Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Unit 16: People and places - Section B: Famous people - Lesson 5: B4, 5 - Dinh Thi Nhan

Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Unit 16: People and places - Section B: Famous people - Lesson 5: B4, 5 - Dinh Thi Nhan

I. Aims: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

- Know some more information about famous peope such as: Thomas Edison and Hans Christian Andersen.

- Listen in detail the biography of Uncle Ho and write about him base on the information they have listened.

II. Language focus:

- Vocabulary: bulb, gramophone, actor, motion picture, author, fairy tale, to leave, to move, to found, to form, to declare, independence, Democratic Republic of Viet Nam.

- Struture: Review Simpe Past Tense.

III. Teaching aids : + Picture, textbook, workbook, cards, poster


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 Teaching date: ......./....../20....
 UNIT 16: 
LESSON 5 – B4-5 (PERIOD 100th)
Aims: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
Know some more information about famous peope such as: Thomas Edison and Hans Christian Andersen.
Listen in detail the biography of Uncle Ho and write about him base on the information they have listened.
II. Language focus:
- Vocabulary: bulb, gramophone, actor, motion picture, author, fairy tale, to leave, to move, to found, to form, to declare, independence, Democratic Republic of Viet Nam.
- Struture: Review Simpe Past Tense.
III. Teaching aids : + Picture, textbook, workbook, cards, poster
IV. Procedure: 
Warm up: Network:
 Famous people
B. Activity 1 (Read B4 – P159 & 160):
I. Pre – reading:	
1. Pre-teach:	
- (an) electric light bulb: bóng đèn điện (drawing)
- (a) power station : nhà máy điện (example)
- (a) gramophone:máy hát đĩa (symnonym) 
- (a) motion picture: phim ảnh (example) 
- (a) fairy tale: chuyện thần tiên (realia)m 
* Check vocabulary:	What and where
2. Set the scene:
 	Do you know Thomas Edison? What did he invent?
	Do you know Hans Christian Andersen? What did he write?
II. While – reading (B4 – P159 - 160): 
- Ask students to read the text and answer the questions.
	* Answerkey:
a. When was Thomas Edison born? When did he die?
 He was born in 1847 and died in 1931.
b. What did he invent? He invented electric bulb.
c. What were his other inventions?
 His other inventions were gramophone and motion pictures.
d. When was Andersen born? When did he die?
 He was born in 1805 and died in 1875.
e. Was Andersen’s family rich? No. His family was very poor.
f. What did he write?
 He wrote novels, plays, poetry and travel books.
III. Post - reading:	Role-play:
1. One of you is Student A and other is Student B:
Student A: 
You are a newspaper reporter
Imagine you are going to imterview Thomaas Edison. Ask as many questions as possible.
Student B: 
You are Thomas Edison
A newspaper reporter is going to imterview you. Use the informationin the reading passage to answer the questions.
	When was you born, Mr. Edison? I was born in 1847.
	Were you born in America? Yes, I was.
2. Now change roles:
Student B: 
You are a newspaper reporter
Imagine you are going to imterview Andersen. Ask as many questions as possible.
Student A: 
You are Hans Christian Andersen
A newspaper reporter is going to imterview you. Use the informationin the reading passage to answer the questions.
Activity 2 (Listen. Complete the table – B5 – P.161):
Pre – listening:
Founded Vietnamese Communist Party: Thµnh lËp §CS ViÖt Nam.
Formed Viet minh Front: Thµnh lËp MÆt trËn ViÖt Minh.
Became President: Trë thµnh Chñ tÞch
Indochinese Communist Party: §CS §«ng D­¬ng.
Declare independence: Tuyªn bè ®éc lËp.
Ask students to look at the below table. It is a summary biography of Uncle Ho. Can you guess the year or the name of the places according to the events on the right:
Date of birth
Kim Lien
Left Viet Nam
Worked in hotel 
Went to another country
Moved again
Founded Vietnamese Communist Party
Formed Viet Minh Front
Viet Nam
Became President
While – listening:
Ask students to listen to the tape and check their predictions:
Date of birth
Kim Lien
Left Viet Nam
Worked in hotel 
Went to another country
Moved again
Founded Vietnamese Communist Party
Formed Viet Minh Front
Viet Nam
Became President
Viet Nam
Tape script:
Ho Chi Minh was born in 1890 in Nghe An Province, in the village of Kim Lien. When he was 21 years old, he left Viet Nam and traveled to Africa, England and America. After this, he worked in a hotel in London in the early 1900s, then he moved to Paris in 1917. He spent six years in Paris,one year in Moscow and then moved to Guangzhou. He founded the Indochinese Communist Party when he was living in Guangzhou. During the 1930s Ho Chi Minh continued to travel and after his return to Viet Nam he formed the Viet Minh in 1941. Four years later, he became President of the Democratic Republic of Viet Nam after Viet Nam declared its independence. Ho Chi Minh died in Ha Noi in 1969, but he will always be remembered by the Vietnamese people.
Post – listening:
* Write a passage about Ho Chi Minh base on the information you’ve heard.
=> Ho Chi Minh was born in 1890 ..............................
E. Home work: 	- Learn by heart the vocabulary.
	- Do exercises in Workbook.
	- Prepare Language focus 5.

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  • docgiao_an_mon_tieng_anh_lop_7_unit_16_people_and_places_sectio.doc