Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Units 6: What do you do ? - Period 36: A4-B2

Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Units 6: What do you do ? - Period 36: A4-B2

1/- Warm up

Matching these half sentences

What about collect stamps

why don't we do this evening

Let's going to the movies

what should you study in the library


New words

1. a teenager : thiếu niên

2. a music instrument : nhạc cụ

3. a model : mô hình, làm mẫu

4. a scout : hướng đạo sinh (boy)

5. a guide : hướng dẫn viên ( girls)

6. (to) attend : tham dự

Checks : slap the board


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Week: 12
Period: 36
Units 6 : LET'S GO - A4 - B2
Aim : practice with wh - ques
Objective :By the end of the lesson. Ss will be able to survey some popular activities for American teenagers and compare with VN
Skill: speaking; listening
Teaching aids : board aid
1/- Warm up
Matching these half sentences
What about collect stamps
why don't we do this evening
Let's going to the movies
what should you study in the library
New words
1. a teenager : thiếu niên
2. a music instrument : nhạc cụ 
3. a model : mô hình, làm mẫu
4. a scout : hướng đạo sinh (boy)
5. a guide : hướng dẫn viên ( girls)
6. (to) attend : tham dự 
Checks : slap the board
Set the scene 
What should you do in this evening ?
I should do my home work
Focus on Grammar
Should + V0 advice
What should + S + do .......?
S + should + V0 .........
Hỏi và trả lời nên làm gì ?
3/- Practice (A4)
1. Ba/ go to the circus
What shouls Ba do in this afternoon ?
he should go to the class
2. Mia/ go to the school cafeteria
3. Lan / watch a movie
4. Kien/ tidy the room
5. Nam / rehearse a play
4/- Futher practice (B2)
Which of the activities in the list of American teenagers do you think are also popular among Vietnamese teengers ?
5/- Home work
Learn by heart new words .Write these exercises in their notebooks
uses board aid to write it 
Ex : what about going .....?
They call them ateenger
Guitar, piano,...
What do they call them ?
How do you say .....?
Puts the words all over the board
Calls : 2 team of SS to the front of the class 
Asks them to stand at an equal istance from the board. Calls iut one of the word in alound voice, the one who first slaps the correct word is the winner. The winning teams gets a mark
What does it mean ?
Gives me the form
When do we use ?
check ; 2 pair
Asks Ss to discus
read it and matching 
Why don't you studt ?
Let's collect ......
What shout we do .....?
thiếu niên
nhạc cụ 
listen to the teacher and slap the correct word
bạn nên làm gì ...
tôi nên làm bài tập 
read - repeat
pair work
N1 ask - 2.3
N2 ans 2.3
N2 ask 34
N1 ans 34
write on Bb
(watch TV, listen to music, go shopping, go to the movies, help old people )

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  • docgiao_an_mon_tieng_anh_lop_7_units_6_what_do_you_do_period_36.doc