, are 
(+) I am = I’m (-) I am not = I’m not (?) Am I.?
 We We We
 You are You are not Are You ?
 They They They
 He He He
 She is She is not Is She .?
 It It It
* Ordinary verbs :
(+) I (-) I
 We + V( without To ) We + Don’t + V
 You You
 They They
 He He
 She + Vs(es) She + Doesn’t +V
 It It
(?) I He
 We Does She + V ?
 Do You + V ? It 
b. The present continuos tense:
(+) S + am / is / are + Ving .
(-) S + am / is / are + not + Ving.
(?) Am / is / are + S + Ving ?
c. Near future :
(+) S + am / is / are + going to + V.
(-) S + am / is / are + not + going to + V.
(?) Am / is / are + S + going to + V ?
2. Wh- questions :
 * What :
- What’s your name ? => My name is An.
 What’s her name ? => Her name is Hoa .
- What do you do? => I am a teacher .
 What does he do ? => He is a doctor .
* Where :
Where do you live? => I live on Nguyen Du street .
Where does she live ? => She lives at 135 Hang Bai Street.
* How many + Ns .
How many students are there in your class?
..tables ?
* What time / When
What time do you usually get up ?
When do you do your homework?
* How :
- How are you ? => I’m fine, thanks.
- How do you go to school every day ? => I go to school by bike .
* How old : How old are you ?
* Why? Why does he have bad marks?
* Which : Which shirt do you like : red or blue?
* Who : Who is Mrs Lan talking to?
3. Comparative and superlative of short adjectives :
a. Comparative:
 S1 + tobe + adj + er + than + S2.
EX: She is taller than me .
 b. Superlative :
 S + tobe + the + adj + est 
EX: He is the tallest in my class .
III. Practice :
V. Homework : 
Review and prepare unit one (A1,3,4,5)
Period 2:
 Lesson 1 : A- Friends ( 1, 2 )
Ngµy so¹n : 16/08/09
 Ngµy d¹y : 19/08/09
I. The aims : 
 After the lesson, students will review the greetings and introduce themselves . They will practice 4 skills : Listening, speaking, reading and writing.
II. Language content:
 1. Vocabulary:
 - Nice to meet you . – Just fine/ not bad
 - How is everything? - Pretty good./ so am I.
 2. Grammar:
 The present simple tense.
III. Teaching aids :
IV. Procedure :
Ss’ activities
Warm up
New activities
1. Warm up :
- Greetings.
- Have Ss play a game called slap the board.
T reads the questions => Ss slap the answers .
a. What’s your name?
b. How are you today?
c. What class are you in?
d. Goodbye.
e. Are you a new student?
Very well,
Yes, I am
My name 
 is Hoa
Class 7A
- Demonstrate the group which wins the game.
2. New activities :
a) Listen. Then practice with a partner.
- Introduce some situations:
+ Nice to see/ meet you .
+ Nice to see / meet you again.
+ So am I.
- Have Ss look at the books and listen to the tape.
- Ask Ss to read in pairs.
- Call on some pairs to roleplay the dialogue in front of the class.
- Correct the mistake.
- Ask Ss to look at the asnwers then work in pairs.
- Call on some pairs to ask and asnwer the questions in front of the class.
- Correct then give the correct answers.
b) Pre- reading:
- Introduce the situation, then explain some new words:
+ Different ( adj) : ( give 2 things in order to compare )
+ Unhappy (adj) >< happy
+ To miss (v) : ( give a situation )
- Have Ss read new words in chorus and individually.
* Check new words by playing a game: rub out and remember.
- Have Ss do an exercise in groups : Ordering statements.
a. Hoa’s school in Hue is small.
b. Hoa is a new student in class 7A.
c. Hoa’s new school is bigger than her old school.
d. Hoa is from Hue.
e. Now she lives in Hanoi.
- Call on some groups to give their predictions in front of the class.
3. While- reading:
- Ask Ss to look at the book and listen to the tape, then correct their predictions. 
- Ask Ss to check the result with their partner.
- Correct and give the correct answer:
 1.b 2.d 3.e 4.a 5.c
- Have Ss read the text in silent. 
- Call on some Ss to read the text aloud.
- Ask Ss to read the questions and the text again, then work in pairs.
- Call on some pairs to ask and answer in front of the class.
- Correct and give the correct answers.
a. She is from Hue.
b. She is staying with her uncle and aunt.
c. No, she doesn’t.
d. Her new school is bigger than her old school.
e. She is unhappy because she misses her parents and her friends.
- Have Ss play a game : Guessing game.
( each student writes a sentence in the text )
3. Consolidation:
- Have Ss work in pairs making a dialogue.
- Call on some pairs to practice in front of the class.
- Remark.
4. Homework:
- Learn by heart new words by writing 3 lines for each word.
- Complete the dialogue in part 4 in exercise book. Do exercise 1,2 in workbook.
- Prepare part A2.
- Greetings.
- 2 groups play game.
- Listen.
- Listen and write down.
- Read in chorus and individually.
- Look at the books and listen to the tape .
- Work in pairs.
- Practice in front of the class.
- Work in pairs.
- Practice in front of the class.
- Write down.
- Look at the picture and listen.
- Work in pairs.
- Practice in front of the class.
- Complete the dialogues.
- Listen and write down.
- Complete the dialogues individually.
- Exchange the result with the partner.
- Give the answers.
- Copy down .
- Work in pairs.
- Practice in front of the class.
- Answer the questions.
- Listen to the tape and write the order of the pictures .
- Listen to the tape .
- Give the answers .
- Listen again and check the answers 
- Copy down.
- Make dialogues in pairs.
- Practice in front of the class.
- Work in pairs.
- Practice in front of the class.
- Write homework.
Rót kinh nghiÖm sau giê d¹y :
Period 3:
Lesson 2 : A- Friends ( A 3,4,5)
Ngµy so¹n : 16/08/09
 Ngµy d¹y : 20/08/09
I. The aims :
 By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to understand the information about Hoa and practice reading skill.
II. Language content:
 1. Vocabulary :
 - To be different from
 - Unhappy >< happy
 - To miss 
 2. Grammar:
 Review : - The present simple tense.
 - Comparison.
III. Teaching aids :
 Textbook, pictures.
IV. Procedure:
Stages &Time
T’s activities
Warm up
( 7 mins )
( 12 mins )
( 18 mins )
( 5 mins )
( 3 mins
1. Warm up :
- Greetings.
- Have Ss play a game.
T T B I G H N 
Keywords: School, old, big, happy, uncle, new, friend, live, student, parent.
- Demonstrate the group which wins the game.
2. Presentation
a) Listen. Then practice with a partner.
- Ask Ss to look at the picture in part 3 and introduce the picture.
- Have Ss work in pairs .
- Call on some pairs to practice in front of the class.
- Correct their pronunciation .
b) Listen. Complete the dialogues.
- Ask Ss to complete the dialogues in part 4 
- Explain some new phrases:
+ How is everything ?
+ Just fine.
+ Pretty good .
- Have Ss complete the dialogues.
- Ask Ss to exchange the results with their partners.
- Call on some Ss to give their answers in front of the class.
- Correct and give the correct answers .
a.+ How are you?
 + Pretty good.
 + How about you ?
 + Not bad.
 + Me too.
b. + How is everything?
 + Ok. How are you today?
 +Just fine.
 + So am I.
- Have Ss roleplay the completed dialogues in pairs.
- Call on some pairs to read the dialogues in front of the class.
- Correct their pronunciation. 
c) Ask Ss to look at 4 pictures in part 5.
- Ask Ss about the people in these pictures .
 Who are they?
 What are they doing ?
- Ask Ss to listen to the tape then write the letters of the dialogues in the order they hear .
- Play the tape for Ss.
- Call on some Ss to give the answers .
- Play the tape again and ask them to check their answers .
- Correct and give correct answers .
1-C 2-B 3- D 4-A
- Ask Ss to base on the picture and make the dialogues.
- Call on some pairs to practice in front of the class.
- Correct the mistakes if necessary.
5. Homework:
- Learn by heart part 2 and write the answers in the exercise book.
- Do exercise 3,4 in work book.
- Prepare B1,2,3.
- Greetings.
- Play a game in 2 groups.
2 groups take part in the game to find out the words which have been learnt.
Clap hands.
- Listen and write down.
- Guess the meanings.
Read new words in chorus and individually.
- Play a game.
- Work in groups.
- Give the predictions.
- Listen and correct the predictions.
- Check the result.
- Copy down.
- Read in silent.
- Read aloud.
- Work in pairs.
- Practice in front of the class.
- Write down.
- Play a game.
- Write homework 
Rót kinh nghiÖm sau giê d¹y :
Period 4:
Lesson 3: B- Names and addresses.( B1,2,)
Ngµy so¹n : 23/08/09
 Ngµy d¹y : 24/08/09
I. The aims:
 By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to ask and answer about personal information such as: name, age, address
II. Language content:
1. Vocabulary:
 - Family name (n)
 - Middle name (n )
 - Address (n)
2. Grammar.
 - The simple present tense.
 - Structure: What’s your family name?
 What’s your middle name?
III.. Procedure:
Teacher’s Activities
1. Warm up:
2. New activities
4. Homework
1. Warm up:
- Greetings.
- Have Ss play a game called: Noughts and Crosses .
You 54 Quang Trung Hoa
 13 Street
Her mother You father Le loi
 Linh 40 street
19 Hung Nam Grandmother
 Vuong 60
- Have Ss ask and answer about the information in the grids.
- Remark and demonstrate the group which wins the game.
2. New activities:
a) Listen. Then practice with a partner.
- Introduce the situation of the dialogue, then explain some new words.
+ Family name (n) : ( the first name )
+ Middle name (n) : 
+ Address (n) : ( where you live)
- Have Ss read new words in chorus and individually.
- Correct their pronunciation.
- Ask Ss to look at their books and listen to the tape .
-  ...  .
 Work in groups 
- Give the ideas 
- Work in pairs reading the dialogue .
- Practice reading the dialogue in front of the class .
- Find the answers .
- Play a game in 2 groups .
- Discuss - Work in pairs .
- Practice in front of the class .
- Write homework .
Rót kinh nghiÖm giê d¹y :
Period 94: Lesson 4 : B – In the city ( B 3 )
Ngµy so¹n : 19/04/09
 Ngµy d¹y : 22/04/09
I. The aims :
 After the lesson students will know how Hoa got used to the life in the city and what she could do . They practice reading and listening skills .
II. Language content :
 1. Vocabulary :
 - Rarely - To socialize 
 2. Grammar :
 - Review : The simple present tense and past simple tense .
 - Like / Prefer + to infinitive ; Like + gerund 
III. Technique :
 Eliciting , pairwork , groupwork , using pictures .
IV. Teaching aids :
 Textbook , tape , cassette , pictures .
V. Procedure :
Stages & Time
T’s activities
1. Warm up :
2. New activities 
A. Read .
B. Listen . Match each name to an activity .
3. Consolidation 
4. Homework :
1. Warm up :
- Greetings .
- Have students play a game : Networks 
- Have students work in groups .
- Have students go to the board and write .
- Remark .
2. New activities :
A. Read .
- Introduce the content of the text : The text tells how Hoa got used to the city life .
- Ask students to read the text and find out what she could do .
- Have students read the text in silent .
- Call on some students to give the answers in front of the class .
- Call on some students to read the text aloud .
- Correct the pronunciation .
- Introduce new words :
+ Rarely ( adv ) :
+ To socialize ( v ) : 
+ Structure : Like / prefer + to infinitive 
Ex: Hoa likes to read / She prefers to socialize with her friends .
Like / prefer + gerund .
Ex: Hoa like playing chess very much .
- Ask students to make sentences as model .
- Give some more questions and ask students to answer :
a) What did Hoa and her friends often do together ?
b) Why did Hoa rarely go to see movies or eat out in the evening ?
c) Why couldn’t Hoa read many books in her village ?
d) Why did Hoa decide that the city wasn’t so bad after all ?
- Have students work in pairs .
- Call on some pairs to ask and answer in front of the class .
- Correct the mistakes .
- Ask students to read the text again then make a list of the things Hoa does in the evening , using the simple present tense .
- Have students exchange the results with their partners .
- Call on some students to give their answers in front of the class .
- Call one student to go to the board and write down .
- Correct and ask students to write in the notebooks .
B. Listen . Match each name to an activity .
- Introduce the aim of the listening .
- Ask students to look at the pictures and give the activity of each picture .
- Call on some students to give the answers in front of the class .
- Have students guess and write the names next to the pictures .
- Ask students to listen to the tape and check their prediction .
- Play the tape for students .
- Call on some students to give the answers in front of the class .
- Play the tape again for students to check the answers 
- Correct and give the key :
Ba- b Hoa- a Nga – d 
Nam – c Lan – f An – e 
3. Consolidation :
- Ask students to use the model in part B3 and the pictures in B4 to talk about what they like to do or dis like to do .
- Have students work in pairs .
- Call on some pairs to practice in front of the class 
- Remark .
4. Homework :
- Write the things that you often do in the evening .
- Do exercises in part B in workbook .
- Prepare unit 15 –B4,5.
- Greetings .
- Play a game .
- Work in groups .
- Go to the board and write .
- Listen .
- Read the text and find out what she could do .
- Read in silent .
- Give the answers in front of the class .
- Read the text aloud .
- Listen and write .
- Make sentences .
- Answer the questions .
- Work in pairs .
- Ask and answer in front of the class .
- Make a list of the things Hoa does in the evening .
- Exchange the results .
- Give the answers in front of the class .
- Go to the board and write 
- Write in the notebooks .
- Listen to the teacher .
- Give the activity of each picture .
- Guess and write the names next to the pictures .
- Listen to the tape and check the prediction .
- Listen.
- Give the answers in front of the class .
- Check the answers .
- Work in pairs .
- Practice in front of the class .
- Write homework .
Rót kinh nghiÖm giê d¹y :
Period 80 :
I.The aims :
The students will apply their knowledge to do the test well . Through the test , the teacher will be able to know about Ss’ knowledge .
II. Test :
 Written Test ( Af U12 ) No1 
 Time : 45 minutes 
I.Supply the correct form of the verbs in brackets .
Yesterday , Hoa and her aunt ( go ) to the market .
I would like ( tell ) you about my family .
Why ( be ) you absent from school yesterday ?
I ( be ) .fourteen years old next week .
My father ( not watch ) .TV last night . He ( read )  newspapers and magazines .
When you ( buy ) .this dress ? - 2 days ago .
Be careful! the children ( cross ) .the street .
II. Choose the best answer to complete the sentences .
She .her teeth twice a day .( Brushed / to brush / brushes )
How your brother ? - He’s one meter seventy centimeters .( high/ tall / heavy )
You mustn’t up late .( stay / to stay / staying )
He can speak English well and can his sister ( Too/ So / Neither )
Stop please . That is too .( lots of / much / little )
We won’t attend the meeting tomorrow and will he .( So / either / Neither )
A balanced diet is good .your health .( to / with / for )
I am glad .you’re feeling better .( hear / to hear / heard )
III.Rewrite these sentences , beginning with the words given .
Lan didn’t go to school yesterday because of her sickness .
=> Because Lan 
What is your daughter’s age , Mrs Mai ?
=> How .
It took Mr. Hoang an hour to walk to work yesterday .
=> Mr. Hoang spent 
How heavy is the chicken ?
=> What 
IV.Fill in the blank with the appropriate preposition 
Trang received a letter her aunt last week .
You should take care .yourself .
Eating too much candy is bad .you .
The dentist looked .my teeth and he told me .my broken tooth 
What’s wrong ..your daughter , Mrs. Mai ?
We are working hard  the farm and your uncle often works .us .
V.Read the passage then answer the questions .
My name is John , and this is my story . Last year just before Christ mas my family and our uncle and aunt decided to go to Perth for holiday . We went in two cars but we were about halfway there my uncle wanted to turn round and come back . He said it was too far , and it was terribly hot, too. Even at night it was really hot . Anyway , what we decided to do was to drive back about 160 km to a place where the train went through . Then we put both cars on the train and we all went to Perth by train . That was fun . It was a good train .
We had a good time in Perth but we had to cut our holiday short . You see , while we were there my grandmother ( mother’s mother) in Melourne died . Most of us flew back but my dad and my uncle came on the train with the two cars and then had to drive back to Melbourne from Port Pirie .
Why did John’s uncle want to come back ?
A. Because it was too hot B. Because it was too far 
C. Because he was too tired D. Both A and B 
In the end John’s family went to Perth .
A. By train B. By coach C. By car D. By plane 
Who died when John’s family were on holiday ?
A. His mother’s father B. His mother’s mother 
C. His father’s mother D. His father’s father 
Most of John family came back 
A. By train B. By ship C. By plane D. By car 
 Written Test ( Af U12 ) No2
 Time : 45 minutes 
I.Choose the correct answers to complete the sentences .
She doesn’t like pork , and ..does her uncle .( Either / So / Neither )
I would like .some fruit .( Buying / To buy / Buy )
You must drink .water everyday . ( Much / Many / A little )
He was busy yesterday and .were his brothers ( So / Neither / Too)
My mother didn’t wash it but I ( didn’t / did / do )
Vegetables are good ..your health ( To / with / for )
How is Nga ? She is 36 kilos . ( high / weight / heavy )
You should .your hands before meals .( to wash / wash / washing )
II. Supply the correct forms of the verbs .
Lan ( be ) very tired when she ( catch ) a cold two days ago 
He ( not come ) to the meeting last week .
I ( brush ) .my teeth everynight , but last night I ( forget )  to brush them .
Where is your mother ? She ( Plant ) .flowers in the garden .
Nga is now in her room. She ( iron ) her clothes . She always ( do ) it herself . 
III.Fill in the blanks with the suitable prepositions .
There is a good selection fruit .display .
My aunt sliced the beef thin strips .
Linh set the table plates , bowls , chopsticks and spoons .
Salads are good your health , but we must wash them well ..water .
We must clean hands having a meal .
Hoa made cucumber salad ..some onions .
IV.Rewrite these sentences , beginning with the words given .
She has over 100 stamps in her collection .
=> There .
What is the price of this cap ?
=> How much..
How long is this river ?
=> What .
I do my homework in an hour .
=> It takes 
V.Read the passage then answer the questions .
My name is John , and this is my story . Last year just before Christ mas my family and our uncle and aunt decided to go to Perth for holiday . We went in two cars but we were about halfway there my uncle wanted to turn round and come back . He said it was too far , and it was terribly hot, too. Even at night it was really hot . Anyway , what we decided to do was to drive back about 160 km to a place where the train went through . Then we put both cars on the train and we all went to Perth by train . That was fun . It was a good train .
We had a good time in Perth but we had to cut our holiday short . You see , while we were there my grandmother ( mother’s mother ) in Melourne died . Most of us flew back but my dad and my uncle came on the train with the two cars and then had to drive back to Melbourne from Port Pirie .
When did John’s family go to Perth ?
Why did John’s uncle want to come back ?
How did John’s family go to Perth in the end ?
Who in John’s family had to go by train and car to Melbourne ?
IV.Homework :
Prepare Unit 13 – A1 .

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