Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh 7 - Unit 13: Activities - Lesson 1: A1

Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh 7 - Unit 13: Activities - Lesson 1: A1


 Lesson 1 : ( A1 - P.129 )

 I . OBJECTIVES : - To tell the name of sports.

 II . LANGUAGE CONTENTS : - What sports do they like?

 III . TEACHING AIDS : - Lesson plan, text book, poster, picture.

 IV . TECHNIQUES: - Bingo, Rub Out and Remember, Example exchange


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Week:27 Date:
Period: 81 Class: 7
 Lesson 1 : ( A1 - P.129 )
 I . OBJECTIVES : - To tell the name of sports.
 II . LANGUAGE CONTENTS : - What sports do they like?
 III . TEACHING AIDS : - Lesson plan, text book, poster, picture.
 IV . TECHNIQUES: - Bingo, Rub Out and Remember, Example exchange 
1. Warm up :- Bingo: baseball, football, tennis, swimming, badminton, volleyball, basketball, table tennis, athletics.
2 . Pre.reading :
- Introduction: Look at the pictures and guess : 
 “ What do you do to keep fit? – sports
 “ What sports do you like?
- Pre Teach:
 teenager (n) thanh thieáu nieân
 surprising (a) ñaùng ngaïc nhieân
 skateboarding (n) moân tröôït vaùn
 roller-skating (n) tröôït pa-tin
 roller-blading (n) tröôït pa-tin
 choice (n) söï löïa choïn
 to choose löïa choïn 
 - Rub Out and Remember:
 - Guess the ten most popular sports in the U.S.A 
 3 . While reading :
- Read the text A1 – P.129
- Check their prediction:
4 . Post reading : 
- Ask your classmates what sports they like most. Write the mumber of sentences who like each sport best. Then write the order:
Number of students
Table tennis
- Example exchange:
 S1: What sport do you like most?
 S2: Volleyball
5 . Home Work :
- Write the foods you bought at the market yesterday.
- T reads the words clearly
- Ss listen and stick the words theu have 
- record
- pictures, asking the questions
- Ss look at the picture and answer
- presentation the words
- situation, picture
- modelling
- choral & individual repetition 
- T cleans & asks Ss read individual
- T lets Ss guess
- Ss guess and write on their papers
- listening to the tape, choral & individual repetition
 - checking Ss’prediction 
- T guides how to practise
- modelling
- Ss write the number of Ss who like each sport best. Then write the order 
- monitor
- correction
- listen & record
Week: 28 Date:
Period: 82 Class: 7
 Unit: 13 Lesson 2 : ( A4- P.132 )
 I . OBJECTIVES :- By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to practise 
 reading skills for specific information.
 II . LANGUAGE CONTENTS : walking is fun
 III . TEACHING AIDS :- Lesson plan, text book, poster, picture.
 IV .TECHNIQUES: Jumbled words, What and Where, Ordering Prediction, 
1. Warm Up :- Jumbled words: tivitiac, torp, lucb, renchild, tme, bchea, pensiveex 
 2 . Pre.reading :
- Introduction:
- Pre Teach:
to take part in = participate
participant (n) ngöôøi tham gia
competition (n) cuoäc thi 
to win - won thaéng cuoäc
prize (n) giaûi thöôûng
district (n) quaän, khu vöïc
to organize toå chöùc
to increase taêng
regular activity (n) hoaït ñoäng thöôøng xuyeân
to volunteer (v) tình nguyeän
 - What and Where
 - Ordering Prediction: 
 a. Walking is a fun, easy and inexpensive activity.
b. Many people volunteer to take a walk instead of talking motorbike or bicycle trips 
c. In school there are many different sports activities.
d. The member of participants increase every week.
e.The regular activity of the club is a 5 km walk to the beach.
3 . While reading :
- Read the text A4 – P.132
- Correct their prediction: 
4 . Post reading : 
- Answer the question: 
a. He takes part in walking.
b. Because they won the first prize in a district walking competition and they wished to keep his activity.
c. The two activities of the club are a 5 km walk to the beach on Sunday mornings and a walk-to-school day on Wednesdays 
d. It’s 5 kilometers
5 . Home Work :
- Get Ss to desbribe how Hoa’s aunt makes a meal.
- T presents the jumble words on the board
- Ss look at the words and rewrite them in the correct forms
- correction
 - repetition
- T introduce by asking the questions (picture)
- presentation the words
- situation, picture
- modelling
- choral & individual repetition 
- Checking vocab.
- T guides how to do the exercise
- Ss guess to order the sentences
- eliciting 
- listening to the tape, choral & individual repetition
 - checking Ss’prediction 
- Ss answer and compare with partner and writtenly 
 - correction and repetition
- listen & record
Week: 28 Date:
 Period: 83 Class: 7
 Unit: 13 Lesson 3 : ( A3.5 - P. 131-133)
 I . OBJECTIVES :- By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use form adverbs through the situation.
 II . LANGUAGE CONTENTS : - Practise some sentences, using “ Adjectives and Adverbs” 
 III . TEACHING AIDS :- Lesson plan, text book, picture, handouts
1. Warm Up : - Kim’s games : Look at the pictures (P.131) say what they do
2 . Activity 1 : A3
- Read the sentences:
- Practise the sentences:
Elicit: Adjectives Adverbs
 good well
 skillful skillfully
 slow slowly
 bad badly
 quick quickly
 safe safely
Note: Adj + ly Þ Adv
 3 . Activity2 : A5 ( P. 132. 133 )
- Present the passage 
- Read the passage
- Change the adjectives to adverbs
- Correct the adverbs: clear clearly
 careful carefully
 safe safely
 careless carelessly
 strict strictly
4 . Home Work :
- Get Ss to practise the sentences again.
- Ss look at the pictures and say what they do
- T listens and gives the correct answer
- T reads the sentences
- Ss listen
- Ss practise the sentences
- T elicits to show the adjectives and adverbs
- Ss gives the kinds of words
- T explains how to form adv.
- choral & individual repetition 
- T presents, reads and guides how to do the exercise
- Ss change and writtenly 
 - correction and repetition
- listen & record
Week:28 Date:
Period: 84 Class: 7
 Unit:13 Lesson: 4 ( B1 - P.134 )
 I . OBJECTIVES :- To make the invitation or refuse an invitation
 II . LANGUAGE CONTENTS : - Reading a dialogue to know how to make an invitation.
 III . TEACHING AIDS :- Lesson plan, text book, poster, picture. 
 IV .TECHNIQUES: - Asking and Answering, Word-Cue-Drill
1. Warm Up : 
 Tell What sports they like most.
2 . Presentation :
- Present the dialogue (P.134) 
- Read the dialogue
- Practise the dialogue
- Answer the questions (P.134)
a. Nam must finish his homework before he plays table tennis.
b. Nam will be ready in a few minutes.
c. Ba will finish a question for Math.
d. Ba has two paddles.
- Elitciting: Model sentence
Would you like table tennis, Nam?
I’d like to, but I can’t.
 3 . Practice :
 - Word-Cue-Drill: a. Go/ swim.
 b. play/ table tennis.
 c. come/ my house.
 d. go/ movies.
 e. watch/ TV.
4 . Further Practice :
- Make an invitation
5 . Home Work :- Get students to practise the conversation more as possible 
- Ss tell
- T listen and list the sports
- correction
 - repetition
- T presents the dialogue and reads the dialogue
- T lets Ss practise the dialogue
- Ss listen and answer
- correction
- T elitcit to show the model sentence
- modelling
- choral & individual repetition
- Ss write this 
- T guides Ss how to practise 
- Ss practise in pairs
- chorus repetition 
- modelling
- monitor
- correction
- listen & record
Week:29 Date:
Period:85 Class: 7
 Unit:13 Lesson: 5 ( B2 - P.135 )
I . OBJECTIVES : - To practise the dialogue fluently.
II . LANGUAGE CONTENTS : - the dialogues (P.135)
III . TEACHING AIDS :- Lesson plan, text book, poster, picture. 
1. Warm Up : Bingo: basketball, volleyball, badminton, chess, dentist, 
2 . Presentation :
- Present the dialogue (P.135) 
- Read the dialogue
- Practise the dialogue
 3 . Practice :
 - Produce the dialogue, using this frame:
 Ba: Come and _____, Nam.
 Nam:I’m sorry. I don’t think _____.
 Ba: That’s too bad. _____?
 Nam: Well, I _____.
 Ba: Can you _____ on _____?
 Nam: Yes, I _____.
 Ba: All right. See you _____.
 Nam: OK. Bye.
 Ba: Bye.
4 . Further Practice : (P. 135)
- Make the dialogues, using the information given 
 a. volleyball
 should/ visit/ grandmother
 the weekend/ Saturday afternoon
 5 . Home Work :- Get students to practise the conversation more as possible 
- T reads the words clearly
- Ss listen and stick the words they have
- correction
 - repetition
- T presents the dialogue and reads the dialogue
- T lets Ss practise the dialogue in pairs
- Ss practise
- correction
- poster
- T guides Ss how to practise 
- modelling
- Ss practise in pairs
- chorus repetition 
- T lets Ss make the same dialogues, using the provied information
- Ss practise in pairs
- monitor
- correction
- listen & record
Week: 29 Date:
Period: 86 Class: 7
 Unit: :13 Lesson :6 ( B3 - P.136 )
I . OBJECTIVES : - By the end of the lesson. Ss will be able to master the content of the text.
II . LANGUAGE CONTENTS : - Reading the text to know who invented a deep-sea, diving vessel.
III . TEACHING AIDS : - Lesson plan, text book, poster, picture.
1. Warm Up : 
- Dictation: water, land, swim, sport, life, study, freely. 
 2 . Pre.reading :
- Introduction:
- Pre Teach:
 surface (n) beà maët 
 underwater (a) döôùi nöôùc
 pearl (n) ngoïc trai
 diver (n) ngöôøi laën
 breathing equipment (n) thieát bò thôû
 invention (n) söï phaùt minh
 scuba-diving (n) moân laëng vôùi bình döôõng khí
 diving vessel (n) taøu laën
 to explore (n) thaùm hieåm
 - What and Where
 - Open Prediction: (T/ F)
 a. Most of the word’s surface is land.
 b. Before the invitation of special breathing equipment, man couldn’t swim freely underwater.
 c. Now, scuba-diving is a popular sport.
 d. Jacques Cousteau invented special TV cameras.
 e. We can learn more about the undersea word thanks to . Jacques Cousteau’s invention.
3 . While reading :
- Read the text 
- Correct their prediction: 
- Correct the False sentences
 Answer Key: b. T, c. T, e. T
 a. F. Most of the word’s surface is water.
d.F.Jacques Cousteau invented a deep-sea diving vessel
4 . Post reading : - Answer the questions: 
a. What is most of the world’s surface?
b. Can a diver stay underwater for a long time with special equipment?
c. Who invented a diving vessel?
5 . Home Work :
- Practise the text again.
- Complete the passage with the modal verbs in the box (P. 137)
-T reads the words clearly and slowly
- Ss listen and stick the words
- correction
 - repetition
- T introduce by asking the questions (picture)
- Ss answer
- presentation the words
- situation, picture
- modelling
- choral & individual repetition 
- Checking vocab.
- T guides how to do 
- Ss guess to T/ F ( reading them carefully) 
- eliciting 
- listening to the tape, choral & individual repetition
 - checking Ss’prediction 
- T guides Ss practise
- Ss practise the question and answer in pairs
 - correction and repetition
- listen & record

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