Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Unit 5: Work and play - Section A: In class - Lesson 1: A1 - Dinh Thi Nhan

Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Unit 5: Work and play - Section A: In class - Lesson 1: A1 - Dinh Thi Nhan

I. Aims: - By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to talk about their school subject.

II. Language focus:

- Vocabulary: Learn about, use, be interested in, map, experiment, last

- Structures: Present Simple tense

III. Teaching aids : + Pictures, textbook, workbook, poster, cards

IV. Procedure:

A- Warm- up: * Chatting:

- How many days a week do you go to school?

- What time do you go to school?

- What time do classes begin?

- How many subjects do you study?


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	LESSON 1 – A1 (PERIOD 25th)
I. Aims: - By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to talk about their school subject.
II. Language focus:
- Vocabulary: Learn about, use, be interested in, map, experiment, last
Structures: 	Present Simple tense
III. Teaching aids : + Pictures, textbook, workbook, poster, cards
Warm- up: * Chatting:
- How many days a week do you go to school?
- What time do you go to school?
- What time do classes begin?
- How many subjects do you study?
B - Presentation.
* Set the sence: “Mai is a student at Quang trung school. How often does she go to school?/ What does she do in her classes?/ Let’s study in today’s lesson”
Pre teach.
To learn (about): Häc vÒ	
To use: Sö dông	
To be intersted in: ThÝch	
Ex: She is interested in reading.
A map: B¶n ®å	
An experiment: thÝ nghiÖm	
àto do an experiment: lµm thÝ nghiÖm
Last: Cuèi cïng 
Checking up: What and where.
Presentation text. (A1/ p.51)
T uses the pictures and elicits:	
-What are they studying?
-What do they learn in their Computer sience class?
-What do they learn in their Geography class?
Ask students to read the text and complete the grid:
What to do
Computer science
To learn how to use a computer
To study maps and learn about different countries
To do some experiments
Model sentenses:
What does Mai do in her computer science class?
 She learns how to use a computer.
What + do/ does + S + do (study) + in +( class) ?
àS + Vbare inf/ V-es/ -s
àHái ai ®ã lµm g× 
vµo giê häc
 B. Practic
Word cue drill.
T uses the grid, models then asks ss to ask and answer about what Mai does in her class.
Ss work in pairs then change the roles.
T calls on some pairs to perform before class.
Ask and answer five question about Mai. (A1/ p.52)
T asks ss to work in groups and find five questions about Mai then write on the poster.
	-T reads one by one questions which T prepares before.
-Ss in each group choose the questions which they think and tick if they hear from the teacher.
-The winner is the group that has five sentences ticked.
T hangs the questions of the winner on the board then asks ss to work in pairs to practise asking and answering about Mai.
QUESTIONS:	1. What does Mai study in her physics class?
2. What is Mai’s favourite class?
3. Which school does Mai go to ?
4. Which grade is she in?
5. How many days a week does she go to school?
6. What time do classes begin?
7. What time do they finish?
 C. Production:
Ss answer the questions about themselves then use the answers to write a paragraph about their classes.
What time do your classes begin?
What do you learn at school?
What do you do in your computer science class?
What do you study in your geography class?
What do you do in your last lesson?
What time do your classes end?
Feedback: 	-Two ss write their answers on the boar.(Writing)
-Three ss present their answer before class.(Speaking)
Writing: Our classes begin at 7 o’clock. At school we learn.
 D. Home work:
Learn vocabulary by heart.
Exercise A1/ p.27
Prepare A2

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