Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Unit 3: At home - Lesson 1: A1 (P29 – 31)

Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Unit 3: At home - Lesson 1: A1 (P29 – 31)

Unit 3. At home

Lesson 1. A1 (P29 – 31)

I. Objectives:

- To introduce new words and the situation of the text.

- By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to listen and describe rooms and homes.

II. Materials:

- Textbooks; pictures.

III. Work arrangements:

- T.WC; individual; pair work.

IV. Anticipated problems:

- Too many words.

 * Checking attendant: 7A: . / 27 7B: . / 27


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Week: 5
Prepare: 17/ 9/ 2010
Period: 13
Teach: 23/ 9/ 2010
Unit 3. At home
Lesson 1. A1 (P29 – 31)
I. Objectives: 
- To introduce new words and the situation of the text.
- By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to listen and describe rooms and homes. 
II. Materials: 
- Textbooks; pictures.
III. Work arrangements: 
- T.WC; individual; pair work. 
IV. Anticipated problems: 
- Too many words.
	* Checking attendant: 7A: ........ / 27 7B: ........ / 27
1. Warm – up (8’)
* Revision:
+ Brainstorming.
- Give some words for examples:
Lamp, radio, chair...
- Feedback.
2. Pre – listening (14’)
* Pre - teach vocabulary.
- amazing	(a)	(trans.)
- delicious	(a) (situation)
- bright(a)	(synonym)	
- interesting (a)	(exp.)	
- convenient (a)	(trans)
- comfortable (a)	(")
- modern (a) (exp.) 
* Checking vocabulary: 
+ Matching (using a poster)
- a bathroom (exp.) 
- a kitchen	( " )
- a sink (visual)
- a washing machine (")
- a dish washer	(trans.)
- a dryer (visual)
- a tub (trans.)
- a refrigerator (")
* Presentation dialogue. 
- Set the scene: Lan and Hoa are talking about Hoa's bathroom and kitchen.
3. While – listening (10’)
- Ask Ss to listen to the dialogue and answer the questions in groups.
- Feedback
4. post- listening (10’)
- Ask Ss to give exclamations
- Elicit from Ss.
- Feedback.	 
5. Homework (3’)
- Write tenseness describing picture A3. P31
 There is a television.
- Group work
- Listen and repeat.
- Listen again and then make stresses.
- Match in turns
- Compare with their partners.
- Listen to teacher.
- Answer in groups.
- Individual works
- T – W.C
- Listen and copy.
1. New words
- amazing	(a): ng¹c nhiªn
- delicious	(a): ngon
- bright (a): s¸ng sña
- interesting (a): hay, thó vÞ
- convenient (a): thuËn tiÖn, tiÖn lîi
- comfortable (a)	: tiÖn nghi
- modern (a): hiÖn ®¹i
- a bathroom: phßng t¾m
- a kitchen	: phßng bÕp
- a sink: bån röa
- a washing machine	: m¸y röa b¸t
- a dish washer: m¸y röa b¸t
- a dryer: m¸y sÊy
- a tub: bån t¾m
- a refrigerator: tñ l¹nh
2. Model
What a lovely living room! 
What a beautiful bathroom!
There is a.....
There are some.....
3. exclamations
What is it in the picture?
	 Is there a......?
 Are there any.........?
Week: 5
Prepare: 20/ 9/ 2010
Period: 14
Teach: 27/ 9/ 2010
Unit 3. At home
Lesson 2. A 2 - 3 (P29 - 31)
- To introduce compliment sentences.
- By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to give compliment: 
	What + a/an + adj + N (exclamations)
Materials: Textbook; word cues
Work arrangements: T.WC; pair work; group work; individual
IV. Anticipated problems: 
	* Checking attendant: 7A: ........ / 27 7B: ........ / 27
1. Warm – up. (7’)
* Revision 	Brainstorming
- Ask Ss to think and write about things in their house.
- Feedback.
2. Presentation (14’)
* Pre-teach vocabulary.
- awful 	(a) (trans.)	: 
- expensive (a)	(exp.)	
- bad	 (a)	
(antonym) >< (good) : 
- boring (a)	 
- wet	(a)	(trans.)
* Checking vocabulary. What & where
* Presentation picture A2a. P30
- Ask Ss to look at picture A2a. P30
- Elicit from Ss: The price of this shirt is very expensive. Lan makes complaints about this (in Vietnamese)
* Concept check: 	
- Meaning
- Use :	
- Form: 	
- Intonation: MS.
3. Practice (22’)
* Word cue drill 	
- Runs through all word cues ® Ask Ss to listen and repeat.
- Ask Ss to practice in pairs.
- Feedback.	
4. Further practice (10’)
* Noughts and crosses.
- T gives instructions
- Ask Ss to give complaints with "what"
* Ask Ss to practice A1 P20 in pair 
- Feedback
5. Homework (2’)
- Read + translate A1 P29 
- T – W.C.
- Listen and repeat.
- Listen again and then make stresses.
- Play the game in groups.
- T – W.C.
- Listen to the teacher.
- Listen and answer teacher’s questions.
- T – W.C.
- Pair works.
- Play the game in groups.
- Listen and copy.
* Brainstorming
In my house.
1. New words
- awful (a): Kinh khñng
- expensive (a): §¾t
- bad	 (a): Tåi tÖ	
- boring (a)	: Nhµm ch¸n
- wet	(a): Èm ­ít
* What & where
2. Model sentences.	
What an expensive dress!
	What a wet day!
	What a bad movie!
3. Practice.
* Word cue drill 	
e.g. The dress is expensive
® What an expensive dress!
* Noughts and crosses.
E.g. exchange:
- S1: 	The day is bad!
 S2: 	What a bad day!	
Week: 5
Prepare: 20/ 9/ 2010
Period: 15
Teach: 30/ 9/ 2010
Unit 3. At home
Lesson 3: B1 (P33 - 35)
I. Objectives: To practice reading skill.
- By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to read B1 to answer comprehension 	questions and write the survey about the occupations and places	of work.
II. Materials: Text book; posters
III. Work arrangements: T - WC; pair work; group work; individual. 
IV. Anticipated problems: Difficulty in understand the content of the text.
	* Checking attendant: 7A: ........ / 27 7B: ........ / 27
1. Warm – up. (6’)
* Chatting. 
- Ask Ss some questions about their house’s things.
- Feedback.
2. Pre – reading (13’)
* Pre - teach vocabulary
- (to)	raise 	(trans.)	: 
- (to) take care of 	(exp.)	
- cattle (Ns)	(example)
- a journalist 	(exp.)	
- a newspaper	(realia)
* Checking vocabulary 	Rub out & remember.
* T / F statement predictions
- Hang poster 1 on the board® Ask Ss to predict T / F
- Collect Ss' predictions on the poster 1.
3. While – reading (15’) 
- Ask Ss to read B1. P.33 in dividedly; then check their predictions.
- Feedback and then give the correct Answers.
- Ask Ss to read B1 again and correct false sentences (Poster 1).
4. Further practice (9’)
* Survey.
- T draws the table below. 
- Ask Ss to draw it in their notebooks.
- Help Ss to exploit the table by answering T's questions. 
- T elicits questions for each column. 
- Call a strong Ss do as an example.
- Ask Ss to work in pair (asking - answering and filling in the gaps table).
* Write it up (If have enough of times).
5. Homework (2’)
- Read + translate B1 + 3 	P33 + 34
- Answers comprehension questions of B1.
- T – W.C.
- Listen and guess
- Read
- Copy
- T – W.C
- Read and check.
- Compare with their partners.
- Work in group
- T – W.C.
- Individual works.
- Listen and copy.
1. New words
- (to)	raise 	: ch¨n nu«i
-(to) take care of : ch¨m sãc, tr«ng nom
- cattle (Ns): gia sóc lín 
- a journalist: nhµ b¸o
- newspaper: tê b¸o
 Poster 1
1. Hoa's father is a worker
2. Her mother does the house work and helps on the farm 
3. Her sister is 10	
2. Read
Place of work
+ What's question for age? ® "How old is your father?
- How old is your father? / - He's 40.
3. Practice
+ How many columns are there?
	+ What's in the first / second column?

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