Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Unit 6: The young pioneers club - Period 34, Lesson 2: Speak

Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Unit 6: The young pioneers club - Period 34, Lesson 2: Speak

I. Objectives:

- By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to ask for favors and respond to favors

II. Language contents:

1. Grammar: Modals: can, could, may

2. Vocabulary: favor

III. Techniques: Shark’s attack, Asking and Answering

IV. Teaching aids: Projector


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 Date: 19/11/2006	
 Period: 34	Lesson 2: SPEAK	
I. Objectives:
- By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to ask for favors and respond to favors
II. Language contents:
1. Grammar: Modals: can, could, may
2. Vocabulary: favor
III. Techniques: Shark’s attack, Asking and Answering
IV. Teaching aids: Projector
V. Procedures:
Teacher’s and Students’ activities
- T gives Ss to play a game “Shark’s attack”
- Ss play a game in two teams
- T asks Ss the meaning of the word
- Ss give the meaning
- T asks Ss: What do you say to ask for a favor?
- Ss answer: Can / Could you help me?
- T asks Ss: When do you ask for a favor?
- Ss answer : Need some help
- T asks Ss: How do you say to respond to favor?
-Ss answer : Certainly / Of course / Sure / No problem
- T asks Ss to copy down the following phrases
- Ss write in their notebooks
- T moves around and checks Ss write or not
- T asks Ss to work in pairs
- Ss work in pairs the dialogue between Mrs. Ngoc and Hoa
- T summarizes the content of the dialogue: “Mrs. Ngoc is carrying a heavy bag, but she’s hurt her arm so she needs some help”
- Ss listen and use the expressions in the table to play the roles the dialogue
- Ss make similar dialogue
- T gives the situation
- Ss work in pairs
- T asks Ss to listen to the dialogue between a receptionist and a tourist
- Ss listen
- T asks some questions to checks Ss understanding
- Ss answer
Ÿ What does the receptionist say?
What’s for?
Ÿ Another way to offer assistance?
Ÿ How do you say to respond to assistance?
- T asks Ss to copy down the following phrases
- Ss write
- T asks Ss to repeat chorally and then individually all the phrases in the chart
- Ss repeat (chorus, individually)
- Ss work in pairs the dialogue b page 56
- T gives another situation: “You want to help a tourist who needs to find the nearest police station because he has lost money”
- Ss work in pairs to make a similar dialogue then practice with their partners
- T moves around the class and helps Ss if necessary
- Ss practice the dialogue in front of the class
- Others notice and listen
- T gives marks
- T gives another situation
- Ss continue practicing
- T corrects the mistakes
1. Warm up: 
Shark’s attack:
- favor (n): söï giuùp ñôõ, aân hueä
2. Pre- speaking : 
Look at the phrases in the boxes. Then practice the dialogues with a partners:
Asking for favors
Responding to favors
- Can/ Could you help me, please?
- Could you do me a favor?
- I need a favor
- Can you ?
- Could you?
- Certainly / Of course Sure / No problem
- What can I do for you?
- How can I help you?
- I’m sorry. I’m really busy
3. While – speaking 
a) Mrs. Ngoc:
“Your neighbor needs help tidying his yard because he had broken his leg”
b) Receptionist:
- “May I help you?”
- For offering assistance
- Do you need any help?
- Let me help you
- Yes/ No, Thank you
Offering assistance
Responding assistance
- May I help you?
- Do you need any help?
- Let me help you
- Yes. That’s very kind of you
- No, thank you
- I’m fine
- I can manage
b) Receptionist:
Now use the appropriate phrases in the box to make similar dialogues about some of the following situations with a partners:
4. Post – speaking : 
Play - roles:
“Your aunt needs to buy some vegetables because she is busy cooking meal”
“Your friend needs help fixing her bike because she has a flat tire”
5. Homework: 
- Learn by heart new-words
- Write on your notebooks the dialogue between you and a tourist who lost money
- Do exercise: 1 page 38, 39 (Workbook)
- Prepare: U6 - L3: Listen 

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