Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Tuần 16 - Nguyen Thi Thuy Duong

Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Tuần 16 - Nguyen Thi Thuy Duong

unit 7: The world of Work

 period 46: B2 -3 : the worker

I. The aims and requests.

- The aims: To help students read a text an\bout Mr. Tuan and review comparatives with "more / fewer / less".

 - Requests: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to read and understand the content of the text. And practice comparing using "more/ fewer / less" well.

- Develop Ss’ 4 skills: Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing.

 II. Pereparation

1. Teacher: CD, caset, picture B2 ( P.77), cues.

2. Students: text books & workbooks


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Date of preparing: 27/11/2009
Date of teaching: 30/11/2009 
 Class: 7ABCDE
 unit 7: The world of Work
 period 46: B2 -3 : the worker
I. The aims and requests.
- The aims: To help students read a text an\bout Mr. Tuan and review comparatives with "more / fewer / less".
 - Requests: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to read and understand the content of the text. And practice comparing using "more/ fewer / less" well.
- Develop Ss’ 4 skills: Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing.
 II. Pereparation
1. Teacher: CD, caset, picture B2 ( P.77), cues. 
2. Students: text books & workbooks
III. Procedures
1. Organization (1’): - Greeting
 - Check Ss’ absence
2. Ckecking up(5’) 
* Call Ss to: 
Use the information below to write about you or a person you like
1.I go to school /days a week.
2. I have /periods a day.
3. I work /hours a week.
4. I/ one day off
5. I have / a two-month vacation a year 
* Way of checking: Speaking
* Key: Ss' answers.
- T remarks and gives marks.
3.New lesson(36’)
Instruction to the new lesson: Mr. Nam is a farmer. He works 8 hours a day.
T: What is your father's job?
S: He is a (famrmer).
T: How many hours a day does he work (on the farm)?
S: He works hours.
T: Does your father work more or fewer hours than Mr. Nam?
S: He works.
Today we’ll read a text about Mr. Tuan, a famrmer and compare his work with your father's work..
Teacher’s activities
Ss’ activities
While- Reading
Post- reading
I. Vocabulary
- T presents new words
+ (a) pig: con lợn (visual)
+ main crop (n): mùa chính (exam)
+ (a) buffalo shed: chuồng trâu (situa)
+ (a) coop: chuồng gà (trans)
+ (an) animal: con vật (exam)
+ (to) feed: cho ăn (expla)
+ (to) rest: nghỉ ngơi (situa)
+ (to) clean: cọ, rửa, lau chùi (mime)
* Check: R & R
II. Open-prediction:
* Set the scene: We will read about Mr. Tuan,
a. Mr. Tuan starts work at .. o'clock in the morning. He works . hours aday.
b. From.. too'clock, he rests and has lunch.
c. A farmer has .. real vacations.
- Get Ss predict the information(time) to fil in the gaps.
- Limit time -> Get feedback: Oral 
III. Reading B2 (P. 77)
- Ask the to read to check the answers.
*Key: a. 6 / 10
 b. 12 / 1
 c. no
2. Complete the chart: P. 77
Hours per week
Days off
Vacation time
Mr. Jones
(A 3-week summer vacation)
Mr. Tuan
(4-5 time a year)
(No real vacation)
- Ask Ss to read the text again and work individually to complete the chart.
- Feedback: writing.
 IV. Grammar:
* Model sentences:
1. Mr. Tuan works more hours than Mr.Jones
óMr Jones works fewer hours than Mr.T.
2. Mr Jones has more vacations than Mr. T.
óMr T has fewer vacations than Mr.Jones.
* Concept check:
+ Meaning:
+ Form:
1) S1 + V(/es) + Adv + ER + than + S2
2) S1 + V(s/es) + more /fewer + Ns + than + S2
 less + N(unc)
+ Use: comparatives of Ns
* Practice: Wordcues Drill:
Mr. Tan / earn / money / Mr.Nam
I / have / books / my friend
She / have / days off / me
Mrs. Lan / drink / milk / Mrs. Ha
* Example:
 I have more books than my friend.
- Feedback: Orally and writing.
- Listen & repeat
- Individual
- Copy down
- Rewrite words
- Think of the information to fill in the gaps.
- Speak out
- Read & che
- Work indiviadually to read the text again and complete the chart.
- Correct
- Perform in front of the class.
- Listen and repeat
- Copy down
 -Read the model
- Run through the cues then practice making the sentences using " More / fewer / less"
- Practice in exchange
- Write the sentences using cues.
4.Consolidation (2’) 
- What have you learnt today?
+ Read about Mr. Tuan and know about life of a farmer.]
+ Comparations of Ns.
Learn by heart the vocabulary; read again the text.
Complete their writing.
Do Ex in Workbook Ex Part B
Review all knowledge of Unit 7.
Date of preparing: 28 /11/2009
Date of teaching: 1/12/2009 
 Class: 7ABCDE
 period 47: revision
I. The aims and requests.
- The aims: To help students review knowledge in Unit 7 and do further practice with comparatives of Adv and Ns and Compound Adj.
 - Requests: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to consolidate knowledge in Unit 7 well and can do further exercixes of comparatives of Adv and Ns.
- Develop Ss’ 2 skills: Reading and Writing.
 II. Pereparation
1. Teacher: lesson plan, exercises.
2. Students: text books & workbooks
III. Procedures
1. Organization (1’): - Greeting
 - Check Ss’ absence
2. Ckecking up(5’) 
* Question: Call Ss to make sentences using cues: 
a) Lan / have / money / Hoa. (less)
b) My father / work / hours / my mother. (more)
c) I / haver / books / my brother. (fewer)
* Way of checking: Speaking
* Key : a) Lan has less money than Hoa
 b) My father works more hours than my mother.
 c) I have fewer bppks than my brother. 
- T remarks and gives marks.
3.New lesson(36’)
Teacher’s activities
Ss’ activities
I. Comparatives:
1. Adj:
a. Short Adj:
S1 + be + Adj + ER + than + S2
b. Long Adj:
S1 + be + MORE + Adj + than + S2
* Note: good -> better 
2. Adv: 
a. Short Adv :
S1 + V(/es) + Adv + ER + than + S2
b. Long Adv:
S1 + V(/es) + MORE + Adv + than + S2
3. Nouns:
a. Countable Nouns:
S1 + V(s/es) + more /fewer + Ns + than + S2
b. Uncountable Noun:
S1 + V(s/es) + more / less + Ns + than + S2
* Notes: 
+ many / much -> more
+ a few -> fewer
+ a little -> less
II. Exercises:
1. Give the correct form of the Adjs in brackets:
1. This dress is the ______ of three dresses. (expensive)
2. Vietnamese students work ______ hours than American students. (few)
3. Ha has _______ money than his wife. (much)
4. Summer holiday is ______ than Tet holliday. It's the ______ holiday. (long)
5. Tom is ______ than Peter. (intelligent)
6. My father drinks ______ beer than his friens. (little)
7. She works ______ hours than any worker. (many)
8. Your watch is _____ than my watch. (good)
*Key: 1. most expensive 
 2. fewer
 3. more
 4. longer / longest
 5. more intelligent
 6. less
 7. more
 8. better
 III. Compound Adj:
E.g: A break lasts twenty minutes.
 => A twenty-minute break.
1. A summer vacation lasts three months.
2. A tour lasts six days.
3. A report longs three pages.
4. A stamp costs two thousand dong.
5. A class lasts two periods.
* Key: 1. A three-month summer vacation
 2. A six-day tour.
 3. A three-page report
 4. A two-thousand dong stamp
 5. A two-period class.
IV. Job Vocabulary:
* Choose the best answer:
1. I hope the ______ can repair our car quickly.
a. mechanic b. journalist c. nurse
2. My tooth doesn't stop hurting. I'll go and see my ______
a. teacher b. dentist c. nurse
3. Ask the shop ______ where the washing powder is
a. doctor b. dentist c. assistant
4. My father is a _______. He works in the factory.
a. farmer b. worker c. doctor
5. A ______ takes cares of sick people.
a. doctor b. nurse c. worker 
* Key:
1- a ; 2 - b ; 3 - c ; 4 - c ; 5 - b
- Recall the form of comparatives.
- Recall form of Adj comparatives
- Form of Adv comparatives
- Form of Nouns comparatives
- Copy down
- Copy down then do the ex individually then compare with partner.
- Copy down
- Listen to T' explanation
- Do ex individually
- Recall Job vovabulary
- Do ex in pairs.
4.Consolidation (2’) 
- What have you learnt today?
+ Revise the comparatives of Adj, Adv and Nouns and compound Adj.
+ Revise the Job vocab
Learn by heart the knowledge + Prepare Unit 8.
Date of preparing: 29/11/2009
Date of teaching: 2/ 12/2009 
Class: 7ABCDE
 unit 8: places
 period 48: A1-3: Asking the way 
I. The aims and requests.
- The aims: To help students know how to ask and answer about the way. 
 - Requests: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to ask and answer about the way and do further practice with "Where-question" and prepositions of place and place vocabulary.
- Develop Ss’ 4 skills: Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing.
 II. Pereparation
1. Teacher: CD, casset, posters and pictures A1 ( P.79) 
2. Students: text books & workbooks
III. Procedures
1. Organization (1’): - Greeting
 - Check Ss’ absence
2. Ckecking up(5’) 
* Call Ss to recall the prepositions of place.
* Way of checking: Speaking
* Key: - on the right, on the left, opposite, between, next to, 
- T remarks and gives marks.
3.New lesson(36’)
Instruction to the new lesson:
T: What do you do when you don't know the way?
S: I 
T: Do you ask for help?
S: Yes/ No
T: How do you ask?
S: .
Today we’ll read a dialogue talking about how to ask the way and revise some prepositions of place and place vocabulary as well.
Teacher’s activities
Ss’ activities
I. Vocabulary
- T presents new words
- (a) souvenir shop: cửa hàng bán đồ lưu niệm ( situa)
- (to) go straight ahead: đi thẳng ( explan)
- shoe store (n): cửa hàng giầy ( situa)
- (to) take the first / second street on the left/ right: rẽ trái / phải ở con đường đầu tiên / thứ hai. (trans) 
- (to) tell: bảo, nói cho (trans)
- (to) show: chỉ (situa)
- (to) get: đến, tới (situa)
* Check: What & Where
II. Name the places (A1 P.79)
* Set the scene: Look at the pictures.
? How many pictures are there?
* Matching
- Get Ss match the given names with the suitable pictures.
1. Hanoi Railway Sation.
2. National Bank of VietNam.
3. Hotel
4. The Central Post Office
5. Dong Xuan Market.
6. Saint Paul Hospital.
- Limit time -> Get feedback: Oral 
* keY: 1- e; 2- a; 3 - c; 4 - d; 5- f; 6- b
III. Listen and repeat A2
* Set the scene: A tourist comes to the town.
- Ask the to listen and read the dialogue.
- Call some pairs to read out the dialogue.
2. Grammar:
* Model sentences:
S1: Could you show/ tell me the way to the supermarket /post office?
S2: Go straight ahead. Take the 1st / 2nd street on the right / left.
 Turn right / left. It's opposite the bank.
 next to..
* Concept check: + Meaning
+ Form:
(1)Could you tell / show me the way to the + N?
 how to get to the+ N?
(2) Is there a / an + N + prep +?
 => Go straight ahead. Take the 1st / 2nd street
 Turn left / right..
+ Use: to ask and answer about the way.
IV. Practice: * Wordcue Drill:
Bank / opposite / post office
Shoe store / left / hotel 
Factory / behind / supermarket
- Run through the cues
- T models first:
* Example: 
T: Could you tell me the way to the bank?
S: Go straight ahead.It's opposite the
- Get Ss practice in exchange.
IV. Futher Practice: A3
- Ask Ss to run through the map.
- T explains the map 
- Ask Ss to work in pairs to ask and answer about the way to the places in the map.
* Example Exchange: 
S1: Could you show me how to get to the stadium?
 S2: go straight ahead. It's ..
- Listen & repeat
- Individual
- Copy down
- Rewrite words
- Look at the pictures and match the names with pictures. 
- Listen and Read the dialogue
- Listen and give the model.
- Ask& answer in exchange
Side Side
- Copy down
- Run through the cues.
- Practice in exchange 
- Run through A3
- Practice asking and answering using the map.
4.Consolidation (2’) 
- What have you learnt today?
+ Ask and answer about the way
+ Revise prep of place.
Learn by heart the vocabulary; 
Do Ex in Workbook Ex Part A
Prepare the next part A4-5 P.82

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