Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh Khối 7 - Unit 13: Activities - Period 82, Lesson 4: B1+2

Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh Khối 7 - Unit 13: Activities - Period 82, Lesson 4: B1+2

Unit 13. Activities

Lesson 4. B1 + 2

I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to listen to a text about the invitations; practice in using model verbs "ought to, must"

ii. Materials: Textbooks

iii. Work arrangements: T – WC, H – H, individual, group work, pairs work.

Iv. anticipated problems: Difficulty in listening to the text.

 * Checking attendants. 7A: . / 27 7B: . / 27


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Week: 29
Period: 82
Unit 13. Activities
Lesson 4. B1 + 2
I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to listen to a text about the invitations; practice in using model verbs "ought to, must" 
ii. Materials: Textbooks 
iii. Work arrangements: T – WC, H – H, individual, group work, pairs work.
Iv. anticipated problems: Difficulty in listening to the text.
	* Checking attendants. 7A: .. / 27 7B: .. / 27
1. Warm – up (7’)
* Pelmanism
- Give and run through the game.
- Give and run through the examples.
- Ask Ss to play the game in groups.
- Feedback.
2. Presentation (12’)
* Pre - teach vocabulary
- ought to: (synonym) 
- a table tennis paddle: 
- spare (a): (trans.)
* Checking vocabulary.
+ What & Where
* Model sentences:
- Use the picture P.134 to set the scene
- Ask Ss to listen and repeat.
- Give the concept check.
* Concept check:
- Meaning
- Use:
- Form:	 
- Intonation: MS. 
3. Practice (14’)
- Ask Ss to listen to the T's model and instructions and then practice in pairs.
- Feedback. 
Pre - listening / reading - Ask Ss predict of new words
- Feedback.
While - listening / reading 
- Ask Ss to listen to the tape and check their predictions
- Feedback.
- Ask Ss to practice reading in closed pairs and find out the answers for comprehension questions.
- Feedback
4. Further practice (10’)
* Open prediction
- Set the scene, using pictures on P. 135
- Ask Ss to predict the answers. Ask Ss to read and answer the questions.
- Feedback.
5. Homework (2’)
- Rewrite the dialogue, change underlined details.
- Play the game in groups.
- Listen and guess
- Listen & repeat
- Listen again and then make stresses.
- Listen & repeat
- Listen and answer the questions.
- H - H 
- Open pairs 
- Closed pairs.
- Individual
- Pairs work
- Individual
- Listen and copy.
* Pelmanism
can = cã thÓ	
ought to = ph¶i (bá)
should = nªn 	 must = ph¶i (b¾t buéc)
1. New words
- ought to: ph¶i 	
- a table tennis paddle : vît bãng bµn 	
- spare (a): d­, thõa 	
2. Model
What should Nam do before he plays table tennis? 
- He ought to do his homework
S + should + infinitive
 ought to
3. Practice 
a. Nam / before / play table tennis? (do / home work)
b. Children / when / go swimming? (swim with adults: ng­êi lín)
c. We / after / meals (brush / teeth)
d. Lan / when / very thin (eat more)
* Questions
a. Can Nam play basketball? Why? Why not?
Week: 29
Period: 83
Unit 13. Activities
Lesson 5. B3
I. Objectives: After the lesson Ss will be able to read for details and talk about inventions.
ii. Materials: Textbooks, posters, stereo, sub – board
iii. Work arrangements: T – WC, individual, pairs work.
Iv. anticipated problems: Difficulty in talking about inventions.
	* Checking attendants. 7A: .. / 27 7B: .. / 27
1. Warm – up (6’)
* Sing a song
- Ask Ss to sing an English song.
- Feedback.
2. Pre – reading (12’)
* Pre - teach vocabulary
- an in’vention: 
® in’ventor (n): 
- a sur’face: (exp.)
- ’underwater (a): (visual. P136)
- breathing e’quipment: (visual. P136)
- scuba diving: (trans.)
- ’diving vessel: (visual)
- (to) ex’plore: (exp.)
* Checking vocabulary 	
+ Bingo
* T / F predictions 
- Ask 	Ss to read statements on P.137 and predict 	T / F
- Feedback.
3. While – reading (13’)
- Ask Ss to read B3. P137 and check their predictions.
- Feedback.
Answer key:	
a. F	c. T	e. T
	b. T	d. F
- Give and run through the poster 1 on the board. 
- Ask Ss to find out / answer the questions.
- Feedback.
4. Post – reading (11’)
- Ask Ss to write meaningful answers for comprehension questions on poster 1.
- Give and run through the examples.
- Feedback.
5. Homework (3’)
- Read + translate B3. P136
- Prepare A1. P139.
- All Class.
- Listen and guess
- Listen & repeat
- Listen again and then make stresses.
- W.C.
- Individual works
- Read and check
- Individual then compare with their partners
- Pairs work
- Listen and copy.
1. New words
- an in’vention: sù ph¸t minh
® in’ventor (n): nhµ ph¸t minh
- a sur’face: bÒ mÆt 	
- underwater (a): d­íi n­íc 	
- breathing equipment: thiÕt	bÞ thë 	
- scuba diving: m«n lÆn cã b×nh d­ìng khÝ 	
- diving vessel: tµu lÆn 
- (to) ex’plore: kh¸m ph¸ 	
2. Read
a. F	c. T
b. T	 e. T
d. F
3. Answer the questions
Poster 1
a. How long could a pearl stay understand? 	(2 minutes)
b. How long can a diver stay underwater? 	(a long time)
c. When did Jacques Cousteau die? 	(1997)
d. What could he study? 	(underwater life)
e. How can we explore the oceans now? 	(with special TV cameras)
Week: 29
Period: 84
Unit 14. Free time fun
Lesson 1. A1
I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to listen for specific information; Talk about habits in Ss' free time and give orally report back.
ii. Materials: Textbooks, posters, sub – board, stereo, pictures
iii. Work arrangements: T – W.C, individual, pairs work.
Iv. anticipated problems: Difficulty in listening to the text.
	* Checking attendants. 7A: .. / 27 7B: .. / 27
1. Warm – up (8’)
* Brainstorming
- Give and run through the game.
- Give and run through the examples.
- Ask Ss to play the game in groups.
- Feedback.
2. Pre - listening / reading (12’)
* Pre - teach vocabulary
- an ad’venture	(trans.)
- a ’cricket	(visual)
- ’series (Ns): 
- (to) guess = (to) predict.	(synonym)
* Checking vocabulary 	W & W
* Open predictions	
- Give and run through the pre - questions
+ What do Lan and Hoa usually do in the evening?
- Ask Ss to answer the questions
- Feedback.
3. While - listening / reading (13’)
- Ask Ss to listen to the tape and correct their predictions
- Feedback.
- Ask Ss to practice reading in pairs ® exchange the roles and then do the multiple choice. 	A1. P.140
- Feedback and correct.
4. Post - listening / reading (10’)
* Find someone who
- Hang poster 1 on the board. 
- Ask Ss to look at it. 
- Give and run through the examples.
- Feedback.
5. Homework (2’)
- Read + translate A1. P139 - 140
- Prepare A1. P139.
- Play the game in groups.
- Listen and guess
- Listen & repeat
- Listen again and then make stresses.
- Listen and answer.
- Listen and check
- Compare with their partners.
- Pairs work
- Groups work.
- Listen and copy.
What do you usually do in your free time?
Watch TV
1. New words
- an ad’venture: cuéc phiªu l­u	
- a ’cricket: con dÕ mÌn
- ’series (Ns): phim nhiÒu tËp 	
- (to) guess = (to) predict.
2. Read
a - C	c - B	 e - D
b - A	d - C
3. Practice
Answer key:	
Lan usually watches TV
Hoa usually talks, reads and plays chess
Find someone who
................. read books
................. go to English club
................. watch TV
................. play soccer
................. play video game
................. do housework
E.g. exchange:
S1:	Do you usually read book, Ly?
Ly:	Yes, I do
E.g.	Ly usually reads books in her free time.

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