Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Revision 1

Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Revision 1

C. REPORTED SPEECH (indirect speech)

_ Statement

Ex: Mary said: “The house is beautiful”

 Mary said the house was beautil.

_ Yes – No question

Ex: He asked her: “Do you live in Tan Nghia?”

 He asked her if/ whether she lived in Tan Nghia


1/ in order (not) to/ so as (not) to + Vo

Ex: I open the winlow in order to let the fresh air in

2/ It’s/ That’s + be + adj + to Vo/ Noun

Ex: It’s hard to believe you.


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1/ Past Simple Tense
S + V2/ Ved
Mark: yesterday, last month/year, in 1990, ago
Ex: Yesterday, I went to Vung Tau.
2/ Present Simple Tense
S + V/Vs/Ves
Mark: every day/ month/year, always, usually, 
Ex: Everyday, she gets up at 6.00
3/ Future Simple Tense
S + will + Vo
Mark: tomorrow, next month/year, ..
Ex: Next Sunday, my family will visit Da Lat
4/ Present Perfect 
S + have/ has + V3/ Ved
Mark: for, since, yet, already, ever, never, 
Ex: We have lived in Tan Nghia for 13 years
5/ Past Progressive 
S + was/ were + Ving
Mark: when, while, 8.00 yesterday morning
Ex: When he came, she was cooking the meal.
6/ Present Progressive 
S + am/ is/ are + Ving
Mark: Look!, Listen!, now, at the moment
Ex: Listen! Mary is playing the piano.
7/ Past Simple Tense
S + were/ was + V3/ Ved + by O
Ex: In 2001, this machine was invented by Tom Wat.
8/ Present Simple Tense
S + am/ is/ are + V3/ Ved + by O
Ex: The vase is broken by Peter.
9/ Future Simple Tense
S + will + be + V3/ Ved + by O
Ex: Next week, this bridge will be built by them.
10/ Present Perfect 
S + have/ has + been + V3/ Ved + by O
Ex: The food has been jumbled by the cat
C. REPORTED SPEECH (indirect speech)
_ Statement
Ex: Mary said: “The house is beautiful”
ð Mary said the house was beautil.
_ Yes – No question
Ex: He asked her: “Do you live in Tan Nghia?”
ð He asked her if/ whether she lived in Tan Nghia
1/ in order (not) to/ so as (not) to + Vo
Ex: I open the winlow in order to let the fresh air in
2/ It’s/ That’s + be + adj + to Vo/ Noun
Ex: It’s hard to believe you.
Do/ Would you mind + Ving?
Do you mind if S + V?
Would you mind if S + V2/ Ved?
Ex: Do you mind opeinng the window?
Do you mind if I sit here?
Would you mind if I sat here?
 S +
Ving – phrase 
+ is/ are
V3/ Ved – phrase
Ex: The boy reading book is Ba
The box made in China is 5 dollars
A + Noun – Ving + Noun
Ex: It is a rice – cooking festival
Question word – to infinitive
Note: where, how, what, who, 
Ex: I don’t know where to buy the hat.
+ to – infinitive 

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