Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Period 35, Unit 6: After for school - Lesson 5: Let’s go (B2, 4) - Nguyễn Thừa

Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Period 35, Unit 6: After for school - Lesson 5: Let’s go (B2, 4) - Nguyễn Thừa


Lesson5: LET’S GO (Part B2,4 )

.A Objectives:

I.Knowledge: By the end of the lesson: Ss will be able to:

+ read for details the text about Ss’ American activities .

+ read the text of Vietnamese teenagers help the community.

II.Skills: Writing, speaking, reading, listening.

III. Teaching aids:

 +Textbooks, notebooks, lesson plan.

+Posters, cassettes, tape CD

E. Procedures:

I.Setlement: -Greetings and class-oganization.

II:Checking: -Write newwords on the board.

 -Read the dialogue and answer the questions.


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Period: 35
Preparing date : 22 . 11 . 2009
Lesson5: LET’S GO (Part B2,4 )
.A Objectives:
I.Knowledge: By the end of the lesson: Ss will be able to:
+ read for details the text about Ss’ American activities .
+ read the text of Vietnamese teenagers help the community.
II.Skills: Writing, speaking, reading, listening.
III. Teaching aids:
	+Textbooks, notebooks, lesson plan.
+Posters, cassettes, tape CD
E. Procedures:
I.Setlement:	-Greetings and class-oganization.
II:Checking:	-Write newwords on the board.
	-Read the dialogue and answer the questions.
III.New lesson:
1- Pre-reading :
-Ask Ss to remind some activities what they do in their free time .
-write on the board.
a- Pre-teach vocab :
- survey (n,v) điều tra.
- teenager (n). thiếu niên.
 -attend (v) tham gia,
- youth arganization (n) đoàn thanh niên
- scout= boy scout (n) hướng đạo sinh.
- guide (n) hướng dẫn viên
- musical instrument (n) nhạc cụ
- coin (n) tiền xu
- community service (n) dịch vụ cộng đồng
- volunteer (n) tình nguyện viên
*Check vocab: Matching.
*Open-prediction :
-Ask Ss to predict thing A teenagers like to do best in their free time.
-write on the board.
2- While-reading :
-Ask Ss to read the text and check their prediction.
Answer key : Textbook Part B2
- let Ss read the text again and discuss the questions:
-Discuss in group of 4 or 5 Ss:
a) Which of the activities in the list for American teenagers do ou think are also popular among Vietnamese teenagers ?
b)Are there any kinds of entertainment for teenagers in Viet Nam ? What are they ?
c) What organizations are there for teenagers in VietNam ?
- go around the class and help Ss.
- correct Ss’ activities.
3-Post -reading:
 Ask Ss to read the text in Part B4 Page 66 silently then answer the qs:
1-How do some teenagers help the community ?
2-How do VietNamese teenagers help the 
community ?
- let Ss disscus then speak loudly in class.
- answer the questions.
-read in individually
-read chorally and individually.
- read the text and check their prediction.
- Discuss in group of 4 or 5 Ss:
- read the text in Part B4 Page 66 silently then answer the qs.
	IV: Consolidation:
	-Let Ss discuss the questions then speak out to consolidate.
.	V.Homework:
	At home :	+Learn the new words by heart.
	+read the text fluently.
	+Do exercises B2,3,4 in work book.

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  • docgiao_an_mon_tieng_anh_lop_7_period_35_unit_6_after_for_schoo.doc