Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Unit 2: Making arrangerments - Lesson 1: Getting started & listen and read

Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Unit 2: Making arrangerments - Lesson 1: Getting started & listen and read


 LESSON 1: Getting started & Listen and read

I. Aim

- By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use the telephone to make and confirm arrangements

II. Language contents:

1. Grammar:

- be going to + inf

- adverbs of place (at, from, )


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	1. Getting started & Listen and read
	2. Speak listen
	3. Read
	4. Write
	5. Language focus 1
	6. Language focus 2
Date: 20/09/2006	Unit: 2 MAKING ARRANGERMENTS
	LESSON 1: Getting started & Listen and read 
I. Aim
- By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use the telephone to make and confirm arrangements
II. Language contents:
1. Grammar:
- be going to + inf
- adverbs of place (at, from,  )
2. Vocabulary: 
Mobile phone, fax machine, telephone directory, answering machine, address book, public telephone, making arrangements
III. Techniques: Asking and Answering, Matching, Open predictions
IV. Teaching aids: power point
V. Procedures:
Teacher’s & Students’ Activities
Tasks Ss to match each object (pictures on page 18 ) with its name
T gives the definitions of these objects on a poster and ask Ss to match the object with its definition
T introduces the situation “Hoa and Nga are talking on the phone. They are talking about going to see a movie ”
T asks Ss to guess.
Ss give their predictions
T gives feedback
_T uses the cassette
_Ss listen to the tape
 _Pair work
_ Tasks Ss to practice the dialogue in front of the class
_T gives some questions
_Ss answer 
_T gives feedback
_T asks Ss to play the roles of two Ss who are talking on the phone making arrangement
_pair work
1.Warm up :(8’)
Getting started:
ª Matching:
a. an answering machine
b. a mobile phone
c. a fax machine
d. a telephone directory
e. a public telephone
f. an address book
ª Definition:
1. to send fax
2. to find someone’s telephone number
3. to write address and telephone numbers
4. to make a phone call in a street telephone box
5. to leave and take messages
6. to make phone call anywhere you like
a - 5	d - 2b - 6	e - 4
c - 1	f - 3
2. Pre-reading(10’)
ªOpen prediction :
a. Who make the call?
b.Who introduced herself?
c.Who invited the other to the movies
d.Who arranged a meeting place?
e.Who arranged the time?
f.Who agreed to the time?
3. While- reading (15’)
ª Answer (p/19)
 Questions (mark)
1.What’s Hoa’s telephone number?
2. Which movie are they going to see? Where?
3.How is Hoa going to see the movies?
4. Where are they going to meet? What time?
4.Post- reading(10’)
 Make arrangements on the phone
_go camping
_go fishing
5. Home work (3’)
_Write a similar dialogue on your notebooks
_Learn by heart the dialogue
_Learn by heart new words

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  • docgiao_an_mon_tieng_anh_lop_8_unit_2_making_arrangerments_less.doc