Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Period 21, Unit 4: At school - Lesson 1: Schedules (A 4, 5)

Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Period 21, Unit 4: At school - Lesson 1: Schedules (A 4, 5)

I. Objectives:

 1. Education aim:

 2. Teaching aim: By the end of the lesson, students can:

  describe what someone is doing something.

  develop speaking and listening skills.

II. Language contents:

 1. Vocabulary: school subjects.

2. Grammar: Present simple & Present continuous.

 3. Structures: What is Lan doing? – She is studying Physics.

 What time does Lan have her physics class?

 - She has her physics class at 8.40.

III. Techniques: eliciting, describing, questioning & answering, roleplaying, matching, game.

IV. Teaching aids: pictures for presentation and practice, handouts for practice, cassette.

V. Time: 45 minutes


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Period: 21	Date: 29/09/2004
I. Objectives:
	1. Education aim:
	2. Teaching aim: By the end of the lesson, students can:
	˜ describe what someone is doing something.
	˜ develop speaking and listening skills.
II. Language contents:
	1. Vocabulary:	school subjects.
2. Grammar:	Present simple & Present continuous.
	3. Structures:	What is Lan doing? – She is studying Physics.
	What time does Lan have her physics class?
	 - She has her physics class at 8.40.
III. Techniques:	eliciting, describing, questioning & answering, roleplaying, matching, game.
IV. Teaching aids:	pictures for presentation and practice, handouts for practice, cassette.
V. Time:	45 minutes
VI. Procedures:
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
Warm – up.
- Ask students to write “Networks”
- Ask questions 
 What time is it now?
 What time do you  ?
Activity 1: Practice asking about class’s time. 
Pre – speaking. 
- Ask students to look at the pictures in part 4.
- Let students say the activity/subject in each picture.
- Model picture 1
 a. What is Lan doing?
 She is studying Physics.
 b. What time does Lan have her physics class?
 She has her physics class at 8.40.
- Review the present simple and present continuous tenses.
- Elicit the structures.
While – speaking.
- Have students practice asking and answering about the other pictures.
- Call some pairs to practice before the class.
- Remark and correct mistakes if necessary.
 1. What is  doing?
 He/She is studying 
 2. What time does he/she have his/her  class?
 He/She has his/her  at 
Post – speaking. 
- Ask students question.
 What time do you have  today?
 We have it at 
Activity 2: Practice talking about weekly school schedule.
Pre – listening. 
- Stick the picture of Thu on the board.
- Ask questions 
 What’s Thu studying?
 What time does she have her English class?
- Explain some structures in the dialogue 
 1. When do you have English?
 I have English class on Wednesday and Thursday.
 2. What’s your favorite subject?
 I like History.
 3. Too ª Affirmative agreement.
 I like history.
 I like history, too.
While – listening.
- Give students handouts 
- Play the tape for students to fill in the table.
P. E
- Ask questions 
 a. What does Thu have English class?
 b. What other subjects does She have on Thursday?
- Let students practice the dialogue in pairs.
- Call some pairs to practice before the class.
Post – listening. 
- Ask students to write their real school schedule.
- Let them ask and answer about their schedule.
 1. What subjects do you have on ?
 I have  on 
 2. What time do you have  on ?
 I have it at 
 3. When do you have ?
 I have it on 
- Call students to write the answers on the board.
- Write “Networks”
- Answer the questions. 
- Look and say.
- Listen and answer the questions 
- Listen and write.
- Pair works. 
- Practice before the class.
- Answer the questions. 
- Look and answer the questions. 
- Listen and write. 
- Listen to the tape three times
- Give feedback 
- Answer the questions. 
 a. She has English on Wednesday and Thursday.
 b. She has Math, Geography, Physical Education and Music on Thursday.
- Pair works. 
- Practice before the class.
- Write the schedule in groups
- Pair works. 
- Write the answers.
1. Reread the dialogue 
2. Write questions and answers about the pictures in part 4.
3. Do exercises 3 , 4 /p. 22 (workbook) 
4. Prepare vocabulary : uniform, baseball, football, basketball, cafeteria, snack, break, popular

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