Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Unit 6: After school - Period 33: A3, 4 - Nguyen Quyen

Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Unit 6: After school - Period 33: A3, 4 - Nguyen Quyen


period 33: A3,4

I. The aims and the objectives

-to help ss to read a text about Ba and his friends to understan the detail of the text.

- By the end of the lesson Ss will understand the detail of the text.

 II. Preparation:

- T’s: Textbook,lesson plan, poster.

- Ss’: Textbook.

III. Stages

 1. Organization:(1’)

 - Good morning

 - Date : .7A:.

 2. Checking up: (5’)

 - Call 2 ss to go to bb to rewrite the old vocab in the last lesson.


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period 33: A3,4
I. The aims and the objectives 
-to help ss to read a text about Ba and his friends to understan the detail of the text.
- By the end of the lesson Ss will understand the detail of the text.
 II. Preparation:
T’s: Textbook,lesson plan, poster.
Ss’: Textbook.
III. Stages
 1. Organization:(1’)
 - Good morning
 - Date : ................7A:...........	
 2. Checking up: (5’)
 - Call 2 ss to go to bb to rewrite the old vocab in the last lesson.
3. New lesson: : 
Teacher's & Students' activities
- T sticks the posters
- Ss rewrite the words in correct from
- correction and repetition 
- presentation the words
- modelling
- choral & individual repetition 
- cleans & asks ss read individual
- poster
- Ss guess
- eliciting 
- listening to the tape, choral & individual repetition
 - checking ss’prediction 
- Ss answer and compare with partner and writtenly 
 - correction
- Ss make
- correction and repetition
- poster
- Ss match
-Write a short paragraph about after schoolactivities using the matching
- correction
I. Warm up : (5’) ( correct the words)
 activite – faverite – groep – stanp – library - couhc
II . Pre.reading : (14’)
*Pre Teach:
 (to) rehearse a play: tËp kÞch.
 anniversary (n): LÔ kØ niÖm.
 celebration (n): s­ tæ chøc ¨n mõng,kØ niÖm.
 president (n): chñ tÞch.
 together (adv) cïng nhau.
 * Rub Out and Remember:
 * True / False Prediction: 
 a. The students of class 7A don’t enjoy different 
 activities after school.
 b. Nga’s theater group is rehearsing a play.
 c. Ba usually gets American stamp.
 d. Nam enjoys playing games.
III . While reading : A3 – P.62(10’)
*.Comprehension Questions: 
 *.Answer Key: 
 a/ Her group is rehearsing a play for the
 school anniversary celeration .
 b/ He gets American stamp from Liz.
 c/ The stamp collector’s club meets on 
 Wednesday afternoon.
 d/ Nam never play games. 
IV . Post reading : (7’)
*Matching: A4 – P.63
 Answer Key:( see teacher’s book)
*Write it up:
4. Consolidation:(2’)
Retell the content of the lesson.
5. Home work:(1’)
- Learn the vocabulary, old lesson and prepare for next lesson B1

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  • docgiao_an_mon_tieng_anh_lop_7_unit_6_after_school_period_33_a3.doc