Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Tiết 1, 2

Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Tiết 1, 2



A. Objectives:

 By the end of this period, ss will be able to review all the knowledge that they have learnt.

B. Language contents: Some grammar they’ve learnt at the seventh form.

C. Techniques:

 Discussing, pair works.

D. Teaching aids :

 Leson plan, póters.

E. Procedures:

 I. Oganization: (1m)

 Class Date of teaching Absent students


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Week : 1	
Date of preparation : 13/ 08/2009
A. Objectives:
 By the end of this period, ss will be able to review all the knowledge that they have learnt.
B. Language contents: Some grammar they’ve learnt at the seventh form.
C. Techniques: 
 Discussing, pair works.
D. Teaching aids : 
 Leson plan, póters.
E. Procedures:
 I. Oganization: (1m)
 Class Date of teaching Absent students
Teacher & ss’ activities
 A. Warm up: 
- Ask Ss some questions about their some holidays.
Ss: Listen and try to answer
 B. New lesson :
- Ask some questions.
Ss : answer them.
- Ask Ss to remind the simple present tense.
 Write it on the board.
- Have Ss give some examples
Ss: look , listen and copy down. 
- Ask Ss to fill in the gaps to complete the form of the present continuous tense.
- Ask “ What are we doing at present ? “
Ss : answer it.
T : give an example
 Ask ss to underline the simple future tense.
Ss :write the form depending on example.
- Do the same methods above
- Do the same methods above
 C. Consolidation:
- Have Ss practice some exercises.
Ss : work in pairs to complete sentences.
- Control whole class and help weak ss 
 - Ask ss to do exercises on the board and give feedback.
 * Chatting
1.What did you do last summer?
2. Did you visit many places?
3. How did you feel your vacation?
I. Tense
* Setting the scene :
How many tenses do you have in grade 6 ?
What are they ? = > And now ,we will remind all the tenses we have learnt.
1.The simple present tense:
 Form :S + V (s / es )
S + do / does not + V
Do/Does + S + V ?
Yes, S+ do/ does . or No, S+do/does+ not.
Uses :Thói quen trong hiện tại; Nghề nghiệp ,tình cảm .
Ex: I always go to school in the morning.
 He is a student.
 We love our parents very much.
2.The present continuous tense :
Form : S+ is /am/are + V-ing
S +is/am/are + not+ V-ing
Is/ Am/ Are +S +V-ing ?
Yes, S+ is /am /are. / No, S + is/am/are + not 
Use: Now , at moment, at the moment, right now.
Meaning : Đang
Ex :We are studying English now.
3.The simple future tense :
Eg :We will stay at home tomorrow.
Form :S + will / Shall +V(infinitive without to)
S +won’t/shan’t +V(infinitive without to)
Will +S + V ( inf. without to ) ?
Yes, S + is/am /are. / No, S + is/am/are + not.
Note : Shall +we /I + V( inf. without to ) ? 
Yes, let’s or No, let’s not.
Use :An action that it will happen in the future.
Meaning : S ẽ
Mét sè c©u ®Ò nghÞ
+ Let’s + bare infinitive. 
 Ex: Let’s go to the movie.
+ What about + V-ing ? 	
 Ex: What about going to the beach?
+ How about + V-ing ? 	
 Ex: How about having lunch in this restaurant?
+ Why don’t we..? 	
 Ex: Why don’t we visit this museum?
Note: - Let’s (do something) = I have a suggestion for you and me ( Chúng ta hãy )
 - Thay vì dùng “Let’s” chúng ta có thể dùng duøng caùc lôøi ñeà nghò nhö What about + V-ing ? How about + V-ing ? ( coøn veà) hoaëc Why don’t we..? ( Taïi sao chuùng mình khoâng laøm ‘gì’)
III. Caùc hình thöùc so saùnh cuûa tính töø
1. So saùnh baèng
- Daïng khaúng ñònh: S + V + as + adj + as	Ex: Mai is as tall as Lan .
- Daïng phuû ñònh: S + V + not+ as / so + adj + as	Ex: Mai isn’t as/so tall as Lan .
2. So saùnh hôn 
- Tính töø coù moät aâm tieát : Adj –er + than 	Ex: I’m stronger than you.
- Tính töø coù ù≥ hai aâm tieát: More + adj +than	Ex: My sister is more beautiful than me.
3 So saùnh hôn nhaát
-Tính töø coù moät aâm tieát : The + Adj –est	Ex: This tower is the tallest.
- Tính töø coù≥ hai aâm tieát: The + most + adj 	Ex:Hoa is the most beautiful in my class
Note : Moät soá tính töø baát qui taéc 
Good - better - the best	
far - farther - the farthest
Bad - worse - the worst	
further - the furthest
Supply the correct tenses (the simple present, present continuous tense and simple future tense 
1.The seventh form students always (go). to school in the morning.
2. It’s hot .He ( want ) .to swim .
3.Next week, they(visit) Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum.
4.What  you (do ). now ?
We ( paint ) ..some pictures now.
5.On next the fifth of September, all the students of Doan Ket high school ( attend ) ... the new year school day.
6.Lan (like ).. eating an ice-cream.
7.All of us (admire ) excellent students.
8. How (be).. you ?I (be ) well. 
Homework : - Review all the knowledge and prepare A 1, 3, 5.
Unit 1: Back to school
I. Objectives: By the end of the unit, students will be able to:
 - Greet people.
 - Identify oneself.
 - Introduce others.
 - Ask for and give personal information.
 - Ask about transportation and distances.
II. Teaching aids: 
 Posters, cards, textbook, lesson plan, cues.
III. Procedures: 5 lessons
Lesson 1
Introduction and greetings with “Nice to meet you. How is everything? and Just fine/ Not bad/ Pretty good.
P.10 -12,13
Lesson 2
Reading for details and revising simple present, comparisions and a lot of/ many 
Lesson 3
B1- 3
Asking and giving personal information (name, age, address)
P.15 - 16
Lesson 4
B4- 5
Using “How far” questions and answers with kilometers/ meters to talk about distances.
P.16 - 17
Lesson 5
B6- 7
Using question words to ask and answer about personal information.
 Date of preparation :19/ 8/2009
 Period 2	 
Lesson 1: A1,3-5 (P.10- 12, 13)
 A. Objectives
 By the end of this period,Ss will be able to use introduction and greetings with “ Nice to meet you. How is everything? And Just fine/ Not bad/ Pretty good”
 B. Teaching aids : 
 Textbook, lesson plan, pictures , cassette
 C. Techniques : Role play , group work, question and answer.
 D. Contents:
 I. Organization
 Class Date of teaching Absent students
 7A 20/ 8/ 2009
 7B 22/ 8/ 2009
 7C 22/ 8/ 2009	
Teacher & ss’ activities
 A. Warm up: 
- Divide the class into two teams and give some questions.
What’s your name ?
How are you ,today?
What class are you in ?
Are you a new student ? 
Good bye.
Ss:listen and slap the right pattern.They will win if they have many marks.
 B. Presentation
- Set situation , present new words and structure with “so”. Then practice them
Ss: Copy down and practice.
- Play the tape and ask Ss to repeat then practice in pairs.
Ss: Listen carefully & do as requested
- Ask Ss to listen again and practice “ ask and answer”
Ss: Practice in pairs.
- Control and correct the mistakes. 
 III. Practice :
- Have Ss read two columns carefully to match column A with column B.
Ss: work in pairs & demonstate their task before the class.
- Give feedback.
- Ask Ss to open the book on page12 to complete dialogues.
Ss: Work on their own first, then compare with their partners.
- Have Ss listen and check their prediction.
- Have Ss practice asking and answering the dialoguages in pairs
- Stick the pictures of A 5/13.
- Ask Ss to listen and write the letters of the dialogues in the order they hear 
- Remind Ss the different in greeting between ages and play the tape once.
Ss: Listen carefully & do as the request.
 Compare the answer with their 
- Play the tape again and ask Ss to practice in pairs then role play.
Ss: Listen and do as requested.
- Show the picture and ask some questions
Ss: Listen and answer
- Have Ss listen to the dialoguage 
and then practice in pairs
IV. Production: 
- Ask Ss to practice in pairs
T: Remark all period aloud
Ss: Listen carefully.
 * Slap the BB.
 Goodbye Yes, I am. 
 My name’s Hoa.
 Class 7 Very well,thanks 
A1. Listen . Then practice with a partner.
1. Pre-teach
- classmate ( example):
- Nice to meet / see you again 
(translate & example)
- So + to be + S = S + to be + ,too
2. Reading comprehension
*Answer :
a, The new girl’s name is Hoa.
b, She is in class 7
c, Hoa is also in class 7
Matching :
Column A Column B 
Pretty good 
How is everything?
Nice to meet you.
So am I / Me, too.
Just fine.
Not bad
Kh«ng tèt l¾m .
T«i còng vËy.
Kh¸ tèt.
Mäi viÖc nh­ thÕ nµo?
RÊt vui khi gÆp l¹i b¹n.
B×nh th­êng th«i.
A4. Listen. Complete the dialoguage
Gap-filling :A 4 a, b/ on page 12 and 13.
Mr Tan :  How are you ?
Miss Lien :Pretty good
 How about you ?
Mr Tan : Not bad.
Miss Lien :Me,too.
Nam :How is everything ?
Nga :Ok,  How are you today ?
Nam :Just fine.
 So am I.
A5. Listen . Write the letters of the dialoguages in the order you hear.
Picture cue drill : A 5 on page 13.
* Tape transcription
1 – c Ba : Good evening,Mr Tan.
 Mr Tan : Good evening,Ba. How are you ?
 Ba : Fine ,thanks.
 Mr Tan : Are you going home now ?
 Ba : Yes, my dinner will be ready.
2- b Nga : Good morning,Ms Lien.
 Miss Lien:Good morning.Nice to see you again, Nga.
 Nga : Nice to see you ,too. 
 Ms Lien:Class will begin soon.You must hurry. 
 Nga :OK.
3- d Ms Lien : Good morning, Tan.
 Mr Tan : Good morning, Lien.
 Ms Lien : Do you have the time, please ?
 Mr Tan : Yes, it’s 6.30.
 Ms Lien : Thank you
4- a Nga: Good afternoon. Ba.
 Ba: Good afternoon . How are you, Nga?
 Nga : I am fine, thanks. How about you?
 Ba : Not bad.
A3. Listen . Then practice with a partner.
 _ What are they doing ?
They are greeting each other.
* Real situation :
Hoa Long
  morning. ->  Nice , again.
  ,too. How  ? -> ,thanks.And you?
 Thank  .Bye. -> Good bye.
* Note : 
 Good morning/ afternoon/ evening.
Hi / Hello
 See you later = See you again
* Homework. 
 - Ask Ss to learn the ways to greet 
 - Ask Ss to make a similar dialoguage between them and their friends
 - Prepare part A 2.
* Evaluation:

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  • docgiao_an_mon_tieng_anh_lop_7_tiet_1_2.doc