Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Unit 05: Work and play - Lesson 1: A. In class (A1)

Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Unit 05: Work and play - Lesson 1: A. In class (A1)

 unit 05: work and play.

 Lesson 1: A. In class- ( A1 - page 51,52 )

I. Aims and objectives: - By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to describe job of a student in a school using the present simple.

- Talk about things they learn at school./ To talk about school subjects in the Simple Present tense.

II. Language focus:

*Grammar: the Simple Present tense/ - Present simle to talk about repeated actions.

*Vocabulary: review school subjects : - to be interested in, repair house hold appliances, map, experiment, computer.

III. Skills: Reading, writing, speaking,listening, chatting, Rub Out and Remember, Comprehension Questions, Write it up.

IV. Teaching aids: Text book, lesson plan, pictures .


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Week 09 Period 26
 Making day: 12/ 10/ 2010
 Teaching day: 7A1, 14/ 10/ 2010
 7B3, 14/ 10/ 2010 	
 unit 05: work and play.
 Lesson 1: A. In class- ( A1 - page 51,52 )
I. Aims and objectives: - By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to describe job of a student in a school using the present simple.
- Talk about things they learn at school./ To talk about school subjects in the Simple Present tense.
II. Language focus: 
*Grammar: the Simple Present tense/ - Present simle to talk about repeated actions.
*Vocabulary: review school subjects : - to be interested in, repair house hold appliances, map, experiment, computer.
III. Skills: Reading, writing, speaking,listening, chatting, Rub Out and Remember, Comprehension Questions, Write it up.
IV. Teaching aids: Text book, lesson plan, pictures ....
 Teacher's activities
Warm - up:
Pre- Listening:
While- Listening:
Post - listening:
Home work: 
* Network: 
 physical education Geography 
- Teacher introduces the contents of the text. 
* Pre- teach vocabulary:
- presentation the words,situation, sytonym, picture, modelling + How many days a week do you go to school?
+ What time do you do to school?
+What time do classes begin?
+ How many subjects do you study? / What subjects do you learn at school?
+ What do they learn in their Computer Science class?
+What do they learn in their Geography class?
+ What does Mai do in her Physcis class?
- Teacher introduces the content of the lesson.
New words:
- (to) learn about/ how to = study: Häc vÒ c¸i g× 
- (to) use- How to use: Sö dông/ntn 
- (to) be interested in: , Quan t©m, thÝch thó,thÝch c¸i g× 
- a map : B¶n ®å 
- an experiment : Cuéc thÝ nghiÖm 
- last- last lesson: Bµi häc cuèi 
- learn by heart : Häc thuéc lßng
* Checking vocabulary: RUB OUT & REMEMBER.
Teacher introduces the contents of the text. 
 * Model:
- Ask ss to read the models.
- What does Mai study in her Geography class?
- She studies maps and learns about different countries.
- What is Mai’s favorite class?
- Her favorite class is Computer science.
* Practice:
A1. Listen and read :
- Set the sence: "Mai is a student .... Monday to saturday. "
 *Grid and checking understanding:
- Ask ss to listen and read the text A1 on page 51 and fill in the grid. Then compare with their prediction.
What to do
1.Computer Science
a.To learn how to use a computer
b.To study map and learn how about different countries
c.To do some experiment
 * Answer key: 1+ a, 2 + b, 3 + c.
- Call some ss to read the text after listening to the tape once more.
* Word cues drill
- Ss use the grid to make qs and answwer about what Mai does in her class.
S1: What does Mai do in her Computer Science class?
S2: She learns how to use a computer.
- Explain the requirement of the exercise below.
- Ask ps to read the models.
- Ask ps to work in pairs to make up 5 questions to ask and answer about Mai.
- Call some pairs to ask and answer, other Ps remark.
* Questions and answers: 
Where does Mai goes to? Which school does Mai in/ go to?
How often does she goto school?
What time do her classes begin?
What time do they finish?
What is her favorite class/ subject?
Does Mai think Geography is difficult?
*Answer key: 
Mai goes to Quang Trung school.
She goes to school six days a week.
Her classes begin at 7.00.
They finish at aquarter past eleven.
Her favorite class is Computer Science.
Yes, she thinks Geography is difficult.
- Retell about some classes and what to do.
* Set the task:
- Old lesson: Learn by heart the vocab. Do exercies on the workbook. Read the text fluently and translate it in to Viet Names.
- New lesson: Find out the newwords and write down on the notebook. - Prepare Unit 5- lesson 2: A2, 3*. 
- Play the game.
- Answer teacher’s questions.
Answer teacher’s questions.
Individual work.
- Read them.
Listen and answer
- Listen to the teacher and repeat .
- Look at the book and listen.
copy down.
Listen to the T.
- Take notes.
Read individually.
Practice saying in pairs to talk about Mai's classes.
- Work in pairs.
- Ss retell about Mai's classes.
Individual work
T - whole class
Copy down
Do at home.
T- whole class

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  • docgiao_an_mon_tieng_anh_lop_7_unit_05_work_and_play_lesson_1_a.doc