Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Unit 15: Going out - Period 93, Part B1: In the city

Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Unit 15: Going out - Period 93, Part B1: In the city

1. The aims:

 a. Kiến thức:

 - Học sinh làm quen với chủ đề mới, thành thị. Qua đoạn hhội thoại, HS được cung cấp các từ vựng:

 - Cũng qua bài học học sinh được cung cấp các cấu trúc câu:

 + Vocabulary:

 - The rest - To scare - To hate

 - Awake - Get used to - Direction

 + Grammar:

 - Review: + The simple present tense and past tense.

 b. Kĩ năng:

 - Học sinh nâng cao kĩ năng nghe, luyện tập theo cặp, nhóm theo chủ đề trong bài và trả lời các câu hỏi.

 c. Thái độ:

 - Học sinh có thái độ nghiêm túc, hăng hái xây dựng bài học.


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Date of preparing: 12/04/2010 Date of teaching: 7E: 13/04/2010
 Period: 93 UNIT 15 
 Part B1 In the city 
1. The aims:
 a. Kiến thức:
	- Học sinh làm quen với chủ đề mới, thành thị. Qua đoạn hhội thoại, HS được cung cấp các từ vựng: 
 - Cũng qua bài học học sinh được cung cấp các cấu trúc câu:
 + Vocabulary:
 - The rest - To scare - To hate 
 - Awake - Get used to - Direction 
 + Grammar:
 - Review: + The simple present tense and past tense.
 b. Kĩ năng:
	- Học sinh nâng cao kĩ năng nghe, luyện tập theo cặp, nhóm theo chủ đề trong bài và trả lời các câu hỏi.
 c. Thái độ:
	- Học sinh có thái độ nghiêm túc, hăng hái xây dựng bài học.
2. Preparation:
 a. Teacher: Textbook, tape, cassette, pictures about the city and the country,... 
	 b. Students: Student’s book / Prepare new lesson/Learn old lesson.
 3. Procedures:
	a. Checking the old lesson:(5’)
- T guides students to play a games: 
D R S Y M N T O G 
T T R A F F I C L 
- T asks students to find the words which relate to the city and country.
- T asks Ss students to discuss in groups to find the words which relate to the city and the country.
- T remarks and leads in new lesson.
 b. New lesson:
T’s Activities
Ss’ Activities
- T asks students to look at the picture and answer the question: What is the picture about ?
- T asks students some questions such as:
+ Do you like to live in the city or in the country ?
 Why / why not ?
- T introduces the situation of the lesson.
- T asks students to look at the book and listen to the tape, then answer the question: Lan and Hoa, who likes to live in the city or in the country.
- T plays the tape for students.
- T asks students to give the answers.
- T introduces some new words to students 
- T asks students to read new words in chorus and individually.
- T guides students to play a game: Rub out and Remember.
- T asks students to discuss about life in the city and life in the country.
- T asks students to work in groups.
- T calls on some groups to give their ideas.
- T asks students to read the dialogue in pairs.
- T calls on some pairs to read the dialogue in front of the class.
- T corrects the pronunciation.
- T asks students to read the dialogue again and find the answers for the questions.
- T asks students play a game: Lucky numbers 
- T remarks and asks students to write the answers in the notebooks.
* New activities:
What is the picture about ?
+ Do you like to live in the city or in the country ?
 Why / why not ?
+ The rest ( n ) :
+ Awake ( adj ) :
+ To scare ( v ) :
+ To hate ( v ) = to dislike 
+ To get used to + N.
+ Direction ( n ) :
Rub out and Remember.
* Brainstorming:
Life in the city Life in the 
Crowded Little traffic
Lucky numbers
1. Where did Hoa live before ?
2. Why doesn’t Hoa like the city ?
3. LN.
4. What does Hoa do in the evening ?
5. What does Hoa dislike most in the city ? Why ?
6. Does She like the city ?
7. LN 
8. Why did Hoa like living in a village in Hue?
- Look at the picture and answer the question.
- Answer T’s questions 
- Listen.
- Look at the book and listen to the tape then answer the questions.
- Give the answers.
- Listen and write.
- Read new words in chorus and individually.
- Students play a game: Rub out and Remember.
- Discuss about life in the city and life in the country.
- Work in groups.
- Give the ideas.
- Work in pairs reading the dialogue.
- Practice reading the dialogue in front of the class.
- Find the answers.
- Play a game in 2 groups.
- Write the answers in the notebooks.
 c. Consolidation: (3’)
 - T asks students to discuss about life in the city and in the country.
 - T repeats lesson.
 d. Home work: (1’)
 - T demands sts to: 
 + Learn by heart new words by writing 3 lines for each.
 + Write the answers in part B2 in the exercise books .
 + Do exercise at page in workbook.
 + Prepare part B2-3.
 Lesson 4 : B – In the city ( B1,2 ) 
T’s Activities
Ss’ Activities
1. Warm up :
- Greetings .
 - Have students play a game : Wordsquare .
- Ask students to find the words which relate to the city and country .
- Have students work in groups .
-Remark and lead in new lesson .
2. New activities :
- Ask students to look at the picture and answer the question : What is the picture about ?
- Ask students some questions such as :
+ Do you like to live in the city or in the country ?
 Why / why not ?
- Introduce the situation of the lesson .
- Ask students to look at the book and listen to the tape , then answer the question : Lan and Hoa , who likes to live in the city or in the country .
- Play the tape for students .
- Have students give the answers .
- Introduce some new words to students :
+ The rest ( n ) :
+ Awake ( adj ) :
+ To scare ( v ) :
+ To hate ( v ) = to dislike 
+ To get used to + N .
+ Direction ( n ) :
- Have students read new words in chorus and individually .
- Have students play a game : rub out and remember .
- Have students discuss about life in the city and life in the country .
* Brainstorming :
Life in the city Life in the country 
 Crowded Little traffic
- Have students work in groups .
- Call on some groups to give their ideas .
- Have students read the dialogue in pairs .
- Call on some pairs to read the dialogue in front of the class .
- Correct the pronunciation .
- Ask students to read the dialogue again and find the answers for the questions .
- Have students play a game : Lucky numbers 
1. Where did Hoa live before ?
2. Why doesn’t Hoa like the city ?
3. LN .
4. What does Hoa do in the evening ?
5. What does Hoa dislike most in the city ? Why ?
6. Does She like the city ?
7. LN 
8 . Why did Hoa like living in a village in Hue?
- Remark and ask students to write the answers in the notebooks .
3. Consolidation :
- Ask students to use the questions in part B2 to work in pairs discussing about life in the city and life in the country .
- Have students work in pairs .
- Call on some pairs to practice in front of the class .
- Correct and remark.
4. Homework :
- Learn by heart new words by writing 3 lines for each 
- Write the answers in part B2 in the exercise books .
- Prepare part B3,4 .
- Greetings .
- Play a game .
Discuss in groups to find the words which relate to the city and the country .
- Work in groups .
- Look at the picture and answer the question .
- Answer T’s questions .
- Listen .
- Look at the book and listen to the tape then answer the questions .
- Give the answers .
- Listen and write .
- Read new words in chorus and individually .
- Play a game .
- Discuss about life in the city and life in the country .
- Work in groups .
- Give the ideas .
- Work in pairs reading the dialogue .
- Practice reading the dialogue in front of the class .
- Find the answers .
- Play a game in 2 groups .
- Write the answers in the notebooks .
- Discuss about life in the city and in the country .
- Work in pairs .
- Practice in front of the class .
- Write homework .
Preparing date : Friday , April 20th 2007 
Period 95 :
Lesson 5 : B – In the city ( B 4 )
I. The aims :
 After the lesson students will know how Hoa got used to the life in the city and what she could do . They practice reading and listening skills .
II. Language content :
 1. Vocabulary :
 - Rarely - To socialize 
 2. Grammar :
 - Review : The simple present tense and past simple tense .
 - Like / Prefer + to infinitive ; Like + gerund 
III. Technique :
 Eliciting , pairwork , groupwork , using pictures .
IV. Teaching aids :
 Textbook , tape , cassette , pictures .
V. Procedure :
T’s Activities
Ss’ Activities
1. Warm up :
- Greetings .
- Have students play a game : Networks 
- Have students work in groups .
- Have students go to the board and write .
- Remark .
2. New activities :
A. Read .
- Introduce the content of the text : The text tells how Hoa got used to the city life .
- Ask students to read the text and find out what she could do .
- Have students read the text in silent .
- Call on some students to give the answers in front of the class .
- Call on some students to read the text aloud .
- Correct the pronunciation .
- Introduce new words :
+ Rarely ( adv ) :
+ To socialize ( v ) : 
+ Structure : Like / prefer + to infinitive 
Ex: Hoa likes to read / She prefers to socialize with her friends .
Like / prefer + gerund .
Ex: Hoa like playing chess very much .
- Ask students to make sentences as model .
- Give some more questions and ask students to answer :
a) What did Hoa and her friends often do together ?
b) Why did Hoa rarely go to see movies or eat out in the evening ?
c) Why couldn’t Hoa read many books in her village ?
d) Why did Hoa decide that the city wasn’t so bad after all ?
- Have students work in pairs .
- Call on some pairs to ask and answer in front of the class .
- Correct the mistakes .
- Ask students to read the text again then make a list of the things Hoa does in the evening , using the simple present tense .
- Have students exchange the results with their partners .
- Call on some students to give their answers in front of the class .
- Call one student to go to the board and write down .
- Correct and ask students to write in the notebooks .
B. Listen . Match each name to an activity .
- Introduce the aim of the listening .
- Ask students to look at the pictures and give the activity of each picture .
- Call on some students to give the answers in front of the class .
- Have students guess and write the names next to the pictures .
- Ask students to listen to the tape and check their prediction .
- Play the tape for students .
- Call on some students to give the answers in front of the class .
- Play the tape again for students to check the answers 
- Correct and give the key :
Ba- b Hoa- a Nga – d 
Nam – c Lan – f An – e 
3. Consolidation :
- Ask students to use the model in part B3 and the pictures in B4 to talk about what they like to do or dis like to do .
- Have students work in pairs .
- Call on some pairs to practice in front of the class .
- Remark .
4. Homework :
- Write the things that you often do in the evening .
- Do exercises in part B in workbook .
- Prepare unit 15 –B4,5.
- Greetings .
- Play a game .
- Work in groups .
- Go to the board and write .
- Listen .
- Read the text and find out what she could do .
- Read in silent .
- Give the answers in front of the class .
- Read the text aloud .
- Listen and write .
- Make sentences .
- Answer the questions .
- Work in pairs .
- Ask and answer in front of the class .
- Make a list of the things Hoa does in the evening .
- Exchange the results .
- Give the answers in front of the class .
- Go to the board and write .
- Write in the notebooks .
- Listen to the teacher .
- Give the activity of each picture .
- Guess and write the names next to the pictures .
- Listen to the tape and check the prediction .
- Listen.
- Give the answers in front of the class .
- Check the answers .
- Work in pairs .
- Practice in front of the class .
- Write homework .

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