Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Period 18: Language foucus 1 - Y Khương Niê Kdăm

Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Period 18: Language foucus 1 - Y Khương Niê Kdăm


I. Objectives : After finishing the lesson students will be able to do exercise and review the grammar to prepare for the test.

II. Language contents:

- Structures: Tenses ( Present simple - simple future)



 Questions about personal information

- Vocabulary

III. Techniques:

IV. Teaching aids: Textbook.


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Week: 6	Date of preparing: October 1, 2010
Period : 18	Date of teaching : October 2, 2010
Objectives :	After finishing the lesson students will be able to do exercise and review the grammar to prepare for the test.
Language contents:
Structures:	Tenses ( Present simple - simple future)
	Questions about personal information	
Teaching aids:	Textbook..
 Teacher & students’ activities
* Warm up / Check up :
+ St A : write the structure of present simple on the board.
- Explain and correct.
* Practice :
1. Activity 1 :
+ Finish the exercises individually. Compare with partners.
+ 2 Sts read their answers
- Correct and explain.
Activity 2 :
- Hand out a card about Nam’s activities and explain how to do. ( flashcard)
 - “ Nam will go to the post office but he won’t call Ba”
+ Work in pairs.
- Ask Sts to present before the class.
+ Read all the sentences aloud, look at the card.
Activity 3 :
+ StA : say how to form the ordinal numbers.
+ Work in pairs.
StA : Thang long team – points 36
StB : The first ..
Role play
Activity 4 :
- Present the picture and guide.
St A : Where is my cat ?
St B : It’s .
+ Some pairs perform.
Activity 5 :
- Give the adj and pictures.
+ Read the examples and say the structure of comparisons.
+ Work in groups of three.
St A : A is an expensive dress.
St B : B is 
St C : C is.
Activity 6 :
- How many ways to ask about jobs ?
+ Practice in pairs.
St A : describe one’s job ( She works in a hospital)
St B : Say the name of the job. ( She is a doctor. )
Activity 7 :
- Guide and explain.
+ Ask and answer, fill in the blanks.
+ Some pairs perform.
- Correct.
8. Activity 8 :
- Hand out a card ( police record )
- What is his name ?
+ His name is Pham Van Trung.
+ Ask and answer.
* Consolidation :
- Say again all the main points of grammar.
1. Present simple tense
Complete the passage using the verbs in brackets.
- Tobe : am
- Ordinary verbs :
Statement : S + Vs / es
Negative : S + don’t / doesn’t + V- inf
Interrogative : Do / Does + S + V- inf?
Key :
a. is / lives / are / goes.
b. are / eat / rides / catches.
2. Future simple tense.
S + will + V- inf
S + won’t + V-inf.
Will + S + V-inf.?
He will do his homework, but he won’t tidy the yard.
3. Ordinal numbers.
Cardinal + th -> ordinal. But five -> fifth; nine -> ninth; twelve -> twelfth; twenty -> twentieth
4. Prepositions.
It’s under the table.
It’s behind the TV.
It’s on the armchair.
Adjectives :
Comparative :
- Short adj : Adj + ER + than.
- Long adj : more + Adj + than.
Superlative :
- Short adj : the + Adj + EST
- Long adj : the most + Adj.
+ Irregular Adj :
Good / well -> better -> the best
Bad / badly -> worse - > the worst
Many / much -> more -> the most
Little -> less -> the least 
Far -> farther -> further
+ The adjs end by : ow, y , ly : used as short adjs.
- What does / do + S + do ?
- What is / are..+ job ?
- What is / are.+ S ?
S + am / is / are + (a / an ) 
Key :
b. She is a doctor / nurse.
c. She is a teacher.
d. He is a farmer.
7. Is there a./ Are there any..?
Key :
a.Are there any books ?
 Yes, there aere.
b. Are there any armchairs ?
No, thereisn’t.
c.Is there a telephone ?
No, there isn’t.
Are there any flowers ?
Yes. There are.
8. Question words.
How old is he ?
What’s his address ?
What does he do ?
* Homework : : - Practice asking & answering what you’ve learnt. 
 - Prepare for test.
Week: 7	Date of preparing: October 4, 2010
Period : 19	Date of teaching : October 5, 2010 
Class 7. 	Time : 45 minutes
I/ Choose the best answer to complete following sentences ( 3,0ms)
1, Hello, Nam . to meet you again ( Hi / Nice / Gladly / Good)
2, Will you be free tomorrow evening? -  ( Yes, I do / Yes, I will / Yes , I am / Yes, let’s)
3,  a beautiful day! ( It / How / Which / What)
4, My father is a He works in a hospital. ( doctor / farmer / teacher / journalist )
5, The picture of Uncle Ho is . the wall. ( in / on / at / next )
6, Ho Chi Minh City is  than BMT City ( big / bigger / the biggest / the biger)
II/ Write the ordinal numbers ( 1ms)
14th , 3rd : ., 25th : , 
30th : , 27th : 
III/ Put the correct form of the verbs in the brackets to complete sentences ( 2,0ms)
1, He .. ( be ) a new student in our class.
2, We  ( have ) test next week.
3, She .. ( take ) care of sick children in the hospital.
4, We often  ( do ) morning exercise at 5 o’clock
IV/ Match a question in A with its answer in B. ( 1,0m)
1, What is your date of birth?
2, How far is it from your house to the market?
3, What is your family name ?
4, Who is calling , please?
a, It’s me , Nga
b, About two kilometers
c, August 15th 
d, It’s Tran
1, , 2,.	3,	4,
V/ Read the passage and answer questions (2,0ms)
Hi, My name is Nga , I live in a village not far , about 20 kilometers from Ban Me Thuot City . My house is not very big but it is quite clean . It’s an old farmhouse . There is a large garden with a lot of beautiful plants and colourful flowers . There are three rooms in the house – a living room, a bedroom and a kitchen. I really like the house and the village is nice , too. It’s very quiet and my neighbors are friendly.
1, How far is it from Nga’s village to BMT city?
2, Is her house big or small? - 
3, How many rooms are there in the house?
4, Does she like her house and village ?- ..
VI / Put the words in the right order ( 1m)
1, is / telephone / what / number / your / ?
2, will / he / on / his/ 13/ be / birthday/ next /.
Week: 9	Date of preparing: October 18, 2010
Period : 25	Date of teaching : October 19, 2010 
I/ Choose the best answer to complete following sentences ( 3,0ms)
1, Hello, Nam . to meet you again ( Hi / Nice / Gladly / Good)
2, Will you be free tomorrow evening? -  ( Yes, I do / Yes, I will / Yes , I am / Yes, let’s)
3,  a beautiful day! ( It / How / Which / What)
4, My father is a He works in a hospital. ( doctor / farmer / teacher / journalist )
5, The picture of Uncle Ho is . the wall. ( in / on / at / next )
6, Ho Chi Minh City is  than BMT City ( big / bigger / the biggest / the biger)
II/ Write the ordinal numbers ( 1ms)
14th Fouteenth, 3rd : third, 25th : twenty-fifth, 30th : thirtieth , 27th : twenty- seventh
III/ Put the correct form of the verbs in the brackets to complete sentences ( 2,0ms)
1, He is .. ( be ) a new student in our class.
2, We will have ( have ) test next week.
3, She takes ( take ) care of sick children in the hospital.
4, We often do ( do ) morning exercise at 5 o’clock
IV/ Match a question in A with its answer in B. ( 1,0m)
1, c, 2,b.	3,d	4,a
V/ Read the passage and answer questions (2,0ms)
1, How far is it from Nga’s village to BMT city?
It is about 20 km
2, Is her house big or small? – It is small
3, How many rooms are there in the house?
There are three rooms
4, Does she like her house and village ?- Yes, she does
VI / Put the words in the right order ( 1m)
1, is / telephone / what / number / your / ?
What is your telephone number?
2, will / he / on / his/ 13/ be / birthday/ next /.
He will be 13 on his next birthday
Week: 7	Date of preparing: October ,6, 2010
Period : 20	Date of teaching : October 7, 2010 
	Section A: Schedules(A1-A2-A3)
I/ Objectives :	After finishing the lesson students will be able to review how to ask for and tell the time. At the time they can talk about timetable.
II/ Language contents:
Structures:	Present tense.	
Vocabulary	schedules
III/ Techniques:	pre-teach , slap the board.	
IV/ Teaching aids:	a cassette player - pictures of activities in class-text book.
V/ Procedures
 Teacher & students’ activities
* Warm up / Check up : 
- Ask some questions : What time is it ? What time do you go to school ? What time does your school start ?
* Practice :
1. Activity 1 :
- Remind how to ask and answer about the time.
- Hand out the picture and play the tape.
+ Read the time aloud.
+ Some sts say again.
- SS practice in pair
Activity 2 :
+ Work in pairs. ( ask & answer) – role play
+ Some pairs present before the class.
St A : ask – point at the picture.
St B : answer.
* Consolidation :
- Give the questions and structures.
- Do as the model
+ Repeat.
+ Ask & answer in pairs. ( role play )
+ Some pairs present before the class.
+ Write the correct answers.
* Practice listening :
- What time do you go to school ?
- What time do you have English / math / geography lesson ?
- Introduce the situation, using the schedule.
- Give new words.
+ Read aloud.
- Guide how to complete the schedule.
+ Guess the information. Compare.
+ Listen to the tape without writing.
+ Listen again and fill in.
+ Exchange their answers with partner.
+ Individual give answers.
+ Listen once more and check.
- Give correct answers.
Tape transcript :
 Good morning everybody. There are some small changes to your schedule this Friday and Saturday. Please write the correct subjects and times in your books. On Friday, English is at 7 am as usual. Then Geography is at 7.50. The next class is Music at 8.40. We start again at 9.40 with Physics and our last lesson of the day is History.
 On Saturday afternoon, the first class is Physical education at 1 o’clock and the second class is Math. We have another period of English at 3.40 and Physics is at 4.30. Any questions ? No ? Good. Let continue with today’s class.
+ Copy the schedule.
- Ask Sts to practice asking & answering.
- Go around and help with new words.
- What time is it now?
à It is . 
A1. Listen and repeat.
- What time is it ?
Giôø ñuùng :
It’s seven o’clock
+ It’s + giôø + o’clock.
Giôø hôn :
Ex: It’s four fifteen/ It’s aquarter past four 	
+ It’s + phuùt + past + giôø.
+ It’s + giôø + phuùt.
Giôø keùm : 
Ex: It’s nine forty / twenty to ten 
+ It’s + phuùt + to + giôø.
+ It’s + giôø + phuùt.
* Half past = thirty
It’s half past two= two thirty
* a quarter = fifteen.
- It’s aquater to three= two forty five
Practice with a partner :
What time is it ?
It’s seven o’clock.
It’s four fifteen.
 a quarter past four.
A2/ P42. Answer about you :
a, What time do you get up?
à I get up at
-Questions: ( b,c,d,e,f)
What time + do / does + S + V + O ?
 S + V + at + time.
b, What time do your clases start?
They start at 7.15
c, What time do they finis ... ss-text book.
V/ Procedures
 Teacher & students’ activities
* Warm up / Check up : (5’)
- Ask Sts to write their schedule on Monday and ask some questions.
* Pre - reading : (7’)
- Ask some Qs : What do you know about the USA ? About school in USA ?
- Give handouts for prediction.
+ Work in pairs. (book shut )
- Present the card on the board and have Sts stick on the T / F.
* While - reading :(20’)
+ Open the textbooks.
- Read the text. Give the new words.
+ Read.
+ Read the text silently.
+ Some read aloud.
- Help Sts correct the exercise T / F by asking questions : Is there school uniform in schools in the USA ? Do Sts go to school on Sunday ? What do Sts have for lunch each day ? What does school cafeteria sell ? What time does it open ? What are the most popular after school activities ?
- Give correct answers. 
* Post - reading : (10’)
+ Discuss in groups to find the difference between schools in the USA and schools in Vietnam ( using cards)
- Go around and help.
+ Hand out the cards.
- Correct.
- Say again some grammar points & help Sts correct exercise A3 ( workbook)
* Consolidation:
When do you have English ?
What time do you have ..?
What’s your favorite subject ?
A6. Read.
True or False ? Check the boxes. 
	T	F
a. Sts do not wear school uniform.	T	
b. There are classes on Sunday morning.	F
c. Sts don’t have a break in the afternoon.	F
d. The school cafeteria sells food to Sts.	T	
e. The S. C only opens at lunchtime.	F
f. Basketball is an unpopular A-S activity	F
Vocabulary :
- to be different from ( translate)
- break (v): 
à two 20 minutes break: 
- school cafeteria: - ( translate)
- snack (n) : ( translate)
- after – school activity : ( translate)
- football (BE) = soccer (AE)
- basketball: - ( translate)
A7, Play with words/p45
- Present progressive tense.
- S + am / is / are + V-ing 
* Homework : (3’)
- Practice asking & answering what you’ve learnt. 
- Do A4 ( workbook).
Notes: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Week: 8	Date of preparing: October 13, 2010
Period : 23	Date of teaching : October 14, 2010 
	Section B: The Library (B1, B2 )
I/ Objectives :	After finishing the lesson students will be able to know how to describe a library and some kinds of book in a library and show the position..
II/ Language contents:
Structures:	Preposition of position , demonstratives this /these ,that/those	
Vocabulary	library , novel , reader , reference , dictionary , science ,biology.
III/ Techniques:	pre-teach , jumble words , pre-questions	
IV/ Teaching aids:	a cassette player - pictures of activities in class-text book.
V/ Procedures
Teacher & students’ activities
* Revision :
+ Rearrange some words.
* Presentation :
- Ask ss to answer some questions .
- Have Sts look at the picture and ask some questions to introduce the situation.
- Introduce the new words.
* Practice :
- Have Sts listen to the dialogue twice.
- Explain the new words
-Have Sts listen again while reading along the dialogue.
- Let them look at the plan of the library. 
+ Ask and answer the questions
+ Check the answers in pairs and some Sts write on the board.
- Have ss listen to the tape twice
- Ask ss practice asking and answering questions about the libery plan in B1 in pair
* Consolidation : 
+ Write some sentences about the school library , using pre-questions and library vocabulary.
Jumble words
Luralitere = literature torishy = history
Hispisc = physics ligoby = biology 
phygrageo = geography
 B1. Dialogue: 
Pre- questions
Does your school have a library? 
I s it big or small?
3. What time does the library open ?
4. What time does it close ?
5.. What kindsof book are there in thelibrary ?
- Library (n) : (picture) 
à libraian: 
- Reader (n) : (translate) 
- Reference (a) : (explain) 
- Dictionary (n) : (real object)
- Science (a) : (translate)
- Novel (n) : (real object)
- Chemistry (n) : (translate)
- Biology (n) : (example)
- Follow (v) : (mime)
Now answer :
a)The magazines are on the rack.
b) The newspapers are on the rack.
c) Math and science are on the shelves on the left.
d) History and geography books , dictionaries and literature in Vietnamese are on the shelves on the right.
e) The books in English are at the back.
f) The library opens at 7.00 a.m
g) It closes at 4.30 p.m
B2, Listen / Dialogue/ p48
New words:
find (v): 
Where can I find the Enlish book?
on the left/ right:
in the middle:
* Homework : - Practice asking & answering what you’ve learnt. 
	 - Do B1 (workbook )
Notes: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Week: 8	Date of preparing: October 15, 2010 
Period : 24	Date of teaching : October 16, 2010 
	Section B: The Library (B3-B4, B5)
I/ Objectives :	After finishing the lesson students will be able to know use the request used in the library. At the same time they review the prepositions of position.
II/ Language contents:
Structures:	Preposition of position	
Vocabulary	in the middle.
III/ Techniques:	pre-teach , presentation-dialogue , write- it - up
IV/ Teaching aids:	a cassette player - pictures of activities in class-text book.
V/ Procedures
 Teacher & students’ activities
1, Revision :
2, Presentation :
Have Sts look at the picture of the library and ask what they can see there.
Have them find out the difference between 
Racks , shelves , librarians
3, Practice :
- Have Sts listen to the dialogue twice and repeat the dialogue
- Explain the new word
- Have Sts practice in pairs, change roles.
- Give practice in talking about location of objects in the library.
* Practice listening :
- Let them look at the picture for a moment.
Have them listen to the dialogue twice.
Let them listen again and label the shelves of the library ( individual )
Have them listen to the dialogue again and check the answers in pairs.
Give the correct answers.
Tape transcript :
Mr. Tan : OK, everyone. Are you ready ? Let’s tidy the library. Now Ba. Could you put all the English books on the shelves behind the librarian’s desk, please ?
Ba : Yes, sir.
Minh : Where shall I put the science books, Mr.Tan?
Mr. Tan : Oh, they will go to the bookshelf next to the study area. Please put the Math books on that shelf, too. Let’s keep the math and science books together next to the study area.
Minh : OK.
An : I have some history books. Where do you want them ?
Mr. Tan : Put them with the geography books. They are on the shelf next to the science books. 
Kien : And how about these magazines and newspapers ?
Mr. Tan : Oh, they can go on the racks in the center of the room.
Kien : In the center of the room. Fine. 
Mr. Tan : Do you all know what to do ? Does anyone have any questions ? No ? OK, let’s begin. 
Slap the board
At the back – on the lelf – on the right – science – reader – reference – novel – dictionary – newspapers – magazine .
B3. Listen. Then practice.
- in the middle of 
Questions :
Where are the math books please ?
 2) Where are newspapers and magazines ?
B3. Listen. 
Where are they ?
study area
science + math
+ 5. newspapers and magazines
6.+ 7. English
8. librarians’ desk
* Warm up / Check up :
+ 2 Sts re-speak the dialogue B2, using the teacher’s cues : “English book / Science book”
* Pre – reading :
- Present the picture (p.49) textbook. Ask : Do you know which building is it ? Which is the largest building in the world ?
+ Predict and answer.
* While – reading :
+ Read the text silently. Ask & answer the questions in pairs.
+ Predict the new words.
+ Some pairs present before the class.
Give the correct answer.
+ Read all the answers aloud and copy them.
* Post – reading :
+ Some volunteers read the text aloud.
- Help with new words.
+ Give the prepositions of place.
- Say again the demonstrative.
* Consolidation : Sts write some sentences the position of books in the library
- Play “ Noughts and crosses”
Left	Shelves	These
Those	Right	Racks
This	Back	Middle 
B4. Read.
Questions :
a. It’s in Washington D.C, the capital of the USA.
b. It has over 100 million of books.
c. It has about 1000 km of shelves.
d. There are over 5000 people work there.
e. Because it receives copies of all American books. 
Vocabulary :
- Congress (n) : (translate)
- Capital (n) : (example)
- Receive (v) : (translate)
- Contain (v) : (translate)
- Employee (n) : (translate)
on the left / right
at the back
these / those / this / that
These racks have magazines.
Those racks have newspapers.
There are magazines on these racks.
* Homework : - Practice asking & answering what you’ve learnt. 
 - Do B4 (workbook )

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