Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Hoàng Thị Mai Huyền

Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Hoàng Thị Mai Huyền

2, Practice:

a) The present simple tense

frorm: S + Ves/s/inf = O

 S + don’t / does’t + Vinf + O

 Do/Does + S + Vinf + O

Use: to express the habtual action or the action wich happen many times/regularly

eg: I often get up at 6.00

 Does she play badminton every afternoon?

adverbs: always, usually, often, sometimes, nener

 on Monday/ .

 in the morning/.

 every + N .


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Monday, August, 24th 2009
Unit 1: 	 
Period 1:	 Revision
I. The aim: By the end of this lesson Sts will be able to review the grammar and vocab in grade 6.
II. Procedrures:
1. Warm up: 
next to 
Pre positions
to the right of
2, Practice:
a) The present simple tense
frorm:	S + Ves/s/inf = O
	S + don’t / does’t + Vinf + O
	Do/Does + S + Vinf + O
Use: to express the habtual action or the action wich happen many times/regularly
eg: 	I often get up at 6.00
	Does she play badminton every afternoon?
adverbs: always, usually, often, sometimes, nener
	on Monday/ ....
	in the morning/......
	every + N ......
b) the present progressive teme.
form:	S + tobe + Ving + O
	S + tobe not + Ving + O
	Tob + S + Ving + O?
Use: to express the action which is progressive
adverbs: now, at the moment, at present
or 7: Look ! Be careful!
c) Question words:
Make questions for underlined words
1) There are four chairs in the room
2) Mai’s apartment is on thesecond floor.
3) She would like a cup of coffee
4) The clinic is to the left of the market
5) Mr Nam needs two kilos of oranges
6) They are going to visit their grandparents
7) Her brother is waiting for her
8) I like cool weather.
d) Mode verbs: Can / must / should
S + MVerb + VinF + O
eg:	She can drive a car
	I must go now
	Should we collect the garbage?
T asks Sts to make some more examples
e) Com parision of adjectives:
short adj + er / est
hot 	® hotter 	® the hottest
big 	® bigger 	® the biggest
heavy ® heavier 	® the heaviest
talk 	® taller 	® the tallest
* Notes:	Some irregular adjs
good 	® better 	® the best
bad 	® worse 	® the worst
many ® more 	® the most
alittle ® less 	® the least
3) Home work:
- Do exercises
- Prepare unit1 A1 - 4
August, 25th 2009
Unit 1: 	 Back to school
Period 2:	Lesson 1: 	 A 3, 5
I. The aim: By the end of this lesson Ss will be able to:
- In tro duce and greet with: “Nice to see you” and “How’s everything.
- Answer with: “Just fine”, “not bad”, and “prefly good”.
II. The procedure:
1. Warm up: Play the game slap the board.
good bye
Yes, I am
- What’s the weather like?
- What class are you in?
Fine Thanks
It’s hot
I’m in class 7A
- How are you today?
- Good bye
- Are you Hoa?
2. Preteach vocab:
nice (adj)	=	glad	(syn):	vui mõng
meet (v)	= 	see	(syn):	gÆp gì
well (adj)	= 	fine	(syn):	khoÎ m¹nh
class mate (n)	= 	(exam):	b¹n cïng líp
pretty	(tram):	hái, t­¬ng ®èi.
3. Set the sence:
- who are they?
- what are they doing?
* Diabogue build:
Ba:	Hello, Nga
Nga:	Hi,Ba.	 Nice to see you again
Ba:	Hi to . Nice to see you again too.
Nga: Nice to see you,too
Nga: How are you?
Ba: very well,Thanks.And you?
Nga: I’m fine,thanks.This is my new friend.His name’s Hoa
Ba: Nice to meet you,Hoa, to.
- Treach, 	T-SS,	SS-T,	SS-SS
- Translate 
Concept check:
Form:	Nice + to + V(inf) + some
	How + be + S?
Meang:	RÊt vui ®­îc gÆp b¹n
	B¹n cã khoÎ kh«ng?
Use:	When we you use thew?
Pro:	And you?
4. Practice:
Gap fill A4:
Mr Tan:	Hello, Lien..?
Miss Lien: ..thank you ...Tan?
Mr Tan: .but I’m very bury
Miss Lien: ..
5. Production:
Mapped dialogue:
 to, how....?
...thank you
Example exchange:
Ba:	Good morning, Nam
Nam:	Good morning Ba. Nice to see you again
Ba: 	Me, too. How are you?
Nam:	Not bad, thanks. How about you?
Ba:	Pretty good. Thank you. Good bye. See you again
Nam:	Bye
III. Home work:
- Learn by heart the cocabulary.
- Answer the questions at the and of A1 .
- Read the dialogue at page 10 and fin dout some more new words.
- Be ready:	Read the tesct A2 and find new wosds
August, 27th 2009
Unit 1: 	 
Period 3: Lesson 2: A2 	(FRIENDS)
I. The aim: Reading fer detaits and revising simple present comparisons, a lot of/ many.
II. The procedure:
1. Warm up:
Jumbled words:
	Dufrei	=	friend
	Stdenutn	=	Student
	Vile	=	live
Cleun	=	uncle
Pantres	=	parents.
2. Pre reading:
a. Pre teach vocab:
Different (adj) # same	( anto )	: kh¸c
Un happy (adj)	( visual)	: buån
(to) miss	: nhí
-> Checking:	R - O - R.
b. T.F statements.
+ Hoa is from Hue
+ She lives with her parents in HN
+ She has a lot of friends in Ha Noi
+ She misses her friends in Hue
+ She in unhappy
3. While - reading:
a) Checking T/F statements
b) “Wh” questions (play games	“Lucky numbers”
4 LN
8 LN
1. Where is Hao from?
2. Who is she staying with?
3. Lucky number
4. Lucky number
5. Does she have a lot of friends in HN?
6. How is sher school different from hes old school?
7. Why is she unhappy?
8. Lucky number
9. Where do her paents live?
4. Post - reading:
play the game: Sarvey
Place of living
Nghi Xuan
For example:	P1: What’s your name ?	P2: Nam
	P1: Where do you live ?	P2: NX
	P1: Who are you staying with?	P2: Brother
	P1: Do you have many friends?	P2: Yes
	P1: Are you happy	P2: No
III. Home work:
- Write a short paragraph about what you have serveyed
- Prepare lesson B1-3
- Find new words and meanings
- Try to undesstund how to ask and ansuer about age adelress
September 1st 2009
Unit 1: 	 
Period 4: Lesson 3: 	A3 - 5
I. The aim: 
By the end of this lesson sts will be able make the dialogue to greet each other when they meet each other. 
II. The procedures:
1. Warm up: Greetings.
Sing the song “Hello teacher”
Hello teacher, hello teacher (How are you?)2.
I’m very fine, thank you (How are you)2.
2. Presentation:
a. Pre teach vocab:
Soam I = me, too	: t«i còng vËy
not bad	: kh«ng tÖ l¾m
pretty good	: Kh¸ tèt
bury (adj)	: mäi thø, mäi viÖc
lunch room (n)	: phßng ¨n tr­a
® cheeking:	 Slap the board
Mss Lien
Mr Tan
b. Dialogue:
Who are they?
What are they doing?
® Listen to their talking.
Mss Lien:	Good morning Mr Tan
Mr Tan:	Good morning Mss Lien. How are you?
Mss Lien:	I’m fine thank you. And you?
Mr Tan:	Fine thanks. How’s every thing?
Mss Lien:	Not bad. How about you?
Mr Tan:	So am I
T ® sts, sts ® T: sts - sts
target languages:	How is every thing?
- Notbad.	
- Pretty good	
- Ok
- I’m bury.
III. Practice:
a) T call one student to come to the board and role play.
T:	Hello, Giang. How are you?
Giang:	Hello, Anh. Fine, thanks and you?
T:	Fine thanks. How’s every thing Giang?
Giang:	Ok but I’m very busy
T:	So am I
- sts work in pairs.
T calls some pairs to act out the dialogue they have made.
b) Listen: There are 4 pictures in the book.
you have to listen to the dialogue in the tape and tick the picture you hear.
Keys:	 1. c	2. b	3. d	4. a
IV. Home work:
- Learn by heart vocab.
- Make an other dialogue with your fiends.
- Do exercises A3.
- Beready B1 - 3.
September 2nd 2009
Unit 1: 	 B. Names and addresses
Period 5: Lesson 3: 	B1 - 2
I. The aim: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to ask for and give personal inform ation (name, age, address)
II. The procedure:
1. Warm up: play the game “whithper”
Team 1:	My mother is 45 yeass old
Team 2:	I live at 54 QT street
2. The presentation:
a, Pre teach vocab:
family name	(visual)	: tªn hä
middle name	(visual)	: tªn lãt
an ddress	(visual - scalia)	: ®Þa chØ
Cheeking:	R - O - R
b, Set the sence:
- Who are they?	(Miss Lien and Hoa)
- Where are they?	(in the class)
- What are they doing?	 (talking)
c, Dialogue build:
Miss Lien:	What’s your ., Hoa?
Hoa:	.. Phan. My .. name’s 
(Miss Lien)
Miss Lien:	.. you?
Hoa:	I’m 
Miss Lien:	Where .. ?
Hoa:	12 THD strect
Miss Lien:	Thank you
- T reads, Ss listen and fill the gaps
- T reads 3 times
- T calls Ss to fill thegaps sentenle by sentence
Comprehenslon question:
a. Who’s Hoa talking to?
b. What’s Hoa’s family name?
c. What is her middle name?
d. Where does she live?
II. Word are drills:
* Nam	Nguyen	15	32 Nguyen Du street
* Hoa	Pham	12	Da Nang
* Thuy	Bui	14	37 Le Hong Phong street
* Huong	Phan	16	64 Nguyen Nghiem street
T runs through cues
T’s mold:	S1: What’s Nam’s family name?
	S2: His family name is Nguyen
	S1: How old is he?
	S2: He’s fifteen
	S1: Where does he live?
	S2: 32 Nguyen Du street
- Closed pairs ® openod paiss
III. The production:
play the game Servey
IV. Home work:
- Learn by heart vocabulary
- Complete the dialogue B2
- Using the imformation from the servey to write a paragraph
- Do B1.2 in work book.
- Find out the new words in B4 - 7.
September 3rd 2009
Unit 1: 	 
Period 6: Lesson 4: 	B4 - 7
I. The aim: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to use “How far” . questions and answers with kms / ms to balk about distance.
II. The stayes of lesson:
1. Warm up: words quare
® why, when, on, to, from, he
 ¯ wher, what, he
2. The presentation:
a. Pre - vocab:
far	(antonym)	:	what’s opposite of “neur”?	xa
distance	:	Kho¶ng c¸ch
now far	:	bao xa
- Check:	R - O - R
b. dialogue:
Set the sence:
- who is this?
- And who is this?
- What are they doing?
- Listen to what are they talking about:
Nga:	Where do you live
Hoa:	I live at 12 P§P street?
Nga:	How far is it from youre house to your school
Hoa:	It’s not far - about 1 km
Nga:	How do you go to school?
Hoa:	I go to school by bike?
T reads sentence by sentence and write on the board.
T - ss, ss - T ® ss - ss
- Ask ss to act out the dialogue.
- Ask ss to translate the dialogue
c. concept check:
form:	How far is it from .. to ... ?
	(It’s) about ...
Use:	Dïng ®Ó hái vµ tr¶ lêi vÒ kho¶ng c¸ch.
3. Practice:
a. word cue drill (cards)
* school - 1km
the maket - 2km2.
the post office -	700ms
the bus stop	500ms
BH holel	3Kms
b. T rums through cues
T’s model:	How far ..
	It’s about .
- T - ss, ss - T	
- open pairs ® closed pairs
4. Pro duction: Survey B7 - P18
T Asks 1 student 	what is his / her name
	where he / she lives
	How far it is from hes / her house to school
III. Home work:
- Lean by heart new word and structures
- Translate B4 and do B5.
- Do exercises: 3, 4, 5 in exercise book.
- Beready B6 for next lesson.
September 05th 2009
Unit 2: 	 Personal in formation
Period 7: Lesson 1: 	A1 - 2
I. The aim: 
By the end of the lesson sts will be able to practise asking for and giving telephone numbers and further practise in addresses.
II. The procedures:
1. Warm up: Play the game “Guessing”
- Cach st chooses one number.
- guessing question:	Are you number 2?
- “Wh” question:	What’s your number.
2. Presentation:
a. Preteach vocab:
(to) call somebody:	Gäi cho ai ... is it?
S2:	It's in (Thailand)
4. Production:
Noughts and Gosses:
Sts make complete sentences with the Simple Present and adverbs of Frequency.
He often flies to Bangkok.
He / fly / Bangkok
I / not travel / Singapare
She / go / Phnom Penh
You / visit / Kuala Lumpur
He / go / Vientance
Sho / travel / yangon
You / visit / Beijing
They / send / postcards
He / fly / HongKong
5) Home work:
- Learn vocabulary.
- Do exercises A1-2
- Prepare for next lesson A3 - 4
 April, 20th, 2008
Unit 16: People and places
	 Period 97: Lesson 2: 	 A3 - 4 
I. The aim: By the end of this lesson sts will be able to read atext about the interests will modal verb "May".
- Teaching aids:	 tape, posters
- developing skills:	 listening, speaking
II. The procedures:
1. Warm up: 	Greetings
Listening:	T gives out the poster, sts guess the names where the pilot flus to on Veckdays.
- T lets sts listen to the tape.
answer keys:	2:	Bang kok and Singapore.
	3:	Singapore.
	4:	Jakata
	5:	Bali
	6:	Bali
	7:	Hong Kong
	8:	Back to Ha Noi
2. Pre reading:
a) Pre teach - vocab:
attraction (n):	sù hÊp dÉn, ®iÒu hÊp dÉn
destination (n):	n¬i ®Õn
ancient monument (n):	t­îng ®µi cæ
resort (n):	khu an d­ìng
coral (n):	san h«
culture (n):	v¨n ho¸
(to) admire	chiªm ng­ìng
Shadow pupet show:	vì diÔn rèi (xem bãng rèi qua mµn h×nh)
® Checking:	R - O - R
b) Pre question:
Why do tourists like to vistit South East Asice?
Sts guest to answer.
3. White - reading:
- Sts read and correct their prediction.
- Comple hension questions: a ® b. P.157
3 kinds of touris attraction that go with the activities.
3 kinds	Activities
	a. You can swim and dive
1:	Ancient monuments	b. You may visit khmer temples of
	 Angkor Wat
2:	Shows	c. You can see colorful corals and fish
	d. You can see colorful dances or shadow
 	 puppet shows.
3:	Resorts and beaches	e. You can listen to and enjoytradi 
	 tional music
	f. You can sail and enjoy a healthy out
	 door life
4. Post rading:
Trans formation Writing:
Sts change the text from "south East Asia" to "Viet Nam", "Khmer temples of Ang kor wat" to "Hue ancient city", "the huge Buddish temple of Boro bur'dur in Java" to "Hoi An ancient street" in paragrap 1.
5. Home work:
- Learn vocabulary by heart.
- Do exercise A3 - 4 in your work book.
- Prepare B1 for next lesson.
 April,22 th, 2008
Unit 16: 
	 Period 98: Lesson 3: 	 B1,5 (famous people) 
I. The aim: By the end of this lesson sts will be able to listen for details about a famous person and his toric place.
- Teaching aids:	 tape, posters
- developing skills:	 listening.
II. The procedures:
1. Warm up: 	Greetings
Slap the board: 	attraction, may, temple, monument, ancient corals, destination, culture,
2. Pre - listening:
a. Vocabulary:
a quiz (n):	c©u ®è	(situation)
abattle (n):	trËn ®¸nh	(trans)
the General (n):	®¹i t­íng	(examples)
(to) lead:	chØ ®¹o, l·nh ®¹o	(trans)
(to) defeat	®¸nh b¹i	(trans)
forces:	lùc l­îng vò trang	(trans)
(to be) famous for:	næi tiÕng vÒ
tobe boun:	®­îc sinh ra
b. T/F state ments:
1. Liz knows a lot about General Giap
2. The people's Army of Viet Nam defeated the French in 1956
3. The peole's Asmy of VietNam won the battle of §BP.
4. General Giap was born in 1920
5. Ba does like history.
6. Liz will lend Ba some his fory books.
Sts guests.
3. While - listening:
a) Sts listen to the tape and check their guessing.
answer key: 	a.F	b.F	c.T	d.F	e.T	f.F
Sts listen and fill in the form (with an swerkeys)
Name:	Vo Nguyen Giap
Year of birth:	1911
Job:	General / commander - in - chief
Famous for:	Leading the People's asmy of VN
The battle:	Dien Bien Phu
- Sts listen and then write down on the tables.
4. Post - listening:
a, Write - it - up:
Sts write ashort paragraph about General Vo Nguyen Giap
The General Vo Nguyen Giap was born in 1911. He was a leader/ Commander - in - chief of People's army of VN. He is famous for liading People's asmy of Viet Nam at Dien Bien Phu. When the People;s army of VN won the battle, he was 43. Now he is 93 years old but he is strong and clever.
5. Home work:
- Learn by heart vocabulary.
- Doexercise B1
- Pre pare B4 for next lesson.
 April,24 th, 2008
Unit 16: People and places
	 Period 100: Lesson 4: 	 B4 
I. The aim: By the end of this lesson sts will be able to read for details about afamous people and talking about their biographies.
- Teaching aids:	 posters 
- developing skills:	 speaking 
II. The procedures:
1. Warm up: 	Greetings
Guessing games:	Sts talk about famous people in the world
	Do you like ?
	No, not much. I pre fer.
2. Pre peading:
a. Vocablulary:
abuld	(n):	bãng ®Ìn
an invention	(n):	sù ph¸t minh
a gramophone (n):	m¸y quay ®Üa
an actor	(n):	diÔn viªn nam n÷
a motion picture (n):	phim ¶nh
an anthor 	(n):	t¸c gi¶
a fairy tale	(n):	truyÖn thÇn tiªn
® Checking:	R - O - R
b. Open prediction:
In tro duce Thomos Edinson and Hans Christian Andersen.
Sts predict what Thomas Edison and Andezsen did by doj the Matching.
- Sts get from vocabulary.
Example (key):
Thomas Edison	Han Christian Andersen
abulb, an invention	an actor, an author
a gramophone	a fairy tale
(to) establish	
3. While reading:
a) Sts read and check their predictions:
b) Answer given:
1. An in ventor	 ® Who was Thomas Edison?
2. The electrict light bulb	 ® What was his famous in vention
3. The gramophone and motion picture ® What did he invent alse?
4. A Danish author	 ® Who was Hans Anders
5. an actor	 ® What did he want tobe?
6. Novels plays peotry and trave/ books ® What kinds of books did he write
7. The first central power station	 ® What did Eduson establish?
8. The fair tales	 ® What was he most famous for?
4) Post rading: Role play.
Example Exchange:	S1:	When were you born, Mr Edison
	S2:	I was born in 1847
	S1:	Was you born in America?
	S2:	Yes, I was.
S1 - S2, S3 - S2 . do the same.
5) Home work:
- Learn by heart vocabulary.
- Do exercise B2, 3, 4.
- Be ready for next lesson B2.
 April,26 th, 2008
Unit 16: People and places
	 Period 99: Lesson 5: 	 B2 
I. The aim: By the end of this lesson sts will Farther practice with "pre fer, like, favorite" to talk about famous people.
- Teaching aids:	 posters 
- developing skills:	 speaking 
II. The procedures:
1. Warm up: 	Greetings
Lucky numbers.
1. where did the IndoChina war end?
2. LN.
3. Is Dien Bien Phu ab attle to day ?
What is it now ?
4. What can people visit there? Prepare for next lesson. B3,5
 5. LN.
6. What ebe can tourist do in Dien Bien Phu ?
7. How far is it from the Lao's border'?
8. Why is Dien Bien Phu's bocation importaut ?
2. presentatino:
a. predid Dialogue:
 - T guilds, sts read the dialogue
They dijcuss to fill the gap.
 - T use the poster to present
Answer key:
1. like 2. Prefer 3. Gues 4. Faworite
3. Practice:
Word cues drill:
a. Hong Nhung/ ThanhLam
b. My Linh/ My Tam
c. Hong Son/ Huynh Duc.
d. Hieu Ngan (Quang Linh) Thuy Ngan
e. Bang Kieu/ Quang Linh
f. Ronaldo/ Beckham.
- T runs through cues.
- T runs through cues.
example ex change:
 S1: Do you like Hong Nhung ?
 S2: I prefer Thanh Lam
 S1 : Why ?
 S2: Because Thanh Lam is prettier than HN
 S1 : What about you ?
 S2 : My favorite singer is Hong Nhung
- Sts do the same : ( work in pairs)
 4. The production: 
 Mapped didlogue:
Bich Loan.
Why ?
Diem Quynh
What a bout ?
Really ?
 B2, 2b
St1: Hoa
St2: Lan
Talk about reporters 
Bich Loan and Diem Quynh(speakers)
5. Homework :
- Do exercesi B2
- Prepare for next lesson. B3,5.
 April,28 th, 2008
Unit 16: Period 101: Langua Focus 5
I) Choose the word which has the under lined letter(s) pronouned differently from the others.
1. A. exciting	B. spring	C. Swimming	D. mixture
2. A. showed	B. laughed	C. played	D. joined
3. A. chopstick	B. teach	C. catch	D. chemistry
4. A. serious	B. symptom	C. sauce	D. sugar
5. A. nervous	B. scout	C. household	D. mouse
II, Choose the best answer to fill in the gap:
1. I drink .. coffee than you
 A. What	B. less	C. afew
2. . terrible weather!
 A. what	B. How	C. What a
3. He just practices .. goals
 A. scoring	B. to score	C. scores
4. My new shoes don’t .. me very well. They are too big
 A. match	B. fit	C. make
5. My Dad has a  summer vacation
 A. three-weeks	B. three-week’s	C. three-week
6. How much is that .
 A. together	B. in all	C. altogether
7. People of . can take part in the walking activity.
 A. every age	B. all ages	C. each age
8. Are there any good . on T.V tonight?
 A. showings	B. sereens	C. programs
9. She looks tired. What’s the . with her?
 A. matter	B. happen	C. Wrong
10. After the holiday, he .. a bus to HaNoi
 A. had	B. took	C. drove
® My sister driver a car and ..
III. Fill in the gap with a suitable prepositions.
1. Can make it .. Tuesday evening?
2. Last year, She is always late  school.
3. Ba is very good . fixing things
4. There’s a movie .. at Sao Mai theater.
5. My father usually talks about his day  dinner
6. My school is different . your school.
7. Do you like take part . . sports?
8. Milk is good .. your health.
9. She talked to her friends . her vacation in Nha Trang.
10. Hoa lives .. 24 Li Thuong Kiet street.
IV. Give the correct tense of verb in each bracket.
1. Mozart (play) . the piano when he was three.
2. My mother (go) . the supermarket yesterday but she (not buy) anything.
3. What  you (do) . tomorrow morning? I don’t have any plans for myself, I may at home and watch T.V.
V. Read the following passage and choose a suitable answer for each gap:
(1)  for food in the United States today is not the same (2) .. it was in the past. Fifty years (3) .., every neighborhood had a little food market. A good selection of meat, vegetables and fruits (4) . on display on the stalls. Now every neighborhood (5)  a big supermarket. These are very (6) .. places. The old markets were usually small and friendly. (7)  from the neighborhood often stopped there to hear the news or to talk. But this is not true (8) . supermarkets. Usually, supermarkets are very large. They are not very friendly. They are not good places for meeting friends or talking (9) .. People in supermarkets always seem to be tired and in (10) . hurry.
1. A. Shopping	B. Buying	C. Looking
2. A. as	B. like	C. when
3. A. last	B. ago	C. next
4. A. are	B. were	C. was
5. A. had	B. has	C. have
6. A. different	B. same	C. old
7. A. People	B. Workers	C. Students
8. A. at	B. on	C. in
9. A. too	B. neither	C. either
10. A. a	B. the	C. Æ

Tài liệu đính kèm:

  • docgiao_an_mon_tieng_anh_lop_7_hoang_thi_mai_huyen.doc