Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Period 33, Unit 6: After for school - Lesson 3: A3 - Nguyễn Thừa

Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Period 33, Unit 6: After for school - Lesson 3: A3 - Nguyễn Thừa


Lesson3: A3

A Objectives:

I.Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:

+ read the text for details for about what Nga, Ba and Nam do after school then answer the questions.

+ Rell the activities Ss usuall do after school.


III. Teaching aids:

 +Textbooks, notebooks, lesson plan,

+Posters, lesson plan, some pictures.


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Period: 33
Preparing date : 4/11/08 
Lesson3: A3
A Objectives:
I.Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
+ read the text for details for about what Nga, Ba and Nam do after school then answer the questions.
+ Rell the activities Ss usuall do after school.	
III. Teaching aids:
	+Textbooks, notebooks, lesson plan,
+Posters, lesson plan, some pictures.
E. Procedures:
I.Setlement:	- greetings and class-oganization.
II:Checking:	Answer the questions: What do you usually do afer school?
	III.New lesson:
Warm up : Chatting.
- Ask Ss to answer the questions.
 *What do you do in your free time ?
 *What’s your favorite activities ?
-correct Ss’answers.
1- Pre-reading:
*Pre-teach vocab:
- acting (n) đóng kịch
- pastime (n) thời gian thư giãn
- member (n) thành viên
- anniversary (n,a) kỷ niệm
- celebration (n) lễ 
- president (n) chủ tịch.
- sporty (a) thích thể thao.
- comic ka:mik / (n) truyện tranh.
- lie on /lai / (v) nằm.
*Check vocab: Matching.
*T/F statements prediction :
- Ask Ss to close their book and predict the information in the text.
a. Nga is not a member of a school theater group.
b. Ba is the president of the stamp collector’s club.
c. Ba’ American friend gives him a lot of VietNamese stamps.
d. Ba always watches video in the afternoon.
- write on the board.
a- Read the text and check their prediction.
Answer key :
a. F b. T c. F d. T
b. Answer the questions:
- Ask Ss to read the text and answer the question:
What is Nga’s theater group doing ?
How does Ba get American stamps ?
When does the stam colltector’s club meet ?
How often does Nam play games?
 -correct Ss’answers.
3: Post-reading : Discustion:
Ask Ss to work in groups of 4 or 5 people and discuss the question:
What do you usually do after school ?
-Call on some group leaders and ask them to talk in the class.
-correct Ss’pronuciation. 
- answer the questions.
-copy down.
-read chorally and individually.
-predict the information.
-write the passage in the notebook.then read loudly.
read the text and answer the question :.
1-Her group is rehearsing a play for ............
2-His friend gives hime a lot of American stamps.
3- On Wednesday.
4-He never plays games.
-work in groups of 4 or 5 people and discuss the question:
	IV: Consolidation:
	-Let Ss speak somethings what they do after school.
.	V.Homework:
	At home :	+Learn the new words by heart.
	+read the text and answer the questions.
+write some activities after school.
	+Do exercises A5.6 in work book.

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  • docgiao_an_mon_tieng_anh_lop_7_period_33_unit_6_after_for_schoo.doc