Ngữ pháp Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Unit 11: Keep fit, stay healthy - Nguyễn Kim Loan

Ngữ pháp Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Unit 11: Keep fit, stay healthy - Nguyễn Kim Loan


[ Ngữ pháp ]

1. Past Simple Tense: Question Forms (Thì quá khứ đơn: Dạng câu hỏi)

a) With TO BE (Với TO BE)

Was/were + S + ?

Yes, S + was/were. ; No, S + was/were + not.

Trong đó:

Was: dùng cho ngôi thứ ba số ít (he/she/it) và ngôi thứ nhất số ít (I).

Were: dùng cho các ngôi còn lại: you, we, they

 For examples,

 - Were you tired after the trip?

 - Yes, I was./No, I wasn’t.

 - Was Lan at the club lat night?

 - Yes, she was./No, she wasn’t.


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[ Ngữ pháp ]
1. Past Simple Tense: Question Forms (Thì quá khứ đơn: Dạng câu hỏi)
a) With TO BE (Với TO BE)
Was/were + S + ?
Yes, S + was/were.     ;    No, S +  was/were + not.
Trong đó:
Was: dùng cho ngôi thứ ba số ít (he/she/it) và ngôi thứ nhất số ít (I).
Were: dùng cho các ngôi còn lại: you, we, they
     For examples,
     -    Were you tired after the trip? 
     -    Yes, I was./No, I wasn’t.
     -    Was Lan at the club lat night?
     -    Yes, she was./No, she wasn’t.
How/Where/Why + was/were + (not) + S + ?
For examples, 
-          Where were you yesterday?
-          How was your vacation in Da Lat?
-          Why was she absent from school yesterday?
What/Who + was/were + (not) + ?
For examples, 
-          What was wrong with you?
-          Who was at home last night?
b) With Regular verb (Với động từ thường)
 Did + S + V + ?
Yes, S + did.     ;    No, S +  did + not.
Trong đó: Trợ động từ did được dùng cho tất cả các ngôi.
For examples,
-          Did your Mom write a sick note for you? 
-          Yes, she did./No, she didn’t.
-          Did she arrive home in the afternoon?
-          Yes, she did./No, she didn’t.
What/Where/Why/When/How + did + (not) + S + V + ?
For examples,
-          Why didn’t he go to school yesterday?
-          Where did Liz eat seafood?
-          What did the doctor say about Lan’s problems?
-          When did you pain the door?
-          How did he return to Ha Noi? 
Who + V-ed/2 + ?
For examples,
-          Who wrote Lan’s sick note?
-          Who remembered the beautiful fish in the aquarium?
2. Past Simple Tense: Negative Forms (Thì quá khứ đơn: Dạng phủ định)
a)     With TO BE (Với TO BE)
S + was/were + not 
Cách rút gọn: was not = wasn't; were not = weren't
For examples,
-          He was not at home.
-          Most things in Nha Trang weren’t cheap.
b) With Regular verb (Với động từ thường)
S + did + not + V
Cách rút gọn: did not = didn’t
Trong câu phủ định, ta cũng sử dụng trợ động từ did cho tất cả các ngôi.
For examples,
-          She didn’t buy that dress.
-          We didn’t have breakfast.

Tài liệu đính kèm:

  • docngu_phap_tieng_anh_lop_7_unit_11_keep_fit_stay_healthy_nguye.doc