Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Period 27-31, Unit 5: Work and play

Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Period 27-31, Unit 5: Work and play

Unit 5 : Work and play

 Lesson 1. A - In class ( A1)


 After the lesson, the students will be able to describe the work of a student at school.

II. Language content:

1. Vocabulary :

 - To learn about - To use  how to use - To be interested in

- A map (n) - An experiment (n) - Computer science (n)

2. Grammar :

 Review the present simple tense.

III. Techniques:

Questionairs, What and where, answer the questions

IV.Teaching aids:

 Text book , cassette , tape , pictures

IV. Procedure:

A. Class organization:

- Greetings:

 - Checking attendance:


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Week: 9 -Period: 27 Unit 5 : Work and play
 Lesson 1. A - In class ( A1)
 After the lesson, the students will be able to describe the work of a student at school.
II. Language content:
1. Vocabulary : 
 	- To learn about	 - To use à how to use 	- To be interested in 
- A map (n) - An experiment (n) 	- Computer science (n) 
2. Grammar :
	Review the present simple tense.
III. Techniques:
Questionairs, What and where, answer the questions
IV.Teaching aids:
	Text book , cassette , tape , pictures
IV. Procedure:
A. Class organization: 
- Greetings:
 - Checking attendance: 
B. New lesson:
Teacher’s and student’s activities
1. Warm up :
- ask some questions
+ answer the questions in pairs
- show the pictures, ask some questions
- Introduce the lesson,
- then explain some new words
+ listen and repeat
- play the tape
+ listen and read
+ read aloud the text
+ fill the grid
+ give the answer
+ read example aloud
+ make 5 questions and answers about Mai in pairs.
+ ask and answer the questions
+ work in pairs ask and answer questions about themselves.
+ study the lesson
+ do exercise 
+ prepare next period 
+ How many days a week do you go to school ?
+ What time do you go to school ?
+ What time do classes start ?
+ How many subjects do you learn ?
+ What is your favorite subject ?
-What time does Mai go to school ? What time her class start ? What does she learn in each subject ?
* Vocabulary:
+ learn about (v): hoc về.
+ use à how to use : cánh để sử dụng
+computer science(n): môn tin học
+ be interested in : quan tâm đến..
+A map(n)(visual): bản đồ
+ An experiment (n)( example):thí nghiệm
* What and where
1. Listen and read.
 (Text book)p.51
What to do?
- Computer science
- Geography
- physics
- learn how to use 
a computer
- study maps and learn
about different countries
- do some experiments
* Ask and answer five question about Mai
1.What school does Mai go to ?
2.What grade is she in ?
3.What time do classes start ?
4.What does Mai think about Geography ?
5,What does he learn in her computers science class ?
1)What time do your class start?
2) What do you learn at school?
3) What do you do in your computer science class?
4) What do you study in your geography class?
5) What do you do in your last lesson?
6)What time do your classes end?
1,2 at page 27 in workbook
A2( text book)p.52.
Week: 10
Period: 28 Unit 5 : Work and play
Lesson 2. A. IN CLASS ( A2)
I.Objectives :
 	After finishing the lesson students will be able to talk about school subjects, talk about the subjects they like best and what they learn in each subject.
II.Language contents:
 Enjoy, electronics, to repair = to fix
 Appliances, artist, to be good at
2. Grammar : Present simple tense
III. Techniques
Jumble words, True / false prediction, Rub out and remember
IV.Teaching aids:
	 -cassette player - pictures of activities in class-text book.
A. Class organization: 
- Greetings:
 - Checking attendance: 
B. New lesson:
Teacher’s and student’s activities
1.Warm up :
+ Play the game “ jumble words”
2.Pre -reading :
- Introduce the situation, using pictures in textbook.
- set the sence: Ba is a student at Quang Trung school. He is in class 7A. These statements are about Ba’s routines at home or at school. You have to read and guess, which statements are true/ false.
+ Do T – F exercise in pairs ( handouts)
- teach some newwords
+ repeat and read.
Rub Out And Remember.
3.While – reading :
+ Read the text carefully and answer the questions by themselves.
+ Some pairs ask and answer before the class.
- Correct.
+ Check their T / F exercise.
+ Copy the answers.
4.Post – reading :
+ work in four groups fill the survey.
+ present the answer.
5. Homework:
+ study the lesson
+ do the exerciseA2( work book)p.28
+ prepare next period A4,A5( text book)p.54,55.
“ Jumble Words”.
1. vaofrite =.favorite
2. hoholused =. househouse
3. chaimen =machine
4. realn =learn
5. giurat= guitar
1. True/False prediction:
a. Ba likes Electronic best.
b. He learns to repair lights in the electric class.
c. He learns to play Guitar in his spare time.
d. He is good at drawing and fixing things.
2. Vocabulary:
 - enjoy (trans)(v): yêu thích
- repair (trans/ pic)= fix(v): sửa chửa
- be good at (ex): giỏi về cái gì đó..
- electronics (trans)(n): điện dân dụng
- appliance (ex)(n):thiết bị
- artist( ex)( n): họa sĩà drawing(n): tranh vẽ
A2. Read.
(Text book)p.52
Questions :
a. He likes Electronic best.
b. Yes, he does. He enjoys school very much.
c. He learns how to repair household appliances.
d. He will be able to fix his own appliances.
e. Yes, he is. His drawings are very good.
Favorite subjects
Good at
Free time activities
Watch TV
* Questions:
a. What is your name?
b. What is your favorite subjects?
c. What subjects are you good at?
d. What do you do in your free time?
Week: 10
Period: 29 Unit 5 : Work and play
Lesson 3. A. IN CLASS ( A4,5 )
I.Objectives :
 	After finishing the lesson students will be able to talk about school subjects, talk about the subjects they like best and what they learn in each subject.
II.Language contents:
1. Vocabulary :	essay, event, author, temperature	
2. Structures:	Present tense, Future simple tense	
III. Techniques
Matching, rub out and remember.
IV.Teaching aids: 
	- cassette player – pictures, subboard, text book.
A. Class organization: 
- Greetings:
 - Checking attendance: 
B. New lesson:
Teacher’s and student’s activities
1.Warm up:
 - show five pictures in A4
+ match the right pictures with the right words.
 - remark.
* Pre – listening :
 - present the situation, they are Ba and Hoa. They go to school on Saturday morning. 
- explain the task of the listening
 + guess what subjects Hoa and Ba have on Saturday morning ?
- give new words.
* While – listening :
+ listen and write the letter next to the names.
+ compare the answers and then read aloud.
+ listen again and check.
- give the answers.
+ compare with their prediction.
*Post – listening :
+ Practice speaking about what subjects Ba and Hoa have on Sartuday
3.Reading :
*Pre – reading :
- aks some questions
+ answer( may be in vietnames)
- teach some newwords
+ repeat and read.
*While – reading :
+ read the text aloud.
+ work in four groups,odd one out
+ give the answer
- remark.
* Post – reading :
+ Brainstorm game : Find the activities in each subject ( group work )
+ Representatives read their groups’ result.
+ write remember in their exercise book
+ ask and answer the activities they study in each subject.
5.Homework : 
+ study the lesson
+ do the exercise A2, 3, 4 (workbook )
+ prepare next period B1,B2( text book)p.56,57
a, b, c,
 d, e,
* Answer key:
a. Goegraphy
b. Physical education
c. Computer science
d. Physics
e. English/ Literature
A4. Listen. Then write the correct letters next to the names.
Vocabulary :
- Technology (n)(example): công nghệ
- class activities( translate):sinh hoạt lớp
Ba : d, a, e
Hoa : c, b, e
 Tape transcript :
 On Friday morning, Ba and Hoa go to school. Some of the subjects they do on Saturday are the same, but some of them are different. At seven, Ba has Technology and Hoa has Computer science. These classes last for 2 periods. At 8.40, Ba has Geography, Hoa does not have Geography on Saturday. She has Physical Education. In the last period, they have the same class. Hoa and Ba both have class activities then.
A5. Read.
How many subjects do you have at school ? What are they ? What do you study in literature,history, geography.?
* Vocabulary:
- essay(n)( example): bài văn
- author (n) (example): tác giả
- event( n)( translate): sự kiện
- temperature( n)( translate): nhiệt độ
Rub Out And Remmber.
* Odd one out
Author, writing, painting, stories
Basketball,famous people, world events
Experiments, meter, prepositions
Words,verbs, England, pronouns
Key to “ Odd one out”
- paintings
- basketball
- prepositions
- England
- What do you study in..?
- What does he / she learn in.?
- What’s your favorite subject ?
- He / She is good at.
Week: 10
Period: 30 Unit 5 : Work and play
 Lesson 4. B - It’s time for recess (B1,2)
By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to tell about activities at recess. They will practice reading and listening skills.
II.Language content :
 	1. Vocabulary :
 - To chat (v) - To ring (v) - To skip rope - Bell(n)
 - Blind man’s bluff - Marbles - Catch (n) - Recess
 	2. Grammar :
	Review : The present continuous tense 
III. Techniques
Brainstorming, slap the board, ask and answer
IV.Teaching aids.
	Textbook , tape , cassetter , pictures
A. Class organization: 
- Greetings:
 - Checking attendance: 
B. New lesson:
Teacher’s and student’s activities
1. Warm up :
+ write all the recess activities maybe in vietnamese.
 - Ask Ss to look at the picture and answer the questions
- tell again the present progressive tense.
- Explain some new words to Ss 
+ repeat and read
- Checking 
+ slap on the pictures 
- Remark
- play the tape
+ listen and read
 + read the text aloud 
+ look at the picture again then work in pairs asking anf answering about activities
- Make model
- Explain the aims of the exercise to Ss
- Make model with a good student :
+ work in pairs
+ some pairs to practice in front of the class
- Explain the aims of the lesson :
Mai, Kien , Lan , Ba are at recess
+ predict what activity each student is playing at recess.
.+ listen to the tape and check the prediction.
- Play the tape again for Ss to match. 
+ exchange the result with a partner
+ give the answers
- Correct and give the correct answers.
+ work in four groups, complete the list.
+ give the answer. Find the most popular activity.
- remark
5. Home work:
+ study the lesson 
+do exercise 1 at page 30 in workbook
+prepare next period B3 + remember( text book)p.57,58
Recess activities
+ Where are the students ?-> They are in the yard
+ What are they doing ?
+ Do you like these games ?
à They are playing catch.
* S + be + V-ing
+ Recess(n)( situation): giờ ra chơi
+ Bell (n)( example): cái chuông
+ Ring (v)( translate): reo
+ Chat (v)( translate): tán gẫu
+ Skip rope(v)( picture): nhảy dây
+ Blind man’s bluff ( picture): trò chơi bịt mắt bắt dê
+ Marbles( n)( real object)à play marbles: chơi bi
 + Catch(v)( picture): chơi rượt bắt
1.Listen and read.
a. Work with a partner
S1 : What is this boy doing ?
S2 : He is playing catch
+ What are these students doing ?
à They are talking.
b.Ask and answer questions with a parter
+ What do you usually do at recess ?
+ What do you usually do after school ?
à I usually play catch or talk with my friends
à I usually play soccer
2. Listen : Match each name to an activity
Answer key:
+ Mai is playing catch
+ Kien is playing blind man’s bluff..
+ Lan is skipping rape
+ Ba is playing marbles.
- Complete the list :
* Recess activities :
+ Meeting friends 
+ Eating
+ Dringking
+ Chatting
+ Playing catch/ marbles/ blindman’s bluff
+ Skipping rope
*The most popular activity
+ Talking
Week: 11
Period 31 Unit 5 : Work and play
Lesson 5. B - It’s time for recess (B3)
 	After the lesson , Ss will be able to know about activities at recess of American students. They continue practicing asking and answering about activities at recess
II. Language contents:
 1. Vocabulary
 - Pen pal (n) - Energetic (adj) - To swap (v)
 - To score goal - To ralax(v)
 2. Grammar : 
Review the present simple tense
III. Techniques
Slap the board, Rub out and remember
IV.Teaching aids
	Textbook , subboard , tape , cassette
A. Class organization: 
- Greetings:
 - Checking attendance: 
B. New lesson:
Teacher’s and student’s activities
Skip rope
1. Warm up:
+ play a game: Slap the board
+ slap on the word teacher reads
- ask Ss some questions about activities at recess in VN and in orther continues.
+ guess what students in the USA often do at recess
 Explain some new words to Ss 
+ repeat and read.
- Cheking 
Rub out and remember
+ look at the book and listen to the tape
- Call on some students to read the text in front of the class
- Ask Ss to read the text again to find out the answers in pairs.
- Have Ss Exchange the result with their partners
+ give the answers
- Correct and give the correct answers.
+ work in four groups, list the activities American students do at recess.
- Call on some representatives to tell about activities of their groups at necess
after the tape
- Call on some Ss to read aloud
5. Home work:
+ study the lesson
+ do exercise
+prepare next period 
Slap the board
Play blind man’s bluff
Play catch
+ What do Vnamese students often do at recess ? + Do you know what students in other countries often do at recess? ( or in the USA)
+ What activities do you like ?
+ Pen pal (n)( example): bạn qua thư
+ Energetic (adj)( translate): năng động
+ score goal ( translate): ghi bàn
+ swap (v) ( example): trao đổi
+ relax (v)( translate): thư giản
2. Read. Then answer the questions
(text book)p.
- *Questions :
a. Hoa’s penpal Tim goes to an American school
b. A ( short )
c. D (mostly boys )
d. D (work wide >
* 3. List the acivities of American students at recess.
+ Play basketball
+ Listen to music
+ Read
+ Swap baseball cards
+ eating & talking
B2 at page 31 ( work book)
A1 of Unit 6.( text book)

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