Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Period 95, Unit 15: Going out - Lesson 5: B 4-5

Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Period 95, Unit 15: Going out - Lesson 5: B 4-5

I. Objectives

- Review the words/ the model.

- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to listen some activity and tell about something that they have done.

- Skills: pronunciation, reading.

II. Language contents:

* Grammar:

 Past simple tense.

* Vocab: play football, restaurant, movie theater , table tennis, burger.

III. Techniques: Clap the board.

IV. Teaching aids:

Cassette, tape, sub-board


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Period: 95 Date:28/4/09 
 UNIT 15: going out
LESSON 5 : B 4-5
I. Objectives
Review the words/ the model.
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to listen some activity and tell about something that they have done.
Skills: pronunciation, reading.
II. Language contents:
* Grammar:
	Past simple tense.
* Vocab: play football, restaurant, movie theater , table tennis, burger.
III. Techniques: Clap the board.
IV. Teaching aids:
Cassette, tape, sub-board
V. Procedures:
Teacher’s and students’ activity
Teacher asks students some questions.
Students answer.
Teacher corrects and gives them marks.
Teacher introduces the text 
Teacher presents new words by using simple English
Students repeat and say the meaning of each word
Students copy 
Teacher asks students to play the games
Students listen to the tape
Students work in groups to answer the questions
Teacher corrects 
Teacher corrects and gives answer key
1. Warm up:
* Chatting:/ Marks
-What do you do in your free time ? 
-Do you like playing sports ?
-How often do you play sports ?
table tennis
- Do you go to the restaurant for dinner ?
2.Pre- listening : 
*Pre-teach Vocabulary
restaurant (n)
table tennis (n)
burger (n)
Play chess (n)
recorder (n)
play chess
Clap the board
*Predictions. what did they do yester day everning? (tick)
Played chess
played table tennis
listened to CDs
saw a movies
watched a soccer match
went to restaurant
3. While - listening:
* Ask to listen three times to check
* T gives feedback.
Answer key
a. b. c. d. e. f.
4. Post- listening :
a.*B5:Play with words
What do you usually do in the everning?
c. Guessing games
 S1. “In the everning, I usually..........................................”
 S2,3,4,5 Do you.....................................................................?
 S1. yes, I do/ No, I don’t 
5. Homework :
Learn the words 
Do exercise in WB
Prepare next lesson 
6. Remark: 

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  • docgiao_an_mon_tieng_anh_lop_7_period_95_unit_15_going_out_less.doc