Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Period 26, Unit 5: Work and play - Lesson 1: A-In class (A1, 2)

Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Period 26, Unit 5: Work and play - Lesson 1: A-In class (A1, 2)

Unit 5 : Work and play

Lesson 1 : A - In class ( A1,2)

I. The aims

 After the lesson, the students will be able to describe the work of a student at school and Ba’s activities at school and at home . They use the present simple tense to talk about school subject

II. Language content

1. Vocabulary :

 - To learn about - Electronics

 - To use  how to use - To repair = to fix

 - To be omterested in - Household appliances

 - A map (n) - Drawing.

 - An experiment (n) - Artist

 - Computer science (n) - To be good at

2. Grammar :


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Period 26
Unit 5 : Work and play
Lesson 1 : A - In class ( A1,2)
I. The aims 
	After the lesson, the students will be able to describe the work of a student at school and Ba’s activities at school and at home . They use the present simple tense to talk about school subject
II. Language content
1. Vocabulary : 
 - To learn about - Electronics
 - To use à how to use - To repair = to fix
 - To be omterested in - Household appliances
 - A map (n) - Drawing.
 - An experiment (n) - Artist
 - Computer science (n) - To be good at
2. Grammar :
	Review the present simple tense.
III. Technique :
 Explaination , ask and answer
	Students work in pairs / in groups
IV. Teaching aids
	Text book , cassette , tape , pictures
V. Procedure
 T’s activities
 Ss’ activities
1. Warm up :
- Greetings 
- Ask Ss some questions
+ How many days a week do you go to school ?
+ What time do you go to school ?
+ What time do classes start ?
+ How many subjects do you learn ?
+ What is your favorite subject ?
à Remark then lead in new lesson
2. New activities:
a. Listen and read:
- Introduce the lesson,then explain some new words
+to learn about (v)
+to use à how touse
+computer science(n):tin hoc
+to be interested in :
+A map(n):
Classes What do to
Computer science
+ An experiment:
-checking techrique:
 What and WHERE
- Ask Ss to look at the books and listen to the tape(2 times)
- Have Ss read the text in silent
- Call on some students to read the text aloud
- Correct their pronunciation.
- ask Ss to read the text again then fill in the grids
- Ask Ss to exchange the results with their partners
- Call on one student to go to the board and write down
- Correct the mistake and give the correct answer
+ To learn how to use a computer
+ To study maps and learn how about different countries
+ To do some experiments
- Have Ss read the question and answer in the book
- Ask Ss to make 5 questions and answers about Mai
- Have Ss work in pairs
- Call on some pairs to askand answer in front of the class
- Correct the mistakes if necessary 
- Ask Ss to work in pairs asking and answering about themselves,using the questions given
1)What time do your class start?
2) What do you learn at school?
3) What do you do in your computer science class?
4) What do you study in your geography class?
5) What do you do in your last lesson?
6)What time do your classes end?
- Call on some pairs to ask and answer in front of the class
- Ask Ss to based on the questions to write a passage
- Call on some student to read their writing
- Remark
b. Read, then answer the questions.
- Have Ss look at 2 pictures and answer the questions
This is Ba. What is he doing ?
à Introduce some new words :
+ Electronics (n) : §iÖn tö 
+ House hold appliances : c¸c vËt dông trong gia ®×nh
+ To repair (v) : söa ch÷a
+ To be good at : giái vÒ.
+ Drawing (n) : b¶n vÏ
+ Artist (n) : Häa sÜ
+ To enjoy (v) : yªu thÝch
- Correct their pronunciation
- Checking technique : Rub out and remember
- Have Ss do exercise : T or F predicition
1/ Ba enjoys his school very much
2/ His favorite subject is Electronics
3/ In this class he does some experiments
4/ He is’nt good at fixing things
5/ He can help his parents at home 
6/ He never goes to art club
- Have Ss work in groups
- Call on some representatives to give their predictions
- Ask Ss to read the text and check their predictions
- Cal on some students to give the answers on front of the class
- Correct and give the correct answers
1 – T 2 – T 3 – F 5 – T 6 – F
- Call on some Ss to read text aloud 
- Correct their pronunciation 
* Questions :
- Ask Ss to read the text again to find out the answers for the questions
- Have Ss work in pairs
- Call on some pairs to ask and answer ion front of the class
- Correct and give th answer key
a/ He likes Electionics best
b/ Yes , he does. He enjoys school very much
c/ He learns to repair house hold applicanes
d/ He will able to fix his own appliances
e/ Yes , he is . His drawings are very good 
- About you :
- Have Ss work in pairs asking and answering the questions about them selves 
- Make model :
T : What do you do in your free time
S : I play soccer
T : What are you goot at ?
S : I am good at drawing
T : What is your favorite aubject ?
S : My favorite subject is fine Arts
- Call on some pairs to practice in front of the class
- Correct the mistakes if necessary
3. Consolidation:
- Ask Ss to make a survey:
Name Favorite subject Good at Fretime activity
- Have Ss work in groups
- Call on some representatives to tellabout members of their group.
- Remark.
4. Homework:
- learn by heart new words by writing 2 lines for each
- write the passage in the notebooks
- Do exercise 1,2 at page 27 in workbook
- Prepare A3,4
- Greetings
- Answer T’s questions
- Listen carefully
- guess meanings,read new words in chorus and individually,then copy down in the notebooks
- Play game
- Look at the books and listen to the tape
- Read in silent
- Read the text aloud
- Complete the grids
- Do individually
- Exchange the results
- One students go to the board and writes
- Write down
- Read aloud
- make questions & answer
- Work in pairs
- Practice in front of the class
- Work in pairs
- Practice aloud
- Write a passage
- read aloud
- Look at the picture and answer the questions
P2 : He’s playing the guitar 
- Guess the meanings read new words in chorus and individually
- Then copy down
- Play game
- Work in groups
- Give the prediction
- Read the text & check the prediction
- Give the answers in front of the class
- Copy down
- Read the text aloud
- Read the text again to find out the answers
- Work in pairs
- Some pairs practice in front of the class
- Copy down
- Work in pairs
- Listen carefully
- Practice in front of the class
- Make a survey.
- Work in groups.
- Give the results.
- Write homework

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  • docgiao_an_mon_tieng_anh_lop_7_period_26_unit_5_work_and_play_l.doc