Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Unit 12: Let’s eat - A. What shall we eat ? (A1) - Y Khương Niê Kdăm

Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Unit 12: Let’s eat - A. What shall we eat ? (A1) - Y Khương Niê Kdăm

 1. Objectives : -Introduce the topic about food and how to use the words : TOO / SO , EITHER / NEITHER.

 2 Language contents :

a.Grammar : caâu ñoàng tình khaüng ñònh vaø caâu ñoàng tình phuû ñònh

b. Vocabulary : on food

 3.Techniques : presentation dialogue, Brainstorming , Guessing words.

 4.Teaching aids : Picture , cassette

 5. Time : 45mins

 6. Proceduces:


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Week:25	Date of preparing : March 4, 2011
Period :72 	Date of teaching : March, 5, 2011
 1. Objectives : -Introduce the topic about food and how to use the words : TOO / SO , EITHER / NEITHER.
 2 Language contents :
a.Grammar : caâu ñoàng tình khaüng ñònh vaø caâu ñoàng tình phuû ñònh
b. Vocabulary : on food
 3.Techniques : presentation dialogue, Brainstorming , Guessing words.. 
 4.Teaching aids : Picture , cassette 
 5. Time : 45mins
 6. Proceduces:
Teacher’s and students’ activities
Checking - up: Some sts read the text of B4 – unit 11 and tell the symptoms of common cold and how to prevent it.
A1. Listen and read. Then practice with a partner:
Teacher asks some sts some questions.
 Sts: give their answers in front of the class. 
Teacher introduce :”Yesterday , Hoa and her aunt went to the market. Can you guess what they bought .”
Now you are going to listen to the conversation between Hoa and her aunt in the market.
Sts guess what Hoa and her aunt bought.
T:Explain the new words.
Sts repeat new words in chorus .
Then read them individually.
T:Present the grammar.Give examples.
Sts :Listen . repeat examples and copy.
.Let them listen to the tape .
-Teacher plays the tape.
-Teacher asks sts to listen the tape and answer the questions.
-Sts work in groups to find the answer.
Sts present in front of the class.
Sts read the text .
Teacher asks sts to write the list to say what Hoa and her aunt to buy.
Teacher corrects the information and call Sts to read the text to check the list.
Consolidation: T reviews how to use the structures (remember)
Teacher asks sts to work in groups to answer the questions.
Homework: learn by heart new words. And prepare A2 A3a.
text of B4 – unit 11 and tell the symptoms of common cold and how to prevent it.
A1. Listen and read . Then practice with the partners.
 1.How many kinds of fruit / food have you known in English in the picture?
 Names of some fruit or food:
New words:
Pork (n): Thòt heo
Spinach (n): rau chaân vòt
Cucumber (n): quaû döa chuoät
Papaya (n): ñu ñuû
Pineapple (n): quaû döùa
Durian (n): saâu rieâng
Meat stall : Quay baùn thòt
A selection of(n) : taäp hôïp
vegetable stall (n): Quaày baùn rau
On display: baøy ra
Fruit stall : Quaày baùn traùi caây
ripe (a) # green
smell ( v) 
Grammar : TOO/SO
TOO ñöùng ôû cuoái caâu So ñöùng ôû ñaàu caâu.
 Do/ does / did , 
I am a teacher . Miss Hoa is, too.
I like orange juice .What about you?
We do ,too.
 SO + S
 Does / do /did 
Ex: I am a teacher. So is Miss Hoa.
 Ex: I went to school yesterday.
 So did they.
 Does / do /did 
Ex: I wasn’t at home yesterday.
 Neither was I.
Ex: Hoa doesn’t like pork.
 Neither do I.
 Be not
 Don’t / doesn’t / didn’t , 
Ex: I wasn’t at home yesterday.
My father wasn’t , either.
Hoa doesn’t like port.
Her aunt doesn’t ,either.
Practice reading.
Answer the questions:
They bought beef, spinach, cucumbers and oranges.
The list : meat: beef
Vegetables: spinach, cucumber
Fruit: oranges.
what did Hoa and her aunt buy at the meat stall?
Does Hoa like port?
What about her aunt?
.What did they buy at the vegetable stall?
What did they buy at the fruit stall?
Does Hoa’s aunt like durian?
Understanding new words: Match the picture and words.
Week:26	Date of preparing : March 7, 2011
Period :73 	Date of teaching : March 8, 2011
 A3a + A4 + REMEMBER
1 .Objectives Continue reading comprehension and practice writing to consolidate the lesson. 2. Language contents :
a.Grammar : past simple tense , the present simple tense
b. Vocabulary : Revision
3.Techniques : reading comprehension
4.Teaching aids : Picture , cassette 
5. Time : 45mins
6. Proceduces:
Teacher and students’ activities
Revision :
Have Sts play “ net words “ _ Write the food and drink you have known.
rice water
noodles milk
 A3b . Add the missing verbs to the blanks. Then match the structions to the pictures
- Ask sts to read the passage in individual 
- Ask sts to find the missing verbs for each sentence 
- Sts find and compare the answer with their friend
 - T: correct and give key 
 - Sts copy
 - Ask sts to match to the pictures 
 - Sts match 
 - Ask sts to read the instructions.
- Ask sts to ask and answer in pairs and another sts write on the board.
T: correct 
Sts : copy
* consolidation: 
T : Remind 
Sts: listen and copy
Homework : A. (workbook )
A3b. Add the missing verbs to the blanks. Then match the instructions to the picture.
- In the last period, you learnt what Hoa’s aunt prepare for dinner. 
New words:
Slice : thaùi thaønh laùt moûng
Boil : luoäc
Heat : ñun noùng
Stir-fry : xaøo
Add : theâm vaøo
-Now you look at part A3b and do the followings:
 - This is the recipe Hoa’s aunt used. You look at the passage again and add the missing verbs to complete the instructions and then match the instructions to the pictures.
* Key: 
1. Slice
2. Slice
3. Heat 
4. Stir-fry 
5. Add 
6. Cook 
7. Add 
- Now look at the pictures and match the instructions below them. 
* key: 1c, 2f, 3a, 4d, 5b, 6e, 7g. 
Past simple tense: 
Stir-fry Stir- fried
* Bieåu ñaït söï ñoàng tình khaüng ñònh :
 do/ does / did
S + Be + , too
 Can/ will/ should
 Do/ does/ did
So + Be + S
 Can/ will/ should
* Bieåu ñaït söï ñoàng tình phuû ñònh :
 don’t/ doesn’t/ didn’t
S + Be not + , either
 Can’t/ won’t/ shouldn’t
 Do/ does/ did
Neither + Be + S
	Can/ will/ should
- Write what you ate and drank for breakfast / lunch / dinner. 
- Prepare part B
Week:26	Date of preparing : March 9, 2011
Period :74 	Date of teaching : March 10, 2011
 A3b + A4 + REMEMBER
1 .Objectives Continue reading comprehension and practice writing to consolidate the lesson. 2. Language contents :
a.Grammar : past simple tense , the present simple tense
b. Vocabulary : Revision
3.Techniques : reading comprehension
4.Teaching aids : Picture , cassette 
5. Time : 45mins
6. Proceduces:
Teacher and students’ activities
A/ Warm up : 
Ask ss to answer the questions
Pair work
A3b / Ask ss to add the missing words 
- Give the new words 
- Ss write down
- Ask ss to match the instructures to the right pictures 
- Ss pair work 
- Give the correct answers 
- Copy down
- Ask ss to read aloud 
A4 / Practice: 
- Ask ss to practice in pair 
- Close pairs
A5/ Play with words:
- Play the tape once 
- Listen and read
B/ Consolidation :
- Remind the structures : So/ too/ either / neither 
- How to prepare a meal : food / drinks
C/ Homework:
- Ask ss to do exercises in the work book 
- What did you eat and drink yesterday ?
à For breakfast/ lunch/ dinner I ate. And drank 
+ New words: 
Slice the beef:
Slice the green peppers and onions 
Heat the pant
Stir - fry the beef 
Add some soy sauce to the dish
Boil rice
Add salt to the spinach 
+ Matching: 1/ C 2/ F 3/ A 4/ D 5/ B 6/ E 7/ G
A4. Write.What did you eat and drink yesterday? 
-What did you eat and drink yesterday? 
 I ate and drank for breakfast / lunch / dinner?
New words: 
- Healthy food: thöùc aên boå döôõng 
Steam: haáp
- Balanced meal:1 böõa aên caân baèng 
 A3a + A4 + REMEMBER
1 .Objectives Continue reading comprehension and practice writing to consolidate the lesson. 
2. Language contents :
a.Grammar : past simple tense , the present simple tense
b. Vocabulary : Revision
3.Techniques : reading comprehension
4.Teaching aids : Picture , cassette 
5. Time : 45mins
6. Proceduces:
Teacher and students’ activities
Revision :
Have Sts play “ net words “ _ Write the food and drink you have known.
 A3b . Add the missing verbs to the blanks. Then match the structions to the pictures
- Ask sts to read the passage in individual 
- Ask sts to find the missing verbs for each sentence 
- Sts find and compare the answer with their friend
 - T: correct and give key 
 - Sts copy
 - Ask sts to match to the pictures 
 - Sts match 
 - Ask sts to read the instructions.
- Ask sts to ask and answer in pairs and another sts write on the board.
T: correct 
Sts : copy
* consolidation: 
T : Remind 
Sts: listen and copy
Homework : A. (workbook )
A3b. Add the missing verbs to the blanks. Then match the instructions to the picture.
- In the last period, you learnt what Hoa’s aunt prepare for dinner. Now you look at partA3b and do the followings:
 This is the recipe Hoa’s aunt used. You look at the passage again and add the missing verbs to complete the instructions and then match the instructions to the pictures.
* Key: 
1. Slice
2. Slice
3. Heat 
4. Stir-fry 
5. Add 
6. Cook 
7. Add 
- Now look at the pictures and match the instructions below them. 
* key: 1c, 2f, 3a, 4d, 5b, 6e, 7g. 
A4. Write.What did you eat and drink yesterday? 
-What did you eat and drink yesterday? 
 I ate and drink for breakfast 
Past simple tense: 
Stir-fry Stir- fried
* Bieåu ñaït söï ñoàng tình khaüng ñònh :
 do/ does / did
S + Be + , too
 Can/ will/ should
 Do/ does/ did
So + Be + S
 Can/ will/ should
* Bieåu ñaït söï ñoàng tình phuû ñònh :
 don’t/ doesn’t/ didn’t
S + Be not + , either
 Can’t/ won’t/ shouldn’t
 Do/ does/ did
Neither + Be + S
	Can/ will/ should
- Write what you ate and drank for breakfast / lunch / dinner. 
- Prepare part B
Week :26	Date of preparing: March 11, 2011
Period: 75 	Date of teaching: March 12, 2011
I. Objectives:
	1. Education aim:
	2. Teaching aim: By the end of the lesson, students can:
	 * Identify healthy food.
	 * Talk about good health habits.
	 * Develop their reading skill
II. Language contents:
	1. Vocabulary:	dirt, dirty
2. Grammar:	Past simple tense.
	3. Structures:	make sb + adj /do sth
	wash sth well / carefully.
	have an awful stomachache
III. Techniques:	eliciting, questioning & answering, slapping the board, telling story, role play.
IV. Teaching aids:	pictures for presentation, cassette.
V. Time:	45 minutes
VI. Procedures:
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
A/ Warm – up
- Have students slap the board.
 cook boil steam stir-fry heat slice deep-fry
- Ask students to retell the recipe for the stir-fried beef with green peppers and onions.
B/ Pre-readin ... C/ While-reading 
- Have students read the dialogue in pair.
- Ask them to answer the questions. 
1. He’s at the doctor’s
 He’s seeing the doctor.
2. He has an awful stomachache.
3. Because he didn’t wash spinach carefully.
- Have students read the dialogue again and answer the questions. 
1. What did Ba eat last night?
(He ate fish, rice, soup and spinach)
2. Did his parents eat spinach?
(No, they didn’t)
3. Who washed the spinach?
(Ba washed spinach)
4. Is spinach good or bad for health?
(It’s good for health)
- Ask students to read the dialogue again to complete the story.
- Ask students to give feedback 
1. doctor 2. sick 3. asked
4. had 5. spinach 6. wash	
7. more carefully 8. vegetables 9. make 10. she 11. medicine
- Let students to read the story again.
D/ Post-reading
- Have students write a short paragraph about what food/drink they usually have for each meal
- Call on some students to read before the class.
E/ Homework
1. Reread the dialogue 
2. Copy the story down into the exercise notebook
3. Write a short paragraph about what food/drink you usually have for each meal
- Team works.
- Individual work 
- Look and answer the questions. 
- Listen and write. 
- Listen to the tape 
- Pair works. 
- Group works. 
- Read silently
- Group works. 
- Group works. 
- Give feedback 
- Individual work 
- Whole class.
- Retell the story about Ba before the class.
Week:27	Date of preparing : March 14, 2011
Period :76 	Date of teaching : March 15 , 2011
1 .Objectives : Practice reading comprehension.
2. Language contents :
a.Grammar : Present simple, 
b. Vocabulary : On a balanced diet
3.Techniques : pre- teach, presentation text, presentation picture
4.Teaching aids : Picture , cassette 
5. Time : 45mins
6. Proceduces:
Teacher and students’ activities
Revision :
Have Sts tell the story about Ba and answer the questions.
 B2. Listen and read. Then answer the questions. 
T: Introduce the text 
P: Listen
Ask some questions and sts answer.
.Practice :
Let them listen to the text twice.
Explain some new words.
Sts copy and read in chorus.
Some sts read in individual.
Have them listen and repeat the text.
Let them practice reading the text silently.
Have some sts read the text aloud
Ask sts find the answer for the questions
 - Sts compare the answer with their friend and write the answer on the board.
T: correct 
P : copy
T: Give the questions .
Sts : Read the questions and answer .
T: Introduce the lesson.
Sts : Listen to the teacher.
T: Guide to prepare listening.
2.While-Listening :
T: Play the tape.
Sts :Listen to the tape.
Sts : work in pairs to write the food and drink they hear .
Sts : Read the food and drink.
T: Give the tape again and correct .
T: Give the key.
Give the model and ask sts to make the questions and answers.
Sts: Make the questions and answers. 
Consolidation : 
T: Ask sts to read the text and answer the questions.
Sts : answer the questions then tell the disadvantages of sugar. 
Call two Sts to read aloud the remember.
T: Remind the grammar.
Sts : Remember and copy.
Homework : 
T: Give the task .
Sts : Copy . 
B2. Listen and read . Then answer the questions. 
Food play an important part in our life. It gives us the main energy for body development. Thus, “ a balanced diet “ is especially important. In our today’s lesson, we will learn about the definition of a balanced diet and useful guidelines about food.
* Questions:
- What is your favorite food? 
- What do you always have for breakfast / lunch / dinner? 
- Do you think your diet is balanced? 
* To know whether your diet is balanced or not, you will find the right answer in our lesson today.
* New words :
- A balanced diet : cheá ñoä aên can ñoái
- affect : (v) aûnh höôûng
- for example : ví duï nhö, chaúng haïn nhö
- unhealthy food : thöùc aên khoâng boå döôõng
- moderate : (a) vöøa phaûi
- moderation : (n) söï ñieàu ñoä
- amount : (n) soá löôïng
- energy : (n) naêng löôïng, söùc löïc
- fatty food : (n) thöùc aên coù nhieàu môõ
- body-building food : (n) thöùc aên giuùp phaùt trieån cô theå
- dairy product : (n) saûn phaåm laøm töø söõa
- plenty of : (n) nhieàu
- cereal : (n) nguû coác
- guideline : (n) lôøi khuyeân
- advantage : (n) taùc duïng, tieän lôïi
 * Reading the text and answer the questions :
 * key :
a. Sugar adds taste to food and it gives us energy. 
b. A balanced diet isn’t enough, all people need exercise to keep a healthy lifestyle.
About you: 
c. I think my diet is balanced because I eat a variety of foods / isn’t balanced because I don’t eat a variety of foods.
1. What should we do in order to have a balanced diet?
2.What does a “ balanced diet “ mean?
The disadvantages of sugar.
Learn by heart new words .Practice the reading and the test.
B4.Listen and write the letter of what they ate and drank:
1. What did you eat for breakfast / lunch / dinner yesterday?
2.Do you think you ate balanced diets?/Why / why not?
Today you are going to listen to the tape about Lan ,Ba ,Nga and Hoa .You hear and tell what they ate and drank among the food and drinks mentioned above by writing the letter a,b,c. . . .next to each person corresponding with the food and drinks they used.
Look at the pictures and give the name of each food and drink.
Practice listening :
The key: Lan: b,d,f,g.
Ba: c,a ,e,h.
Nga : a,d, g.
Hoa :b, e, g.
Use the words given to write the questions and answers.
1.What did Hoa /Nga ? Ba / Lan eat and drink yesterday?
* Remember: Read the sentences in remember 
The past simple tense.
S + V2 / VED 
S + didn’t + V 
What is a healthy meal?
Write a menu for your family’s breakfast tomorrow.
Key :
more carefully
Week:27	Date of preparing : March 16, 2011
Period :77 	Date of teaching : March 17, 2011
1 .Objectives : Help sts consolidate what they have studied form unit 10 to unit 12..
2. Language contents :
a.Grammar : Present simple, Pat simple , too, so, either, neither.
b. Vocabulary : Revision
3.Techniques : 
4.Teaching aids : Picture , cassette 
5. Time : 45mins
6. Proceduces:
Teacher and students’ activities
a.Past simple tense :
 T: Remind how to use the simple past tense.
Sts : Give the partern.
Sts : Give examples.
Sts : Copy the notes.
 Sts : Do exercise 1.
Sts : ask and answer.
T: Correct and remark.
2. Indefinite quantifiers:
T: Call sts to remind the Indefinite quantifiers.
Sts: Read Indefinite quantifiers and give the meanings.
T: Call sts to do exercise2
a,Write the correct expression:
 T: Call sts to write on the board.
 Sts : Write .
T: Correct and give key.
T: Call sts to read the opening dialogue and complete.
b,Complete the dialogue:
Sts : Complete the dialogue
Sts : Read the dialogue.
T: Give the key.
T: Remind the grammar.
Sts : Give the structure .
Sts: Give examples.
T: Give more examples.
Sts : Copy the notes.
T: Call sts to do exercise.
a,work with a partner.Read the dialogue.
Sts : Work with the partners and read the dialogue.
b.Look at the pictures .Make up the similar dialogue with a partner.
T: Give the pictures and call sts to look at the picture and observe how to make dialogue.
A: I like mangoes.
B: I like mangoes, too.
A: I don’t like mangoes
B: I don’t like mangoes, either.
4.So and neither:
So: Duøng trong caâu ñoàng tình khaúng ñònh
T: Remind how to use .
Sts : Listen and give examples.
Sts : Copy the notes.
Sts : Practice in pairs to make the same dialogue.
Sts : Play the roles.
T: Correct.
Practice : A: I like corn .
B: So do I.
A: I don’t like fish .
B: Neither do I.
Sts : Practice in pairs.
T: Correct.
. 5..Imperatives:
T: Introduce the picture and guide how to do .
T: Give new words.,
Sts : Copy new words
Sts : Read and fill the correct the verbs.
T: Give the key.
Consolidation : 
T: Remind the grammar.
Sts : Listen .
Homework : B1(workbook )
 a.Past simple tense :
Use : Express an action happed in the past.
Structure :
S+ V2 / Ved 
Did + S + V?
Yes , S+did.
No, S+ didn’t .
Ex: She went to the market yesterday .
Did she go to the market yesterday?
Yes, She did.
Exercise : 1.
Key :
B,Did you eat dinner at home on Wed?
No, I didn’t .I ate at home at a food stall.
c.No,I didn’t . I went to the movie theater.
d.No, I didn’t .I read.
e.No. I didn’t .I palyed soccer.
2. Indefinite quantifiers:
a,Write the correct expression:
A little , a lot of , lots of / too much 
Key :
B: a lot of tea.
C: a little sugar
D lots of salt 
E .Too much coffee.
b,Complete the dialogue:
Key : 
A: a lot or a little/ a little
B:A lot of 
C: Too much 
D: a little.
TOO: duøng trong caâu ñoàng tình khaúng ñònh 
 S+ V . . . .
* S+ V . . . , too.
Ex: I like coffee. My friend likes coffee ,too.
EITHER :duøng trong caâu ñoàng tình phuû ñònh 
S+ don’t / doesn’t / didn’t + V 
* S + don’t / doesn’t / didn’t + V ., either.
Ex: I don’t like milk .
She doesn’t like milk, either.
a,work with a partner.Read the dialogue:
b.Look at the pictures .Make up the similar dialogue with a partner:
A: I like mangoes.
B: I like mangoes, too.
A: I don’t like mangoes.
B: I don’t like mangoes, either.
4.So and neither:
So: Duøng trong caâu ñoàng tình khaúng ñònh
S+ V 
So do/ does / did / + S 
Ex: I like bananas.
So does my friend.
NEITHER :duøng trong caâu ñoàng tình phuû ñònh.
S+ don’t ‘ doesn’t ‘ didn’t +V 
Neither + does / do / did + S 
Ex:I don’t like pork.
Neither does Lan.
Practice : A: I like corn .
B: So do I.
A: I don’t like fish .
B: Neither do I.
Look at the picture This is the way of making cucumber salad .You read the sentences given an d fill the missing words in them:
New words: 
Vinegar giaám
Teaspoonful muoãng caøfeâ
Mix troän
Peel goït
g. wait 
The past simple tense:
How to use : Too / so / either / neither .
How to make cucumber salad .
Repractice what you studied today.
Consolidate from unit 9 to unit 12 to prepare a test

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  • docgiao_an_mon_tieng_anh_lop_7_unit_12_lets_eat_a_what_shall_we.doc