Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Period 65, Unit 10: Health and hygiene - Lesson 5: A Bad toothache (B4, 5)

Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Period 65, Unit 10: Health and hygiene - Lesson 5: A Bad toothache (B4, 5)


 Lesson 5: A Bad toothache (B4,5)


 I. Knowledge:By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to:

 +Read the text and understand the content of it.

 +Complete the passage.




 II.Cheching: Write new words on the board.


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Period: 65
Preparing date: 1 . 2 . 2010	
	Lesson 5: A Bad toothache (B4,5)
	I. Knowledge:By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to:
	+Read the text and understand the content of it.
	+Complete the passage.
	II.Cheching:	Write new words on the board.
	III.New lesson:
Teacher’s activities.
*Warm up:
-Ask Ss to look at the picture and anwser the questions.
1-How many people are there in the picture?
2-Who are they?
3-What is Dr Lai’s job?
4-What is she doing ?
-correct and introduce the new lesson.
-let Ss listen to the tape once.
1. Pre speaking;
T presents how to use reason clause with why and because:
- Why: tại sao.
- Because: bỡi vì
T gives examples:
a. Why are you happy?
 Because I don’t have a toothache.
b. Why do you learn English?
 Because English is very important.
T requires Ss to work in pairs.
2. While speaking: Discussion.
-Ask Ss to work in groups
-Divide the class into 4 groups and discuss the topic.How to take care of your teeth?
-Use a tube of toothpaste.
-See a dentist.
-Brush teeth regularly
-Brush teeth after meals.
-Eat too much candies/sweets.
-Use an old toothbrush.
-forget to brush teeth.
-call per group and tell their ideas in class.
*Ask Ss to play role: 
3. post writing: write it up:
What should you do to have good teeth?
T and Ss comment and correct.
-look at the picture and answer the questions.
1- 2 people
2-They are Minh and Dr Lai.
3-She is a dentist.
4-She is filling a cavity in Minh’s tooth.
(She is cheching his teeth)
Ss take notes.
Ss copy down.
Ss gives more examples.
Ss do the exercises:
a. Minh’ tooth hurts.
Because he has a cavity.
b. Minh is nervous
Because he’ll see a dentist.
c. Minh’s cavity is not serious.
Because it is small.
d. Minh is happy.
Because his teeth are OK.
-speak out.
-play role into groups of 3 and read the text again.
Expected answers:
1. What do you do to have good teeth?
- Brush teeth after the meals.
- go to the dentist regularly.
- use a good toothbrush.
- eat good food for teeth....
2. What don’t you do to have good teeth?
- don’t eat too much candy, cakes and ice cream.
- don’t use an old toothbrush.
- don’t drink too hot or cold water.
- don’t smoke.
Ss write and read in the class.
	IV. Consolidation:
	-Ask Ss to play role reading the text to consolidate.
	At home:	-learn newwords by heart,read the text fluently 
	-How to take care of your teeth? Write some sentences.
	-Do exercises B3,4 in workbook.

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  • docgiao_an_mon_tieng_anh_lop_7_period_65_unit_10_health_and_hyg.doc