Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 - Unit 1 đến unit 9

Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 - Unit 1 đến unit 9

Period 1 – getting stared + listen and read

Date of planning :

A. objective :

 1, Knowledge: By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to know some names of famous places in Viet Nam which they take their friends to.

+ Revise how to form and use the past simple tense

+ Write sentences with “ I wish ”.

 2, Skill : Listening, Speaking and Reading

B. teaching aids:

- Pictures, tapes, chalks and book


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Unit 1 : a visit from a pen pal
Period 1 – getting stared + listen and read
Date of planning :
objective : 
 1, Knowledge: By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to know some names of famous places in Viet Nam which they take their friends to.
+ Revise how to form and use the past simple tense
+ Write sentences with “ I wish ”.
 2, Skill : Listening, Speaking and Reading
B. teaching aids: 
- Pictures, tapes, chalks and book
c. procedure:
1. Warm up (5’)
Teacher’s and Students’ activities
Content of the activities
T: greeting and lead in the topic of the Unit 1 by some questions
Ss: listen and answer the questions 
T: ask ss to discuss where they would take their friends and what they would do there.
Ss : listen to the guide and then work in pair to discuss. 
T: if ss don’t know the name of each place in the book, help them to know.
Hung King’s Temple
The Temple of Literature
Dong Xuan Market 
The History Museum
A foodstall in Ha Noi
1. Getting started 
* Now imagine you have a foreign friend. Where will you take her/him to visit in Viet Nam ?
* Now look at the pictures at the page 6
 + Do you know these places ? Tell me the name of each place
 + Would you take your friend there? 
 + What would you do there?
 + What is your province famous for ?
 + You can take them to visit te famous places in your province 
* Now you will discuss in pair.
2. Presentation: (35’)
Teacher’s and Students’ activities
Content of the activities
T: lead into the content of the passage by some questions
Ss: listen and answer the questions 
T: ask ss to read the first part of the passage to answer some questions about Lan’s pen pal.
Ss: read the first part of the passge to get some information about Maryam and Lan
T; play the tape for the first time and ask ss to find the places that Lan took Maryam to.
Ss: listen to the tape script
T: call ss to write the name of the places that Lan took Maryam to
Ss: raise the hand to do 
T:: play the tape for the second time and then help them to know some new words , using some techniques of introducing the meaning of the words
Ss: listen and write the new words and know how to read them 
T: call some ss to read the passage aloud 
Ss: do as the request
T; give some questins in order to revise how to use “ used to “ and introduce the sentence with “ I wish”
Ss: listen to answer and then note down 
T: ask ss to read themselves and then think to do the optional exercise given at the page 7.
Ss: read the passge to choose the correct 
T; after ss complete, call some ss to give thei choice before the class and others listen and remark 
Ss: raise the hand to say the choice
T: remark and give the correct answers
Ss; listen and note down 
2. Listen and Read
+ Do you know Lan ?
* Lan has a foreign friend. Her name is Razali Maryam. Now you read the first part of the passage to answer my question
+ Where does Maryam come from ?
+ How long have Maryam and Lan been pen pal ?
+ Do they often write to each other ?
+ How many times have they met each other ?
* Now you listen to the passage and then you find where Lan took her pen friend to visit.
* New words:
+ correspond (v)
+ mosque (n) :
+ be impressed by (v) :
+ pray ( v ) = worship (v)
+ keep in touch (v)
* Now read the passage:
+ What did Lan use to do when she was a primary schoolgirl ?
+ Yes, she usually walked past the mosque on the way to primary school 
+ What about now? Does she often walk past the mosque now?
No, she doesn’t
à “ used to” means usually or often did somethingin the past and no longer now.
+ What did Lan say to Amryam at the end of the week?
She said : “ I wish you had a longer vacation”.
à “Wish + past subjunctive” is used to say unreal thing or something that can not happen at the present.
* choose the correct option to complete the sentences :
1. C 2. B 3. D 4. B
3. Consolidation:
T: call ss to retell the content of the passage 
Ss: recall to do 
T; focus on the main structures in the lesson
4. Homework:
T; request ss to remember some names of places introduced in the lesson and prepare the next lesson “ Unit 1 : Speak”
Ss: listen and note down 
D. remark :
Unit 1 : a visit from a pen pal
Period 2 – speak
Date of planning :
objective : 
 1, Knowledge: By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to introduce about themselves to others and respond to the introduction 
 2,Skill : Listening and Speaking 
B. teaching aids: 
- Pictures, tapes, chalks and book
c. procedure:
1. Warm up(3’)
Teacher’s and Students’ activities
Content of the activities
T; greeting and call ss to read the passage again and then answer some questions about it 
Ss: hand up to do
T: call ss to write the following sentences , beginning with “ I wish ”
Ss: raise the hand to rewrite on the board
T: ask ss some questions to lead in th topic of the lesson
Ss: listen and answer
1. I don’t have a big house 
I don’t have a good job.
I can’t swim well.
* Do you often tell your friens about yourselves?
* what do you tell your friends about you? 
2. Pre- speaking: (15’)
Teacher’s and Students’ activities
Content of the activities
T: explain the task of the exercise and then ask them to do in pair
Ss: think to arrange the sentences in the correct order
T: call some pairs to read their arrangement and others listen to remark 
Ss: raise the hand to do 
T; give the correct answer
 * Here is the dialogue between Nga and Maryam. They are waiting for Lan outside her school. Put their dialogue in the correct order.
* Answer key:
1 : Hello, you must be Maryam
 c : That’s right, I am
 5 : pleased to meet you. Let me introduce myself.. I’m Nga
 b : Pleased to meet you , Nga. Are you one of Lan’s classmates?
 4 : Yes, I am. Are you enjoying your stay in Viet Nam ??
 d : Oh yes, very much. Vietnamese peples are very friendly and Ha Noi is very interesting city.
 2: Do you live in a city , too? 
 e : yes. I live in Kuala Lumpur. Have you ever been there ? 
 3; No. Is it very diferrent from Ha Noi? 
a : the two cities are the same in some ways 
 6: I see. Oh! Here’s Lan. Let’s go.
3. Speaking(15’)
Teacher’s and Students’ activities
Content of the activities
T; explain the task of the part and guide ss how to make the similar dialogues, show the meaning ß the phr¸e “ must be’ 
Ss: apply to do, notice the underlined phrases in the dialogue between Nga and Maryam
T; allow ss time to do the two first suggestions
T; call some pairs to practice their dialogue before the class
Ss: raise the hand to do 
T:: after that correct the mistakes in the dialogue that they made
* Now you are talking to Maryam’s friends . Introduce yourself. Take turns to be one of Maryam’s friends .
à must be : ch¾c lµ ( pháng ®o¸n ) 
( Ss dothemselves )
* Suggestion 1:
T : Hello, You must be Yoko
Y: That’s right . I am
T : Pleased to meet you. Let me introduce myself. I am Tuan .
Y: Nice too meet you, Tuan. 
T: Are you enjoying your stay in Viet Nam ?
Y: Oh yes, very much. I like Vietnamese people and I love old cities in Viet Nam 
T: Do you live in a city , too ?
Y: Yes, I live in Tokyo, a busy big capital city. Have you been there ?
T: No. Is it different from Ha Noi?
 So on 
4. Post – speaking:(10’)
Teacher’s and Students’ activities
Content of the activities
 T: ask ss to make their own dialogue themselves and then present before the class
Ss: think to make some dialogues
T: call ss to speak freely before the class
Ss:: raise the hand to do 
 * Now you make your own dialogue 
5. Homework(2’)
 T: request ss to write a passage about themselves. Prepare the next lesson “ Unit 1 Listen”.
Ss: listen and note down 
D. remark :
Week 2
Unit 1 : a visit from a pen pal
Period 3 – listen
Date of planning :
objective : 
 1, Knowledge: By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to develop their listening skill and choose the correct picture.
 2, Skill : Listening comprehesion 
B. teaching aids:
- Pictures, tapes, chalks and book
c. procedure:
1. Warm up :(3’)
Teacher’s and Students’ activities
Content of the activities
T: greet and then call some ss to go to the board in order to make the dialogue they did in the last lesson 
Ss: listen and do as the request
 * make a dialogue yourselves
2. Pre- listening: (10’)
Teacher’s and Students’ activities
Content of the activities
T: lead into the topic of the lesson by some questions and then explain the task of listening
Ss: listen and think to answer 
T: give some new words from the tapescript
Ss: listena nd note down
+ Do you have a foreign pen pal ?
+ Where would you take him/her if she/ he visited your country?
+Do you remember Tim?
+ He has a pen pal from Mexiconamed Carlo. Carlo is visiting the USA. Now look at the pictures and then you answer my questions :
 + Where do you often find this sign?
 + What is the difference between two buses ?
+ Do you now this place?
* New words:
+ kill (v) 
+ It is time S + past subjunctive 
+ It is up to you 
3. Listening; (15’)
Teacher’s and Students’ activities
Content of the activities
T: give the task of listening for the first time 
Ss: listen and try to listen to answer
T: play the tape for the first time and then call ss to answer the question given 
Ss: raise the hand to do
T: explain the next task of listening 
Ss: listen and be ready to listen 
T: play the tape for the second time
Ss: listen and choose the correct picture 
T: call ss to give their choice out and then play the tape for the last time to check and give the correct answer
Ss: raise the hand to do
* Questions: Now you will listen to then dialogue between Tim and Carlo . Answer this question
+ What are they going to do? Where ?
* Now you will listen again to choose the correct picture:
4. Post – listening:(15’)
Teacher’s and Students’ activities
Content of the activities
 T: give some questions to check the students’ understanding
Ss: listen and do as the request
+ Are they walking in the park ?
+ How will they go to the restaurant?
+ What restaurant will they go to ?
+ Do they eat hamburgers or Mexican food? 
5. Homework:(2’)
 T: do exercise in the work book and then prepare the next lesson “ Unit 1:: Read”
Ss: listen and note down 
D. remark :
Unit 1 : a visit from a pen pal
Period 4 – read
Date of planning :
objective : 
 1, Knowledge: By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to know about Malaysia well. And learn some new word ... s 
Skill : Writing 
B. teaching aids: chalks , picturs, extra boards and book
c. procedure:
1. Warm up :
Teacher and Students’ activities
Content of the activities
T: greet ss and ask them to do the following exercise
Ss: listen to explanation and think to do the exercise 
T: call ono Student to do and other listen and remark.
Ss: raise the hand to do . 
T: feedback and give correct answers
* Match the word in A to the word in B to make completed words.
 A B
1. Electricity a. Saving
2. Energy b. Machine
3. Washing c. Dryer
4. Tumble d. Countries
5. Western e. Bill
à 1.e 2.a 3.b 4.c 5.d 
2. Pre- writing: 
Teacher’s and Students’ activities
Content of the activities
T: explain the definition of a speech
Ss: listen carefully
T: implicate the fuction of the parts of a speech by questioning 
Ss: listen and answer.
T: ask ss to match 
Ss: think to match and then compare with a friend
T: call on some Ss to give out their answer
Ss: raise the hand to do .
A speech is the act of delivering a formal spoken communication to an audience. A speech usually has three parts : Introduction, Body, and Conclusion.
* Match :
What do we usually do in Intruction?
What is included in Body ?
Key: 1.B 2.C 3.a 
3. Writing
Teacher’s and Students’ activities
Content of the activities
T: ask ss to work in pair, put the sections in the correct place to complete the speech.
Ss: work in pair
T: call on some Ss to deliver the speech before the class
Ss: raise the hand to do .
T: comment and correct any necessary mistakes. Then give suggested answer.
T: tell ss to choose one topic in the book to write a speech.
Ss: choose and write
T: ask ss to compare the writing with a friend inorder to comment and check their writing.
Ss: listen and do as the request.
* Ordering.
Answer key : 3 - 2 – 1.
* Preparing and delivering a speech.
Choose one of the topics in the book: Reducing garbage, Reusing paper and Saving energy in the kitchen and then prepare a speech for the class. 
4. Post – writing:
Teacher’s and Students’ activities
Content of the activities
T: call on some Ss to deliver their speech before the class
Ss: raise the hand to do.
T: give comments and Ss’ performance regarding pronunciation, body language eye contact
Ss: listen carefully.
* Suggested answer:
Reducing garbage: 
Good morning ladies and gentlemen. Thank you for coming here today. I’m Proffessor Hung. President of Friends of the Earth. I’m going to tell you about the ways of reducing ga bage.
 AS we know that reducing garb age is necessary. We can reduce garbage by :
Collecting plastic bags
Not keeing solid waste with food waste.
Putting different kinds of waste in different places.
I hope that you will be able to find the most suitable way to reduce the amount of garbage we produce.
Reusing paper : 
Good evening everybody. I’m glad to b e here this evening. My name is Nam. I come from grade 9A. I’m going to tell you about reusing paper.
There are three ways to reuse paper. Firstly, we should have separate wastebasket for waste paper. Secondly, we should keep sheets with single printed paper for drafting.
If you follow these simple rules, not only wll you save money, but also the environment will be cleaner.
Saving energy in th kitchen :
Hi every body. It’s pleasure to be here with you today. My name is Long. Our topic today is ways of saving energy in the kitchen.
Saving energy is our responsibility. We can save energy in the kitchen by :
Turning off the lights
Preparing food carefully before turning on stove.
Keeping refrigerator door close.
If you follow these simple rules, not only will you save money, but also the natural resources will be preserved.
( Chould use Ss’ speech )
5. Homework:
T: ask ss to write a speech on smt at home. Prepare the next lesson “ Unit 7 : Language focus”
Ss: listen and note down .
D. remark :
Unit 7 : saving energy
Period 48 – language focus 
Date of planning :
objective : 
Knowledge: By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to know how to know some grammar points in this unit such as :
+ common connectives, phrasal verbs, and suggestion 
Skill : Use grammatical points in communication and doing exercises 
B. teaching aids: chalks and book.
c. procedure:
1. Warm up :
Teacher’s and Students’ activities
Content of the activities
T: ask ss to work in group and review all the ways to save e nergy which they have learned in his unit.
Ss: work on group.
T: gather the ideas from Ss and have some final hought on ways to save energy
Ss: listen and note down.
* Work in group to give some ways to save energy .
2. Revision and 3. Practice: 
Teacher’s and Students’ activities
Content of the activities
Activity 1 : Connectives
T: explain funcion of connnecives
Ss: listen carefully 
T: ask ss to make examples o demonstrate he use of connectives.
Ss: apply to do.
T: request ss to do Ex1
Ss: think to do
T; call on some Ss to give their answers before the class
Ss: raise the hand to do
T: feedback and give correct answers
+ And 
+ But, however.
+ Because 
+ So, therefore.
+ Or
and b) but
c) because d) Therefore
e) or f) so
g) and h) However.
Acticity 2 : Phrasal verbs.
T: implicit the meaning of phrasal verbs through example
Ss: listen carefully. And guess the meaning of the phrases.
T: ask Ss to do exercise 2. 
Ss: think to do 
T; call on some Ss to do
Ss: raise the hand to do
T: feedback to g ive correct answers.
Ss: listen and ote down.
+ It’s dark here. Can you turn on the light ?
+ Please turn off TV when you finish watching.
+ It’s important to look for a jo b after graduation.
+ My sister looks after the pet when I am away.
+ He goes on talking about himself.
Ex2: Complete the sentences. Use the right tense form of phrasal verbs in the box and the pictures.
look afer
go on
turn on
looked for.
turn off.
Activity 3 : Making suggestions.
T: help ss to review some structures to make suggestions
Ss: listen and note down.
T: devide class into two teams. Team 1 make suggestions to h elp the poor in the neighborhood of their school. Team 2 make suggestions tto improve their English.
Ss: work in group to make suggestions, using the ideas in the textbooks.
T: call on some Ss to read aloud their suggestions.
* Way to make suggestions:
+ Suggest + V- ing
+ Suggest that S + should + V.
+ Let’s 
+ Shall we  ?
+ Why don’t we ?
+ What / How about ?
* Work in group to make suggestions : 
4. Homework:
 T: focus on the main grammar points in the lesson. Ask ss to complete all the exercises in the workbook. Prepare for the 45min test. 
Ss: listen and note down
remark :
Unit 8 : celebrations
Period 51 – getting stared + listen and read
Date of planning :
objective : 
Knowledge: By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to 
Skill : Listening, Speaking and Reading
B. teaching aids: pictures, posters, tapes, chalks and book
c. procedure:
1. Warm up :	 
Teacher’s and Students’ activities
Content of the activities
Activity 1 : Getting started
2. Presentation: 
Teacher’s and Students’ activities
Content of the activities
Activity 2 : Listen and read
3. Consolidation:
Teacher’s and Students’ activities
Content of the activities
4. Homework:
Ss: listen and note down 
D. remark :
Unit 8 : celebrations
Period 52 – speak
Date of planning :
objective : 
Knowledge: By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to 
Skill : Listening and Speaking 
B. teaching aids: pictures, chalks and book
c. procedure:
1. Warm up :
Teacher’s and Students’ activities
Content of the activities
2. Pre- speaking: 
Teacher’s and Students’ activities
Content of the activities
3. Speaking
Teacher’s and Students’ activities
Content of the activities
Post – speaking:
Teacher’s and Students’ activities
Content of the activities
Ss: listen and note down 
D. remark :
Week 27
Unit 7 : saving energy
Period 53 – listen
Date of planning :
objective : 
Knowledge: By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to
Skill : Listening comprehension 
B. teaching aids: pictures, tapes, chalks and book
c. procedure:
1. Warm up :
Teacher’s and Students’ activities
Content of the activities
2. Pre- listening: 
Teacher’s and Students’ activities
Content of the activities
3. Listening
Teacher’s and Students’ activities
Content of the activities
4. Post – listening:
Teacher’s and Students’ activities
Content of the activities
5. Homework:
Ss: listen and note down 
D. remark :
unit 8 : celebrations
Period 54 – read
Date of planning :
objective : 
Knowledge: By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to 
Skill : Reading comprehension for gist and details about ways to save energy. 
B. teaching aids: subordinate, tapes, chalks and book
c. procedure:
1. Warm up :
Teacher’s and Students’ activities
Content of the activities
2. Pre- reading: 
Teacher’s and Students’ activities
Content of the activities
3. Reading
Teacher’s and Students’ activities
Content of the activities
4. Post – reading:
Teacher’s and Students’ activities
Content of the activities
5. Homework:
Ss: listen and note down 
D. remark :
Week 28
unit 8 : celebrations
Period 55 – write
Date of planning :
objective : 
Knowledge: By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to 
Skill : Writing 
B. teaching aids: chalks , picturs, extra boards and book
c. procedure:
1. Warm up :
Teacher’s and Students’ activities
Content of the activities
2. Pre- writing: 
Teacher’s and Students’ activities
Content of the activities
3. Writing
Teacher’s and Students’ activities
Content of the activities
4. Post – writing:
Teacher’s and Students’ activities
Content of the activities
5. Homework:
Ss: listen and note down .
D. remark :
unit 8 : celebrations
Period 56 – language focus 
Date of planning :
objective : 
Knowledge: By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to 
Skill : Use grammatical points in communication and doing exercises 
B. teaching aids: chalks and book.
c. procedure:
1. Warm up :
Teacher’s and Students’ activities
Content of the activities
2. Revision and 3. Practice: 
Teacher’s and Students’ activities
Content of the activities
Activity 1 : 
Acticity 2 : 
Activity 3 : 
4. Homework:
Ss: listen and note down
D. remark :

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