Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh Khối 7 - Học kì II (Bản 2 cột)

Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh Khối 7 - Học kì II (Bản 2 cột)

Unit 9. at home and away

 Period 55: A1

I.Objectives: To help sts to listen, read, number the statements get acquainted with some devided verbs in the simple past tense.

II.Language contents:

- Grammar: simple past tense

- Vocab.: about vacations

III.Teaching aids: Textbook ; a posters




3.New lesson:


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The second term
Date of preparation: 00/00/2009.
Date of teaching: 
Unit 9. at home and away
 Period 55: A1 
I.Objectives: 	To help sts to listen, read, number the statements get acquainted with 	some devided verbs in the simple past tense.
II.Language contents: 	
- Grammar: simple past tense
- Vocab.: 	 about vacations
III.Teaching aids:	Textbook ; a posters
3.New lesson:	
T’s Activities
Ss’ Activities
I, Warm up Time: (6')	Chatting
- What do you usually do on your summer vacation ?
- Do you like travelling ?
- Where do you usually travel ?
II, Pre - listening / reading Time: (12') 	
- (to) welcome	: chóc mõng (exp.)
® welcome back	: chóc mõng b¹n ®· trë vÒ / vÒ
- (to) think	: nghÜ vÒ (visual)
- friendly 	(a)	: th©n mËt, th©n thiÖn 	(trans.)
- quite 	(adv) = very 	(syn) 	: rÊt	
- an aquarium 	: hå, bÓ nu«i c¸ 	(visual P.88)
- a gift = a present (syn)	: quµ tÆng 
- (to) return = (to) come back : trë vÒ 	(syn)
Checking vocab.: 	R & R
- Ask sts to look at the picture P.86 and guess where is the beach ?
- T introduces some features of Nha Trang and its scenic sports.
- T sets the sence: We're going to listen a conversation between Ba and Liz about Liz's trip to Nha Trang. Befor listening it, now predict: 
+ What did Liz do in VNese?
	+ Where did Liz go in VNese?	
- T collects sts' predictions on the bb.
III.While listening / reading	Time: (15')
- T checks with WC.
Answer Key:
a. Places Liz went 	: Cham temples ; Tri Nguyen aquarium
b. Things Liz did	: bought some souvenirs ; visited some palces (in VNese)
- T introduces / presents some past simple tense of verbs in the dialogue 
Poster 1
- (to) be ® was / were	- (to) buy ® bought
- (to) do ® did	- (to) have ® had
- (to) take ® took	- (to) visit ® visited
- sts read the dialogue the second time ® number the sentenes.
Answer Key: 3-2-4-1-5.
IV.Post listening /reading	Time: (10')	
Sts retell things Liz did on her vacation in N. Trang
(using the statement in Exercice P87)
Eg: ... Liz went to Nha Trang
Homework 	Time: (2')
- Read + translate A1
- Write all verbs in A1 in 2 form: 	to V- The past simple tense
	 Eg: (to) Visit ® Visited
- Do A1 . P53.
Listen and guess
Listen & repeat
in Nha Trang
-Listen and answer T’ questions
listen the dialogue and check 
- Sts listen the dialogue twice and check their prediction
- Sts listen the third time while reading in silence.
- Sts practice reading in pair ® exchange 
Listen , read and copy
 Date of preparation: 8/1/2009
 Date of teaching : 
Unit 9. at home and away
 Period 56: A2 
I.Objectives: 	By the end of the lesson sts will be able to read for details; answer 	comp - qs ; retell story using pictures.
II.Language contents: 	
- Grammar: The simple present tense
- Vocab.: 	 Vacations
III.Teaching aids:	Textbook ; a posters
 (5) 2.Check Write all verbs in A1 in 2 form: to V- The past simple tense
 3.New lesson:	
T’s activities
Ss’ activities
I, Warm up 	Time: (5')	Pelmanism
Eg: 	Eat - ate
II, Pre - listening / reading	Time: (13')	
Pre - teach vocab.
- a shark 	: con c¸ mËp	(visual)
- a dolghin 	: con c¸ heo 	(visual)
- a turtle 	: con rïa 	( " )
- a crab	: con cua 	( " )
- seafood (UC)	: h¶i s¶n 	(exp.)
- an exit	: lèi ra 	(trans.)
- a cap 	: chiÕc mò l­ìi trai	(realia)
Checking vocab.: 	R & R
- T sets the scene: Liz and her parents wents to N. Trang, in NT they did some things. Before listening / reading the text, now predict T / F.
Poster 1
1. Liz went to the aquarium with her parents	 	T
2. They saw some chickens here	F
3. They bought a can of coca here	F
- T collects sts' predictions on the bb after sts finish their predictions and comparing each other.
III.While listening / reading	Time: (15')
- Play the tape/ read the text 
- Asks Sts to read the text (first time) and correct their predictions again.
- T checks : 	Answer key: 1 . T 	2 . F	3 . F
- Asks Sts to read the text (second time) and find out the answer, for comp. qs.
- T checks:
a.Her parents went to the aquarium with her
b. b. They saw sharks, dolphins, turtles and many different types of fish (loµi c¸)
c. Mrs Robinson bought a cap and a poster: bøc tranh).
d.Yes, She did Liz wore the cap all day.
e.Yes, they ate fish and crap.
f.Because she remembered the beautiful fish in the aquarium
IV.Post listening - reading	Time: (6')	
- T runs throughs pictures . P88 	(People / places)
- T gives instruction of retelling ® models
- Ask Ss to retell the story of Liz's trip to Tri Nguyen Aquarium (picture by picture - Sts retell a whole story 	(3 - 4 sts)
Answer Key.
a. The Robinson family went to the auquarium
b. They saw sharks, dolphins, turtles and many different types of fish (loµi c¸)
c. There was a souvenir shop near the exit of the aquarium.
d. Mr. Robinson bought Liz a cap with a picture of a dolphin on it. (Mrs Robinson bought a poster: bøc tranh).
e. The Robinson went to a food stall. Mr and Mrs Robinson ate fish and crab. Liz ate noodles.
V.Homework 	Time: (1')
- Read + translate & answers the qs of A2 - P87 - 88
- Retell the story of Liz trip to T Nguyen Aquarium
- Do A2 - P53 . Wb.
Group work
Listen and guess
Listen & repeat
predict , then compare with the partner
listen to the text (twice and check their predictions. 
- Sts compare each other.
Look at the book and listen
-individual- before the class).
Listen again and Copy
-Answer before the class
Date of preparation: 8/1/2009
Date of teaching : 
Unit 9. at home and away
 Period 57:. A3 - 4 
I.Objectives: 	After the lesson sts will be able to listen, do the multiple choice; 	read Ba's diary and correct deliberated mistakes.
II.Language contents: 	
- Grammar: The past simple tense
- Vocab.: 	 Vacation
III.Teaching aids:	Textbook ; a posters
 (5) 2.Check : - Do A2 - P53 . Wb.
 3.New lesson:	
T’s activities
Ss’ activities
I, Warm up 	Time: (5')	Matching
 (to) talk 	® 	talked 	nãi chuyÖn
(to) live 	moved	sèng
(to) move 	remembered	häc
(to) learn	lived 	chuyÓn ®Õn
(to) do 	learned	®Õn
(to) remember 	did	nh×n / xem
II.Pre - reading / listening	
Pre - teach vocab.	Time : (5')
- (to) arrive ~ in (®Þa ®iÓm lín) 	: ®Õn (trans.)
	 at (®Þa ®iÓm nhá)
- (to) rent	: thuª (trans. ® explanation)
- (to) keep in touch 	: liªn l¹c 	(trans.)
- (to) move	: chuyÓn (nhµ) 	(exp.)
- on other side 	: ë phÝa bªn kia 	(trans.)
- (to) improve	: c¶i tiÕn, trau dåi 	(trans.)
Pre - listening 	Time: (5')
- Ask sts read A3. P89 (3') ® and underline the differences between each pair of sentences.	T models.
a. 	by train 	b. 	by bus
While - listening	Time: (5') 
- Asks Sts to listen and tick the sentences they hear (multiple choice) 	(listen twice) 
- Asks Sts to compare each other
- If it's neccesary. Sts listen the last time and correct their answer.
Tape transcript
	The Robinson had a great holiday in Nha Trang. Unfortunately the holiday soon ended and its was time to return home.
	They look a bus back to Hanoi. Liz was excited as the bus drove through the countryside. She saw rice paddies for the first time. Everything looked calm and peaceful. At four o'clock, the bus stopped at a small roadside restaurant for 10 minutes. Mr Robinson was asleep so Mrs Robinson bought some peanuts and an ie cream for Liz. The bus arrived in Hanoi at about
Post listening 	Time: (5')
- Sts read all sellected sentences to make a meaningfull short story.
Pre - reading 	Time: (5')
- T gives instruction of doing A4.
-Asks Sts to read statements a ® g (P90) and translate them into VNese.
- T remarks sts all statements of A4 are false. Ask sts to read Ba's diary P.89 and correct them.
While reading 	Time: (8')
-Asks Sts to read Ba's diary P.89 and correct deliberated mistakes sts compare their answers with each other.
- Gives answers:
Answer key:
	a. Liz lived next door to Ba
	b. Liz learned Vietnamese in Vietnam
	c. Ba collects stamp
	d. Liz's aunt lives in New York
	e. The Robinson moved to the other side of Hanoi
	f. The Robinson moved. Now Ba is sad
	g. Ba will see Liz next week.
III.Homework 	Time: (2')
- Write the past form of these verbs
(to) arrive 	® arrived	(to) be 	®
(to) help 	®	(to) eat 	®
(to) remember ®	(to) have 	® 
(to) return 	®	(to) give 	®
(to) look 	®	(to) give 	® 
(to) cook 	®	(to) take 	® 
(to) wash	®	(to) teach 	®
(to) visit	®	(to) think	®
(to) need	®	(to) go 	®
(to) want	® 	(to) do 	® 
Pair work
Listen and guess
Listen & repeat
Read and underline the differences
Pair work
Read individually
Read statements
Read individually then compare with the partners
 Date of preparation: 15/1/2009
 Date of teaching : : 7A: 7B: 7C:
Unit 9. at home and away
 Period 58:. B1 – 2 
I.Objectives: 	By the end of the lesson sts will be able to talk about the events in 	the past using the past simple tense in 3 forms (+) (-) (?).
II.Language contents: 	
- Grammar: The past simple tense
- Vocab.: 	 Hobbies
III. Teaching aids:	Textbook ; picture ; posters
IV. Procedure:
 (5) 2.Check : Write the past form of these verbs
(to) arrive 	® arrived	(to) be 	®
(to) help 	®	(to) eat 	®
(to) remember ®	(to) have 	® 
(to) return 	®	(to) give 	®
 (to) cook 	®	(to) take 	® 
 (to) visit	®	(to) think	®
(to) need	®	(to) go 	®
(to) want	® 	(to) do 	®
 3.New lesson:	
T’s activities
Ss’ activities
I, Warm up 	Time: (5')	Matching	(Poster 1)
	(A)	(B)
Do you like it ?	- They see dolphins
Did you like it ?	- Yes, I do
What did they see there ?	- She wore the cap all day
What do they see there ?	- Yes, I did
What did Liz do ?	- They saw sharks
What does Liz do ?	- She wears this cap
What do they do ?	- They see sharks
II, Presentation	Time: (20') 	
* Pre - teach vocab.	
- a hairdresser 	: ng­êi thî lµm ®Çu 	(exp.)
- a dress maker	: ng­êi thî may 	( " )
- a neighbor	: ng­êi hµng xãm 	(trans.)
- material (n) 	: v¶i, chÊt liÖu	(realia)
- clever (a)	: khÐo lÐo	(trans.)
- Ask sts to look at picture P.92. T and sts exploit that picture
® T sets the scene: Hoa and Lan are friends. Today Hoa's wearing a new dress. Lan asks Hoa about this:
* B1 . P92 	The dialogue 
- T plays the tape. Sts listen while reading i ... 
S:	It's in Thai Land.
- Retells the contents of the dialogue
- Read + translate A1 . P154 - Do B2 . P115
group work
Listen and guess
Listen & repeat
Read in pairs
Pair work
- Write down
Date of preparation: 15/4/2009
Date of teaching : 7A: 7B: 7C:
Unit 16. People and places
Period 97:. A3 + 4 P156 - 157
I.Objectives: 	After the lesson sts will be able to listen and read A3 + A4. P156 - 	157: Write the Pilot's schedule; Answer comp questions. 
	Do the matching and transformation writing 
II.Language contents: 	
- Grammar	:	Modal 	"May"
- Vocabulary: 	People and places
III. Teaching aids:	Textbook ; a poster
2.Check: write new words
3.New lesson:
T’s activities
Ss’ activities
I, Warm up ;	
China - beifing 	
Thai Lan - Bangkok
Malaysia - Kuala Lumpur
Lao - Vientiane
Myanmar - Yangon
Indonesia - Jakata.
B.Pre – listening:
- T sets the scene ® gives instructions of listening A3. P156.
C.While - listening :
-Asks Sts to listen to the tape three time and complete the pilot's schedule with the correct place.
Tape transcript
	On Monday, I flew to Bangkok and then to Singapore. I stayed Monday and Tuesday nights in a hotel. Then on Wednesday, I flew to Jakata. I stayed overnight and on Thursday I flew to Bali. I stayed there Thursday and Friday. On Friday night, I went to a cultural show and saw some Balinese dancers. On Saturday, I flew to Hong Kong. I was there over night. On Sunday, finally I flew back to Hanoi.
Calls Ss to give answers
Gives correct answers
Answer Key: 
Monday 	: Bangkok and Singapore
Tuesday	: Sinapore
Wednesday	: Jakarta
Thursday	: Bali	mét hßn ®¶o nhá næi tiÕng
Friday	: Bali	cña Indonesia
Saturday	: Hongkong
Sunday	: back to Hanoi
A4 . P156
D.Pre - reading :
Pre - teach vocab.
 	an attraction 	: sù thu hót, hÊp dÉn 	(trans.)
	an ancient momument : t­îng ®µi cæ 	(visua
	traditions (Ns)	: tËp tôc, truyÒn thèng	(trans.)
	shadow puppet	: Móa rèi bãng ®en 	(exp.)
	a resort	: khu an d­ìng	(trans.)
	coral (Ns)	: san h«	(visual / realia)
 	(to) sail	: l¸i tµu	(trans.)
	(to) mention	: nãi tíi	(trans.)
E.While – reading:
- Asks Sts to read the text again (individually) and find out comp - qs 
*Answer Key:
a. They're ancient momument / shows / attractions of the sea (resorts).
b. Free answer.
F.Post - reading :
- Calls Ss to read the text
-Asks sts to read "Remember P.157
- Explains part remember
* Questions and answer.
a. What kinds of attractions do you prefer ?
* Make meaningful sentences
- You may prefer ...
- The attractions range from ......... to ............
*Homework :
- Read + translate A4 . P156 + Do transformation writing of A4 P156.
- Do excercises in the workbook
Group work
Listen to the tape
give answers
Listen and guess
Listen & repeat
Pair work
-Listen and remember
- write down
Date of preparation: 15/4/2009
Date of teaching : 7A: 7B: 7C:
Unit 16: People and places 
 period 98 : B 1- 2
I.Objectives : By the end of the lesson, Ss will get more knowledge about Vo Nguyen Giap and historic place.
II.Language contents: 	
- Grammar	:	
- Vocabulary: 	
III. Teaching aids:	Textbook ; a poster
2.Check: write new words
3.New lesson:
T’s activities
Ss’ activities
Pre- teach
 a quiz ( Visual) : C©u ®è
 a battle (expl) : ChiÕn dÞch
 The General (expl) : VÞ t­íng
 (to) lead (tran) : L·nh ®¹o
 ( to) defeat (anton) : ®¸nh b¹i
 force (trans) : b¾t buéc
 (to) be famous for : næi tiÕng vÒ....
T/ F prediction
 B 1 – P 158
B. While – listening
- Ask Ss to listen and check their preditions
- Ask Ss to compare with the partners 
- gives correct answers
 Key : a. F b. F c. T
 d. f e.T f. f
-Ask Ss to listen and fill in the form ( With answer keys
 Name : Vo Nguyen Giap
 Years of birth: 1911
 Job : General / Commander In Chief
 Famous for : Leading the people’s Army of Vietnam
 The battle : D ien Bien Phu
C. post- listening:B 2- P 158 
- Asks Ss to complete the dialogue
- Gives correct answers
 Key : 1: like 2 : prefer 3 : guess 4 : favorite
*Words cue drill
 a. Hong Nhung / Thanh Lam
 b. My Linh / My Tam
 c. Bang kieu / quang linh
 Example exchangce 
 S1 : Doyou like Hong Nhung ?
 S2 : I prefer Thanh Lam
 S1 : Why ?
 S2 : Because Thanh Lam is pretier than Hong Nhung.
 What about you ?
 S1 : My favorite singer is Hong Nhung
- Retells content of the text
* Home work
Do B 3 Write about Vo Nguyen Giap and about his batt
Listen and guess
Listen & repeat
-work in groups
- Compare
- give answers
- write down
Complete it in pair
Give answers
- pair work
Date of preparation: 15/4/2009
Date of teaching : 7A: 7B: 7C:
Unit 16: Famous people 
 Period 99: B 4
 Aims : Reading for details about a famous people and talking about thier biographies
	Objectives : By the end of the lesson, Ss can talk about biographies of some famous people. 
	Material : text book
	WA : Pair work , individual, group work
T’s activities
Ss’ activities
I, Warm up
 Guessing game 
( talking about famous people in the world ) 
 Do you like ........... ?
 No , Not very much. I prefer .........
II, New lesson
Pre- reading
Pre teach
 a bulb ( realia ) : bãng ®Ìn
 (to) establish (expl ) thµnh lËp
 motion picture : tranh chuyÓn ®éng
 a gramophone. : m¸y quay ®Üa
 an author ( stiua ) t¸c gi¶
 an actor ( stiua ) : diÔn viªn
 a fairy tale ( situa ) truyÖn cæ tÝch
- Open- prediction
 T introduces Thomas Edison and Hans Chistian Andersen
 - Ask Ss to predict what Thomas Edison and Hans Chistian Andersen did by doing the matching
 Key : Thomas Edison 
 a bulb, an invention
 a gramophone 
 ( to) establish
 Hans Chistian Andersen
 an actor, an author
 a fairy tale
* While – reading
- Ask Ss to read and check thier prediction.
 Play Lucky number
-Comprehension questions ?
 1. Who was Thomas Edison ?
 2. What was his famous invention ?
 3. What did he establish ?
 4. What other inventions did he invent ?
 5. Who was Hans Chistian Andersen?
 6. What did he want to be ?
 7. What kind of book did he write ? 
 8. what was he most famous for ?
Key ; 1. an inventor
 2. the electric light bulb
 3. the first central power station in New York City
 4. the gramophone and motion pictures.
 5. A danish author
 6. an actor
 7. novels, plays, poetry, ....
* Post reading :
Role- Play
 B4- P 160
 example exchange: 
 S1 : When were you born ?, Mr Edison ?
 S2 : I was born in 1847
 S1 : Were you born in America ?
 S2 : Yes I was
III, Home work
Do excercise in the work book
- Write about Thomas Edison and Hans Chiaian Andersen
group work
Listen and guess
Listen & repeat
group work
Pair work
Week: 34 Date of preparation: 25/4/2008
period: 100 th Date of teaching : 9/5
Unit 16
Lesson 5 : Famous people B 5 - P 161
 Aims : Listening for detail about uncle Ho’s biography with sequence of the past tense
	Objectives : By the end of the lesson, Ss can talk about Uncle Ho’s biographies. 
	Material : text book, tape and radio
	WA : Pair work , individual, group work
T’s activities
Ss’ activities
I, Warm up
 Noughts and crosses
 Give the past form and make sentences with the verbs.
 know go work
 become write invent
 grow bring be
 eg : I went to school yesterday.
II, New lesson
- Pre-teach
 ( to) leave (trans)
 (to) move ( trans) 
 (to) found ( situa)
 (to) form (trans)
Check vocab : What and where
Ask Ss to predict the places where uncle Ho travelled to
While- listening
Ask Ss to listen and check their prediction
Ask Ss to listen and complete the table B5 – p161
Uncle Ho
Date of birth
Kim Lien
Left of VN
Africa, England, American
Work in a hotel
went to another country
move again
founded Vietnamese Communist Party
guang zhow
Formed Viet minh front
become President
Ha noi
Post- listening
Write it up
Ss use the table above to write a paragraph about Uncle Ho, using the verbs in the past
 eg: Uncle Ho was born in 1890 in Sen villege, Nam Dan district, Nghe An province. He left VietN am in ......
III, Homework
Rewrite the Uncle Ho’s biography
Do excercises in the workbook
Group work
Listen and guess
Listen & repeat
Listen and fill in the form
Date of preparation: 10/4/2009
Date of teaching : 7A: 7B: 7C: 
Unit 15. going out
 period: 95 B4 P151 – 152
I.Objectives: 	After the lesson sts will be able to listen for details. Read and 	answer comp qs and write transformation.
II.Language contents: 	
- Grammar: 
- Vocab.: 	 The life in the country / big city
III.Teaching aids: Textbook ; a poster
New lesson:
T’ activities
Ss’ activities
A.Warm up 	* Chatting	
a- Do you like the life in the big city ? Why (not) ?
	the country ?
B4 P152
B.Pre - reading
- T sets the scene / introduces the situations.
- Ask sts to look at pictures on P152 and answer the qs: - How many pictures / names are there ?
- Yesterday Ba, Hoa, Nga, Nam, Lan and An did some activities. Before listening it. Now predict which activity each student did by the way writing their names next to the letter a, b, c ....
- T models ... ® sts predict 
- T collects sts' predictions on the bb.
C.While listening :
-Asks Sts to listen to the tape and correct their predictions
- T checks with WC 	/ ® then compare each other.
Tape transcript
Yesterday evening Ba played table tennis. Nga saw movie, Lan went to a restaurant. Hoa played chess. 
Nam listened to COs and An watched a soccer match
- Sts correct their predictions ® compare with each other.
- T checks with WC.
Post- listening:
Write it up
Ask Ss to write what they did in the pictures
eg : 
 a. Yesterday evening. Nga saw movie,. Hoa played chess
 b Yesterday evening Ba played table tennis
- Retells the contents of the text
*Home work
Wrie what did you do yesterday evening
o excercise in the work book
T – WC
Listen and predict
Listen individually, then compare with the parners
Write individually

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