Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 - Unit 2: Clothing - Period 10, Lesson 4: Read

Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 - Unit 2: Clothing - Period 10, Lesson 4: Read

Unit 2 : clothing

Period 10 lesson 4: Read

I/Aims and objectives :

 By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to know about basic knowledge and information about history of Jeans through words or phrasal words : made from, named after , embroidered jeans and painted jeans

II/ Preparation:

Textbook , chalk , cassette and some pictures of jeans .

III/ Teaching process:

1/ Class organization:

9A:. 9B:.

2/ Oral/written test:

- Describe a student in the class and others guess

- newwords


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 T :............ 
Unit 2 : clothing
Period 10 lesson 4: Read
I/Aims and objectives : 
 By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to know about basic knowledge and information about history of Jeans through words or phrasal words : made from, named after , embroidered jeans and painted jeans
II/ Preparation: 
Textbook , chalk , cassette and some pictures of jeans .
III/ Teaching process: 
1/ Class organization:
9A:........... 9B:............
2/ Oral/written test:
- Describe a student in the class and others guess
- newwords
3/ New lesson:
A. Warm up. 
B. Presentation. 
a) Fill in the missing dates and words.
b) Answer.Then write the answers in your exercise book.
- Call on some Ss to demonstrate .
Suggested answers : Easy to wear 
- Remark and lead in the new lesson 
* Pre reading :
 - Introduce : We have discussed about jeans . In today,sreading , we will learn more about brief history of jeans and its convenience . 
- Present some new words by doing the exercise
 A B
1. Material a. KiÓu c¸ch
2. Style b. Lçi thêi
3. Embroidered c. ThÕ hÖ
4. label d. chÊt liÖu
5. Out of fashion e. Thªu
6. Generation f. nh·n hiÖu
- Call on some Ss to read the results aloud . Correct the mistakes and give the correct answers :
Answer key : 1.d 2.a 3.e 4.f 5.b 6.c
- Ask them to read them aloud and copy down .
* While - reading 
- Now you read the text and fill the missing dates and words . 
- Have Ss exchange their answers and compare with a friend . 
- Call on some Ss to read the answers loudly . 
- Correct and give the right answer : 
1. 18th century . Jeans cloth 
2. 1960s ..students 
3. 1970s .. cheaper 
4. 1980s .. fashion 
5. 1990s .... sale 
- Tell Ss to read the text again and answer the questions 
- Call on some Pairs to practice in front of class. 
- Remark and correct . Then give the right answers : 
1. The word “jeans “ comes from a kind of material that was made in Europe .
2. The 1990s, fashions were embroidered jeans , painted jeans and so on .
3. Because jeans became cheaper .
4. Jeans at last became high fashion clothing in the 1980s 
5. The sale of jeans stopped growing because worldwide economic situation got worse in the 1990s .
- Ask some Ss to read the text aloud . Correct mistakes and pronunciation .
* Post - reading : 
Exercise : True / False Repetition Drill 
Guide Ss to play game and give examples : 
1. The word “jeans “ come from a kind of material that was made in Africa . 
2. Many students wore jeans in the 1990.
3. Jeans became cheaper so many , many people began wearing jeans in 1970s 
- Correct mistakes and give correct answers ( part a
- Play games in groups .
 - Representatives from each group to demonstrate in the front . 
- Listen carefully . 
- Match the new words with its meanings .
- Read them aloud
- Copy in their notebooks . 
- Read the text and do the exercise 
- Read the answers loudly .
- Copy down 
- Work in pairs 
- Practice in front of class .
- Repeat the answers aloud and copy .
- Read the text aloud ( 3 Ss )
- pair work
- Listen and copy down .
-play game
 IV/ Consolidation: 
- Retell the content of the text.
V / Home work 
1. Learn by heart all new words and translate the text into Vietnamese . 
2. Do the exercise in workbook . 
3. Prepare the next lesson . 
 Unit 2: Clothing
 Period 11 lesson 5 : Write
I/ Aims and objectives :
 By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to give their ideas about wearing school uniform and they will know some structures in the lesson such as I think , In my opinion , firstly 
 - Skill : Argumentative writing 
II/ Preparation: 
Text book , chalk , board ..
III/ Teaching process: 
1/ Class organization:
9A:.......... 9B:...........
2/ Oral/written test:
- Newwords.
- Practice reading the text.
3/ New lesson:
A. Warm up. 
B. Presentation. 
a) Read the topic and outline A.then read the passage
b) write a paragraph suport that secondary school should wear casual clothes
 Chatting about students,sclothes .
1.Do you like wearing jeans ? why / why not ?
2. What do you often wear to a party ? / why ?
 - Remark and correct mistakes if any . 
- Lead in the new lesson . 
1. Pre-writing : Introduce the aims of the lesson to Ss and some new words :
- to argue ( situation )
- to conclude ( Example )
- to encourage ( form – courage )
- to bear one,s name ( example )
- Self – confident = sure 
- constrained + not natural / forced/ too controlled 
- equal ( example 
- Practical ( translation )
* Checking technique : What and where 
- Ask Ss some questions about an argumentative writing : 
1. How many parts does an argument have ?
2. What does the writer do in each part of an argument 
3. What words or phrases should be used in each part of an argument ? 
- Correct mistakes if any and give the form of an argumentative writing : ( in text book ) 
+ Tell them to read them carefully .
- Read the model “ Outline A and ask Ss to answer these questions :
1. What is the writer,s point of view ?
2. What argument does the writer present? 
3. What does the writer write to sum up the argument 
- Call on some Ss to answer the questions and give the correct answers : 
1. The writer,s point of view is “ Secondary school should wear uniform “ 
2. Wearing uniform ( writer presents arguments )
- Encourages Ss to be proud of their school because the uniforms bear their school, name 
- Help the Ss feel equal in many ways , whether they are rich or poor .
- Is practical . Ss do not need to think what to wear everyday .
3. Ss in secondary school should wear uniform . 
- Ask Ss to read the writing carefully before writing their ideas . 
2. While writing :
- Ask Ss to look at Outline B and use the information from the three questions above in Outline A to discuss in pairs and write and argument writing in their notebooks . 
- Go around and provide help if necessary and correct common mistakes 
- Call on some Ss to read their writing aloud .
- Correct mistake if any and give suggested writing 
 ( using subordinate board )
3 . Post – writing : 
- Ask Ss to exchange their writings and correct mistakes . 
- Write some common mistakes on the board .
- Discuss answering the questions .
- Listen carefully .
- Repeat in chorus and individually .
- Guess its meanings and copy . 
- Play game .
- Work in pairs to answer the questions 
- Demonstrate in front of class. 
- Read carefully and answer the questions
- Report in front of class. 
- Read them carefully and write in their notebooks .
- Read their writings and the suggested writing 
- Compare with a friend to correct mistakes .
IV/ Consolidation:
- Retell the content of the lesson
V / Home work : 
1. Learn by heart new words 
2. Rewrite the writting in your notebook.
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Unit 2: Clothing
Period 12 lesson 6: Language focus
I/ Aims and objectives : 
By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to consolidate the present perfect with Sine , For , Yet , Already .
 - The present perfect and the past simple and the passive with ordinary verbs and modal verbs .
II/ Preparation: 
Text books , chalk , boards.
III/ Teaching process: 
1/ Class organization:
9A:......... 9B:.............
2/ Oral/written test:
- Talk st about wearing casual clothes.
3/ New lesson:
A. Warm up. 
B. Presentation. 
1. work with a partner. Read the dialogue and make similar once.
2. Work with a partner.
3. Read the first sentence and then complete the second sentence.
4. Change the sentences from the active into the passive.
Warm up and check up old lesson : 
- Call on some 2 Ss to demonstrate their ideas about wearing uniform .
- Guide Ss to play games “ Classification “ 
Last month , three days , 2005 , yesterday , Monday , ten years , last holiday , my birthday 
 For since
.. .........................
.. ...................... .. ........................
. ......................
- Lead in the new lesson . 
 1. The present perfect tense with Since and For 
- Ask Ss to repeat the use of Since and For in the present perfect tense and the form of it :
Have / has + PII . Since + point of time
 For + a period of time
- Ask Ss to read the dialogue and ask them to make similar dialogue .
- Call on some pairs to read the dialogues they have made .
- Correct mistakes if any .
2 . The present perfect with already and yet.
- Explain the use of Yet and Already : 
+ Yet : used in the negative and question 
+ Already : used between auxiliary and main verbs Explain the aims of the exercise and tell them to do it 
Example :
S1: Have you seen Giac Lam pagoda yet ?
S2: Yes , I have already seen it .
S1: Have you eaten Vietnamese food yet ?
S2: No , I have not .
- Ask Ss to work in pairs to make similar dialogue .
- Call on some pairs to practice in the front . Remark and correct . 
3. The present perfect with Ever .
Have + S + ever + PII .?
- Ask them to read all the words in the box and ask Ss to work in pairs 
Example : 
S1 : Have you ever gone to Hue ?
S2: Yes , I have . 
S1: When did you go to Hue ?
S2: Last year .
- Call on some pairs to practice in front of class. 
- Remark and correct mistakes if any . 
4. The passive voice : 
- Have Ss repeat the form of the passive :
S + be + PII .
- Ask them to read the example aloud and do the exercise individually . 
- Call on some Ss to write on the board and correct mistakes . Then Give correct answers 
a. Jean cloth was completely made from cotton in the 18th century .
b. Rice is grown in tropical countries .
c. Five millions bottles of champagne will be produced in France next year .
d. A new style of jeans has just been introduced in the USA .
e. Two department stores have been built this year . 
5 . The passive with modal verbs : 
Modal verb + be + PII
- Ask Ss to read the example and change the sentences into the passive 
- Call on some Ss to write on the board . Correct mistakes.
a) the problem can be solve
b) Experiments on animal should be stopped 
c) Life on another planet might be found 
d) All the school in the city have to be improved by us.
- Go to the board to demonstrate their ideas about wearing uniform .
- Work in groups to play game .
- Listen and repeat 
- Copy down 
- Read the dialogue and work in pairs to make similar dialogues 
- Practice in front of class. 
- Write down and do the exercise
- Work in pairs 
- Write and make similar dialogues .
- Practice in pairs 
- Demonstrate in the front .
- Repeat and do this exercise individually 
- Go to the board to write the complete sentences . 
- Read them aloud and copy . 
- Do the same above 
- Listen and write down . 
 IV/ Consolidation: 
- The present perfect with : for / since / ever / already
- Passive voice.
IV / Home work : 
Redo all the exercises and copy down .
Do the exercises in workbook . 
 3. Prepare the next lesson .

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  • docgiao_an_tieng_anh_lop_9_unit_2_clothing_period_10_lesson_4_r.doc