Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh Khối 7 - Năm học 2009-2010

Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh Khối 7 - Năm học 2009-2010

II. Choïn töø hoaëc cuïm töø ñuùng nhaát ñeå ñieàn vaøo choã troáng:

 1. Lan ___________________ aerobics everyday.

 ( do / does / is doing / is going to do)

 2. They ___________________ a picnic tomorrow.

 ( have / has / are having / are going to have)

 3. Nam ___________________ television now.

 ( watch / watches / is watching / is going to watch )

 4. I always ___________________ up early.

 ( get / gets / am getting / am going to get )


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 THE 1ST WEEK 	 	Preparing: 16/08/2009
 The 1st period	 	 	Teaching: 18/08/2009
I. Noái caâu hoûi ôû coät A vôùi caâu traû lôøi ôû coät B: 
1. Where are you from?
2. How do you feel now?
3. What’s the weather like in the summer?
4. Which language does Suzan speak?
5. What would you like?
6. What color is her hair?
7. How often do you play badminton?
8. When do we have English?
a. I’d like some orange juice.
b. It’s hot.
c. It’s black.
d. I’m from Vietnam.
e. I’m hot and thirsty.
f. On Mondays and Thursdays
g. She speaks English
h. Twice a week.
	II. Choïn töø hoaëc cuïm töø ñuùng nhaát ñeå ñieàn vaøo choã troáng: 
	1. Lan ___________________ aerobics everyday.
	 ( do / does / is doing / is going to do)
	2. They ___________________ a picnic tomorrow.
	 ( have / has / are having / are going to have) 
	3. Nam ___________________ television now.
	 ( watch / watches / is watching / is going to watch )
	4. I always ___________________ up early.
	 ( get / gets / am getting / am going to get )
	IIIÑieàn töø thích hôïp nhaát vaøo choã troáng trong ñoaïn vaên sau: 
am, is, for, in, have, with
	Hi! My name ____________ (1) Lan. I’m Vietnamese. I’m twelve years old. I’m in grade 6. I live ____________ (2) my father and my mother ____________ (3) Ha noi. My country is very beautiful. We ____________ (4) lots of mountains, rivers, forests and beautiful beaches.
IV. Ñoïc laïi ñoaïn vaên treân vaø traû lôøi caâu hoûi: 
	1. What is her name?
	2. How old is she?
	3. Who does she live with?
	4. Does Vietnam have lots of mountains and rivers?
The 2nd period	Preparing: 18/08/2009
 WEEK 01	Teaching : 19/08/2009
 I/ OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to greet and introduce about themselves. 
Main skills: Speaking.
Sub skills: Reading, writing, listening.
 Flipchart, pictures.
 1.Warm up: Slap the board
 T reads, Ss listen and slap the suitable response.	
 A/ What’s your name? Good bye.
 B/ How are you today? Yes, I am.
 C/ What class are you in? My name’s Hoa
 D/ Good bye Class 7A.
 E/ Are you a new student? Very well. Thanks.
 2/ Presentation:
T asks Ss close their books.
T : “ I’m very happy to meet you again after the Summer holiday. How about you?”
T asks: How many students are there in your class?	
 Are there any new students in your class? 
Present the dialogue:
 T uses the picture in the text book to introduce the situation of the dialogue.
Present the vocabulary:
 	Nice (adj): tốt, đẹp, hay.
	Nice to see you.
	Nice to meet you.
	Ex: a student
	S1: I’m a student.
 	S2: I’m a student, too./ So am I. (Me, too.)
Practice speaking:	a. hot	b. hungry	c. cold	d. a new student
 3/ Practice:
T asks Ss to open their books.
 Ss listen then repeat the dialogue. 
Ss work in pairs to practise the dialogue a, b.
T gives some questions, Ss answer in pairs: 
	a) What is the new girl’s name?
	b) What class is she in?
 	c) Who is also in class 7A?
4/ Consolidation:	* Mapped dialogue (flipchart)
	...... morning........... 	 	......... morning............
	Nice ........................again.
	..........too. How..............?	.........thanks...........about..... ?
	...............thank you.
 Good bye. See...................	Bye.
Ss do the exercises A1.
	- Learn vocabulary by heart and prepare for the next period.
 The 3rd period	 	 Preparing: 19/08/2009
 	 Teaching: 20/08/2009
 	By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to read the text and get the main ideas from the text and answer the questions.
	Main skill: reading.
	Sub skills: speaking, listening, writing.
 Flipchart, textbook.
 1/ Warm up and check up:
Warm up: 	Jumbled words.
 Rentpas ---- parents
 Oolsch	 ---- school
 Difren ---- friend
 Myna ---- many
 Isms ---- miss
 	- Check up: 	T asks Ss some questions:
	a) What’s your name? Are you a new student?
	b) How many students are there in your class?
 c) Are there any new students in your class? / What’s her / his name?
2/ Pre – reading:	(Books closed)
Introduce the topic: 
 - T uses the picture of 2 schools to introduce the topic.
	Who is this?
Who are they?
How many schools are there in the picture?	
 - T: Yes. Hoa is a new student in class 7A in Ha Noi.
Present vocabulary:
Different (adj)
Happy # unhappy (adj)
(to) miss (v)
 Check vocabulary: 	T says in Vietnamese, Ss say in English.
 3/ While – reading:
True / False statements: (flipchart)
+ Hoa is from Hue.
+ She lives with her parents in Ha Noi.
+ She has a lot of friends in Ha Noi.
+ She misses her friends in Hue.
+ She is very happy now.
Comprehensionquestions: (flipchart)
+ Where is Hoa from?
+ Who is she staying with?
+ Does she have a lot of friends in Ha Noi?
+ How is her new school different from her old school?
+ Why is she unhappy?
 Ss read the text in silence, then work in pairs to discuss the answers.
 4/ Post – reading:	( Books closed )
Gap – filling:	( in groups )
Hoa is a (1).....................student in class 7A in (2)...................She is from (3).................She lives with her (4) Ha Noi She has (5)........friends in Hue but she doesn’t have (6)...............friends in Ha Noi. Her new school is very (7)........................from her old school. She is (8)........................because she misses her parents and her friends very much.
 b) Ss rewrite the paragraph above by changing “Hoa” by “I” and any information they like.
Ss do the exercises A2 in their notebooks.
Learn vocabulary by heart and prepare for the next period.
WEEK 02	Preparing: 24/08/2009
The 4th period	Teaching : 25/08/2009
 I/ OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to greet and introduce about themselves. 
Main skills: Listening.
Sub skills: Reading, speaking, writing.
 Flipchart, pictures.
* Pre – reading :( Books closed )
 a) Vocabulary : Matching ( flipchart )
pretty good.	a, Không tồi lắm.
How is everything.	b, Tôi cũng vậy.
So am I / Me, too.	c, Khá tốt.
Just fine.	d, Mọi việc như thế nào ?
Not bad. 	e, Bình thường thôi.
*Check vocabulary: Rub out and Remember.
b) Introduce the situation: 
 T uses the picture of Mr Tan and Nga to introduce the dialogue.
* While – reading: 
a) Scrambled dialogue: (Books closed) 
 .................. I’m very well. Thank you. And you?
 ....1............ Good morning, Mr Tan
 .................. I’m fine, thanks. Good bye. See you later.
 .................. Good morning, Nga, How are you?
 .................. Good bye. 
Ss work in pairs to arrange the sentences to complete the dialogue.
Ss listen to the tape and check.
T gives feedback.
b) Open dialogues: (T writes 4a, 4b on the flipcharts.)
T introduces the situation of the 2 dialogues.
Ss guess the words or sentences to fill in the gaps.
Ss listen to the tape and check. 
 My: 	Good morning, Hung.
 Hung: Good morning , My. Nice to see you again.
	 My: 	Me, too. How is everything ?
	 Hung:	Not bad. Thanks. How about you ?
	 My: 	Pretty good, thank you. Good bye.
	 Hung: 	Bye.
Learn the vocabulary by heart and practice the dialogue.
Do the exercise A3. (E.B)
 The 5th period 	 Preparing: 26/08/2009
 	WEEK 02	 	 Teaching : 27/08/2009
UNIT 1 – LESSON 3: B1, 2.
 By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to:
Introduce about the third person.
Ask and answer about personal person.
 Reading, speaking, listening, writing.
 Pictures, flipchart, textbook.
 1/ Warm up and check up:
Warm up: Nought and crosses.
 Ss ask and answer about the information. 
 You(13) 	10 Tran Phu Street 	Mai	
 Her mother your father(41) 	Le Lai Street
 20 Hung Vuong Street Nam 	grandmother(68)
 	 Ex: 	S1 : How old are you?
 	S2 : I’m thirteen.
 - Check up: Ss act out the dialogue, using their real names then write some sentences on the board.
 2/ Presentation:
Vocabulary: (Books closed)
+ family name (n) Ex: 	Tran Thi Lan.
+ middle name (n) 	 family name middle name
+ address (n) Ex: 	I live at 15 Hoang Van Thu Street.
*Check vocabulary: T asks Ss some questions:
 + What your name?
 + What your family name?
 + What your middle name?
 b) Introduce the situation: (Books opened)
T uses the picture of Miss Lien and the class to introduce the situation of the dialogue. Miss Lien is asking Hoa some questions about herself.	
Ss work in pairs to practise the dialogue.
 c) Comprehension questions: (flipchart)
 + Who is Hoa talking to?
 + What is Hoa’s family name?
 + What is her middle name?
 + Where does she live?
 3/ Practce:
 a) Ask and anwser some questions with this information:
 	Tran Ngoc Thanh. 31. 06 Nguyen Hue. 
 	Phan Thu Thuy. 18. 58 Le Loi.
 	Mai Xuan Son. 27. 35 Tran Phu.
 	Ex : 	S1 : What’s her name?
 S2 : Her name is Thanh.
 S1 : What’s her family name?
 S2 : Her family name is Tran.
 S1 : What’s her middle name?
 S2 : Her middle name is Ngoc.
 S1 : How old is she?
 S2 : She is thirty – one years old.
 S1 : Where does she live?
 S2 : She lives at 06 Nguyen Hue Street.
 b) Complete the dialogue: (B2 – P 16)
 - T uses the picture of Lan, Nga , Hoa to introduce the situation of the dialogue. Nga and Lan are talking about Hoa, their new friend.
 - Ss work in pairs to complete the dialogue.
 - T gives feedback. 	(1) Who
	 	(2) who
	 	(3) what / which
 	 	(4) where
	 	(5) where
	 	(6) how
 4/ Consolidation: 
 - Learn the dialogue B1 – P15 by heart.
 - Write a paragraph about the personal information of themselves and of one friend’s.	
 - Do exercises B1,2 ( P5,6 – E.B )
 - Prepare lesson 5 B4,5,6,7.
 WEEK 02 	Preparing: 27/08/2009
The 6th period	Teaching: 28/08/2009
UNIT 1 – LESSON 4: B 4, 5
 By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to use “How far..?” questions and answer with “kilometer, meter” to talk about distance.
 Reading, speaking, listening, writing.
 Pictures, flipchart, textbook.
 1/ Warm – up and check – up:
Warm up: Ss work in two groups to write Wh – questions as many as possible.
 Tea ... e quantifiers.
Express preferences with: TOO/ SO, EITHER/ NEITHER
	Simple past tense.
Simple present tense.
	Pictures, clipchart
 1. Warm up and check up:
	* Noughts and crosses
	Went to the movies watched TV did homework
	Washed clothes plated soccer went to school
	Cleaned room read books ate noodles
 2. Activity 1:	Simple past tense
T asks Ss to look at the pictures carefully and say a sentence for each picture.
Ss work in pairs.
T gets feedback.
She watched T.V
Ss in pairs to ask and answer using the pictures.
	S1: Did you do your homework last night?
	S2: No, I didn’t. I watched TV.
 3. Activity 2:	Indefinite quantifiers
T asks Ss to look at the pictures carefully.
Ss write the names of these things below the pictures (individuals)
T gets feedback.
What’s this?
- T asks Ss to write a little/ too much/ a lot of/ lots of before the nouns.
 4. Activity 3:	Either/ neither – Too/ so
T writes some foods on the clipchart.
Ss write on their papers.
Mango	banana	papaya	durian	corn	potato
Fish	chicken	beef	pork	pineapple	crap
Ss make a tick (ü) if they like these foods and make a cross (x) if they don’t like these foods.
Ss work individuals then compare with a partner to find the similarity.
Work in pairs.
	S1: I like mango.
	S2: I like mango, too/ I do, too/ So do I
	S1: I don’t like spinach.
	S2: I don’t either/ Neither do I.
 5. Activity 4:	Imperatives
T uses real things to introduce the ingredients.
T models, Ss describe T’s actions in English.(imperatives)
T gets feedback.
b. wash	e. add
c. slice	f. stir
d. mix	g. wait	
 V. Homework:
Review the vocabulary and grammar points from Unit 9 to Unit 12 for the test.
WEEK: 27
Date of preparing:
Date of teaching:
Period: 79
	Lesson 01: Section: A1,A4
 I. Aims of the lesson: Reading for comprehension and sports vocabulary
 II. Objective: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to catch the main points of the text and some vocabulary about sports.
 III. Teaching aids: Text book and cassette
 IV. Procedures: 
	1. Checking up the old lesson: 
	2. Warm up: T asks Ss some questions:
	+ Which sports do you like best?
	+ Which sport do you often play in your free time?
	- Then T lets Ss look at the pictures and tells the names of the sports.	 
	3. Today’s lesson: 
	a. Pre-reading:
	Pre-teach vocabulary:
	+ skateboarding (n):
	+ roller-skating (n):
	+ roller blading (n):
	+ baseball (n):
	+ take part in (v):
	+ win the prize (phr):
	+ a competition (n):
	+ surprising (adj):
	* Labeling (A1)
	* Pre-questions:
	+ Which sports do you think the most popular in the USA?
	+ What other sports do you think also favored?
	b. While-reading: (A1)
	- Ss read and find out the answers to the questions (text book)
	c. Pre-reading (A4)
	- Prediction:
	What kind of sports in the picture A4 is?
	What is WFF? WTS?
	d. While-reading:
	- Ss read and check their prediction.
	* Matching: Guessing the meaning of the words:
	+ organized 	Tình nguyeän
	+ increase	Toå chöùc
	+ volunteer	Thay vì
	+ in stead of	Gia taêng
	 * Comprehension questions: (textbook)
	4. Consolidation: * Find someone who:
Like  best
Table tennis
	5. Homework: Learn new words by heart and read the text fluently.
WEEK: 27
Date of preparing:
Date of teaching:
Period: 80
	Lesson 02: Section: A3, A5
 I. Aims of the lesson: Practice using adjectives and adverbs about sports.
 II. Objective: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to know how to use the adjectives and
 adverbs to talk about sports.
 III. Teaching aids: Text book, cards
 IV. Procedures: 
	1. Checking up the old lesson: 
	2. Warm up: T uses the pictures and asks Ss some questions:
	+ Which sports does he play? What is he doing?
	+ Does he play well? 
	T introduces the lesson and some new words
	3. Today’s lesson: 
	a. Presentation:
	* Pre-teach vocabulary:
	+ good	well
	+ skillful	skillfully
	+ slow	slowly
	+ bad	badly
	+ quick	quickly
	+ safe	safely
	+ clear	clearly
	+ careful	carefully
	+ careless	carelessly
	+ strict	strictly
	- Rub out and remember
	* Presentation text: (A3)
	Model sentences:
	He’s a skillful volleyball player.
	He plays skillfully.
	b. Practice:
	T uses cards with cues:
good / well
soccer player
slow / slowly
quick / quickly
safe / safely
bad / badly
tennis player
	* Example exchange:
	S1: He’s good soccer player.
	S2: Yes, he plays well.
	4. Consolidation: (A5)
	Change the adjectives in brackets into adverbs. Then copy the whole passage into their exercise book.
	5. Homework: Learn the lesson, do exercise A1
WEEK: 27
Date of preparing:19/03/2008
Date of teaching:20/03/2008
Period: 81 
Lesson 03: Section: B1, B4
 I. Aims of the lesson: Reading the dialogue about invitation and practice with modal verbs
 II. Objective: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to read the dialogue fluently and know how to use the modal verbs “should, must, ought to, can ”
 III. Teaching aids: Textbook and cassette
 IV. Procedures: 
	1. Checking up the old lesson: 
	2. Warm up: * squared word
	- Table tennis, brush teeth, after, before, meals, adult, can should, eat.
	3. Today’s lesson: 
	a. Presentation: Pre-teach vocabulary:
	+ ought to (aux)
	+ must (aux)
	+ spare (adj)
	+ a table tennis paddle (phr)
	+ That’s too bad.
	Checking vocabulary: What and Where.
	* Present dialogue: (B1)	 
	* Comprehension questions (text book)
	* Model sentences:
	What should Nam do before he play table tennis?
	He ought to do his homework
	He must do his homework first.
	b. Practice:
	Word cues:
	1. Nam / before / table tennis	2. children / when / swimming
	 Do homework.	 Swim with an adult
	3. We / after meals	4. Lan / when / very thin
	 brush teeth	 eat more
	* Example exchanges:
	A: What do Nam do before he plays table tennis?
	B: He ought to do his homework.
	4. Consolidation: Ss complete the modal verbs in the box (B4)
	5. Homework: Read the dialogue and learn vocabulary.
WEEK: 28
Date of preparing:23/03/2008
Date of teaching:24/03/2008
Period: 82
Lesson 4: Section: B2
 I. Aims of the lesson: To practice making accepting and refusing an invitation with modal verbs.
 II. Objective: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to know how to make similar dialogues
 with the cues given in the text book.
 III. Teaching aids: 
 IV. Procedures: 
	1. Checking up the old lesson: 
	2. Warm up: “mime game”
	T mimes, Ss give advice
	Example: T: cold
	 Ss: You should / ought to stay inside.
	 You shouldn’t go out.
	3. Today’s lesson: 
	a. Presentation:
	Presentation dialogue: (B2)
	b. Practice:
	Ss practice the new dialogues, using the cues given in the box.
	4. Consolidation: Ss make their own dialogues, using the three pictures P. 135
	Example exchange:
	S1: Come and play volleyball.
	S2: I’m sorry. I don’t think I can.
	S1: That’s too bad. Why not?
	S2: Well I must __________.
	S1: Can you play on (Sunday)?
	S2: Yes, I can.
	S1: All right. See you at (8 o’clock)
	S2: Ok. Bye.
	S1: Bye.
	5. Homework: Learn the dialogues and write one own dialogue into the notebook.
WEEK: 28
Date of preparing:24/03/2008
Date of teaching:25/03/2008
Period : 83
	Lesson 5: Section: B3
 I. Aims of the lesson: To practice reading the text about ocean exploring.
 II. Objective: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to catch the main points of the text.
 III. Teaching aids: Textbook and pictures
 IV. Procedures: 
	1. Checking up the old lesson: 
	2. Warm up: 
	T asks some questions about the pictures and introduces some new words.
	+ Where is he?
	+ Which sports does he play?
	+ Do you know this sports?
	+ Where can you see people play this kind of sports?
	+ What does he need when he dives?
	3. Today’s lesson: 
	a. Pre-reading: Pre-teach vocabulary:
	+ underwater
	+ breathing equipment (n):
	+ scuba- diving (n):
	+ invent (v):
	+ a vessel (n):
	+ explore (v):
	+ surface (n):
	+ minute (n):
	- T / F prediction (B3)
	b. While reading:
	Ss read the text and check their predictions.
	- Answer key:
	a-F	b. T	c. T	d. F	e. T
	4. Consolidation: 
	c. Post- reading:
	Comprehension questions:
	a. How long could a pearl diver stay underwater? (2minutes)
	b. Now, How long can a diver stay underwater? (a long time)
	c. When did Jacques Cousteau die? (1997)
	d. When did he invent the deep sea diving vessel? (the early 1940s)
	e. How can we explore the oceans now? (with special TV cameras)
	5. Homework: Read the text and learn vocabulary by heart.
WEEK: 28
Date of preparing:26/03/2008
Date of teaching:27/03/2008
Period: 84 
	Lesson 01: Section: A1 
 I. Aims of the lesson: Practice reading and catch some vocabulary and main points of the dialogue.
 II. Objective: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to read the dialogue fluently and catch the
 main ideas of the dialogue.
 III. Teaching aids: Textbook
 IV. Procedures: 
	1. Checking up the old lesson: 
	2. Warm up: “Pelmanism”
	have	watch	talk	read	play
	about our day	chess	TV	dinner
	3. Today’s lesson: 
	a. Pre-teach vocabulary:
	+ adventure (n)
	+ cricket (n)
	+ series (n)
	+ guess (v)
	Rub out and remember
	Open prediction: Ss predict what Lan / Hoa usually does in the evening.
	b. Practice:
	Ss listen and check their prediction
	Multiple choice: Answer key:
	a – C	b – A	c – B	d – C	e – D	
	4. Consolidation: 
	c. Production:
	Find someone who:
Find someone who:
 read books
 goes to English club
watches TV
plays soccer
does homework
	5. Homework: Learn the new words by heart and do the exercises into the notebook.
WEEK: 29
Date of preparing:
Date of teaching:
	Lesson: Section: 
 I. Aims of the lesson: 
 II. Objective: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to
 III. Teaching aids: 
 IV. Procedures: 
	1. Checking up the old lesson: 
	2. Warm up: 
	3. Today’s lesson: 
	4. Consolidation: 
	5. Homework: 

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