Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh Khối 7 - Học kì 2

Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh Khối 7 - Học kì 2


PERIOD 55 : A1

Complating day:

Teaching day:

I/ Objectives:

 After studying this lesson pupils will be able to know how to use “ the past simple tense ” and how to question and answer about vacation.

II/ Contents:


Wonder ful (a) : đẹp,tuyệt vời Gift (n) : món quà

Frendly (a) : thân thiện tired (a) : mệt mỏi

Delicious (a) : ngon trip (n) : chuyến đi

Cheap (a) : rẻ

Expensire (a) : đắt

Visit (v) : thăm

 A quarium (n) : bể cá, hồ cá


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week: 19 
Unit 9 : at home anway
Period 55 : a1
Complating day:
Teaching day:
I/ Objectives:
 After studying this lesson pupils will be able to know how to use “ the past simple tense ” and how to question and answer about vacation.
II/ Contents:
Wonder ful (a) : đẹp,tuyệt vời Gift (n) : món quà 
Frendly (a) : thân thiện tired (a) : mệt mỏi
Delicious (a) : ngon trip (n) : chuyến đi
Cheap (a) : rẻ
Expensire (a) : đắt
Visit (v) : thăm
 A quarium (n) : bể cá, hồ cá
 The past : (+) S + verbed 
 (-) S + didn’t + verb
 (?) Did + S + verb ?
 Yes, S + did
 No, S + didn’t
III/ Teaching methods
 Communicative and develop skills.
IV/ Teaching aids
Teacher: tape, cassette, schoolbook, chalk, board.
Pupils: prepare this lesson at home.
V/ Proces
Teacher’s activities
Pupils’ activities
Unite on boad
1.Wram up : asks some questions.
( ?) Who is absent to day ?
( ?) did you have a good vacation ?
( ?)what did you do yesterday ?
 After then Introduces pupils to practise in pair
( ?)what do you remember most in the first semester ?
( ?) In which subject do you get the highest score ?
( ?)What are you going to do in this semester ?
 Guides through out some questions :
? what do you always do in summer ?
? Do you like treveling ?
 Hangs a picture about Nha Trang and continously introduces.
? Do you know which place it is ?
? what can we do when we visit Nha Trang ?
 Introduce : We are going to listen to a conservation between Ba and liz.They are talking about Liz’s vacation in Nha Trang. You Listen and tell me what they did there.
*)Open the tape ( the first time) . (part A1 page 86 ).
 Introduce : in this dialogue , all action that liz tell , happened in the past . So the verb used in this con-servation are used in the simple past.
 Writes structures on the board.
 Asks pupils to go to the board and write example.
*) Note : read "ed"
/ t / when the verbs end : k, p, f, s, sh, ch, ss.
Ex :walk-walked
/d/ when the verbs end : m, n, l, g, c, y, w, e.
/id/ when the verbs end : "t , d"
 Ex : start – started
 Need – needed.
 Asks pupils to learn by heart "irregular " in the dialogue.
Ex : take – took
 Buy – bought
 Have - had
*) Open the tape ( the second time) after listening, do exercise. "Now answer Number the sentences"
 Asks pupils to compare the result.
Calls some pupils to read the result before the class and others listen and comment.
*) Open the tape ( the third time), stop each sentence and give true key and explain new words.
 Read model and asks pupils to repeat in chorus and individual.
 Explain : We spent our summer holiday vacation in Sam Son last year.
 If you get this job, you will have two – week holidays(BE)/ vacation (AE)
 Asks pupils to practise in pair.
 Calls some pairs to read aloud before the class.
 Says again : structure and usage og the past simple.
4.Homework :
 Asks pupils to learn by heart new words, structure and irrugalar verbs
 Do exercise 1.
Answer the questions.
 Do as guided.
Answer the question
Listen and answer the questions.
Listen to the tape.
Listen to the teach.
Look and copy down in the as guided.
Go to the boarn and write example.
Listen and copy down in note – book.
Do as guided.
Copy down into the note-book.
Listen to the tape.
Do exercise 
Read the result
Listen and copy down in the note-book.
Read in chorus and individual.
Listen and copy down into the note-book
Do as guided
Read aloud before the class.
Listen and remember.
1.Listen. Then pratise with a partrer.
The past simple tense
structure :
*) tobr
(+) I, he/she/is  + was + o
 We, they, you + were + o 
 (-) I, he, she, it + wasn’t + o
 We, they , you + weren’t + o
 ( ? )was +I, he, she, it+o ?
 Were + we, they, you + o ?
 à yes, S + was / were
 No, S + wasn’t/weren’t
(+) S + v-ed + o
 (-) S + didn’t + verb
( ?) Did + S + verb ?
 à yes, S + did
 No, S + didn’t
b)Usage : the past simple tense expresses an action that completely finished in the past. This tense always goes with :
Ex : I visited my frends yesterday.
 We didn’t go to school.
3.liz bought souvernis.
2.liz visited Tri Nguyen Aquarium.
4.liz returned to HN
1.liz went to Nha Trang
5.liz talked about her vacation.
Unit 9 : at home and away
Period 56 : A2
Complating day:
Teaching day:
I/ Objectives:
After learning this lesson pupils will be able to use influently “The past simple tense” and refell story depending on the dialogue.
II/ Contents:
 Shark (n) : cá mập
Dolphin (n) : cá voi
Turtle (n) : rùa biển
Cap (n) : mũ lưỡi trai
Crab (n) : cua
III/ Teaching methods
Communicative and develop skills
IV/ Teaching aids
Teacher: schoolbook, tape, cassette, chalk, board.
Pupils: prepare this lesson at home.
V/ Proces
Teacher’s activities
Pupils’ activities
Unite on boad
1.Wram up : asks some questions.
? Who is absent today ?
? Did you watch TV yesterday ?
? Is it cold today ?
2.Checking the privious lesson.
 Calls some pupils :
P1 :Write new words
P2 :Write structure
P2 :Do exercise 1.
3.New lesson.
Introduces pupils to play "Noughts and crosses"
Answer the question 
Go to the board and finish exercises.
Listen and play game.
a)pre – reading :
 Asks pupils to relook the dialogue between liz and Ba in the previous period.
? How was liz’s vacation ?
?What did she think of Nha Trang ?
?what places did she visit ?
Introduces : In the last period, we heard liz telling about her vacation in Nha Trang with her family. In today’s lesson, we will read the text about one of the most interesting and memorable activities which liz and the vacation the visit to Tri Nguyen aquarium.
Questions : can you guess what liz and her family did during the visit to Tri Nguyen aquarium
b)While – reading
 asks pupils to look at part A2 page 87 .
introduces pupils to read the text and answer the question following content of the dialogue.
Asks pupils to compare the result.
 Calls some pupils to read the before the calls ; others listen and comment.
 Comments and corrects.
Writes the true result on the board.
*) Open the tape stop some sentences to check the result and expain new words.
 Write new words on the board.Read model, asks pupils to repeat in chorus and individual.
c)post – reading.
 Asks pupils to read the dialogue one time.
Calls some ps to read and translate into VietNamese.
 Asks pupils to look at Now tell the story of liz’s trip to Tri Nguen aquarium.
 Introduces ps to retell about liz’s vacation and her family following pictures page 88.
 Asks ps to compare the result.
 Calls some ps to read the result. Other listen and comment.
 Comment and correct.
Writes true the result.
a, the Robinsons went to the aquarium.
b, they saw sharks , dolphins, turtles and many colorful fish.
c,there was a souvernir shop near the exit of the aquarium.
d, Mr Robinson bought liz a cap with a picture of a dolphin on it , Mr Robinson bought a poster.
e,after their visit to the aquarium, the Robinsons went to ate fish and crab and liz ate noodles.
 Says again : Content of the dialogue about the liz’s vacation.
 Irregular verb in the dialogue.
 Asks ps.
Learn by heart new words.
 retell about the liz’s vacation.
Do exercise 2.
Do as guided.
Answer the questions.
Listen to the teacher.
Guessand answer.
Do as guided.
Compare the result.
Read the result.
Listen and write down into the note-book.
Listen to the tape.
Listen , write and read in chorus and individual.
Read and translate.
Look at.
Do as guided.
Compare the result.
Listen and remember.
Listen and copy down into the note – book..
a.her parents went to the aquarium with her.
b.They saw sharks, dolphins, turtles and many different types of fish.
c.They bought a cap and a poster.
d.Yes, she did, liz wore the cap all day.
e.Yes, they ate fish and crab.
f.Because she remember the beautiful fish in the aquarium.
Unit 9 : at home and away
Period 57 : A3
Complating day:
Teaching day:
I/ Objectives:
After this lesson pupils woll use influently “ the past tense”
II/ Contents:
return (v) : trở về
arrive (v) : đến
III/ Teaching methods
 Communitive and langguage focus.
IV/ Teaching aids
Teacher: schoolbook, tape, cassette, chalk, board.
Pupils: prepare this listen at home.
V/ Proces
Teacher’s activities
Pupils’ activities
Unite on boad
1.Warm up : asks some questions.
? what is the weather like today ?
?Did you visit Nha Trang ?
2.checking the previous lesson ?
P1 : Write new words
P2 : Retell about liz’s vacation
P3 : Do exercise 2.
3.New lesson.
a)pre – listing :
 Give question guiding.
?Can you tell me about liz’s trip to Nha Trang ?
?How did they return to Ha Noi ?
?What did they do on the way back to Ha Noi ?
?What time did they arrive home ?
Introduces : In the last perod, you already knew what liz and her family did during the rip to Nha Trang.
b)While – listening :
 Asks pupils to look at part 3 page 89.
Introduces :we are going to listen to a tape about the trip of liz’s family to Nha listen to it and choose the sentence in each pair which.
*)Open the tape (2-3 times if necessary)
Asks pupils to listen and do exercise and then compare the result.
Calls some pupils to read the result. Other listen and comment.
Give true result and write on board.
 The Robinsons had a great holiday in Nha Trang . Unfortunately, the holiday soon ended and it was time to return home . They took a bus back to Ha Noi . Liz was excited as the bus drove through the countryside. She saw rice paddies for the first time. Everything looked calm and peaceful. At four o’cock, the bus stopped at a small roadside restaurant for 10 minutes. Mr Robinson was asleep , so Mr . Robinson bought some peanuts and an ice crem for liz. The bus arrived in Ha Noi at about 7 p.m.
*)Open the tape (4 times)
Stop each sentence to check the result.
 Explain new words.
Reads model, asks ps to repeat in chorus and individual.
c)Post – listening :
Calls one pupil to retell depending on true result.
4) Consolidation :
 Says again.
Information about the liz’s vacation.
Structure and verb.
5)Homework :
Asks ps :
Retell comtent of the dialogue.
learn by heart new words.
Do exercise 3.
Answer the questions.
Go to the board and finish exercises.
Answer the questions.
Listen ... and remember.
Listen and copy.
1.Listen and read.
Football (n) : bóng đá
Roller-blading : môn trượt patanh.
. Surprising results.
. The most popular choice.
. One of the word’s most popular games.
2.Take a class survery.
Unit 13 : activities
Period 82 : a3+4
Complating day:
Teaching day:
I/ Objectives:
 After studying this lesson help ps know structure and the usage of Adverb of manner.
II/ Contents:
1.Vocabulary :
Walking completition (n) : cuộc thi chạy manatong
Organnize (v) : tổ chức
Participant (n) : người đại diện
Regular activity (n) : hoạt động phổ biến
Instead of : ngoại trừ
Motorbike trip :chuyến đi bàng xe máy
2. Grammar :
 Adj + ly = adv.
III/ Teaching methods
 Communicative and develop skill.
IV/ Teaching aids
Teacher:tape, cassettle, chalk, board, schoolbook.
Pupils : read at home
V/ Proces
Teacher’s activities
Pupils’ activities
Unite on boad
1. Warm up :
 Asks some questions.
? What is the weather like today ?
? What sports do you like best ?
? Who is absent today ?
2. Checking the previous leddon :
 Calls some ps.
P1 : Write new words.
P2 : Do exercises.
3.New lesson :
Introduces ps to play game.
Asks ps to look at pictures ( part A3 page 131) and give names of sports.
Introduces : in English in order to express how someone do something we use adverbs of manner.
Most of there adverbs are formed as follows :
 Adj + ly=adv.
Asks ps to look at book.
*) Open the tape asks ps to listen and compare sentence of each picture.
Explains the position of adjectives.
Asks ps to practice and make similar sentences.
Calls some pairs to practice before the class.
Asks ps to look at part A4 page 133.
Asks some questions :
? What are they doing ?
? Do you always take a walk ?
?What are the benefits of walking ?
Takes : base on the tille "walking is fun", can you guess what the reading is about ?
Introduces : you are going to read a passage about walking-one of the most popular sport activities you read and answer the questions in your book.
Asks ps to read (a) and ( b).
Asks ps to compare the result.
Calls some ps to read .
Aloud the result before the class.
Corrects and gives true results.
Explains new words write on board. Read models and asks ps to repeat in chorus and individual.
Asks ps to answer questions from (a) to "f".
Calls some ps to read result before the class.
Listens and corrects, gives true result.
Calls some ps to read passage before the class.
Asks ps to practice in groups, give usefulness of walking :
4.Consolidation :
 Say again :
-The structure of adverbs of manner.
-The contents.
5.Homework :
Asks ps 
-Learn by heart new words.
-Do exercises.
Answer the questions.
Go to the board and do exercises.
Play as guided.
Look at picture.
Listen and copy.
Look at book.
Do as guided.
Listen and copy.
Practice before the class.
Look at the book.
Answer the questions.
Look at title and guess content.
Listen to in troduing and read passage.
Read and answer.
Read aloud before the class.
Listen and copy.
Listen and copy.
Listen and copy.
Read aloud.
Practice in groups.
4.for everyone
Listen and remember.
Listen and copy.
2. Listen. Then practise with a partner.
Ex : skillfulà skillfully
 Slowà slowly
 Badà badly
 Quickà quickly
 Safeà safely
Irregular adverbs.
*) The usafe of adverbs of manner : stand after verbs.
Ex : He plays sower very well.
Ex : He is a good Soccer player.
= He plays well.
"Good is a adjective so stand before the noun and "well" is a adverb and stand after "verb".
4. Read.
a.He takes part in Walking for fun ( UFF) club, walking.
b.The write’s school team won the firt prize, they were so happy and wanted to keep the activity. activity is a 5 km
walk/walking 5 km to the beach on Sunday morning and the other is walk-to-school-day.
d.It’s 5 km from school to the beach.
e.Wednesday is the WTS (walk to school) Day.
f.Member living near school often take part in the WTS day.
Full name:
Class :
 Written Test English 7
Bai 1: Chon dap an dung
1She----her teeth three times aday 
A brushed B brush C brushes D brushs
2. How---- is your brother ? He is 1.70 meters.
A high B tall C weight D heavy
3 You mustn’t ------ up late.
A stay B to stay C staying D stayed
4 He can speak English very well and----- can his sister.
A so B too C either D neither
5. Stop, please. That is too----- coffe.
A many B lots of C much D little.
6. We won’t attend the meeting tomorrow and------ will he.
A so B too C neither D either
7. I am glad --------you’re feeling better.
A hear B to hear C hearing D heard
8. A balanced diet is good ----your health.
A to B with C in D for
Bai 2: Chia dong tu
My father ( watch) TV now and I ( do) my homework
What she ( go ) to yesterday?
She (go ) to her mother’ house
3She’d like (buy ) some bananas.
4 My family ( visit) HCM city next year
Bai 3: Dat cau hoi cho cac cau tra loi
He got up at six o’clock yesterday morning
2 I brush my teeth three times aday
3. She is 45 kilos
I am one meter fifty centimeters.
Bai 4: Dien gioi tu 
Liz went------ Nha Trang -------summer vacation.
Nam returned -------HN last week.
After the holiday they returned to HN ------plane
Nam talked----- his friends ----- his recent vacation.
Bai 5: Viet lai cau sao cho nghia khong doi.
1 Where does she live?
2 They like to travel to Nha Trang on their vacation.
They enjoy
3 Reading is more boring than watching TV.
Watching TV is more
My family has six people.
There are
II. KEY and Mark
Bai1: (2 marks)
1—c 2---b 3---a 4---a 5---c 6----d 7----b 8----d
Bai2:(2 marks) 
1 is watching/ am doing 
2 did—go/ went
3 to buy
4 will visit ( is going to visit)
BAI 3.( 2 marks) 
1 What time did he get up?
2 How often do you brush your teeth?
3 How heavy is she?
4 How tall are you?
Bai4: ( 2 marks) 
1 to---on 2. to 3. by 4. to----about
Bai 5: ( 2 marks) 
1 What is her address?
2 They enjoy travelling to Nha Trang on their vacation.
3 Watching TV is more intesting than reading.
4 There are six people in my family.
III/ Thong ke va nhan xet 
1/ Thong ke
Lesson 1: Tenses
I Present : Simple : S verb 
 Continuos: S is ( are) verbing
 Perfect : S have ( has) P
 Perfect continous : S have been (has been) verbing
 eg: The River flows to the South
 I have been learning English for 3 years
 Hien tai hoan thanh tiep dien dien ta mot qua trinh lien tuc va se con tiep dien trong tuong lai.
 I have been working here for 3 years .
Cac dong tu khong viet o dang tiep dien: know, get married, see, love
II. Past: Simple : S Past verb
 Continous : S was (were) verbing 
 Perfect: S had p
 Perfect continuous: S had been Verbing
 eg: I ate much yesterday
 I was watching TV at 5 yesterday
 By 8 yesterday I had done all homework
 When I came home My baby had been sleeping for an hour
EG: Chia dong tu
1 Toan is a teacher. She (teach) here for 10 years 
2 By the time I got to work, I (drink) three cups of coffee.
3 Douglas has been putting some money away every month to prepare for his trip to South America next year. By the end of this year he (save) enough.
4. On 20th July I returned home . I (be) away for 3 years
5 Susan (hurt) her back white she (play) volleyball last year
III. Future : Simple: S Will Verb ( Be going to verb)
 Continuous : S Will Be Verbing
 Perfect : S Will Have P
 Perfect continuous: S Will have been verbing
 Eg 1 I am going to take the exams of Forgeign university
 2. By the time I go home tomorrow my parents will have been sleeping for 2 hours
 3. By the end of this year I will have saved enough a bike
 1. When I came home I phoned you right way yesterday
 2. When I saw her yesterday She was washing 
 3. When I finish my homework I wil go to the park
 4. When I come home tomorrow My mother will be cooking 
 5. When I finished my fisrt year at university , Jane had been learning there for 4 years
 Lesson 2: THE USE OF VERB
I. Expressing tenses in time clauses:
Present : 1. She always reads the newspaper while she is waiting for the bus.
 2. Janet usually leaves as soon as her boss goes home
 3. I often stay up until my mother comes home
Past : 1. As soon as his mother died he left his country 
 2. Until ---------------------------------------------------
 3. After ------------------------------------------------- 
future: After she moves to a new house, she will phone you
	 As soon as I go, I will send you a postcard
II. Notes
* Twenty dollars is much for that shirt
Số tiền (sum of money)
Khoảng cách ( a distance)	 Dùng với động từ số ít
Giá trị ( value)
Khoảng thời gian (aperiod of time)
- Two thousand ton of rice has sent to Cuba
* Each
 Every 	Luôn đi với danh từ số ít và động từ số ít 
 Many a (nhiều)
Hôm qua không sinh viên nào vắng mặt: yesterday, no student was absent. Many a famous people has died of drugs 
* Or
 Nor	Động từ chia theo chủ ngữ gần nhất
 Either  or 
 Neither  nor 
	Mai or I am sad
Either my brother or you have to go: Hoặc là anh tôi hoặc là bạn phải đi ra ngoài
* The number of books in the library is small
A number (số lượng lớn ) of sudents want to meet the headmaster
* We can use some adjectives as nouns to refer a group of people in this case verb is used in plural form 
The rich avenot always happy
The English like speaking about the neather
Khi viết quốc tịch những chữ cuối cùng là “ ian” thêm “s” 
Bài tập 
Trong mỗi câu sau có một lỗi sai, hãy sửa
1. Last week we are invited to a party
2. I am not used to get up early
3. Two and two are making four
4. The baby was putted to sleep early 
5. The students woked very hardly for exam
6. The book is so interested that it sells very quickly
7. He has been in Britain twice
8. Although he never passed any exams But he said he had been educated in foreign countries
9. My father no loger smokes. He gave up to smoke two years
Bài 2: Viết lại các câu sau sao cho nghĩa không đổi
1. I haven’t enjoyed my self so much for year
2. This is themost delicious cake I have ever tasted
3. She left university 2 years a go 
4. I’d rather not see him tomorrow
5. You will catch a cold if you don’t keep your feet dry
6. Herry reg retted buying a second hard car
Lesson 3: Reported speech: Cách nói gián tiếp
I: Example
* “ I like hers ” John said 
à John said that he liked her
+ “ Come in please” My teacher said

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  • docgiao_an_mon_tieng_anh_khoi_7_hoc_ki_2.doc