Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Unit 13: Festival

Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Unit 13: Festival

A. Functions

- Asking for explanation of events.

- Giving an account of something.

- Writing a paragraph about what was done.

B. Grammar Points

 - The passive form.

 - Compound words.

 - Reported speech.


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Period 80 - 85 	Unit 13: festival
A. Functions
- Asking for explanation of events..
- Giving an account of something.
- Writing a paragraph about what was done.
B. Grammar Points
	- The passive form.
	- Compound words.
	- Reported speech.
C. Unit allocation
Lesson 1
Getting started + Listen and read + L.F 3
P. 121-122
Lesson 2
Speak + Listen
P. 123-124
Lesson 3
P. 124-126
Lesson 4
P. 126-127
Lesson 5
Language focus
P. 128-130
Period 80:
Unit 13: festival
Lesson 1:	Getting started + Listen and read p.111-113
Planning date:	10 / 03 / 2007
I/ Aims
- To help students read the text about traditional Festivals for details.
- To teach students the compound words.
II/ Objectives
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
+ understand the text for details.
+ know how to form the compound words.
III/ Materials
	- Textbook, pictures in the textbook, tape and cassette player.
IV/ Procedures
1/ Warmer	
* Matching	
	Getting started P.121
In pairs, students give advice to these people and tell them where they should go on their visits to Viet Nam.
Example exchange
S1: Tom likes swimming and sunbathing. Where should he go?
S2: Well, he should go to Nha Trang. There are many beautiful beaches there.
S1: Yes, I think so
	Answer key
	2/ David is interested in ancient cities. He should go to Hoi An.
	3/ Huckleberry likes mountain-climbing. He should go to Sa Pa and Son La.
	4/ Oliver is keen on pottery. she should go to Ha Noi and visit Bat Trang.
	5/ Robinson is fond of crowded places. He should go to Ho Chi Minh City.
2/ Pre Reading
* Pre teach vocabulary
	- (to) fetch: 	lÊy vÒ, ®em vÒ
	- (to) yell :	la hÐt, la to (cæ vò)
	- ((to) urge :	giôc, thóc giôc
	- (to) rub :	cä x¸t
	- (to) separate :	lµm cho t¸ch rêi ra
	- (to) participate in :	tham gia vµo
	- the water-fetching contest : cuéc thi lÊy n­íc vÒ
* Set the scene: Ba invites his friend, Liz to the rice-cooking festival, a traditional contest in the North of Viet Nam.
* True / False statements Predictions	Listen and read 2 a)-f) P.122
	- Get students to predict if these sentences are true or false.
Two team members take part in the water-fetching contests.
One person has to collect four water bottles.
The fire is made without matches or lighters.
Pieces of wood are used to make the fire.
In the final contest, the team members taste the rice.
The grand prize is given to the team with the most points.
3/ While Reading
* The first reading Task
Checking open predictions
- Students read the text as they listen to it and check their predictions.
Two team members take part in the water-fetching contests.
One person has to collect four water bottles.
The fire is made without matches or lighters.
Pieces of wood are used to make the fire.
In the final contest, the team members taste the rice.
The grand prize is given to the team with the most points.
* Practice the dialogue
	- In pairs, students practice the dialogue with their partner.
* The second reading Task
	Matching	(with answer key)
	- Students read again and match the English words to the Vietnamese ones.
	fire-making	chñ tÞch héi ®ång (héi thi)
	rice-cooking	vá trÊu
	the husk	nÊu c¬m
	the judges	®èt löa
	be awarded	Ban gi¸m kh¶o
	the council leader	®­îc th­ëng, trao th­ëng
* The third reading Task
True / False statements correction	Listen and read 2 a)-f) P.122
Students read the text again and correct the false sentences and write them in their exercise books:
	Answer key
One person from each team take part in the water-fetching contests.
One person has to collect one water bottle.
Pieces of bamboo are used to make fire.
The judges taste the rice.
4/ Post reading
* Retell the story
- Students describe / explain the rice-cooking festival, begin with: “There are three competitions: water-fetching, fire-making and rice-cooking .”
5/ Homework
- Learn the new words by heart.
Period 81:
Unit 13: festival
Lesson 2:	speak + listen p.123-124
Planning date:	11 / 3 / 2007
I/ Aims
To help students practice in talking about their preparations.
To help students listen for details.
II/ Objectives
- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to talk about their preparations for a special event..
III/ Materials
	- Textbook, picture in the textbook, tape and cassette player, workbook.
IV/ Procedures
1/ Revision 
* Net work
	- Students write the festivals in Viet Nam.
	rice-cooking	The harvest festival
the village festival	the flower festival
	the school festival
	the Spring festival
	camping-contest	TET
2/ Pre speaking and listening
* Pre teach
	- a peach blossom :	cµnh hoa ®µo
	- a marigold :	hoa cóc vµng (v¹n thä)
	- a dried watermelon seed :	h¹t d­a hÊu kh«
	- spring rolls :	mãn nem r¸n
	- a pomegranate :	qu¶ lùu
* What and where to check understanding.
* Ordering statements	Speak 1 P.123
	Mrs. Quyen is talking to Lan about their preparations for Tet. Put their sentences in the correct order.
	Answer key
A:	Have you tidied the bedroom?
F:	Yes, I have. Where are you going, Mom?
C:	To the market. I have to buy some oranges and some pomegranates.
H:	Could you collect my new ao dai at the tailor round the corner?
D:	Sure. I will.
J:	Thanks, Mom. Is there anything you want me to do while you’re out?
B:	Not really. But I want our house to look nice at the festival.
G:	Mom, I know what to do now. I’ll clean all the glass windows.
E:	That’s very good. Bye-bye, Sweetie.
I:	Bye, Mom.
3/ While speaking
* Pair work	Speak 2 P.123
In pairs, students choose one of the festivals and make up their own dialogue above to talk about preparations for the festival they choose. 
+ a village festival	+ a harvest festival
+ a school festival	+ a flower festival
+ a spring festival
4. Post speaking	
* Gap fill
	Listen 1 P.124
Set the scene: The Robinson family are making preparations for Tet. They want to buy things to make it a traditional festival as Vietnamese people do.
- Students listen to the conversation and fill in the gaps.
	Answer key
Mrs. Robinson wants Mr. Robinson to go to the flower market.
Mrs. Robinson wants some marigolds because they are traditional at Tet.
Mrs. Robinson wants Liz to buy a packet of dried watermelon seeds.
Mrs. Robinson is asking Mrs. Nga how to make spring rolls.
Listen 2 P.124
Students listen again and complete the notes.
Answer key
Things to do
Mr. Robinson:	Go to the flower market and buy some peach blossoms and a bunch of marigolds.
Liz:	Buy some candies and a packet of dried watermelon seeds.
Mrs. Robinson:	Go to Mrs. Nga’s house and learn her how to make spring rolls.
5/ Homework
- Learn the new words by heart.
- Do exercise 3 P.78 in the workbook.
Period 82:
Unit 13: festival
Lesson 3:	read p.124-126
Planning date:	14 / 3 / 2007
I/ Aims
- To help students read the text about Christmas for details.
II/ Objectives
	- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to improve their reading skill, to understand the text about Christmas for details.
III/ Materials
	- Textbook, pictures in the textbook.
V/ Procedures
1/ Revision 
* Shark attack	C H R I S T M A S
2/ Pre reading
* Pre teach vocabulary
	- (to) spread :	lan truyÒn, tr¶i kh¾p	
	- (to) perform :	biÓu diÔn	
	- (to) appear :	xuÊt hiÖn
	- character :	 	nh©n vËt
	- professor :	gi¸o s­
	- the description :	sù m« pháng
* Slap the board to check understanding.
* Pre questions
	- What specials do you know about Christmas? 
3/ While reading 	Read P.124-125
* The first reading Task
Checking open predictions
- Students read the text and check their predictions.
* The second reading Task
 - Students read the text and match the English words with their Vietnamese ones.
	The Christmas tree	§ªm gi¸ng sinh
	The Christmas card	¤ng giµ n«-en
	Christmas Carols	C©y gi¸ng sinh
	Santa Claus	ThiÖp mõng gi¸ng sinh
	Christmas Eve	Nh÷ng bµi h¸t mõng gi¸ng sinh
* The third reading Task
	Grid	Read 1 P.126
Students read the text again and complete the Grid
Answer key
Christmas Specials
Place of origin
The Christmas tree
early 1500s
The Christmas card
mid-19th century
Christmas Carols
(no information)
800 years ago
Santa Claus
Comprehension Questions : 	Read2 a)-e) P.126
Students read the text and answer these questions.
Answer key
More than a century ago.
He wanted to send Christmas greetings to his friends.
800 years ago.
An American professor Clement Clarke Moore.
On the description of Saint Nicholas in Professor Moore’s poem.
4/ Post reading	
* Write it up	
	- Students use the information in the Grid to write their own brief paragraphs about Christmas.
5/ Homework
Learn the new words by heart.
Do exercise 7-8 on page 82 in the workbook.
Period 83:
Unit 13: festival
Lesson 4:	write p.126-127
Planning date:	15 / 3 / 2007
I/ Aims of the lesson:
To help students practice in writing a report.
II/ Objectives:
	By the end of the lesson, students will be able to write about one of the festivals they know.
III/ Materials:
	Textbook, workbook, colored chalk, posters. 
IV/ Procedures:
1/ Revision 
2/ Pre writing 
* Gap fill	Write 1 1)-10) P.126-127
- Get students to use the information in the dialogue on page 121 to fill in the gaps in the report: “The rice-cooking Festival”.
 	Answer key
rice-cooking	6. traditional
one / a	7. bamboo
water-fetching	8. six
run	9. separate
water	10. added
* Comprehension Questions
	- Students read the report again and answer these questions.
	a. What is the name of the festival?
	b. Where was the festival held?
	c. How long did the festival last?
	d. Were there any competitions? How many?
	e. How many people took part in each activity?
	f. How was the festival?
	Answer key
The rice-cooking festival.
In the communal house yard about one kilometer away from a river.
one day.
Yes, there were. There were 3.
There is one person from each team in the water-fetching contest, two people from each team in the fire-making contest and six people from each team in the rice-cooking contest.
It was wonderful?
3/ While Writing 
* Questions - Answers 	Write 2 P.127
- Students answer these questions to make a similar report on a festival they joined recently.
	a. What is the name of the festival?
	b. Where was the festival held?
	c. How long did the festival last?
	d. How many activities were there? Were there any competitions?
	e. How were the activities organized? 
	f. How many people took part in each activity?
	g. What did you think about the festival?
4/ Post writing	
* Correction 
5/ Homework 
- Do exercise 9 on page 83 in the Workbook.
Period 84:
Unit 13: festival
Lesson 5:	language focus p.128-130
Planning date:	24 / 3 / 2007
I/ Aims
- Revision of the passive form.
- To teach students compound words.
- To help students report what was said / making reported speech.
II/ Objectives
 	- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
	+ make reported speech.
	+ know how to make compound words / adjectives.
III/ Materials
	- Textbook, pictures in the textbook.
IV/ Procedures
1/ Revision 	
* Matching
	- Get students to match the active tenses to their passive equivalents.
	The present simple	have/has + been + P.P
	The present progressive	is/am/are + P.P
	The past simple	will + be + P.P
	The past progressive	was/were + P.P
	The future simple	was/were + being + P.P
	The present perfect	is/am/are + being + P.P
2/ Practice
* Gap fill 	Language focus 1 a)-f)	P.128	PASSIVE FORM
 	- Get students to complete the sentences, using the passive forms of the verbs in the box in the correct tenses.
Answer key
were performed	d. will be held
was decorated / put	e. was awarded
is made	f. was written
* Gap fill 	Language focus 2 P.128-129
	Answer Key
jumbled	4. scattered
broken	5. pulled
* Transformation Drill Language focus 3 a)-f) P.130	COMPOUND WORDS
	- Students rewrite the sentences, using a compound word in their sentences.
Language focus 3 a)-f) P.120
Model sentences
- It is a contest in which participants have to cook rice. 
à It is a rice-cooking contest. 
Answer key
a fire-making contest.
a bull-fighting festival.
a car-making industry.
a flower-arranging contest.
a rice-exporting country.
a clothes-washing machine.
* Transformation Drill	Language focus 4 a)-e) P.130	REPORTED SPEECH
“I’m a plumber” à He said he was a plumber.
Answer key
He said he was a plumber.
He said he could fix the faucets.
He said the pipes were broken.
He said new pipes were very expensive.
He said I had to pay him then.
3/ Homework
Do exercise 6, 7, 8, 9 on page 80-83 in the workbook.

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