Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Period 6, Unit 1: Back to school - Lesson 5: Names and addresses (B6)

Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Period 6, Unit 1: Back to school - Lesson 5: Names and addresses (B6)

I. Objectives :

 1. Education aim :

 2. Teaching aim : By the end of the lesson, students can:

  Ask and answer about the distances.

  Develop listening and speaking skill through the structure.

II. Language contents :

 1. Vocabulary : distance.

2. Grammar : Present simple tense.

 3. Structures : How far is it from to ?

III. Techniques : eliciting, describing, questioning & answering, role play.

IV. Teaching aids : pictures, cassette.

V . Time : 45 minutes


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 Period : 6	Date : 04/09/2004
I. Objectives :
	1. Education aim :
	2. Teaching aim : By the end of the lesson, students can:
	˜ Ask and answer about the distances.
	˜ Develop listening and speaking skill through the structure.
II. Language contents :
	1. Vocabulary :	distance.
2. Grammar :	Present simple tense.
	3. Structures :	How far is it from  to?
III. Techniques :	eliciting, describing, questioning & answering, role play.
IV. Teaching aids :	pictures, cassette.
V . Time :	45 minutes
VI. Procedures :
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
Warm – up
- Have students answer the questions about themselves.
 1. What’s your name?
 2. How old are you?
 3. Where do you live?
 4. How far is it from your house to school?
 5. How do you go to school?
 6. Who do you live with?
Pre –listening. 
- Ask students to look at the picture in B6/p.18.
- Introduce the places in the picture: Lan’s house, school, post office, market, theater.
- Explain the word: distance. 
- Ask suggested questions. 
 + Is Lan’s house near.........?
 + Is Lan’s house far from .?
- Remind students of the structure: “How far is it from  to ?
- Guide students how to listen to the tape.
While – listening.
- Play the tape for students.
- Call students to read the answers.
- Correct the answers.
Post –listening.
- Supply students with the tapescripts.
- Have students practice the dialogues. 
- Have students make similar dialogues about the distances between the two places.
- Ask students to do the survey in B7*/p.18
 Suggested questions. 
 1. What’s your name?
 2. Where do you live?
 3. How do you go to school?
 4. How far is it from your house to school?
- Ask students to report the survey. 
- Answer the questions. 
- Look at the picture.
- Listen and find out the places.
- Listen and write. 
- Answer the questions. 
- Listen and remember the structure.
- Listen to the tape and fill in the table with the correct distance.
School ª Lan’s house
300 m
Lan’s house ª post office
700 m
School ª movie theater
3 km
Movie theater ª post office
2 km
- Pair works. 
- Do the survey in pairs or group.
 S1 : ask questions. 
 S2: answer the questions. 
- Report the survey.
 “My friend is He/She lives at / on He/She goes to school by It’s kilometer(s)/meter(s) from his/her house to school”.
1. Write questions and answers in B6.
2. Write the survey in the exercise - notebooks 

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  • docgiao_an_mon_tieng_anh_lop_7_period_6_unit_1_back_to_school_l.doc