Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Period 7, Unit 2: Personal information - Lesson 1: Telephone numbers (A1, 2, 3)

Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Period 7, Unit 2: Personal information - Lesson 1: Telephone numbers (A1, 2, 3)

I. Objectives :

 1. Education aim :

 2. Teaching aim : By the end of the lesson, students can :

  identify numbers and say the telephone numbers of others.

  develop skills of reading and listening telephone numbers.

  practice asking for and giving telephone numbers.

II. Language contents :

 1. Vocabulary : telephone directory.

 Cardinal numbers.

2. Grammar : (none)

 3. Structures : What’s your telephone numbers?

 I’ll call you soon.

III. Techniques : eliciting, describing, questioning & answering, roleplaying.

IV. Teaching aids : a page of a telephone directory, picture for presentation, cassette.

V . Time : 45 minutes


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Period : 7	Date : 07/09/2004
I. Objectives :
	1. Education aim :
	2. Teaching aim : By the end of the lesson, students can :
	˜ identify numbers and say the telephone numbers of others.
	˜ develop skills of reading and listening telephone numbers.
	˜ practice asking for and giving telephone numbers.
II. Language contents :
	1. Vocabulary :	telephone directory.
	Cardinal numbers.
2. Grammar :	(none) 
	3. Structures :	What’s your telephone numbers?
	I’ll call you soon.
III. Techniques :	eliciting, describing, questioning & answering, roleplaying.
IV. Teaching aids :	a page of a telephone directory, picture for presentation, cassette.
V . Time :	45 minutes
VI. Procedures :
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
Warm – up
- Have students ask and answer about their personal information through the following form:
Means of transport:
Distance (house ª school)
- Introduce the lesson by talking about the importance and the popularity of telephones in our social communication nowadays.
- Ask students to look at the section 1/p.19.
- Ask questions.
 Where is this page from?
 What do you see on this page?
- Elicit the word: telephone directory 
- Guide students how to read the telephone numbers.
 ¯ Activity 1: (Practice reading telephone numbers).
- Have students read some of the telephone numbers
- Ask students to practice reading the telephone numbers of the six persons in the page 20 in pairs.
 ¯ Activity 2: (Practice listening)
- Guide students to listen to the tape and to write down the telephone numbers
- Play the tape for students 
- Ask students to cross-check the answers.
- Call some students to write the answers on the board.
- Play the tape for students again to check the answers.
 ¯ Activity 3: (Practice asking for and giving telephone numbers)
- Ask students to look at the picture in 3/p.20
- Ask questions. 
 ˜ Who are they in the picture?
 ˜ What are they doing?
 ˜ Do you often talk with someone on the phone?
 ˜ Do you know the question asking for telephone numbers?
 ˜ Do you know how to give your telephone number to the other people?
- Play the tape for students 
- Ask students if they recognize Hoa’s telephone number in the conversation, and what question Lan asks.
 ˜ Do you recognize Hoa’s telephone number?
 ˜ What question does Lan ask to know Hoa’s telephone number?
- Elicit the structures.
 ˜ What’s your telephone numbers?
 ˜ I’ll call you soon. (‘ll = will)
- Ask students to practice the dialogue 
- Ask students to look at the information form.
- Have students ask their classmates to complete the list.
 ˜ Do you have a telephone at home?
 ˜ What’s the number?
- Call some students to read their answer to see which students have the most address and telephone numbers. 
- Ask and answer the questions. 
1. What’s your name?
2. Where do you live?
3. Is your house near / far from school?
4. How far is it from your house to school?
5. How do you go to school?
- Listen to the teacher. 
- Look and answer the questions. 
 It’s from the telephone directory.
 I see the names of the subscribers, their addresses and telephone numbers.
- Listen and write. 
- Listen to the teacher. 
- Read telephone numbers.
- Pair works. 
 S1: Dao Van An
 S2: 7 345 610. 
 S1: 8 269 561
 S2: Pham Viet Anh
- Listen to the tape and write.
- Cross-check the answers.
- Write.
- Listen and check.
 a. 8 251 654 , b. 8 250 514 , c. 8 521 936
 d. 8 351 793 , e. 8 237 041 , f. 8 821 652
- Look and answer the questions. 
 ˜ They are Lan and Hoa.
 ˜ They are asking for and giving the telephone number.
 ˜ (students’ answers).
 ˜ What’s your telephone number?
 ˜ (say the telephone number)
- Listen to the tape 
- Answer the questions. 
- Listen to the teacher. 
- Pair works. 
- Group works. 
 ˜ Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.
 ˜ It’s  
- Read the answer.
1. Reread the page of the telephone directory.
2. Write the dialogue.
3. Prepare A 4,5 (sure, start, great, see a movie).

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  • docgiao_an_mon_tieng_anh_lop_7_period_7_unit_2_personal_informa.doc