Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Units 12: What shall we eat ? - Period 73: A1

Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Units 12: What shall we eat ? - Period 73: A1

Set the scene

Who are they ?

What are they going ?

They are goung to the market

What did they buy ?

3/- While - reading


1. How many stalls do they go at the market ? what are they ?

3 stalls : meat, vegetable, fruit

2. What do they buy in the meat stall ? beef

3. Do they like peas and carrots ?

Hoa like them but Hoa's aunt doesn't

4. What do theybuy to vegatable stall ? spinach, cucumbers

5. Do theybuy a papaya and a pine apple ? why ? No. they aren't ripe

6. What did they buy at a fruit stall ? oranges

4/- Post - reading

Ss talk about the food they like and dislike

5/- Home work

Learn by heart new words .Write these exercises in their notebooks


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Week: 25
Period: 73
Units 12 : WHAT SHALL WEEAT ? - A1
Aim : Reading comprehension for about food
Objective :By the end of the lesson. Ss will be able to undertand about food i the market
Skill: speaking; listening
Teaching aids : board aid, pictures, reals
1/- Warm up
Kim's game 
fish chicken beef milk
apples vegetables bananas peas 
carrots oranges lemons
2/- Pre- reading 
New words 
1. spinach (unc)
2. a cucumber
3. a papaya
4. a durian
5. ripe (a)
 green (a)
6. (to) smell 
check : ROR
Set the scene
Who are they ?
What are they going ?
They are goung to the market 
What did they buy ?
3/- While - reading 
1. How many stalls do they go at the market ? what are they ?
3 stalls : meat, vegetable, fruit
2. What do they buy in the meat stall ? beef
3. Do they like peas and carrots ?
Hoa like them but Hoa's aunt doesn't
4. What do theybuy to vegatable stall ? spinach, cucumbers
5. Do theybuy a papaya and a pine apple ? why ? No. they aren't ripe
6. What did they buy at a fruit stall ? oranges
4/- Post - reading 
Ss talk about the food they like and dislike 
5/- Home work
Learn by heart new words .Write these exercises in their notebooks
Use sthe picture
real ( picture)
Use the picture ?
Asks Ss open your book - correct the ans guessing 
Wites ques on Bb
Check : 2 pair 
Look at this 
write the English words - group work
rau chaân vòt
döa chuoät
ñu ñuû
saàu rieâng 
Hoa and her aunt to the market
Ans guessing 
The meat stall
E vegatables
A fruit
Read a dia 
correct them
Read ques and ans 
Choose the ques and ans 
Pair work
N1 ask 1.2.3
N2 ans 
N2 ask 4.5.6
N1 ans 
4 groups
 write on Bb

Tài liệu đính kèm:

  • docgiao_an_mon_tieng_anh_lop_7_units_12_what_shall_we_eat_perio.doc