Đề thi học kì II môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Năm học 2011-2012

Đề thi học kì II môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Năm học 2011-2012

VI: Read the passage then answer the questions. ( 2pts)

 It was hot yesterday ,so Mai did not stay at home. She played in the garden .She walked along the path ,picked some flowers and walked again . There were some cows and sheep outside the garden .Mai was afraid of cows ,so she didn’t go near them .She came back home at half past five .She wanted a vase and some water for the flowers .She placed the vase of the flowers on the table .She wanted to make her room beautiful

 *. Answer the questions.

 1. What was the weather like yesterday ?

 2. What did Mai do in the garden ?

 3 What time did Mai come back home


 4 Why didn’t she go near the cows



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®Ò thi häc k× II N¨m häc: 2011 – 2012
M«n: TiÕng Anh Lớp 7
 ( Làm bài 45 phót, kh«ng kÓ thêi gian giao ®Ò)
A. Matrix
1. Listening &
How to pronounce:
 h , u, ea ,or and aw
Listen to a passage of about 40 words telling about the film
20%= 2 points 
8 questions
50% of 2 points = 1 points 
4 questions
50% of 2 points = 1 points 
4 questions
2. Grammar & Vocabulary 
*Vocab :words related to personal information
- exclamations 
- prepositions
- present simple
- past simple
- superlative
- prepositions
30 %= 3 points
12 questions
67% of 3 points = 2 points 
 8 questions
33% of 3 points = 1 points 
 4 questions
 3. Reading 
Tick T or F
Read a passage of about 60-80 words and answer questions 
20%= 2 points
4 questions
50% of 2 points = 1 points 
 2 questions
50% of 2 points = 1 points 
 2 questions
4. Writing
writing some answers about one’s personal information
- use adverbs 
30%= 3 points
8 questions
33,3% of 3 points = 1 points 
 4 questions
33,3% of 3 points = 1 points 
 2 questions
33,3% of 3 points = 1 points 
 2 questions
No. of Questions:32 
Total Points: 10 
Percentage: 100% 
No. of Questions:14
Points: 4 
Percentage: 40 
No. of Questions: 14
Points: 4 
Percentage: 40 
No. of Questions: 2
Points: 1 
Percentage: 10 
No. of Questions:2 
Points: 1 
B. Question
I. Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced different from the others. (1pts
1. 	A. chopstick B. christmas	C.teacher	D. childent
2. 	A.sky 	B. lovely	 C.party 	D. empty
3. a started b. needed c. protected d. stopped 
4. a durian b . cucumber c . painful d. duty
II. Answer the following questions to complete the dialogue. (1 pts)
 Lan :Where do you live ?
You : (1) ...............................................
 Lan : How do you go to school ?
You : (2).....................................................................
 Lan : How far is it from your house to your school ?
You : (3) .....................................................................
 Lan : Do you love your school ?
You : (4) ......................................................................
III: Choose the best answers to complete the sentences .(2pts)
 1. Video game can be..
 a. addictive b. wonderful c. interesting d. interesed 2. Don’t spend too of your time in the arcade
 a. many b. little c. much d. few
 3. She isin playing video games 
 a. interesting b. interests c. interested d. interest 
 4. The book here are more expensive than those at the bookshop on the corner
 a. very b. quite c. much d. far 
 5 I am going to ..center after school
 a. amusement 	 b. amusing c .amuse 	 d. amuses
 6 You should’ntindoors too much
a. stayed b. stay 	 c. staying d. stays
 7. He isn’t going to learn English and
a. neither is she b.she isn’t too c.either she isn’t d. neither do she 8. When I saw her ,I thought she looked .
a. happy b. happyly c. tobe happy d. happing
 IV: Supply the correct forms of the verbs in brackets. ( 1pts)
I am interested in (read ).book
My father usually (drink)..coffee but today he (drink)tea
They (introduce)..anew video game next month
V: Rewrite these sentences , beginning with the words given. (2pts)
 1. My brother cycles slowly 
 => My brother is.?
 2. Mr Cuong plays table tennis well
 => Mr Cuong is .
 3. How much are those rackets ?
 => How much do .
 4. They like playing baseballand we do ,too
 => They like playing baseball and so ..
VI: Read the passage then answer the questions. ( 2pts)
 It was hot yesterday ,so Mai did not stay at home. She played in the garden .She walked along the path ,picked some flowers and walked again . There were some cows and sheep outside the garden .Mai was afraid of cows ,so she didn’t go near them .She came back home at half past five .She wanted a vase and some water for the flowers .She placed the vase of the flowers on the table .She wanted to make her room beautiful 
 *. Answer the questions.
 1. What was the weather like yesterday ?
 2. What did Mai do in the garden ?
 3 What time did Mai come back home 
 4 Why didn’t she go near the cows 
VII: Listen and answer the questions (1 pts)
what was on T.V last night ?
Did Thanh watch this film last night ?
Did Thu watch this film last night ?
What do Thanh and Thu think ?
C. The key English 7
I .(1mark)
1. b 2.a 3.d 4.c
II. (1mark)
 1. I live in
2. I go to school by./walk to school/ on food
3. students’answer
 4 Yes, I do( No,I don’t)
III. (2mark)
 1. a 2. c 3. c 4. d 5. a 6. b 7.a 8.c
IV. (1mark)
Drinksis drinking
Will introduce 
V. (2mark)
 1. My brother is a slow cylist 
 2. Mr Cuong is a good table tennist player 
 3. How much do these rackets cost ?
 4. They like playing baseball and so do we 
VI. (2mark) 
It was hot yesterday 
She played in the garden 
She came back home at half past five 
because she was afraiid of them 
VII .(1mark)
 * Tapescript 
 There was a good film about some school clubs on T.V last night .The pupils in the film earned money for their clubs by planting vegetables , raising chickens, pigs and collecting waste paper .Thu watched this film but her friend,Thanh ,didn’t .Both of them think their school clubs need to do something like that . 

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  • docde_thi_hoc_ki_ii_mon_tieng_anh_lop_7_nam_hoc_2011_2012.doc