Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Tuần 6 - Nguyen Thi Thuy Duong

Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Tuần 6 - Nguyen Thi Thuy Duong

unit 3: at home

period 16: b1,2: Hoa's family

I. The aims and requests.

- The aims: To help students to practice job vocabulary through reading the dialogue and the text for details.

 - Requests: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to read the dialogue, understand main ideas and practice job vocabulary well.

- Develop Ss’ 4 skills: Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing.

 II. Pereparation

1. Teacher: CD, caset, pictures B1, B2 (p. 33, 34)

2. Students: text books & workbooks

III. Procedures

1. Organization (1’): - Greeting

 - Check Ss’ absence


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Date of preparing: 18/9/2009
Date of teaching: 21/9/2009 
Class: 7ABCDE
 unit 3: at home
period 16: b1,2: Hoa's family
I. The aims and requests.
- The aims: To help students to practice job vocabulary through reading the dialogue and the text for details.
 - Requests: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to read the dialogue, understand main ideas and practice job vocabulary well.
- Develop Ss’ 4 skills: Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing.
 II. Pereparation
1. Teacher: CD, caset, pictures B1, B2 (p. 33, 34) 
2. Students: text books & workbooks
III. Procedures
1. Organization (1’): - Greeting
 - Check Ss’ absence
2. Ckecking up(5’) 
* Question: Make exclamations for these situation:
a) The party is great. -> ......................................................
b) They are good students. -> ......................................................
c) book / cheap -> ......................................................
d) weather/ nice -> ......................................................
* Way of checking: Speaking 
* Key : a) What a great party! b) What good students! 
 c) What a cheap book! d) What nice weather!
- T remarks and gives marks.
3.New lesson(36’)
(1’)- Introduction to the new lesson: 
T: What 's your job?
T: What does your mother do?
S: ...
T: Do you have any sisters or brothers?
S: ........................
Teacher’s activities
Ss’ activities
 Pre- reading 
while- reading.
Post- reading
I. Vocabulary
- T presents new vocabulary:
+ a journalist: nhµ b¸o (explanation)
+ a newspaper: tê b¸o (explanation)
+ cattle (n): gia xóc (examples)
+ (to) raise: nu«i (situation)
+ (to) grow: trång (trans ) 
+ (to) take care of: ch¨m sãc (expl )
+ hard (adv): ch¨m chØ (antonyms)
* Checking : Matching.
II.T/F statement prediction: -Set the scene: 
- T hangs a pote on b.b, gives instruction and task.
1. Hoa's father is a worker.
2. Her mother does the housework and helps on the farm.
3. Her sister is 10.
4. Lan's father takes care of sick children.
5. Her mother is a doctor.
6. Her brother works on the farm.
- Limit time.
- Get feedback from students.
 III. Reading : B1,2 P. 33-34.
1. Read and check:
- Ask students to read the dialogue in B1,2 to check their prediction.
* Key: 
1. F
4. T
2. T
5. F
3. F
6. F
2. Comprehension questions:
-Ask Ss to read B1agian and answer the qs in 5'
*Key: a) He is a farmer,
 b) He works on the farm.
 c) She is a housewife.
 d) She does the housework and helps on the farm.
 e) Yes, they are.
 f) she is 8.
 IV. Speaking: 
1. Talk about Lan's family:
- Get Ss work in pairs to ask and answer about Lan's family.
* Example exchange:
S1: What does her father do?
S2: He is ............
S1: Where does he work?
S2: He works .............
2. Survey:
- T gives the poster, instruction and task.
- Limit time.
- Feedback.
Place of work
3. Write - it - up: ( for strong Ss if have enough time)
E.g: My father is 40. He is a farmer. He works on the farm.....
- Listen & repeat
- Copy down
- Rewrite
- Listen to T’s guide
- Match the words
- Listen to the scene:
- Work individually to predict T/F 
- Read B1,2 to check prediction
- Study the questions
- Pair works to ask & answer
* Possible answers:
a) He is a farmer; b) He works on the farm.
c) She is a housewife.
d) She does the housework and helps on the farm.
e) Yes, they are.
 f) she is 8.
- Correct
- Pair works to ask & answer.
- Copy down
- Pair works to ask & answer about their family. 
- Write about their family members.
4. Consolidation(2’).
- What have you learnt today?
 + Reading about Hoa’s and Lan's family.
 + Job vocabulary. 
5. Homework(1’).
- Write about your family.
- Do Exercises in Workbook and Workbook part B.
- Prepare the next part: B3,4
Date of preparing: 19/9/2009
Date of teaching: 22/9/2009 
Class: 7ABCDE 
 Unit 3: At Home
Period 17: B3,4: Hoa's family
I. The aims and requests.
- The aims: To help students continue to know about job vocabulary and listen for personal infomation.
 - Requests: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to listen and compltete the forms for 3 people.
- Develop Ss’ 4 skills: Listening, Speaking and Writing.
 II. Pereparation
1. Teacher: CD, cassette, posters, word cards.
2. Students: text books & workbooks
III. Procedures
1. Organization (1’): - Greeting
 - Check Ss’ absence
2. Ckecking up(5’) 
* Question: Call 2 Ss to speak out their personal information or other's.
* Way of checking: Speaking
* Key: 
 My name's......... I'm .......... years old. I'm a ............ I learn at...........
- T remarks and gives mark.
3.New lesson(36’)
(1’)- Introduction to the new lesson: 
You have known a lot of words about jobs. Today you will have chance to know exactly what each job does in English.
Teacher’s activities
S’s activities
PRE- listening
POST- listening
- high school (n): tr­êng cÊp III (situation)
- (a) magazine: t¹p chÝ (situation)
- to write (for): viÕt bµi (cho) (revision)
* Ask Ss to read again the words
II. Matching B3(P. 35) 
- Ask Ss to run through & match.
- Limit time
- Get FB
- Correct mistakes -> Call Ss to read out.
A farmer
wri write for a newspaper
A doctor 
works on a farm
A journalist
teaches in a shcool
A teacher
takes care of sick people
III. Listening:
* Set the scene: There are 3 people who will be talked about name, age, job,....
- Ask Ss to look at the poster & think of them.
- T plays the CD, ask Ss to listen & fill in the missing information.
Place of work
a high school
for a magazine
in a hospital
* Questions:
1. How old is Tom?
2. What does he do?
3. What's Susan's job?
4. Where does she work?
5. Does Bill take care of sick children?
- Run through the qs.
- Ask Ss to ask and answer the qs in pairs.
* Answer keys: 
1. He is twenty-six years old.
2. He is a teacher
3. She's journalist.
4. She writes for a magazine.
5. Yes, he does.
IV. Writing: 
G1: write about Bill.
G2: write about Susan.
G3: write about Tom
G4: write about Hoa's father.
V. Correction:
- Ask Ss to show their writing on b.b & correct their mistakes.
- Listen and repeat.
- individual
-Copy down
- Run through and match
- Individual work.
- Listen .
- Study the poster and thick of the information.
- Listen to the CD and fill in the missing information.
- Study the qs.
- Individual work then pair-work to compare
- Answer the questions 
* Possible answers:
1. He is twenty-six years old.
2. He is a teacher
3. She's journalist.
4. She writes for a magazine.
5. Yes, he does.
- Groupwork to write about their topic.
- Stick their writing on b.b
- Correct mistakes
4. Consolidation (2’)
- What have you leant today?
 + Personal information (name, age, job) 
5 . Homework(1’) 
- Complete their writing in their notebooks.
- Do part B1 P.15 in Workbook.
- Prepare B5.
Date of preparing: 22/9/2009
Date of teaching: 25/9/2009 
Class: 7ABCD 
 Unit 3: At home
Period 18: B5: Hoa's father
I. The aims and requests.
- The aims: To help students read the dialogue and practice with comparisions of long Adj.
- Requests: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to understand the comparisions with short and long Adj, understand the content of the dialogue well.
- Develop Ss’ 4 skills: Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing.
- Ss concentrate on the lesson to get the knowledge well.
II. Pereparation
1. Teacher: CD, cassette and posters.
2. Students: text books & workbooks
III. Procedures
1. Organization (1’): - Greeting
 - Check Ss’ absence
2. Checking up(5’) 
* Call 2 Ss to ask and answer about their mother's, father's job, place of work.
Example exchange:
S1: What does your father do?
S2: He's ..................
S1: Where does he work?
S2: He works .............
* Way of checking: Speaking
- T remarks and gives mark.
3.New lesson(36’)
(1’)- Introduction to the new lesson: 
* Give the comparision form of the Adj: long -> ..........->.........; big -> ...........->. .........
=> These are short-Adj and their comparision forms. Today you will be able to know the conparision forms of the long-Adj in the dialogue between Mr.Nhat and Mr.John talking about their homes.
Teacher’s activities
S’s activities
- T presents new words:
+ (an) apartment: c¨n hé (revission)
+ suitable(adj): thÝch /phï hîp (situation)
+ cheap -> cheaper-> the cheapest: rÎ / rÎ h¬n / rÎ nhÊt (revission)
+ expensive -> more expensive -> the most expensive: ®¾t/ ®¾ h¬n/ ®¾t nhÊt (antonyms)
+ (to) find: t×m thÊy (situation)
+ (to) look for: t×m kiÕm ( explana)
* Check: Rub out and Remember.
II. T/F statement prediction (B5 P.35-36): 
* Set the scene: Mr. John is an English teacher from the USA. Now he is talking to Mr. Nhat.......
1. Mr. Nhat is looking for an apartment in Hanoi.
2. The apartment at number 27 is the cheapest.
3. Number 40 is cheaper than number 27.
4. Number 40 is more expensive than number 79.
5. The best apartment is at number 79.
- Ask Ss to predict T /F .
- Limit time -> Feedback.
III. Listen and Read:
1. Listen and check: 
- Ask Ss to listen then read the text about Mr. Nhat and Mr. John and check their prediction:
* Key: 
1. T
4. F
2. T
5. T
3. F
2. Comprehension questions: 
- Get Ss work in pairs to ask and answer the questions.
* Answer key: 
a) Number 27 is the cheapest.
b) Number 79 is the most expensive.
c) Number 79 is the best apartment.
d) It's the apartment at number 27.
 It's smaller than the other two.
 It's the newest of the three.
* Comparisions:
the cheapest...
more expensive
the most expensive....
the best...
* Practice:
1. Choose the best answer:
a. Lan is ( taller / the tallest) student in class.
b. This book is (more expensive / the most expensive) than that one.
c. Which is ( better / the best) dress in the store?
d. Which is (better / the best) student, A or B?
* Picture drill: 
- T shows the pictures on page 40
- T models: 
E.g: A is cheap, and B is cheaper, but C is the cheapsest.
- Ask Ss to do the rest orally.
- Feedback
- Listen and repeat in chorus
- Individual
- Copy down
- Rewrite the words
- Guess T/F individually.
- Listen to the CD 2 times, read the dialogue to check their prediction. 
* Possible answer:
1. T
4. F
2. T
5. T
3. F
- Individual work then pair-work to answer the qs.
* Possible answer:
a) Number 27...
b) Number 79....
c) Number 79.....
d) It's the .....
- Copy down the table
- Do individually
- Look at the pictures 
- Listen to the model
- practice in groups of 3 Ss.
4. Consolidation (2’)
- What have you leant today?
 + Comparisions (comparatives and superlatives)
5 . Homework(1’) 
- Do Exercise B2,3,4 P16,17- Workbook.
- Prepare Language focus.

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