Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Period 32, Unit 6: After for school - Lesson 2: A2, 4 - Nguyễn Thừa

Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Period 32, Unit 6: After for school - Lesson 2: A2, 4 - Nguyễn Thừa


Lesson 2: A2,4

.A Objectives:

I.Knowledge: By the end of the lesson: Ss will be able to:

+ remind the adverbs of frequently and Wh-qs

+ listen for details and match.

II.Skills: reading, listening.

III. Teaching aids:

 +Textbooks, notebooks, lesson plan,

+Posters, cassettes player, tape.

E. Procedures:

I.Setlement: -greetings.


II:Checking: -read the dialogue and answer the questions.

 -write new words on the board.

 III.New lesson:


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Period: 32
Preparing date :18 . 11 . 2009 
Lesson 2: A2,4
.A Objectives:
I.Knowledge: By the end of the lesson: Ss will be able to:
+ remind the adverbs of frequently and Wh-qs
+ listen for details and match.	
II.Skills: reading, listening.
III. Teaching aids:
	+Textbooks, notebooks, lesson plan,
+Posters, cassettes player, tape.
E. Procedures:
I.Setlement:	-greetings.
II:Checking:	-read the dialogue and answer the questions.
	-write new words on the board.
	III.New lesson:
Warm up : Shark attracks :
- Ask Ss to play game :Shark attack.
a. study b-a cinema.
c. a computer. d-swim
1- Practice :
 ask Ss to look at the activities in the book and get the name of each activities.
- write on the board: 
a-Reading/studying in the library.
b-Swimmimg in the pool.
c- playing computer games.
d-going to the movie theater/cinema.
e-play soccer. d-watch TV.
-Let Ss remind adverbs of frequency.
+ usually : thường thường xxx
+ always : luôn luôn xxxx
+ sometimes: thingr thoảng x
+ often : thương xx
+ never: không bao giờ v
- ask Ss to work in pairs:
- T calls Ss to work in pairs
- T corects and comments
2-Further -Practice :Write -it-up :
-Ask Ss to write somethings what they do after school ,using adverbs of frequency.
Example :
Everyday, I often go to the library, I read books and reference books. Then I go home and do my homework.. I sometimes meet my friends...............
-correct Ss’mistakes.
3: Production:Listening.
- ask Ss to listen to the tape and match the name to an activity.
T plays the tape three times
Answer key:
Mai : go to the school cafeteria.
Nam : rehearse a play.
Ba : go to the circus.
Lan: watch movie.
Ask Ss to rell the text
- to play game
-speak out.
-copy down.
-read chorally and individually.
Example exchange :
S1:What do you usually do after school ?
S2: I watch TV.
S1: How ofter do you watch TV ?
S2: I always watch TV.
- work in pairs .One person asks,the other answers.
Word cue drill
 - listen to music/ often
 - play games/ always 
 - do homeworks/ usually/ sometimes
- see a movie/ never
-write the passage in the notebook.then read loudly.
-listen and match name to an activity
-copy down.
Ss tallk in the class
	IV: Consolidation:
	-Let Ss speak somethings what they do after school.
.	V.Homework:
	At home :	+Learn the present simple tense.
+write some activities after school.
	+Do exercises A3,4 in work book.

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  • docgiao_an_mon_tieng_anh_lop_7_period_32_unit_6_after_for_schoo.doc