Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh 7 - Unit 12, Lesson 7: Language focus 4

Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh 7 - Unit 12, Lesson 7: Language focus 4

A. Teaching aims : Helps Ss to further practice in using “PAST SIMPLE; A LITTLE – A LOT OF / LOTS OF – TOO MUCH; SO – TOO; NEITHER - EITHER”. By the end of the lesson, Ss can use these grammars correctly.

B. Target language :

* Vocabulary : None.

* Grammar : a little – a lot of / lots of – too much; so – too; neither – either; Past simple;

C. Teaching aid & Preparation :

* Teacher's : Lesson plan; poster paper; hand out.

* Student's : Plan the exercises on language focus 4.

D. Teaching procedure :

1. Greeting & checking absence ( 1 M ):

- Greeting in English.

- Absence: 7A: 7B: 7C:

2. Warm - up or Revision ( 5 M ) : Pelmanism.


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*Period: 78th.
Unit: 12
Lesson: 7
Teaching aims : Helps Ss to further practice in using “PAST SIMPLE; A LITTLE – A LOT OF / LOTS OF – TOO MUCH; SO – TOO; NEITHER - EITHER”. By the end of the lesson, Ss can use these grammars correctly.
Target language :
* Vocabulary : None.
* Grammar : a little – a lot of / lots of – too much; so – too; neither – either; Past simple;
C. Teaching aid & Preparation :
* Teacher's : Lesson plan; poster paper; hand out.
* Student's : Plan the exercises on language focus 4.
Teaching procedure :
1. Greeting & checking absence ( 1 M ):
- Greeting in English.
- Absence: 7A: 7B: 7C:
Warm - up or Revision ( 5 M ) : Pelmanism.
 - Introduces the requirement & helps Ss to play the game in groups.
- Comments the game.
New lesson:
- Introduces & asks Ss to practice in pairs & in pairs by asking & answering the questions with “NO”.
- Asks Ss to give the answers. 
- Corrects S’s pronunciation & comments.
* Questions:
Did you eat dinner at home yesterday ?
Did you go to school yesterday ?
Did you watch a video on the weekend ?
Did you play basketball yesterday ? 
Time: 10 M
1. Answer the questions: 1-LF4/ P124.
- Practicing in pairs & in pairs by asking & answering the questions with “NO”.
- Giving the answers.
-Correcting the pronunciation. 
* Answers:
No, I didn’t. I 
No, I didn’t. I 
No, I didn’t. I 
No, I didn’t. I 
- Introduces the requirement & asks Ss to work in individual to use “A LITTLE – A LOT OF / LOTS OF – TOO MUCH” to fill in the dialogue.
- Asks Ss to compare & give the keys.
- Corrects & comments.
- Asks Ss to work in pairs to practice the dialogue.
- Corrects S’s pronunciation & comments.
Time: 15 M
2. Complete the dialogue: 2b-LF4– P125.
- Working in individual to use “A LITTLE – A LOT OF / LOTS OF – TOO MUCH” to fill in the dialogue.
- Comparing & giving the keys.
- Working in pairs to practice the dialogue.
- Correcting the pronunciation.
* Answer keys:
a little - a lot of / lots of - a little
a lot of / lots of 
 too much
a little
- Introduces the example exchange & the pictures on page 126 & Helps Ss to practice.
- Reads the first model for example & asks Ss to repeat in chorus & in individual.
- Asks Ss to make sentences for the next.
- Practices with Ss & checks S’s practicing in groups & in pairs & Corrects.
Time: 10 M
3. Picture drill: 3&4-LF 4 – P126&127.
- Repeating in chorus & in individual.
- Making sentences for the next cues.
- Practicing in groups & in pairs .
- Correcting the pronunciation.
* Example exchange: 
Nga: I like mangoes.
Minh: I like mangoes, too./ So do I.
Nga: I don’t like banana.
Minh: I don’t like banana, either. 
 Neither do I.
 - Asks Ss to summarize the general idea of the lesson..
 * Homework: - Study the grammar & the modal sentence. 
 - Prepare for the forty-five minute test.

Tài liệu đính kèm:

  • docgiao_an_mon_tieng_anh_7_unit_12_lesson_7_language_focus_4.doc