Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Period 47, Unit 8: Places - Lesson 3: At the post office (B1) - Nguyễn Thừa

Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Period 47, Unit 8: Places - Lesson 3: At the post office (B1) - Nguyễn Thừa

A Objectives:

I.Knowledge: By the end of the lesson: Ss will be able to:

+ Read for details dialogue and answer the questions.

 +Practice the questions “How much.?


III. Teaching aids:

 +Textbooks, notebooks, lesson plan,

+Posters.cassettes,tape, CD.


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Period: 47
Preparing date: 24 . 12 . 2009 
Lesson 3: AT THE POST OFFICE (Part B1 )
A Objectives:
I.Knowledge: By the end of the lesson: Ss will be able to:
+ Read for details dialogue and answer the questions..
	+Practice the questions “How much..............? 
III. Teaching aids:
	+Textbooks, notebooks, lesson plan,
+Posters.cassettes,tape, CD.
E. Procedures:
I.Setlement:	-greetings and class-oganization.
II:Checking:	-read the dialogue and write the form.
	III.New lesson:
Warm up : Chatting.
-Ask Ss to answer the questions:
*Where is it ?
*What services are there at the post office ?
-correct Ss’answers.
1- Language Presentation :
a- Pre-teach vocab:
- envelope (n) phong thư
- cost (v) chi phí .
- change (n) tiền lẽ.
- altogether (adv) tất cả.
- pay (v) trả lại
*Check vocab: Matching.
b- Presentation dialogue :
-Ask Ss to listen to the tape and repeat,
-Let Ss read the dialogue in pairs.
-correct Ss’pronunciation.
c-Answer the questions (In the textbook)
c-Grammar: Model sentences:
I’d like to send this letter to the USA
I’d like +to (inf) +O
I’d like= I would like =I want
Meaning: Täi muäún ,täi cáön.
Uïage: Duìng âãø diãøn taí âiãöu chuïng ta muäún mäüt caïch lëch sæû.
2-How does Liz ask to pay money ?
How much is it ? It’s 9.500 dong.
How much are they ? They’re 2,000dong.
How much + is /are + it/they ?
It’s /they ‘re + amount of money .
2-Practice: Picture drill.
-Ask Ss to practice in pairs.
 -correct Ss’ practicing.
3: Production : Make the similar dialogue
-correct Ss ‘dialogue.
- answer the questions:
*It’s a post office.
*send letter/parcel
*call phone
*buy envelopes/tamps.
-copy down.
-read in individually.
-listen to the tape repeat.
-read in pairs.
 -read the dialogue and answer the questions.
1-She’s mail the letter to the USA.
2-She pays 11.500 dong altogether.
3-She receives 3,500 d in change.
*I’d like to send this letter to the USA.
-read chorally and individually.
-give the form and give some examples.
I’d like to buy a pen.
--work in pairs.One person asks and the other answers.
Example :
S1:I’d like to byu 3 stamps How much are they ?
S2:They are 2,400 dong. 
-complete the dialogue.
-Ask Ss to practice the dialogue in pairs .
	IV: Consolidation:
	-let Ss complete the dialogue to consolidate.
.	V.Homework:
	At home :	+Learn the new words by heart.
	+read the dialogue and answer the questions.
+Learn the form by heart and give some examples..
	+Do exercises B 1-2 in work book.

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  • docgiao_an_mon_tieng_anh_lop_7_period_47_unit_8_places_lesson_3.doc