Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Unit 10: Health and hygiene - Lesson 1: A1 - Nguyễn Minh Đường

Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Unit 10: Health and hygiene - Lesson 1: A1 - Nguyễn Minh Đường

I/ Aim:

- Review the present simple and past simple tense.

- Understand a letter to talk about personal hygiene.

- Skills : Reading, pronunciation and writing.

II/ Language contents:

1/ Grammar : None

2/ Vocabulary : Harvest (n) helpful (adj)

 hygiene (n) iron (v)

III/ Techniques : Question and answer , True or False questions , What + Where

IV/ Teaching aids :

 Real things ( some envelope stamps ) , textbook ,

V/ Procedures:


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Unit 10 
1/ A1
2/ A2 , 3
3/ A4
4/ B1
5/ B2
6/ B3,4
Period: 61
I/ Aim:
Review the present simple and past simple tense.
Understand a letter to talk about personal hygiene.
Skills : Reading, pronunciation and writing.
II/ Language contents:
1/ Grammar :	None
2/ Vocabulary :	Harvest (n)	helpful (adj)
	hygiene (n)	iron (v)
III/ Techniques :	Question and answer , True or False questions , What + Where
IV/ Teaching aids :
	Real things ( some envelope stamps ) , textbook , 
V/ Procedures:
Teacher’s and students’ activities 
Teacher asks some questions 
Students answer
Then students do
Teacher Comments and give marks.
Teacher introduces about a letter of Hoa’s mother sent to her.
Teacher uses the pictures or sets the scene to teach the words.
Students repeat words after teacher
Students say the meaning and copy in their notebooks 
Teacher asks students to listen to teacher twice.
Then they read a letter silently 
Teacher calls some Ps to read aloud
Teacher corrects students’ mistakes in pronunciation
Then Teacher asks students to answer the questions about content of a letter.
Students work in pair
Teacher checks students’ answers
Teacher calls some pairs write the answer on the board
Teacher corrects if necessary.
Teacher gives exercises and students make True or False to check their knowledge
a/ T
b/ F
c/ T
d/ T
e/ F
Teacher guides students do exercise A2/p.62 in workbook and Ps prepare A2,3 / p. 100 , 101 in textbook
1/ Warm up : 
Do you remember about her ?
( Where does she come from ?
Which school does she study in ?
Where does she live now ?
Who does she live with ?
Where do her parents live ? )
+ Put the verbs in the simple past tense
a/ She (buy) some new clothes last week.
b/ What time they (come) last night ?
c/ They (not drink ) anything at the Aquarium ?
2/ Pre – teach :
New words:
Harvest (n)
Hygiene (n)
Helpful (adj)
Iron (v)
+ What and Where.
3/ While :
A letter page 99
+ Answers:
a/ They are busy because it is nearly harvest time
b/ Hoa’s grandfather helps them on the farm.
c/ They will go to Ha Noi soon , after the harvest.
d/ Now Hoa is different . She gets up early and does morning exercises everyday .
e/ Hoa’s mother wants her to : do her own washing and ironing Hoa’s mother doesn’t want her to eat too much candy and to stay / get up late .
4/ Post :
a/ This time they are working hard on the farm.
b/ Hoa’s grandmother helps them on the farm.
c/ Hoa’s mother doesn’t want her to eat too much candy , stay up late.
d/ Her parents miss Hoa a lot .
e/ Her parents don’t hope to visit Hoa in Ha Noi.
5/ Homework :
Students read the letter and answer the question again.
Do exercises A2/ p.62 in workbook
Prepare A2,3 /p. 100 , 101 
 ( Textbook)
Comments: ..

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