Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Week 20

Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Week 20


Lesson 1 : A holiday in Nha Trang (A1- P.86,87)

 I . OBJECTIVES : - By the end of the lesson, Ss can talk about Liz’s vacation .

 II . LANGUAGE CONTENTS : - Reading a dialogue about Liz’s vacation

 - The Simple Past tense

 III . TEACHING AIDS : - Lesson plan, text book, poster, picture.

 IV . TECHNIQUES: - Dictation, Ordering Prediction, Rewrite the sentences, Rub out and Remember



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Week 20	 	Preparing date : 03/01/2010
Period 55	Explaning date : 05/01/2010
Lesson 1 : A holiday in Nha Trang (A1- P.86,87)
 I . OBJECTIVES : - By the end of the lesson, Ss can talk about Liz’s vacation .
 II . LANGUAGE CONTENTS : - Reading a dialogue about Liz’s vacation
 - The Simple Past tense
 III . TEACHING AIDS : - Lesson plan, text book, poster, picture.
 IV . TECHNIQUES: - Dictation, Ordering Prediction, Rewrite the sentences, Rub out and Remember
1. Warm up : (Dictation)
- Vacation, beautiful, food, delicious, thing, 
 cheap, expensive, place 
2 . Presentation :
- Set the scene:
- Pre. teach: vocabulary
 gift (n) : quà tặng
 Aquarium(n) : hồ, bể cá
- Ordering Prediction : (Number the sentences)
 Liz bought Souvenirs.
 Liz visited Tri Nguyen Aquarium.
 Liz returned to Ha Noi.
 Liz went to Nha Trang. 
 Liz talked to Ba about her vacation. 
- Read the dialogue:
- Check their prediction:
- Elicit – the verbs in the Simple Past tense
 to be - was/ were to have - had
 to take - took to buy - bought
3 . Practice :
- Rewrite the following sentences in the Simple Past tense 
 1. It is wonderful.
 2. I have a lot of fun.
 3. The people are very friendly.
 4. Most things aren’t cheap.
 6. My parents take me to see Cham Temples and Tri Nguyen Aquarium. 
 7. I have a lot of different giftsfor my friends
 8. I have a great time.
 9. Liz visits Tri Nguyen Aquarium. 
 S + V2/ed 
 4 .Production:
- The Simple Past tense: 
 Ex: I was wonderful. 
 Liz went to Nha Trang.
 Liz returned to Ha Noi.
5. Homework: - Learn verbs (p.91) by heart
 - Read the dialogue again
- T reads the words loudly and clearly
- Ss listen and write the words they hear, present on the board
- correction
-T uses the picture to introduce the lesson
- presentation the words
- modelling
- choral & individual repetition 
- T check ss’ memory by using technique “rub out and remember”
- T presents the sentences on the board
- Ss read the sentences carefully and order them in the proper order
- listening to the tape, choral & individual repetition
- Ss check their prediction
- T elicits from Ss to show the verbs in the Simple Past tense
- T lets Ss do exercise
- Ss write the sentences given in the Simple Past tense on the board
- correction
- consolidate the formation of the simple past tense
- Ss copy down
- listen & record
Week 20	 	Preparing date : 04/01/2010
Period 56	Explaning date : 06/01/2010
Lesson 2 : A holiday in Nha Trang (A2 - P.87.88) 
 - To be able to tell the story of Liz’s trip to Tri Nguyen Aquarium.
 - The Simple Past tense
 - The content of the passage
 - Lesson plan, text book, poster, pictures.
 - Kim’s game, Rub Out and Remember, Ordering Prediction, Comprehension Questions.
 1.Warm Up : Kim’s game: parents, wall, stall,
 Aquarium, different, souvenir, picture, bought 
2 . Pre.reading :
- Set the scene: “Where did Liz go last vacation? What places did she visit? ”
- Pre Teach:
 shark (n): cá mập
 dolphin (n): cá heo
 turtle (n): rùa
 exit (n) : lối ra 
 type (n) : loại
 cap (n) : nón
 poster (n): tấm áp phích
 crab (n): con cua
 - Rub Out and Remember:
 - Ordering Prediction: 
 a. Mr. Robinson bought Liz a cap.
 b.They saw many different types of fish.
 c. Liz and her parents went to Tri Nguyen Aqaquarium in Nha Trang.
 d.The Robinsons went to a food stall for lunch aft
 after their visit to the Aquarium.
 e.They saw sharks, dolphins and turtles.
3 . While reading :
 - Read the text
 - Correct their prediction
 - Comprehension Questions: (p.88) Answer Key: 
 a/ Her parents.
 b/ They saw sharks, dolphins, turtles and many 
 different types of fish .
 c/ They bought a cap and a poster.
 d/ Yes, she did. Liz wore a cap all day. 
 e/ Yes,They ate fish and crab.
 f/ Because She remember the beatiful fish in the Aquarium.
4 . Post reading : 
- Look at the pictures (P.88) and tell the storry of Liz’s trip to Tri Nguyen Aquarium begin with:
 a) The Robinson family went to the aquarium.
5 . Home Work :
- Learn by heart the verbs given
 to buy - bought to see - saw
 to go - went to think - thought
 to be - was/ were to wear - wore
 to eat - ate to have - had
 to take - took
- T presents some words on the board, then erase them, ask Ss to rewrite
- Ss skim the words given and rewrite them without looking back 
- T asks some questions to introduce the lesson 
- presentation the words
- situation, picture
- modelling
- choral & individual repetition 
- cleans & asks ss read individual
- T presents some statements on the board
- T lets Ss predict the order of those statements
- Ss read the statements given and arrange them in the proper order
- T presents the passage and read it clearly 
- listening to the T, choral & 
individual repetition
 - checking ss’prediction 
- Ss answer and compare with partner and writtenly 
 - correction
- T shows the picture to Ss and lets them tell the story of Liz’s trip
 - Look at the pictures and tell the story of Liz’s trip to Tri Nguyen Aquarium
 - modelling
- T presents some verbs in the simple past tense on the board and ask them to learn by heart
 - Ss listen & copy down
Week 20	 	Preparing date : 05/01/2010
Period 57	Explaning date : 07/01/2010
Lesson 3 : A holiday in Nha Trang (A3.4 – P89) 
 I . OBJECTIVES : - To master the content of the passage.
 II . LANGUAGE CONTENTS : - The Simple Past tense
 - The content of the passage
 III . TEACHING AIDS : - Lesson plan, text book, poster, picture.
 IV . TECHNIQUES: Correction, Gap filling, Rub Out and Remember, Open prediction.
Warm Up :
 - Rewrite the words in the correct from : hed, holaday, taok, escited, coutriside, padies, rextaurant, bougt
2 . Pre. Listening:
- Set the scene:
- Pre Teach: Vocab
calm (a) : yên tĩnh
peaceful (a) : hoà bình
roadside (n): lề đường 
peanut (n) : củ lạc
 - Open prediction: (P.89)Choose the letter of the sentences 
3 . While Listening :
- Listen to the passage
- Correct their prediction 
4 . Post Listening :
- Listen and fill in the blanks with the words you hear:
 The Robinson 1. a great holiday in Nha Trang. Unfortunately, the holiday soon 2. and it 3. time to return home. They 4.. a bus back to Ha Noi. Liz 5.. excited as the bus 6 through the countryside. She 7 rice paddies for the first time. Everything 8. calm and peaceful. At four o’clock, the bus 9 at a small roadside restaurant for 10 minutes Mr.Robinson 10.. asleep, so Mrs. Robinson 11.. some peanuts and an ice cream for Liz. The bus 12 in Ha Noi at about 7 p.m
5 . Home Work :
- Read the passage again.
- Pay attention the verbs in the passage
- T lets Ss do exercise 
- Ss look at the words on the board and rewrite themin the correct froms
- correction
- T introduces the lesson
- presentation the words
- situation, picture
- modelling
- choral & individual repetition
- checking
- T lets Ss predict the content of the passage
- Ss read the sentences carefully 
- Ss listen to the passage and check their prediction
- answering
- writtenly on the board
- correction
- T lets Ss listen and fill in the blanks with the words they hear
- Ss listen and fill in the blanks with the words they hear
- present the words they hear on the board
- correction
- listen & record

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